Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1517: Battle Black Armor

Thousands of cyan sword lights, and the cyan sword rainbow, contained various strange rays of light.

It forms a variety of flowers and blooms layer by layer, just like a lot of red and beautiful.

The spear in the hands of the black armored gods jerked, and the black spear rainbow immediately flourished.

The black spear rainbow is like a black chrysanthemum blooming in the vast white space. The ten thousand spear rainbows are dazzlingly blooming with black armor gods as their cores!

With Qian Da's committee member, like a brilliant sword, they contrasted each other and each had their own merits.

"Peng, Peng, Peng"

Countless intensive sounds sounded at the same time.

Thousands of sounds are like one sound.

The light disappeared.

The two stood opposite each other.

There are already a few holes in the body of the black armored god-man. With a few sounds of "peng, peng", a black substance like meat sauce sprayed from the body of the black armored god-man.

Regardless, the clone is a clone after all.

In the subtle aspects of Jian Jue, although it is no less than that of the Qian Yuan committee.

However, in terms of on-the-spot changes, it was far less than the monster with the shadow of 280 golden fruits.

Under one move, many places have been injured.

The sword energy kept wandering through the body of the black armored god-man, bursting, bulging everywhere, and then being suppressed.

If it were an ordinary monk, he would have fallen over long ago.

However, this black armor **** man has no painful expression on his face.

From there, I watched closely the actions of Committee Member Qian.


Commissioner Qian instantly understood that the key to this black armor god-man was probably the ball of light that had absorbed countless water bees.

"Strong, stronger than my Golden Fruit Shadow!"

Commissioner Qian nodded

Flicked his eyebrows!

It is already high in fighting spirit!

"The sky is full of flowers and rain"

Commissioner Qian gave a long scream, as if it were high above the sky. Within the green and misty space, the sky suddenly appeared.

Countless flowers, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of flowers, just like born out of the void.

Fluttering down straight down.

The sky is full of flowers and rain, the sky is falling in disorder

This scene is as deep as layers, and it is completely natural.

After a long period of time, the scene of rain and flowers in the sky dissipated.

On the forehead, throat, heart, and limbs of the black armored god, the blue sword light flashed and burst. After the black armored **** person paused, it turned into a black light and disappeared without a trace.

The place where the black armor **** man disappeared, leaving only a gem that looked like a black crystal.

Commissioner Qian picked up this orb, the longan in his hand was a **** round but transparent bead, like a black crystal from time to time.

Shining black brilliance, held in the hand, very beautiful and eye-catching. Put it in the storage ring.

The scenery in front of him changed and he immediately returned to the original place, still the stone bridge.

Commissioner Qian changed his eyes.

On dozens of stone bridges, there are still dozens of huge white clouds floating there.

Others are still fighting, and they are the first to come out.

I was thinking, what is the use of that black crystal bead?

A cloud of white cloud nearby quietly dissipated.

He was covered in bronze armor, almost like a bronze god, stepping out of the mountain with incomparable sharp rain.

Seeing that Commissioner Qian stood there casually.

The rain in front of the mountain is like a sword's eyes, just a little stagnation!

Obviously, it was unexpected that among the four diamond flower gods, Commissioner Qian was the first to come out.

Among these four diamond flower gods, Commissioner Qian's ranking in cultivation base is definitely lower.

Immediately afterwards, another cloud of white air quietly dissipated.

Li pharmacist showed u out of shape.

Obviously, Pharmacist Li was also surprised.

It’s a smile at the committee member Qian: "Brother Qian, it’s really a wave behind the river and pushing the wave forward."

Then, he nodded friendly toward the rain in front of the mountain.

His eyes are also full of surprise.

You know, Pharmacist Li, almost tried his best to solve the black armored **** man facing him, and wanted to help other monks.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out, he saw that two people were already in front of them.

These dozens of black armored gods, except for the weapons in their hands, are almost equal in strength in other aspects.

These two people came out before themselves, that is to say, no matter how they cultivated, they were almost a bit ahead of themselves in terms of combat power.

"Where is it, you have to work hard, you have to work hard."

Commissioner Qian took the conversation without humility.

Pharmacist Li shook his head.

He knew that Commissioner Qian had this kind of character.

In a flash, Li Yaoshi had already plunged into the nearest cloud of white clouds.

Commissioner Qian didn’t get a response. He just shrugged his shoulders. This pharmacist is still not bad, but he has been an admiral for a long time. After a flash, he plunged into the white clouds next to him.

Breaking through the white cloud, I saw that the second son of Su had turned into a huge black light, fighting with this black armored priest. This black armored priest turns a mountain-opening giant axe like a wheel, and the black light of the axe continues into the sea, and the black light is even more faint with the violent sound of wind and thunder. The mighty momentum suppresses the black sword light of the second son of Su can not lift his head. .

The second son of Su's black light revolves, and black flowers continue to grow. The dark sword light is feminine and dense, and at the same time it bursts fiercely. Between the strength of the sword, it changes in an instant, and the control is smooth and unobstructed. Spirituality, the operation of sword tactics has reached a very high level.

