Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1506: The last thunder

"Is the strongest thunder medicine coming?

Oops, the primordial spirits in the sacred mansion have not even had time to refining! "

Commissioner Qian was as horrified as the other monks!

Such a huge pressure, cold, ruthless, and with the will to destroy everything!

It just comes from the past that I don't know how many billions of years ago, and it seems to lead to a future that I don't know how many billions of years later.

Whether it is a flower **** with one diamond or a flower **** with four diamonds, in front of this will, it is like an ant.

This is the way of heaven!

The will of heaven!

Under this will, the strongest Jie Lei must come!

The money was too late to hunt down the remaining monks, so he turned back and quickly retreated.

The other monks were the same, looking at the menacing pressure from the sky, they all retreated quickly.

The battle between the two sides was disbanded.

The coercion before the thunderbolt came was so powerful.

After the thunder came, this power was naturally conceivable.

If it is affected by this robbery, it is not a joke.

Among the members of Qian's Palace, there are many results.

However, these captured primordial spirits, golden cores, and godheads, even though they were transformed into various scenery in the mansion of Commissioner Qian.

Such as mountains, water, fire, wind, and ice.

Even flames, some are burning on land.

There are also fires burning in water.

These sceneries represent the profound power and cultivation level contained in the monk's soul.

Commissioner Qian understood the mystery contained in these sceneries, and as long as it took a certain amount of time to comprehend, it would be natural.

However, it is not an easy task to merge these profound powers with each other.

Only these branch mysteries are integrated into the elemental power mysteries to which they belong.

These external Dao and deeds can be integrated with the four elements of the Qian's own power and mystery, and once again merged together, to enhance the power of the Qian's own four-line power and mystic fusion!

This process is, for example, the captured primordial spirit manifests in the form of a hundred creeks. The power mystery to which these creeks belong is the branch power mystery of the water attribute. The power mystery contained in these hundreds of creeks must be merged. In the mystery of the branch power of the water attribute originally understood by the Jin Qian Committee.

There are many types of water attribute branch power mysterious fusion, and the power possessed by the four elements of power mysterious mysterious is more powerful.

Even if there is an array of two hundred and eighty golden fruit shadows.

Commissioner Qian also pondered.

It hasn't been a century, or even longer, that it has been impossible to integrate so much power mystery into the original elemental power mystery.

After all, the fusion of branch power is not something that can be determined. It may take a long time to find a way to merge.

Even after spending a long time, they couldn't merge.

This is not surprising.

If it's so easy, wouldn't it be that a master with multiple lines of power and mystery fusion would fly all over the sky?

The old man in Hongpao was surprised at first, but he was happy again!

The master of the offensive side who was retreating shouted: "Everyone, attack Haofei from a distance!"

Everyone understands what the old man Hongpao said.

Everyone attacked Hao Fei from a distance, and Hao Fei didn't want to deal with the catastrophe easily.

Lanting's ink magic weapon was damaged, and he was already furious. At this time, the aqua-blue light in his pagoda had been extinguished.

Obviously, the monk who was taken into his pagoda has been refined.

He immediately responded

He stretched out his hand and just slapped it!

The black pagoda rises from the ground amidst the light.

A golden light shot out, in the middle of Hao Fei's blue brilliance.

The blue brilliance, like the waves, is so stagnant during operation!

Despite this stagnation, it is extremely short-lived.

However, the five rays of apricot-yellow rays have already blasted from dozens of miles away.

Where the five rays of apricot yellow light passed, the vast faint smoke, mysterious and real thunder, immediately turned into nothingness.


In the midst of a huge earthquake

Near the entrance of the entire Shenren Dongfu, there is already a slice of apricot light.

Hao Fei only felt that he was already in harmony with the mysterious existence in the heavens and the earth.

Suddenly, it immediately became a lot of chaos!

Hao Fei couldn't help crying.

Originally, he wanted to survive the catastrophe according to the prohibition of the God-Man Dongfu.

Therefore, I can only stay in place, watching the thunderous roars coming from the white robbery thunder.

For the flower **** who is on the drill, there is a distance of tens of miles away, despite the light smoke and the real thunder blocking the line of sight.

However, hitting Hao Fei here was a trivial matter!

"Ah, Elder Jia, Lu Hong stop them!"

Hao Fei yelled frantically.

Continuously resist several attacks

Haofei only felt the blood all over his body, already boiling.

If you continue like this, you will be a ghost!

"Quick, stop the attack!"

Elder Jia, the second four-diamond flower **** among the Anshan faction, is extremely active.

He stretched out his hand, counted Baifan, and galloped out of the clouds above his head.

In an instant, the white sail shadow flicked through the air with waves of ripples, hitting several attacks against Hao Fei!

A series of huge thunder sounded!

Elder Jia is already shaking his body and vomiting blood!

If Hao Fei couldn't survive this last robbery, and all his deeds were abolished, that would be good.

Maybe it's not always true.

In that way, Anshan has only this, his elder Jia, a four-diamond flower god.

This sacred cave mansion could not be kept.

Therefore, Elder Jia did his best.

Luo Tianfeng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gu Letian, Shen Qianyun and the three also intercepted the attack on Hao Fei.

However, the interception was far less effective than Elder Jia.

"It turns out that Anshan wanted to use the prohibition of the God-Man's Cave Mansion to help Hao Fei block this robbery thunder. In this way, once this robbery thunder is over, the prohibition of the God-Man's Cave Mansion will probably be broken."

Shen Qianyun was overjoyed and spoke to the other two.

Luo Tianfeng and Gu Letian both smiled at the same time.

After entering the Shenfu, I still don't know what will happen.

These people naturally refused to do their best.

Seeing the dark clouds in the sky, nine silver-white rays of light burst out of the clouds. They are hundreds of miles long, and their origins do not know why. They are connected to the sky, vast and mighty, crashing down with the momentum of thunder.

These nine robbery thunder appeared.

Whether it was the old man in the red robe, Lu Hongyi, or Xuan hurriedly backed away.

Hao Fei, together with the cave entrance of the god-man cave house behind him.

He was instantly submerged in a dazzling silver-white light.

This dazzling silver-white light quickly spread to the surroundings.

Wherever the silver light passes, everything becomes ashes!

Even the five-color soil that seems to be able to withstand all attacks is melted under one layer after another, as if endless silver light!

In the blink of an eye, a silver light ball with a radius of tens of miles has been formed!


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