Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1479: Soft tentacles

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An Zaixuan. The pupils are already dilated.

The whole body's repair has been shaken away.

The big apricot hand patted it, and the smoke scattered.

The disciples surrounding him, Jianguang rushed up like a forest.

Suddenly, like Lin's sword light, all shattered into fine sand-like light spots.

Immediately afterwards, the shocked expressions on those faces seemed to be still in front of them.

In an instant, those terrifying faces swelled rapidly and burst.

Everything under the face, flesh and blood, muscles and bones, brains, turned into blood mist under unimaginable pressure.

The composition of the blood fog is countless particles that are ten times, dozens of times thinner than dust.

This is the effect of the giant apricot palm.

When the power of the whole body was shaken away.

For an instant, An Zaixuan felt that his consciousness, like an exploding fireball, was splashing everywhere.

but. A miracle happened.

He An Zaixuan was still alive.

At the moment of being picked up by the light emitted by the golden flower, all of An Zaixuan's courage has disappeared in an instant.

"I said, I only know where the entrance of the God-Man Cave Mansion is.

I don’t have permission to go in either. The entrance of this cave is in "

An Zaixuan hasn't finished.

The light blue ground of the cave suddenly moved.

To be precise.

It should be a long tentacle, suddenly violent from the light blue ground!

The tentacles are exactly the same as the light blue ground.

The texture is exactly the same.

The most important thing is that even if it was a scan of the thoughts of Commissioner Qian, at first, the existence of this tentacle was not found.

When the tentacles burst, it is like a bolt of lightning!

A light blue flashing twist, a twist, in an instant, first shattered the golden light that captured An Zaixuan, and then wrapped An Zaixuan's upper body firmly.


In the eyes of the monks, An Zaixuan's upper body turned into a mass of blood and mud.

Moreover, An Zaixuan's soul was also crushed together.

Together with the blood-sludge-like thing, it was sucked clean by the blue tentacles.

"The Rouli family!"

A pair of eyes from General Salmon.

Instantly became like a knife, as if he had seen the most hated thing.

The right claw becomes a knife. Just a split!

A dark blue water light, in an instant, has fallen from the sky!

It is a thousand feet long, just like a long rainbow running through the sea, cutting straight on this pale blue tentacles.


Thousands of seaweed-like things were born on the light blue tentacles.

There are thousands of layers on top of each other.

The colors of these seaweeds are colorful, woven layer by layer.

Extremely tough

Between the deep blue water and light, although these seaweeds were broken layer by layer, they made a sound like four cracks.


With a muffled sound, the light blue tentacles were finally cut off by the dark blue water.

The trend of the dark blue water and light is not diminishing, and several monks who have come to help the Anshan faction are cut in two instantly!

A piece of cave house was blasted into ice debris.

At this time, the big apricot finger stretched out and swiped towards the tentacle that fell on the ground: "Peng"

The broken tentacles were divided into two from beginning to end!

The middle of this tentacle. It turned out to be hollow.

However, the light blue juice splashed all over, but there was no trace of red.

Obviously, after An Zaixuan was twisted into **** mud, he had passed this tentacles to a certain place.

"This is the Rouli tribe. As the name suggests, this tribe has no bones like soft fish.

Good at concealment, discoloration and transformation.

An Zaixuan's soul and memory have been sucked into his body! "

General Salmon roared.

A pair of fish blinked their eyes, already emitting a faint red light, scanning the entire cave.

"His body is still here? Can he escape the scan of my divine mind?"

Commissioner Qian shook his teeth and was extremely surprised!

Because the presence of the tentacles was not scanned at all, I was caught off guard.

Wait until the reaction comes, the light blue tentacles.

An Zaixuan has been twisted into a ball.

If you destroy this light blue tentacle immediately, An Zaixuan will definitely be affected.

After hesitating, I didn't expect that the light blue tentacles would be cruel next time.

Simply and neatly, An Zaixuan was twisted into a mass of blood and absorbed all of it.

At this time, Commissioner Qian also understood.

The other party absorbed An Zaixuan's memory in this way.

The opponent's goal. It seems that it is also the location of the Shenren Dongfu.

It’s just that Commissioner Qian is particularly strange, who is this Rouli clan?

Scanning up his own spiritual thoughts turned out to be useless.

"Their physiques are special, and they are naturally immune to the water-attribute spiritual scan.

They also have considerable resistance to the light attribute and wood attribute of the spirit scanning.

It is best to scan with spirits other than these two attributes. "

General Salmon, when he said this, he was a little helpless.

