Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1500: Ansan's trump card

The moonlight stopped.

Xuan's figure appeared.

Speak out to stop Li Yaoshi. It was her.

Speaking of accusing Master Fire Dragon, not so desperately, it was an old man with a red robe and a face full of vicissitudes.

When this person's pair of Danfeng eyes opened and closed, they were as if the sun was in the sky, and the sharpness of the person's sharpness was unpredictable.

Although it seems to accuse the Fire Dragon Master, it actually satirizes the members of the committee member Qian for taking too much action!

It seems that this person is still quite powerful before Master Fire Dragon.

The Fire Dragon Master is so violent, but seeing this red robe old man arrives, he immediately behaves much better.

And among the Xuan group, the cultivation base is at least comparable to the old people in Henan.

Others faintly focus on Xuan.

"Hey, I don't know if it was the reptile who opened its mouth and bit people. Should we stand and be beaten?"

Le Dayuan said strangely.


Master Fire Dragon snorted coldly.

But there is no argument on this issue.

Gao An's group of monks, there were only a few of the original twenty people left. Promote the magic sword light, and fully support in the light smoke and mysterious thunder.

Among them was Gao An, the lowest cultivation base, standing in the midst of the thunder in horror, relying on the Taoism that Committee Member Qian gave him.

The remaining dozen people were overtaken by these four-diamond flower gods' battles, or were directly shattered by the aftermath, or were shattered by the light of the protective body, and were violently turned into a cloud of blood mist on the spot by the light smoke and the real thunder. !

Commissioner Qian waved to Gao An, motioning them to leave.

Gao An gratefully glanced at Commissioner Qian, and rushed towards the foot of the mountain with his companion.

"It seems that everyone is unfamiliar, caused by misunderstandings, misunderstandings, so let's take Hao Fei first, let's get rid of his Nascent Soul Tribulation first."

Feng Yang stepped forward and struck haha.

Behind this red-robed old man and behind He Xuan, there were already dozens of people followed, with the lowest two diamond flower gods.

Moreover, the individual's breath attributes are complex, and their clothes vary greatly.

Obviously, they are not from the same school, or even from the same plane.

Although it started, several gangs were faintly separated.

And a group of people led by Xuan. By now, only Fengyangtian, Domi, and Jiang Jiu were still alive.

Feng Yangtian saw a group of Committee members Qian, who unexpectedly had four four-diamond flower gods, and immediately moved to win.

"Brother Qian, these are cultivators from the Fire Element Master God, and they are also our allies.

A little misunderstanding, forget it. "

Feng Yangtian smiled kindly at Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian immediately heard the meaning of wooing in Fengyang Tianyu.

He glanced at Li Pharmacist.

Pharmacist Li’s eyes were on the face of the red-robed old man, and he immediately spoke to Commissioner Qian: “Brother Qian, this old man’s cultivation base is probably higher than you and me!

Let's team up with Hyun and the others. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Calmly walked a few steps towards Fengyangtian.

"Haha, Lao Feng, you are telling a joke.

This misunderstanding, my lord has a lot of it, so how can I take it to heart? "

Commissioner Qian and Feng Yangtian almost stood side by side, so that they showed their attitude.

Master Li Yao and Commissioner Qian stood side by side.

Le Dayuan, natural and Li pharmacist.

The rain in front of the mountain hesitated a little, and followed.

These people passed by. Second Young Master Su and a group of monks in the back naturally followed.

"Lantingmo, Brother Landao, you are here, I will look for the harm"

The Second Young Master Su suddenly caught a glimpse of one of the four diamond flower gods, and he was extremely emotional.

This person is dressed in white, with a faint landscape, a small beard, ordinary face, and a pair of eyes, but they are like the morning glow, full of indifferent dust.

In his hand, he held a small black tower with nine floors.

The whole body of the tower is surrounded by golden light.

When this person heard the words of the second son of Su, he smiled faintly: "Lan is a step late, so that the second son is worried, and the formation is ashamed and ashamed."

However, there was no shame on his face.

Second Young Master Su just let out a wry smile.

His identity as the second son of the Su family can still be used to calm ordinary monks.

However, in front of these four diamond flower gods, it is useless.

Lan Tingmo's reply to him was because Lan Tingmo owed some affection to the Su family.

Otherwise, how can he talk to the four-diamond flower **** one by one?

The strength of this old man Xuanfang suddenly increased a lot, his eyes twitched. However, nothing was said.

Suddenly, the monks present turned their heads and looked towards the top of the mountain.

"The center of the robbery has moved, and it's fast!"

Said the Pharmacist Li.

"Hao Fei has left the summit, I don't know where to go?"

"It goes without saying that so many of us are here, making such a big noise.

Hao Fei must go to a place that can withstand our attacks, but also a place that can withstand the catastrophe! "

Master Fire Dragon said grimly.

