Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1487: Happy Arrow

General Salmon, a deep blue light blasted with all his strength. Unexpectedly, it failed to stop this green light falling from the sky.

The Bimang, which fell from the sky, was defeated in one blow.

The ancient monster, General Salmon, suddenly turned into a grilled fish.

However, fortunately, General Salmon's water system cultivation ability has reached a peak.

Although the armor was crushed

The surface of the body was burnt.

However, in Commissioner Qian’s spiritual thoughts, he could feel pain and fear in General Saluro’s spiritual thoughts.

Since there was pain and fear, the life of a monster like General Salmon was not in danger.

As soon as the sky appeared, Commissioner Qian knew it was bad.

Now it is the robbery of the Nascent Soul Stage!

The power of this technique is so powerful that even the Jieyun of the Yuan Ying period is eliminated by this technique. The power of this thunder blast can be imagined.

The light of General Salmon's body protection had hit the ghost king with a red blow. Can not be cut!

The first **** thunder hits General Salmon

The other four diamond flower gods were shocked.

For a while, committee member Qian was terrified.

Commissioner Qian immediately understood that the target of this next thunder light was himself.


The sound.

A small square tripod has appeared on the head of Chairman Qian.

This small tripod is full of bronze, full of a vigorous, simple and atmospheric atmosphere.

After appearing on the head of Commissioner Qian, this small tripod grew long after seeing the wind.

In an instant, he has grown to the size of several feet.

In the tripod, there was thunder soup formed by boiling dim yellow light.


With the faint singing on the sky.

Another green light descended from the sky!

It's extremely fast!

Commissioner Qian did not hide.

This lightning technique is extremely sensitive, even if you escape into the space, you can still hit it!

Commissioner Qian took a long breath

With both hands and fork force upwards!

Ten faint apricot yellow rays of light have blasted upwards with all their strength.

In an instant, the entire sky was first filled with the blue light, and then, the faint apricot ripples drove the blue light away!

There was a huge shock!

Between heaven and earth, it seemed that there were no other voices left.

Ten faint apricot yellow ripples. He was blown away by the blue thunder light!

This is the full bombardment of the Qian Da committee members.

At the same time, this blue thunder light was also indifferent a lot.

With a crash!

Hit the square ding on the head of Chairman Qian.

Suddenly, an extremely dazzling light lit up!

This square tripod of several meters long was blown into pieces by this thunder light!

The faint yellow liquid thunder also splashed around.

This Sifang Ding, after all, is a magic weapon that was practiced by the Chief Qian, when he first became a golden pill.

Although, absorbed the innate air of the earth system.

In the realm of this magic weapon, it is high enough.

However, the material is far from perfect.

Boomed by this blue thunder light!

The whole exploded.

Fortunately, the all-out effort lost a magic weapon, and Commissioner Qian did not hurt himself at all.

The fundamental gap between Commissioner Qian and General Salmon, this time, is very obvious.

"Quickly, they are over there!"

The sky appears in the sky, which is certainly beneficial to the bombardment of this divine thunder, but. It is also helpful to the extension of Qian's spiritual mind!

Commissioner Qian has already felt the general direction and location of the attacker.

"Quickly, interrupt them to cast spells!

Le Dayuan keep up! "

Pharmacist Li also shouted angrily, and turned into a dragon-like blue flame, already flying away!

In an instant, the thunder light has penetrated dozens of miles.

Dozens of miles away

Master Fire Dragon’s dragon body was in the air, alongside the Master Fire Dragon, there were several monks.

Several people lined up to protect one person behind.

The man has a thin face and white hair.

Holding a string of jade boards in his hand, he knocked while singing.

With the rhythm of the singing, with a knock on the jade board in your hand, a divine thunder strikes!

This long song, the **** thunder, was sent by this person.

On the face of the fire dragon, there was a grinning smile: "Good job, read Zhengchen, go on, look at this group of boys, can hold the **** of heavenly thunder a few times, after ninety-nine eighty-one gods and thunder, people and gods Ash, kill!"

Master Fire Dragon is proud here.

