Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1638: Dao machine mighty

One thousand six hundred and thirty-eight chapters

The disciples took the jade slips and retreated happily.

The disciples were happy, but I lost.

Commissioner Qian sighed

Just a few more waves to ask for Dan

The medicinal materials that have been grown in the gods for many years will be consumed.

This head is really not good.

Commissioner Qian began to sit cross-legged, digesting the gains of the adventure

The first one to digest is the Daoji Water Drop.

In the divine palace, water drops from the Dao machine drop from the sky

Fall into the water pool in the mansion of Commissioner Qian.

In the blink of an eye

Daoji water drops into a clear spring, gurgling and flowing, extremely clear, even though it is only a few feet square, it continues to gush out, feeling that it will never dry up.

Like a string of pearls shining in the sun

It is looming, very beautiful.

The water was gurgling, crisp and Riel, suddenly slow and surging.

Sometimes it is like a party with jade, or like a streamer on a flag fluttering in the wind.

Between flowing, it seems like an arc, like a jade hook.

Sometimes it's crystal clear like a stone

Sometimes the deep green like a green sunken melon makes people feel comfortable both physically and mentally.

The water is getting worse

The water streams collide with each other, and the white water vapor, like clouds and mist, floats on the water.

Suddenly the waves crashed, and suddenly the floating current plummeted

The mighty waters of ferocious rage

The bulging waves are like ten thousand mountains rushing, and layers of giant* are rolling down.

It's just a huge pool of thousands of acres, like a mighty giant river.

Commissioner Qian is ethereal, seemingly gaining, and seemingly not gaining.

As if there was no place to live in the heart, and as if in control of everything.

After comprehending the way of water, I have improved my understanding of the mystery of the water system.

The understanding of the profoundness of the water element has improved a bit, and the apricot-yellow light of the four elements of the mysterious fusion has also undergone a mysterious and mysterious change.

A wave of fluctuations spread in the apricot light.

Ripple quickly expanded to the palace of the Qian Chief Commissioner

Then, plunged into the void around the palace.

Commissioner Qian

There seemed to be countless flowers blooming, ripples hovering out of the flowers, filling the whole room.

As the money committee breathes

This wave of waves vibrated mysteriously.

Then, back to the countless flowers, countless flowers, the flowers closed

He withdrew back into the body of Chairman Qian.

It is the apricot light, the performance of power increase.

Apricot light, increased power

The power of each flower also increases.

When it comes to Committee Member Qian's step, every step of the method's improvement is achieved step by step. If you want to use tricks to make your own method quickly improve, the difficulty is not normal.

So, in the deserted mountain

Commissioner Qian, Qianyun Shen, Yun Manchuan met the volley of the Thorns Alliance.

After a few breaths, Commissioner Qian killed a four-diamond flower **** early monk and wounded a four-diamond flower **** early monk.

The same four-diamond flower god, with a big difference in cultivation level, there is no parry.

However, the Tao contained in a drop of water

That's it.

Commissioner Qian opened his eyes

When you move your heart, you know

More than a year has passed.

There really is a feeling that one day in the mountains, the world has been thousands of years old.

The years of cultivation.

However, the immortal Dao is vague, but I don't know where it is.

Reach out and point, nine rays of light burst out like a sword

But it was the nine major disciples who came to receive the medicine.

"Greetings to Master."

The nine major disciples arrived immediately and saluted to the member Qian.

"How about the content in the jade slip?"

Qian Da asked to ask.

Listen to Master’s Questions

The palms of the nine major disciples immediately showed a beam of light, some light like mountains, some light like earth and desert

Some light, like cliffs.

Even the same book

The content of Taoism that different people have enlightened is different.

"Well, I have fifty-four superb elixir here, six for each person, you can take it."

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed out that a jade bottle was already suspended in the air.

I originally said nine pills per person

However, that refers to ordinary spirit pills.

Now, every one of them is the best pill, and a best pill is several times better than the ordinary one.

Commissioner Qian did not hesitate to reduce the pill for everyone to six.

For the remaining fifty-four top-grade pill, Commissioner Qian intends to hand over the money on the planet Earth.

Qian Guo did not come to the plane of Shanhua

On the planet Earth, several countries under the jurisdiction of the Qian Da Committee have merged into a larger country, and Qian has been ruled.

These fifty-four superb elixir

You can also cultivate a group of Jindan masters.

