Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1261: Blood hammer

Chapter 1261 Qi and Blood Hammer

"Eat it, Adzuki bean."

Commissioner Qian smiled and handed Lingguo over.

It seems that good people are rewarded

Commissioner Qian thought.

Dou may be hungry, or the supernatural power of Committee Member Qian, so Xiaodou feels that as long as he follows Committee Member Qian, he can be fearless.

When you send the spirit fruit to your mouth, you will bite it!

One bite, the fragrance is overflowing.

A group of people, in this bazaar, can be regarded as eye-catching at this moment.

Everyone is pointing.

That is to the patrol team members, rushed to hear the sound.

But when I look at those big guys who are squatting their heads and just walking forward

One by one, his expression changed and he did not move forward.

What's more, a gloating smile appeared in his eyes.

It seems that these big guys, the forces behind them, are very unpopular in this market.

There have been people going to report such a big news.

When a huge stone building as high as one hundred feet is in sight

Hundreds of big men came out of this building.

It was a deadly blockage to the way that Committee Member Qian and his party went forward.

"Lao Hei, Jiuye, what's wrong with you?

Soul boy, it's great that your little one came to the door. "

One person first, with a cross-faced face and a short head, suddenly burst into laughter.

Commissioner Qian, amidst the fluctuations in his aura, possessed the strength at the peak of the foundation building period.

"Let your principal come out and see me."

Member Qian said coldly!

This big guy has a pair of weird eyes, just a flash!

A cyan flame gushes out in these strange eyes!

"Hey, such a complete human being?

Are you an outsider?

Great, great, hahaha---"

The big man laughed wildly.

Even Commissioner Qian did not answer.

With a wave of his hand, a round stone ball, the size of a pineapple belt, surrounded by cyan flames, slammed it towards Commissioner Qian!

"what is this?"

Commissioner Qian is very curious.

This kind of attack, even for those in the early days of foundation building, was too powerful.

He was strange, neither dodge nor dodge.

Decided to endure this, and test how strong people in this world are!

Even the shield did not activate.


The stone ball hit directly on the robes of Committee Member Qian.

A big cyan flame burst out.

The cyan flame of Dou Da is not even dust for a person like Commissioner Qian.

However, it was such a small attack.

Commissioner Qian just felt that his whole body was stunned!

Although the shock of the whole body is very slight.

Commissioner Qian was really surprised!

This cyan flame carries a certain special law!

Otherwise, this big cyan flame has expanded ten thousand times in volume, and sees if it can shake Commissioner Qian into a **** wave?


This big man with a face full of flesh, his face is also full of incredible expressions.

This person was hit by himself, but he was all right?

"You ant-like thing, you still have some ways

Come again! "

Commissioner Qian hummed disdainfully.

Dahan originally hesitated

It’s hard to hold on to the face of Commissioner Qian.

"An ant-like thing?"

How many years have you heard such words?

The man is furious!

It just yelled: "I thought I was afraid that you wouldn't make it, let you taste how good I am!"


Dozens of stones burning with blue flames, the size of a pineapple, are already swarming!

Commissioner Qian is motionless.

The bodies of the nine big men rose at the same time

Hit the stone swarming past!

The big blue flame exploded on these big guys.

Just a blow!

The blood of the big man suddenly became confused, almost in an instant, like boiling, suddenly expanding.

Then, with a "?", it exploded suddenly~!

Although these big guys are not very strong.

However, once it exploded, it was colorful, splashing everywhere, it was really beautiful!

There are red, blue, green, and black.

This is the special rule contained in the stone ball burning with cyan flame.

Only nine essences of different colors are left in the air!

What kind of insight did the Commissioner Qian have, and there was a bit of burnt smell in the splash of colorful blood!


It smells like medicinal materials extracted from flames.

The sky is full of colorful flesh and blood

Hundreds of big men around, just swarmed up, danced countless phantoms in the air with both hands, grabbed these flesh and blood, and slammed their mouths!

And this short man just opened his mouth and sucked fiercely!

Nine essences of different colors have been sucked into his mouth

Just a moment of effort

This big man, his whole muscles started to swim. Committee member Qian, of course, understood that this was the method of spiritual power.

Immediately afterwards, the body of this big man shook "Ka La Ka La Ka La" joints!

The whole body has become thicker.

The body has been raised several inches!