The thin Nian Zhengchen gave a wry smile: "Fire Dragon, the Heavenly Pavilion God Thunder, although it is infinitely powerful, I can't fire a few thunders. I don't use it to deal with Haofei. Is it worth it to deal with these boys?"

In the eyes of Master Fire Dragon, there was a flash of infinite fire!

"I said it's worth it! Don't forget, you still owe me the favor, blow me!"

Nian Zhengchen just gave a wry smile: "Huolong, your favor is really not owed!"

Singing rhythm together!

Another thunder light descended rapidly from the sky!

From launching the attack to now, it was just a few blinks of an eye.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

The big tripod, which had been exploded into several large pieces, was united in the air, and it was restored as before.

Genyue's thick earth and glowing light, thunder soup, all gathered in the big tripod.

Obviously, the other side's rays of thunder were mainly directed at him, General Salmon, and Ah Chou came.

Commissioner Qian Yao first resisted these several thunder bombardments, so that both Li Yaoshi and Le Dayuan could find the righteous master who released Lei Fa.

The green light flashed in the sky.

On the top of Commissioner Qian’s head, the golden flower is released!

There are already several figures, jumping out towards the four directions! ~

Fight the shadow of golden fruit!

The offensive power of Commissioner Qian at this time.

Zhanhaijian is the strongest!

The shadows of several fighting golden fruits are the second most powerful in combination with the main committee member Qian.

Commissioner Qian's full blow made him rank third!

Zhanhaijian this treasure. Do not show u easily.

At this moment, Commissioner Qian used his second trump card!

A few figures jumped to the side of Chairman Qian

It was immediately arranged into a plum blossom formation, guarding the body of the Chairman Qian in the middle!

The six figures shouted together, and at the same time blasted a sword into the sky!

One of them held a golden mace, and with a stroke, a golden shadow stretched out a thousand feet in an instant!

Among them was another figure, holding a bi-colored long sword in his hand. Pointed towards the blue thunder in the sky!

A turbulent long river, like a galaxy inverted, rises to the sky, as if it is a long river in ancient mythology.

There was another figure with a red long sword in his hand, pointing towards the blue thunder light in the sky!

There was another figure holding a small iceberg in his hand. Just a flash, this small iceberg had turned into a crystal-clear and cold sword against the sky!

Stabbed straight into the sky!

A round of red and red white sun rose slowly towards the sky, seemingly slow and fast.

Commissioner Qian's Great Sun Sword Art has been cultivated to the entry level of three thousand days.

There was another figure with red in the left hand, blue in the right hand, and a blow with the sky with both hands. The same vast thunder sounded like a song.

A azure blue thunder light, a vermilion thunder light, rumbling towards the sky to get the rapid blast of the blue light to intercept.

There was another figure wearing a splendid robe with blooming flowers, holding a golden flower, holding the golden flower, and raising it upward.

A golden flower ran slowly towards the Bimang in the sky, bombarding it away.

A Chou beside him also shook his body and showed his real body.

With a long scream and a mouth, a thousand-long orange-red pillar of fire, cursing Bimang towards the sky, blasted away!

Several attacks, merge into one in the air, and touch that bimang!

The entire white sky was dark at first. It seems to have stopped!

Immediately afterwards, a circle of colored light spread rapidly toward the surroundings.

Wherever the colored light passes, the space collapses into chaos!

The thin Nian Zhengchen yelled: "Oh, that kid has a few powerful clones!

Two thunders have stopped me!

What did you do with Fire Dragon!

Every time you choose a target, you are so wrong! "

Nian Zhengchen shouted endlessly.

When I arrived at Jianhong, I slashed head-on!

Thousands of blue raindrops slammed toward him.

These thousands of blue raindrops turned out to be thousands of different plant leaves.

Master Fire Dragon is a mouth!

A golden flame of thousands of feet spit out.

There was a big shock.

Thousands of blue leaves and thousands of feet of golden flames dissipated.

"It's you! Master Fire Dragon?!

We are all going to trouble Hao Fei, but you are so ignorant, come to our trouble! "

After seeing Master Fire Dragon, Master Li Yao raised his two thick eyebrows and became angry!