Although he is the blood of ancient evil things.

The power of the water system has reached its peak.

However, for the strength of other departments, the cultivation base is average.

Even though he puffed up a pair of fish eyes, red light flashed wildly in his eyes.

After the Rouli people were transformed, it was really hard to find out.

"Oh? There are such monsters? Such strange things?"

Commissioner Qian was surprised, even Su Xingbang and others next to him opened their mouths.

"Brother Su, you scan and scan with the spirit of wood.

I change to another one. "

Member Qian said to Su Er.

Although he was called Brother Su, he couldn't be disobeyed.


Second Young Master Su reluctantly agreed.

I was very upset, but what?

This birdman has only been missing for decades, and his cultivation is progressing rapidly. It's already hard to come by.

In this tone, he actually regarded himself as the leader of the crowd.

In a blink of an eye, he saw many old acquaintances, looking at Second Young Master Su with a weird expression.

Obviously, the tone of Commissioner Qian's instigation was very sad.

The Second Young Master Su said to the Qiang Committee member: "Old Qian, I haven't seen him for decades, my brother is extremely powerful and powerful. Among the people, Lao Qian is the number one expert. That is well deserved, I think, Hundreds of us can also form a temporary team. The command of this temporary team is not as good as my brother."

Oh, Commissioner Qian just smiled.

This temporary team, although it was pieced together.

But, after all, from different planes.

Serving as the commander of this temporary team is nothing more than taking care of these guys.

In fact, even if you don't act as a commander, as long as you are with Second Young Master Su, will Committee Member Qian not take the role of this "bodyguard"?

Rather than that, it is better to assume this commanding role as justified to increase your influence in your hearts.

Second Young Master Su, it should have been said a long time ago.

Of course, to be reserved, at least to be polite.

"That one"

Commissioner Qian said kindly.

Of course, what is left is that Second Young Master Su insisted that Commissioner Qian be the commander.

This is what the question should mean.

"Qian Da's words are extremely true"

A somewhat sharp sound sounded from the crowd.

Immediately, one person stood up.

He is dressed in a long gown, with clean eyes and good manners.

He shook his head and said to Su Er, "Brother Su, as a leader, what you need is command ability. I also agree with this point of view. The role of command is of great importance. You must not be personally arrogant. I will never agree with you. The decision to resign suddenly.

I believe you have this view in your heart. "


For a moment, Commissioner Qian only felt that Yue Qiushui's face was extremely ugly.

I can't wait to go up and grab my feet.

What I said was kind.

Commissioner Qian roared in his heart, in a pair of deep pupils. Two golden rays of light, they shot directly into Yue Qiushui's eyes, and Yue Qiushui just smiled and turned his head.

Looking around: "Where is the Rouli tribe just now? He can absorb a few elemental mind scans. Such a monster is really strange and strange."

Suddenly, many people nodded and agreed: "Yes, that is, Lord Qian is so handsome, worthy of my admiration. You should take the role of Xingbang for this temporary command."

A sound echoed.

Commissioner Qian was choked with the words "Gao Feng Liang Jie" and was a little speechless.

Okay, the play has been performed, and the ladder has been set up. Second Young Master Su can stop. Second Young Master Su gave a wry smile, "Okay, since everyone doesn't blame me, then this will direct me for the time being.

However, the number one player in our team is still Committee Member Qian. We still need Committee Member Qian, so take care of it. "

Commissioner Qian was dumbfounded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he couldn't get it.

If it is an episode.

The previous efforts to establish an image are not all forfeited?

Many of these little girls are already in the robbery and cannot support them for long.

I captured this cave, and it can be said that I saved many of them.

Unexpectedly, after saving them, they wanted to take a seat, but they couldn't get support.

Yes, these little girls must think that I will take this favor to ask them to make them more difficult to do.

Commissioner Qian shook his head again and again, really with the heart of a villain, to save the abdomen of a gentleman, and his heart is not ancient.

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

The frequency of divine thoughts is just a change!

An incomparably heavy spiritual thought, like mountains and seas, surging out.

The monks around clearly felt that the scenery in front of them had not changed.

However, in their perception, the surrounding area seemed to be a vast expanse of land, spreading out, this vast expanse of land was so thick and heavy.

As if everything can be suppressed.

Where the spirit of mind swept, even the structure of the cave was "creaking"!

The monks present took a breath together.

No matter how the so-called "Ruli" tribe concealed, how good at absorbing the divine consciousness scanning of the water system, this heavy, powerful soil divine scanning scanning is definitely not so easy to absorb.


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