Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1611: Comprehend

One thousand six hundred and eleven chapters

On the nine golden flowers on the soles of Commissioner Qian’s feet,

Above ten thousand petals,

A rune each appeared, showing a gray-black color, look carefully,

Each rune is composed of tens of thousands of tiny symbols,

These tiny symbols,

Profound and simple,

"You--you have realized this kind of power mystery?

Such a short time? "

Shen Qianyun couldn't believe it,

But the facts before him told him,

This is completely true again.

Monk, the terrifying spells and powers from outside have "blocked, broken, and eliminated"

Stare at different ways of coping.

Blocking is the most commonly used, with its own strength and magic weapon,

Block foreign spells.

Breaking is to break the foreign spells by relying on its own power and legal treasure.

In fact, refining is also a broken one.

Elimination is to eliminate foreign spells

Elimination is the most difficult,

Unless the monk himself is practicing this kind of power system and he has a higher understanding of foreign magic,

Only then can the foreign spells be contained and digested.

Then, foreign spells, like a basin of water, poured into a river, merged with the river.

It cannot cause any harm to the river.

This is the meaning of elimination.

Previously, to deal with the decomposition of the earth from these cracks,

The "blocking" used by the Chairman Qian,

However, Shen Qianyun relied on the magic of Tai Chi and used "refining".

Unexpectedly, it was only a few days later,

Commissioner Qian could actually dissolve the air of decomposition of the earth into the invisible

The magical runes that appeared on the petals of the Duojinhua are exactly the runes that decompose the mystery of the earth.

only if,

This billowing gray-black decomposition gas touched the petals of nine golden flowers,

Immediately disappeared without a trace,

In fact, it has been used by the Qian Da Committee member.

At the same time, the color of the soil in the palace’s palace has deepened a little bit. The various mysterious patterns formed on the petals of the golden flower are also formed in the palace’s soil. .

Suddenly, there was a mysterious and mysterious feeling, and the tidal water generally filled the soil of the divine palace. .

My understanding of the power of the Earth Element has not improved a little.

Commissioner Qian’s shrine,

Immediately become more powerful.

Shen Qianyun only saw Committee Member Qian raise his head.

In his eyes, it became deeper.

Immediately, he was certain,

In these short days, Commissioner Qian had realized this mystery.

"Quit, stop, stop"

Shen Qianyun suddenly knew that he couldn't win this competition.

Shen Qian's operating momentum is also not seen, black and white Tai Chi has slipped out of the range of a hundred meters.

Commissioner Qian did not leave, the eight-sided golden mace was already suspended in the palace,

Hundreds of thousands of gray-black runes,

From the soil of the gods, spray out,

Rushed straight into the eight-sided golden mace,

This is not to add new materials to the eight-sided golden mace.

But to add a new power mystery,

Therefore, there is no need to refine it with real fire.

Suddenly, the gray-black earth decomposing air that had been absorbed before, poured into the eight-sided golden mace, like a sea tide, with a booming sound,

Has shaken the entire palace of Commissioner Qian.

As long as this earth’s decomposition air is absorbed enough,

Within the small world magic image played by the eight-sided golden mace, the earth can spray out the air of this earth decomposition to hurt the enemy at any time.

However, Commissioner Qian felt that

Ever since I realized this gray-black mystery of the decomposition of the earth,

The gray-black gas ejected from the cracks,

It is getting less and less.

But the effect of a time,

In this crack, the gushing black gas stopped unexpectedly

what happened?

Commissioner Qian stepped on the golden flower,

Looking at the crack underneath,

I can't help but look fierce,

This is a shame

Is this crack, smart?

Commissioner Qian wanted to explore the cracks,

Collect more gray-black gas by the way.

But with this idea,

Just can't make a step.


This place is too weird.

The monsters I encountered were also very powerful.

It's best not to go to places like deep in the ground.

Commissioner Qian thought for a while, then flew towards Shen Qianyun.

Haven't spoken yet,

Shen Qianyun said mysteriously: "Old Qian, Chi Nan asked me just now to organize the four diamond flower gods together and leap over this canyon.

With the four-diamond flower gods, even if you encounter that yellow-smoke monster, you are not afraid. "

Commissioner Qian rolled his eyes.

"Did they detect all the monsters in this canyon?

If all the monsters in this gorge have been found out, I would not object. "

The monks who entered this barren ancient world were all monks under the main gods of the wind elements.

Therefore, joint action is simply inevitable.

Shen Qianyun nodded: "It's all explored, and I've been on the monster site with yellow smoke.

Although the monsters are powerful, they occupy the top of each mountain.

The kind of strange bird we encountered, although less powerful, sometimes lived in groups.

If you are flying in the air and you encounter a few strange birds at the same time, that would be very bad. "

When Shen Qianyun said this, Commissioner Qian was silent.

People like Chi Nan can tell at a glance,

Belongs to the fighting madman category.

High combat power.

But this is such a fighting madman,

He even hit a tie with a bird,

If you are flying in the air, come a few more strange birds of that kind,

This result, in the end, is hard to say.

"Old Shen, I think this barren ancient world is very different from the world we live in.

Inside, there is the Avenue of True Dharma. You don’t need to go through the valley. It’s not bad to stay here and learn about the truth~www.wuxiaspot.com~. "

Commissioner Qian said slowly.

Shen Qianyun was dizzy.

Who has the perverted ability of your old money?

"Old Qian, you have gained so much understanding of the profound mystery that you are fighting against, and it's a great way out of my Tai Chi method.

Tai Chi produces everything, and it seems to be far inferior to you. "

Shen Qianyun sighed.

I just want to know,

Commissioner Qian, what kind of tactics are he practicing?

The understanding of the profoundness of the earth is so fast.

Commissioner Qian said haha: "Since everyone is going to read this gorge, let's go to the battle."

In a short while, ten four-diamond flower gods and ten three-diamond flower gods have formed a battle in the air.

The sword light under my feet, the thunder light billows,

Ready to rush through this gorge,

What's on the opposite side of the canyon depends on what is going on.

As for the three-diamond flower gods, they have to stay in place,

He didn't even have the qualifications to participate in this formation, so he had to stay where he was and comprehend the "road of truth" that Old Qian said.

However, they stayed in this deserted ancient world for only 60 days in total.

Do they have the perverted comprehension abilities of the Qian Yuan committee, and one day of comprehension is equivalent to three years of comprehension for ordinary monks without a clone.

In 60 days, only God knows what can be understood.

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