Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1271: Dongfu Refiner

One thousand two hundred and seventy-one chapters

"Big Brother, you don't know. In order to find these materials, the third and fourth children, even the primordial spirit did not escape."

The seal demon shook his head and sighed.

The seal demon will dive into the water and talk to the big brother about the situation after entering Anshan.

When this seal demon and his companion entered Anshan, Anshan had sunk into the seabed several thousand feet deep, just as Commissioner Qian speculated.

The prohibition in front of Shenren Dongfu

The strong man who has been entered first is almost broken.

Even the endless army of bones

Under wave after wave of bombardment from the powerful rushing in from all directions, the number has changed from dense like ants to a small group wandering on the bone plain.

If Commissioner Qian heard this description of the seal demon

Must vomit blood with anger.

They entered this god-man cave and fought fiercely all the way, with heavy casualties.

The old man who appeared in front of the gate of the God-Man Cave

But it's a joke.

They came to the arch without any hindrance along the way.

All the keel guards in front of the arch have disappeared.

Before the nine arches, there were already crowded and yelling, and people's heads rolled.

These later monks, whether from the Blessed Sea or the outer plane

Whether it’s the human race or the demon cultivator, after investigation, they are all disappointed to find

In the remaining eight arches, all the treasures have been looted.

The arch that only Committee Member Qian entered is always covered by clouds.

Don't know

Everyone was in high spirits and came here with a smooth wind.

But it fell to this result

No one feels comfortable.

The monks gathered from different planes and even different races were noisy.

More than a month passed.

The news of the opening of Anshan Shenren Dongfu has spread to the adjacent planes of the vast sea.

There is a steady stream of monks coming here, it can be said that there are more teachers than crucian carp who cross the river

"I don't believe me, I will come here for nothing"

Finally, a monk couldn't bear it anymore, and took the lead to jump into the thick cloud.

To be honest, in the process of jumping down, many monks gained various insights.

The tactics corresponding to this insight have also been improved.

This makes the monks even more happy.

The three sea leopards explored all the way and came to the bazaar of Gray Iron City.

But I didn't expect that the residents of Gray Iron City were so powerful.

The scene witnessed by Chairman Qian just happened.

"Oh? You mean, those mobs, their cultivation bases are not too high, but their attacks are extremely sharp. With your defenses, you can't resist them at all?"

A ray of greed flashed in the eyes of this big man.

"Yes, big brother, look at me in a thousand-forged iron armor."

The seal demon showed an iron black iron armor to the big man to watch.

I saw that the black iron armor was full of holes

Almost become a sieve

Next to many holes, there are spots of blood.

"My thousand-forged cold iron armor is an elite of one hundred thousand years of cold iron from the bottom of the sea, plus a variety of rare materials, and after thousands of refining, this is completed.

did not expect----"

The big man looked at the hole in the thousand-forged cold iron armor and slowly nodded.

The 100,000-year cold iron elite who made this thousand-forged cold iron armor

For a large part, he was the eldest brother who helped the seal demon find.

The appearance of the 100,000-year cold iron elite is exactly the same as the 10,000-year cold iron and the thousand-year cold iron.

Most of a piece of 100,000-year-old cold iron elite is only the size of a bowl.

Among the few fairies, only he, the eldest brother, was able to find these 100,000-year-old cold iron elites through the mud and rocks hundreds of feet deep.

One hundred thousand years of cold iron elite, mixed with other rare materials


He knows

did not think of,. Was shot into a sieve

Even if it’s oneself, the skin is rough and fleshy, and the Taoism is profound

If you talk about defensive ability, it is not several times stronger than these cold iron armors.

. . . . . . . .

"Second brother, wait for a while

I will sacrifice these pieces of material first. "

Although this material is good, I have to practice it again

Only by looking at the actual use effect can a decision be made.

This big guy just opened his mouth and vomited

A cyan light spurted from the mouth of this big man in an instant, and then, this cyan light rapidly became bigger

Immediately, in the air

A huge bronze? Slowly spinning, the surface of the clock is engraved with countless patterns of gods and people, exotic animals and rare birds, nebula mountains and rivers

This big guy spit in his mouth

A billowing demon pill, full of azure blue, has been ejected from this big man's mouth.

This demon pill was about the size of a human fist, and it was burning with blue flames.

With a dribbling turn, touch the material floating in the air

In the blink of an eye, this material immediately softened and turned into a puddle of light red with yellow juice.

Seeing the seal demon again, I was envious.

This eldest brother is a huge manatee in his own right.

There is fire in the water, fierce

Therefore, not only the cultivation level of the whole body, but also the top of the several monsters

Moreover, the skill of refining a tool is also the top of several monsters.

This magic weapon, many years ago, was still somewhat broken.

I don't know where this big brother got the treasure

However, by this big brother, after hundreds of years of constant addition of materials, constant sacrifice

The power is indeed getting bigger and bigger.

I saw this manatee’s demon pill, rolling on a few pieces of material

Several pieces of material are all turned into juice.

Then, the big man shook his hands repeatedly

With one gesture

A series of Dharma Seals were immediately formed in this Dharma Talisman.

Immediately afterwards, a series of seals were turned into streamers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ into the materials

This big guy pointed

Several lumps of materials have already flown towards this big bronze clock, and have been submerged in different parts of the big bronze clock.

This manatee has been given this bronze clock for hundreds of years

Already familiar with the sacrifice

Knowing these pieces of material, it should be added to that part of the big clock.

Several lumps of molten material were absorbed by the bell as soon as they touched the surface of the bell.

"Okay. I'll try it."

The big man said in his mouth.

The seal demon had already flashed out a hundred feet away.

The power of this baby, some of them who are little brothers, know

In hundreds of years, it is getting bigger and bigger.

Today, none of them who are young brothers can withstand the blow of this big bronze clock.

The big bronze clock flickered in the air.


There was a melodious bell.

A circle of bronze ripples, like the same circle of cyan light, spreads toward the front quickly


Suddenly dust filled the hard rock wall and choked people.

The big bronze clock shook again, a cyan light shot out, and countless dust instantly turned into nothingness.

A deep and secluded passage appeared, leading to the bottom of the mountain belly

This chapter was uploaded by book friends


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