Master Fire Dragon, seeing Le Dayuan following along, he gave a grinning smile: "What is the general not, let this kid keep the bracelet, let you go!

I only want this bracelet! "

Le Dayuan was furious and just spit out: "Pharmacist, don't talk nonsense with this crap, I see a lot of such craps, as long as there are benefits, allies will kill them!

Master Fire Dragon laughed: "The bracelet, you are too right.

You can have such a deep understanding, because you are the same as me! "

After that, he shouted: "Go!"

A monk with a piece of black Baotou around his head just yelled!

A big iron black seal has appeared in his hand

The grip of this big seal turned out to be a ferocious wolf head.

Imprint, like a mountain range.

He stretched out his hand and threw it away, and the iron-black wolf head slammed toward Le Dayuan.

"Well come, and send me magic treasure!"

Le Dayuan sneered.

These people must have heard Master Fire Dragon introduce their diamond bracelets

He even used a magic weapon to hit himself, is it because his head is pretty funny?

It is also a reminder of the law, and the diamond bracelet is offered!

Di Liu Yao turned around and has expanded to a radius of ten feet.

The big seal of the wolf head fell directly towards the center of the diamond bracelet.

However, suddenly, this wolf head seal grew rapidly, and it was already several tens of feet in an instant!

Le Dayuan did not show weakness and stretched out his hand!

A purple golden light poured into this diamond bracelet.

Diamond bracelets have also become as large as tens of feet.

The monk in black Baotou just let out a cold snort!

With a long and stern howl, a huge black wolf shadow rises behind him, and in a flash, he has been thrown into the wolf head prints of dozens of meters in size!

The wolf head print tens of meters in size, instantly filled with black light, became hundreds of meters in size, already like a hill!

Le Dayuan was shocked and angry!

But at this moment, where can I retreat.

Just retreat slightly.

This small wolf head print will follow, smashing himself to pieces!

Taking a long breath, the robes all over the body expanded, and several consecutive purple-gold lights were shot at the diamond bracelet!

The diamond bracelet also swelled to hundreds of meters in size!

If you don't cover this wolf head seal, you will never stop!

The Black Baotou monk made another long howl!

In an instant, the wolf head seal had expanded to several thousand meters in size, and the entire wolf head seal was burning with black flames!

Le Dayuan, this time stared.

He didn't fully grasp the diamond bracelet, and it was able to expand to hundreds of meters in size, which has reached a limit!

Had no choice but to activate!

The raging black fire that was printed on the wolf's head was all sucked in by the diamond bracelet!

Only the huge pressure brought by these thousands of wolf head prints remained.

The diamond bracelet purple golden light suddenly released a thousand feet!

Reflecting the surrounding heavenly palaces as if they were heavenly palaces, under the tremendous pressure of the wolf head print, nothing happened.

"Good baby, good baby!"

Master Fire Dragon, watching this diamond bracelet while fighting against Li Yaoshi, his eyes were straight!

The diamond bracelet radiated thousands of feet of light, and there were two cultivators beside it. Even if they were fools, they could see that this treasure was precious.

"I said the fire dragon, such a baby, you didn't tell us in advance, so you paid so little, it's too little."

A luxurious silver robe, with an iron-black complexion, seemed to be covered with rust as a monk, Yin and Yang said strangely.

Another short monk also nodded again and again: "That is, that is, Nian Zhengchen owes you, we don't owe you, don't think everyone else is a fool!"

A picture of the population on the fire dragon, and a group of red lightning blasted out, blasting Li Yaoshi's sword, as well as the nearby space, into a gray chaos!

Turning his head is yelling: "You two bastards, don't look at what time it is, you still sit down and start the price!"

Both of them smiled disdainfully: "Your Master Fire Dragon, who you are, who doesn't know, gives people one point, and you have to get 100% return from others.

We also learn from your style"

Master Fire Dragon was shaking with anger when he heard the news!

However, this person never speaks morality and only blames others.

Just shout: "Okay, you two

Help first, let's talk after the reward! "

Right here, Nian Zhengchen was already spouting blood!

"Be careful, the avatars of those boys are powerful, I can't support them!"