There was still a small part of the Lingguo in the bean's mouth, and he tightly grasped the sleeve of Commissioner Qian.

There was fear on his face.

"Don't be afraid, I am here."

Commissioner Qian patted Xiaodou's head lightly.

Monsters kill each other and evolve by devouring each other.

It's no surprise that Commissioner Qian has seen more.

Commissioner Qian is strange that the aura in these monsters seems to be too much.

Every drop of blood, every piece of meat, is full of aura!

It seems that what splashes all over the sky is not the flesh and blood of monsters, but the medicine planted in the medicine garden.

However, despite the swelling of the whole body,

However, Commissioner Qian Gang is really weird!

This short man, with a grim expression, snarled lowly at Commissioner Qian.

A pair of arms, but never dared to wave it again.

His eyes turned sharply, already a little back.

But at this moment, a situation arose

Things in the world are just such coincidences.

Dou suddenly stretched out his arms, and the joints all over his body were also rattling!

Dou's height is also an inch taller.

Moreover, there was a hint of light on the top of Xiaodou's head. It shouldn't be a few lines of light, only an inch high.

However, the big man's eyes were staring at Xiaodou, and he couldn't move away.

A pair of eyeballs have already protruded greatly, as if they were about to fall off!

"Five---Colorful---Ling, soul boy!"

As if it was extremely difficult, this short man spit out these words from his mouth.

This remark

The voices that had just been so noisy disappeared.

Disappeared completely!

The hustle and bustle of the market, in the blink of an eye, turned into a silent church!

Everyone's eyes are on this side.

Full of disbelief and then fanaticism.

Commissioner Qian felt

They were looking at Xiaodou's eyes, like seeing God coming!

"Colorful soul boy, what is it? Such a cow, compared to me, the four-diamond flower god, more cow!"

This is, I saw this big man, shouting!

With a sway of his entire arm, there were nearly two more giant hammers, each of which was about the size of a square table, leaped into the air, and was already slammed into the head of Committee Member Qian!

Commissioner Qian didn't even have his head, and a cloud on top of his head instantly turned into a radius of several meters, like a beautiful flower, just wrapped in a wrap, already wrapped this big man in the air!

"What is the colorful soul boy worthy of your attention?"

Commissioner Qian has not finished asking.

I saw the big guys around

It was just a shout, everyone's robe bulged up, and blatant!

With his hands outstretched like claws, he rushed towards the Qian Qian!

No, it should be directed towards Xiaodou.

Commissioner Qian has played more protagonists in previous adventures.

For a while, he couldn't adapt to the situation of suddenly becoming a supporting role.

He couldn't help shouting angrily: "Ats, so bold!"

Finish, shake your head lightly

A circle of azure light radiated from the green head of the Chairman Qian.

There are thousands of ways in this cyan heroic light.

And every cyan light, in the blink of an eye, has turned into a one-foot-long cyan sword light, exactly the same as the actual sword.

Whatever the cyan sword light hits, it explodes immediately!

Just a moment of effort

Hundreds of big men have exploded into flesh and blood, and more than a hundred of various essences, hovering and dancing in the sky, colorful flesh and blood.

After the cyan sword light passed, the creatures were cut off, and no one could escape.

Dou's face suddenly showed a fanatical expression

Staring closely at the more than a hundred spirits that are hovering.


Dou opened her mouth suddenly and let out a sudden cry!

Commissioner Qian just saw ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ these more than 100 essences, one by one, projected toward Xiaodou's mouth!

Some spirits trembled anxiously on the way to Xiaodou.

As if very reluctant.

However, the degree of flight toward Xiaodou's mouth did not slow down at all.

Bean swallowed dozens of essences in a row.

There was a satisfying hiccup.

The remaining dozens of essences are just escape in a hurry!

"Titicaca, Titicaca---"

Dou's body just saw a sound, and it grew an inch taller, and the five-color brilliance on the top of his head suddenly became so thick and so tall.

"Sure enough, he is a five-color soul boy who can't resist with his mouth open!

Everyone rush, take the five-color soul boy, the road is hopeful"

A voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

Then there was another sound, another sound!

"Come on--"

Several monks screamed, rushing toward the Qiang Chief Committee!

The Taoism shown by Chairman Qian is terrifying

Therefore, the crowd stayed by the side for so long without rushing up.

But, these few shouts together

Suddenly someone couldn't help it anymore.

"The road is successful!"

These words are really tempting!

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