Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1234: 4 drill fierce battle

Xuan Xiangwu's sword exploded on the guard's body, but it just blasted the guard into a gap.

However, a reaction force from this guard made Xuan spit out a small bit of blood!

This is simply making the other four diamond flower gods shocked!

Xuan's cultivation base, among these four-diamond flower gods, is considered the top, and under a single blow, he was shocked to spit out a small bit of blood.

Why doesn't this make a few four-diamond flower gods, their cheeks are scared.

The low-diamond flower gods in the formation were even more shocked and their expressions changed.


Countless lightning leaped above the shield of the formation, unexpectedly hesitated, did not dare to make another move!

"It's nothing, it's my carelessness. The sword is too strong, so the energy and blood fluctuate slightly."

What kind of character Xuan immediately spoke to stabilize the army.

Let these four diamond flower gods know that this is just a mistake in urging the sword art.

Oh, no wonder Xuan's sword art is so powerful?

Too indomitable, it is easy to hurt yourself.


After a slight muffled sound

A beating green flame went out.

However, the dragon head guard who was hit in the eye socket did not fall down like the multi-armed monster outside. Instead, he let out a long howl, went crazy, and the blue sword rainbow rose from the sky.

The cyan sword rainbow is born and died

Instead, it becomes even more subtle.

Xuan was furious: "Don't you think I won't change?"

The moon-white sword rainbow was raised. Most of the square inside the gate was immediately enveloped in the moon-white sword rainbow.

The moon white sword light is misty like a dream, faintly carrying an intoxicating beauty

It makes people just want to dance with the white sword light this month, and don't want to do it.

However, this dragon head guard, a whole body of white bones, only has a pair of deep green flames eyes.

The immunity to this abnormal state is simply amazing.

The moon white sword light changed suddenly and suddenly became as heavy as a million-dollar.

Continuously, instantly cut thousands of times!

Although it fell in the wind, it was able to withstand the countless cyan sword rainbows.

The monk dressed in silver shot another arrow!

The pale arrow marks flickered in the air.

This dragon head guard lowered his head!


Happy little arrow, shot on this dragon head.

Above the dragon's head, there was a pale, and in the pale, the bone powder puff fell down, revealing a shallow pit.

However, this is already pretty good.

Xuan Youyou hit this dragon head guard with a few swords, and it only left a few traces the size of a wine glass on the dragon head guard.

On the ground of this square, I don't know what kind of prohibition was imposed on it.

A few four-diamond flower gods played today, but the aftermath is enough to open the mountains.

However, as soon as it hit the ground, after a burst of light, it disappeared without a trace.

The four diamond flower gods all went into battle.

The formation of the low-drilling flower gods, the nine-foot-thin thunder light has already formed, but I don't know how to bombard the target.

Several four-diamond flower gods, together with their opponents, rose and fell.

Dozens of battle positions have changed between the electric light and flint.

Their eyes can barely keep up with the battle.

However, with the bombardment of the formation, it is absolutely impossible to keep up with such a rapid battle displacement.

This is also the limitation of the formation.

The reaction speed of the formation is absolutely incomparable to that of a single monk.

If the battlefield has no such limitations.

So as long as there are a large number of low-level cultivators, they can compete with high-level cultivators. What else do high-level cultivators cultivate?

If the Bone Guard was bombarded, the bombardment did not arrive.

It was bombarded on the body of a four-diamond flower god, wouldn't the fun of these low-level cultivators be great?

Thousands of sword rainbows in black, white and two colors instantly shined brightly.

In the great light, thousands of sword rainbows in black and white are like antelope hanging horns, without a trace!

When the blue and white thunder and lightning on a dragon head guard gathered, it was cut off by the black and white sword rainbow.

However, Shen Qianyun's body was also beating with countless blue and white thunder lights!

A flash of light "wave"

With a sound, Shen Qianyun's protective shield inspired by a magic weapon has been shattered.

Wearing on the waist, it looked like a magic weapon like a jade pendant, but it dimmed!

Seeing that Xuan was vomiting blood.

Several four-diamond flower gods were too embarrassed to save their strength.

The bronze sword of Yu Wuji in front of the mountain was issued with full force.

The bronze sword light and the cyan sword light have collided thousands of times in the air like a meteor shower.

As soon as the meteor shower closed, the dragon head guard and the mountain rain, each crossed their swords and looked at each other coldly.

There was a tie between the two sides.

This dragon head guard is as hard as the other dragon beast guards except for the skeleton.

The power of Dao Xiu as a magic formula turned out to be the weakest among several dragon head guards.

Commissioner Qian trapped the evil spirit and sword light.

The master of the fierce sword light, how willing to give up.

With a roar, he leaped forward, waving his long sharp claws.

Dreaming towards the top of the flower wall of Baizhang!

Every time you grab it, there are more than a dozen flowers bursting like thunder.

But he just guarded the dragon head, and his body was shaken.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

A light red light poured in.

The guard of the dragon head is also crushing dozens of flowers!

A roar sounded like a rocket explosion.

After the explosion this time, the whole body of the dragon head guard ignited a raging light red flame.

Lan Tingmo on the side suddenly saw that it was cheap.

Commissioner Qian’s five positive fires are also effective for monsters like Dragon Bone Guardian ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Lan Tingmo really didn't expect it.

Lan Tingmo just yelled: "Brother Qian stand up, I'll help you!"

The town demon pagoda in your hand is an offering!

The pagoda swirled in the air, and thousands of golden lightsabers radiated from the bottom of the pagoda like rain.

Towards this dragon head guard, bombarded away!

Was burned by the light red five positive fire.

The bones on the surface of the dragon's head guard became crisp.

Boomed by this golden sword rain!

The surface of the body guarded by this dragon head was suddenly splashed with bone debris!

The leading guard yelled, and for a while, he was in a hurry.

Can't even care about the evil spirit sword surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers!

Commissioner Qian realized that the whirlpool formed by the sea of ​​flowers shrank sharply.

The fierce spirit sword light, the tighter the surrounding.

Although the fighting time was not long, the aftermath of the fighting between several people was not a bombardment on the formation of the low-diamond flower god.

Let the low-drilling flower gods feel that the formation is like being bombarded by a huge thunder, and the flames are endless! ~

At this moment, at the entrance of the White Bone Hall, sword light rose into the sky again.

A group of monks broke in noisily. Many of these monks have strange shapes in their lives.

At a glance, you can know that there are a lot of demonic cultivators among this group of people! V


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