Just when these people were fighting and making noise.

Nian Zhengchen has urged three divine thunders in succession.

However, these three divine thunders descended straight and hit the epicenter.

It's just that there are three huge chaos in the air!

Commissioner Qian and A Chou just resisted the bombardment of these three divine thunders!

However, due to the weak structural strength of the five fighting golden fruit shadows released by Commissioner Qian, they have been shaken apart!

Can't launch a powerful attack, jumped back to Commissioner Qian's Shenfu to rest.

Commissioner Qian was in horror, exhausted, and only felt weak.

Even the intention of running away.

At this time, the Heavenly Song God Thunder was no longer seen, bombarding it down!

Commissioner Qian was overjoyed, and couldn't control so much. Dunguang urged him with all his strength to come to the battlefield.

It just happened to see Nian Zhengchen, who urged the **** thunder of Tiange, squirting blood in her mouth, and even the light in the sky was unstable.

Commissioner Qian was overjoyed and yelled: "Such a **** thunder is already close to the level of the Nascent Soul. I thought you were too good. It turned out to be a swollen face and fat man!

You pick me up too! "

After that, he clasped his fists with both hands and slammed it forward, violently!

"Boom" with a loud explosion.

A cyan thunder light, like a laser cannon, blasted forward suddenly!

"Hey, treat us as air!"

The monk in the silver robe already had a small bow more than a foot long in his hand. This small bow was pale and pale, even paler than the vast sky of thunder!

With a pull, there is already a small white arrow one foot long in his hand.

Take the bowstring.

A pale white light flashed!

This little white arrow has a blue thunder light in the center like a laser cannon!

The momentum of the two is simply one in the sky and the other underground.

It can't be compared.

However, Commissioner Qian was stunned.

When the two touched, the blue thunder light suddenly turned into a pool of blue water!

"Good baby, no worse than a diamond bracelet!"

This time, it was Commissioner Qian’s turn to shine in his eyes.

The thunder of his own smashed a big mountain, it was not a problem, it was broken so strangely.

If this pale white arrow were shot on your body, would it be worth it?

"Haha, that treasure is called Happy Little Arrow, no matter who it is, as long as it hits the arrow, it will immediately turn into a pool of clear water, and it will be in the realm of infinite happiness.

I have snatched that baby for no less than a hundred times, but I have not snatched it."

The Fire Dragon Master who was fighting against Li Yaoshi just laughed.

Commissioner Qian had even fought against a few Tiange God Thunder just now. Seeing that this happy little arrow was so powerful, it turned out to be difficult for a while.

Just with the black-faced silver-robed man and the short monk, there was a stalemate!

With a thought, Commissioner Qian suddenly had an idea.

I yelled at the communicator in hand.

"Su Er, Su Er, where are you? We met a strong enemy halfway up the mountain. Call Xuan to come and help!"

Immediately, the image of Young Master Su appeared vaguely.

"Aren't you not fighting against Anshan?"

Behind the image of the second son of Su ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was a strong sword light flashing by.

"Oh, you and Xuan are both in the same line as the main **** of the wood element, how can I ignore it?

Of course it is to follow you to fight Anshan. "


One of Su Er's entourage, not far behind him, was hit by a cloud of black light and exploded into a cloud of blood on the spot!

Second Young Master Su's eyes flashed, and he immediately made a decision.

Turning his head, he yelled to the side: "Master Xuan, Old Qian and the others have also come to the mountainside. Let's go and meet them!"

How long has it been since I came to the mountainside?

There are two-diamond flower gods and three-diamond flower gods everywhere, and the sword light is like thunder.

Under so much thunder.

Death and blood bloom like flowers!

Even the real Yuan Ying Jie Lei in the air seemed insignificant.

Despite Xuan taking the lead.

Less than half of the attendants next to Master Su were left!

Those monks who followed Xuan rushed to the mountainside had the same decrease in number.

Second Young Master Su, this was really shuddering.

"Well, let's go over!"

The profound sword was swung, and a figure quickly stretched and disintegrated under the sword light!

However, Xuan Ye felt that his arms were gradually becoming a bit heavy!


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