If you talk about the operation of the sword tactics, to be honest, it is not far from Commissioner Qian.

It’s just that although the swordsmanship is wonderful, the cultivation base and power of the flower **** is really average compared to opponents of the level of the black armor god, and the threat to the black armor priest is limited. Under the endless light of axe, Can be nothing but parry.

From the eyes of Commissioner Qian, it is natural to see that after another stick of incense, the second son of Su is about to collapse!

Seeing Commissioner Qian appeared, Young Master Su could no longer take care of his unhappiness and shouted: "Old Qian help me! Help me!"

The Second Young Master Su's body is exquisite, and it seems that he can only parry, but these few rescue calls are full of breath and continuous.

Commissioner Qian laughed, with a blue sword in his hand!

Infinite rays of light radiated to the surroundings.


The endless axe light was suddenly broken!

"Haha, Su Er, I have saved you a few times, and you don't mean to say that, all day long, with a cold face, as if I owe you something."

Commissioner Qian said haha, but his tone was unceremonious.

Second Young Master Su's cheeks instantly twitched.

Your old money is promoted to the four-diamond flower god, the other is not long, but the frame is greatly long.

When I met, I gave orders, and didn't even talk about a few polite words.

I, Su Er, is also a genius in the Su family anyway. Who can do things that I have repeatedly flattered.

It's good, it's my fault.

But here and now, how could he have second Young Master Su's answer?

"Old money, don't worry, what I said, definitely counts!"

The second Young Master Su's voice increased several degrees.

Commissioner Qian smiled slightly: "Su Erni's family has a big cause, and nobles forget things, of course, they have to repeatedly emphasize"

The cyan sword light moved and attacked the black armored priest.

The black armored priest also didn't know how to do it. He smashed his backhand with an axe, and the cyan sword light suddenly shattered into countless crystal light spots.

Commissioner Qian smiled, this clone, facing the complicated battle situation, the reaction is not so sensitive.

If you change your real body here, facing an intruder of the level of Commissioner Qian, you will definitely not use such a simple split.

This powerful slash was extremely stressful for Young Master Su.

However, for people of the level of Commissioner Qian, it is nothing more than an ordinary trick.

The giant axe's surplus was still strong, and a huge black light was like a huge door panel, and it smashed head-on towards Committee Member Qian. Flying high, the cyan sword light circled to the right, avoiding the shocking axe.

With a thought, the sword art is urged, like a peacock opening the screen, the cyan sword light is raised, and the flashes of the sword light are condensed into a huge cyan sword, taking advantage of the old gap of the black armor priest’s move. On his back.

The second son of Su in front, sees u happy here, but sees the cyan sword light stabbing on the back of the black armored priest. Half of the black armored priest's chest has pierced a big hole, but the momentum of the giant axe in his hand , But did not change at all.

The second son of Su was stunned, and the black armored priest seized the opportunity to cut several axes. The black light coming up and down, left and right, locked it in a daze.

When the crisis was approaching, Second Young Master Su suddenly woke up. Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, the black sword light circled and turned into a thousand-weight petal. The thousand-weight petals rotated sharply, protecting his figure.

After the black light hit the spinning thousand-weight petal

Colorful petals, deep crystal black light fragments, spinning around.

After several successive axe lights disappeared among the thousand petals, Second Young Master Su's expression became more tense. "Boom boom boom" Amid the roar of wind and thunder, the thousand petals burst suddenly, and black light burst out from it.

In the black light, the colorful divine light of Su Er Young Master's body flickered, a mouthful of blood spurted, and he retreated violently.

In anxious ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I was annoyed that the Qianda Committee Department blocked this offensive.

Both anxious and resentful eyes looked at Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian pouted.

Your own sword severely inflicted the Black Armored Godman, you still can't stop the opponent's attack, can you blame me?

Commissioner Qian had already fully understood the cultivation base of the Second Young Master Su.

I don't know, I am surprised.

Compared with his own cultivation base, Second Young Master Su's progress seemed like a snail!

I immediately knew in my heart.

Although the second son of Su also has the shadow of the golden fruit, it is used as a tool to assist in cultivation

However, there is no high-level secret technique that connects these golden fruit shadows.

Naturally, the cultivation base is quite different compared to oneself.

However, he couldn't just sit back and watch Second Young Master Su, that's it.

Jian Jue Yi reminded

The cyan sword rainbow, lasing like

Hundreds of cyan sword rainbows immediately drowned the black armored priest

The sword is exquisite, unspeakable

Boom, the black light and green rainbow hit and burst, and the black armored god-man mixed black armor broke dozens of cracks. The giant axe that was going to take advantage of the situation could not help but stop, giving the crumbling Young Master Su a precious breathing opportunity. .

However, the blue sword rainbow suddenly lit up, dazzling like a sun.

The black armor **** man had already started from his forehead and split into two. V


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