The rain in front of the mountain was speaking to the member Qian: "Don't look at this person's cruelty, in fact, he has a ghost in his mind!

Commissioner Qian smiled and nodded. I'm afraid this is also the reason why Rain before the Mountain is unwilling to team up with Master Fire Dragon.

"Go! Let's follow the center of the catastrophe!"

The old man in the red robe just shouted.

Obviously, he recognized the judgment of Master Fire Dragon.

Xuan frowned, and said faintly to the group of people behind Su Er Young Master: "The center of the tribulation is very dangerous. After that, there will be more severe tribulations. If the cultivation level is not enough, don't be afraid to go forward and die. Up."

Xuan said this, although coldly.

However, it was a good intention.

The center of the robbery is extremely dangerous!

However, a large group of people behind the second son of Su. Only a few people retreated.

Towards the foot of the mountain, flew past.

Most people are motionless.

Obviously, it is necessary to follow such a large group of four diamond flower gods to the end.

You know, for one diamond flower god, four diamond flower god, usually it is difficult to see one.

At this moment, there are so many!

With so many four-diamond flower gods together, no matter what difficulties are ahead, they have overcome them.

The old man in the red robe just snorted coldly. Toward Xuanyin: "In the cave mansion of the gods, it is even more dangerous and unpredictable. They are willing to follow, just as they like."

After that, the whole body was full of flames, and within a few meters of the whole body, the light smoke, mysterious and real thunder, immediately evaporated, and toward the fire dragon master and others, he waved his head: "Go!"


Like a straight laser cannon, it galloped towards the moving center of the catastrophe.

The fire dragon master and others are also flying up!

Follow away.

Xuan shook his head, together with the moonlight and sword light, his whole body was dazzling like a moon, galloping towards the distance!

Before coming here, the four-diamond flower **** Lan Tingmo of the Lord Furong had already stood in Xuan's team.

It seemed that the cultivator of the main **** of the wood system had already assumed Xuan as the temporary leader.

In this environment of Yuan Ying Jie Lei, except for the superb cultivation base, everything is not good.

This group of four diamond flower gods set off, and the scene was spectacular.

There are more than a dozen ways to escape from the four-diamond flower god!

More than a dozen retreats, either like a meteor or like a dragon.

Even in the midst of the roaring thunder, there was a trail that was more than a mile long.

Go straight forward without turning at all

If you run into the road ahead, as long as you don't take the initiative to report the words "attack Anshan".

Immediately shoot the sword light!

The obstacles stand in ash!

In a short time, the Thunder Robbery Center has stabilized.

Everyone flew close.

There was nothing in front of me.

A few feet in front of him, he couldn't see clearly.

Only the divine mind was released with all its strength, but it was an ordinary five-color soil hill.

On the five-color soil hills, there is an extra blue light gate.

This azure light gate is misty.

It is like a puddle.

However, countless light smoke Xuan Yin real thunder bombarded it. All submerged in this azure light gate, but there was never even a ripple.

It seemed that the light smoke, mysterious and real thunder that blasted through everything, was worse than a breeze.

Hao Fei stood in front of this blue light gate.

The whole body was turbulent with blue water, and his clear and pale face looked even paler as paper!

It's just that Commissioner Qian divinely probed the past.

The blue water that surrounds Haofei originally had a radius of ten feet, but now only about three feet away.

However, it has become more shining and radiant, and between the ups and downs, the blue light layered and transformed endlessly, which made people dazzling.

The original Qi machine changes in the billions. It can also be distinguished clearly by divine mind.

But now, it gives people a sense of vastness and obscurity.

I don't know what it's like, and it's in the heart of Chairman Qian.

This Haofei's Nascent Soul is about to become!

After the last few catastrophes, this Haofei Yuanying~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must be successful!

Several elders are in front of Hao Fei thousands of feet away.

The monks who participated in supporting Anshan also formed a formation of hundreds with several elders, blocking the enemies coming from all directions.

at this point

This is the last resort!

It is also Anshan's last hole card!

Use the sacred cave to help Hao Fei survive the last and most violent thunder robbery!

The prohibition of the cave mansion of the gods in the transformation period must be extremely powerful.

Hao Fei stood before the prohibition of the God-Man's Cave Mansion, once the violent thunder and lightning strikes, it will definitely affect the prohibition.

The prohibition of the God-Man Cave House will automatically launch a counterattack, counteracting part of the thundering power!

The last few thunders must be the most ferocious!

At this time, the prohibition of the gods' cave can be used to maximize the effect!

As for the monks who lined up in front of them, whether they were from Anshanmoto or he sent them to help.

They would definitely be affected by Jie Leide, but they didn't have the prohibition of the God Man's Cave Mansion to help resist.

From the monks in the array, the faces with different expressions are either sneered, or disdainful, or eyeballs are moving, and they are thinking.

They are also well aware of the plans of the Anshan School.

However, after passing this level, they will also have the right to enter the gods' caves!


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