Six top-grade pill, equivalent to more than 20 ordinary pill.

If he took six top-grade pills and still failed to condense the golden pills, this disciple's aptitude would be useless.

"Six top-quality pills?"

When the nine major disciples heard this, everyone's face showed ecstasy.

In their original expectation, each person had only one high-quality pill, which was already very good.

Unexpectedly, there are six best medicine pills per person

Six top-quality pills are equivalent to more than twenty ordinary pills.

Compared with the nine ordinary elixirs promised by the chairman of the committee, the value is much greater

"Long live Master"

"Master Hongfu Qitian"

After the Datong flattery words were thrown out again, the nine direct disciples, satisfied with their soles, stepped back.

Finally finished

Commissioner Qian began to comprehend the evil spirits of black earth. There are many evil spirits in the red earth of the ancient world, some are black, some are white, and some are grey.

All kinds of evil spirits have been collected by the Chief Qian.

The grey air of earth decomposition

Commissioner Qian, has completed his comprehension

I began to comprehend the black earth evil spirit, which was when I met Lu Xuan and the others, he went underground and collected it.

These black earth evil spirits, two diamond flower gods are surrounded

A few breaths are gone.

Commissioner Qian intends to consecrate the power contained in this evil spirit into the eight-sided golden mace

However, this kind of evil spirit is extremely corrosive.

Must thoroughly understand the rules contained in these evil spirits

Concretize these rules into magic circles and make parts of the magic circles

Refining is like a magic weapon

Only then can we add targeted materials to protect the magic weapon itself

Not be corroded by the evil air.

Refining magic weapons is like this

If you can’t comprehend the nature of the power and the magic tricks

Not only will the magic weapon fail to be refined, but the magic weapon will be exploded by the added Taoism and the power.

This is also an entry-level magic weapon, there are many low-level magic weapons

There are few high-level magic weapons, and even fewer super high-level magic weapons.

Commissioner Qian, when his cultivation base is very low

Can refine high-level magic weapons like Zhanhai Sword

The main Nascent Soul, that is, Commissioner Qian, obtained the drawings of Zhan Haijian.

Many power mysteries and rules have been embodied by the designer of Zhanhaijian, and they have been embodied as parts with different numbers.

Connecting these parts is a kind of power that the Slashing Sea Sword exerts.

Commissioner Qian had a full set of parts for the Zhanhai Sword, but he was at a point where he only knew what it was and didn't know why.

Straight road cultivation reached the Four Diamond Flower God, and the four powers were mysteriously integrated.

Committee member Qian discovered that the design of the parts of the Sea Slashing Sword alone is similar to the mysterious power of the water system.

The parts design drawing of Zhanhaijian is enough to comprehend for a while.

Therefore, in order to refine the power of the black earth evil spirit like an eight-sided golden mace, Committee Member Qian must first comprehend the profound power contained in the black earth evil spirit.

In order to embody the power of this black earth evil into various magic circles and parts.

of course,. The main work of this enlightenment

It is completed by the Golden Fruit Shadow Array running the Iron Crown Divine Art.

Commissioner Qian Yuanshen's body, three-color spiritual roots, is pondering the problem of the condensed shadow of the golden fruit

As for Xuanchen's five-qi blessing lotus, I will plant it there first.

The number of spiritual roots in Commissioner Qian’s divine mansion has reached more than 15,000.

Commissioner Qian figured it out

Anyway, the area of ​​my divine palace is constantly expanding

Before finding a new kind of spiritual root

The seeds produced by the existing spiritual roots are planted all the way.

The more spiritual roots, the more special auras.

Even an ordinary tree

More than 15,000 plants can also produce a lot of aura.

Not to mention the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

Nowadays, the aura floating in the air of the Commissioner Qian's Divine Mansion has shown various colors, like strands of morning glow.

It can be seen clearly with the naked eye.

The shadow of the golden fruit of the earth system, the exercises operate

Floating in the air, the aura like a colorful morning glow quickly gathered towards the shadow of the earth-type golden fruit, and the body of the earth-type golden fruit immediately began to swell.

Every expansion

The color is like a morning glow, all on the surface of the shadow of the golden fruit of the earth element, intertwined with a faintly dense layer of boldness, like a silk screen.

Become full of heights

Except for the color of the whole body, it is exactly the same as the real portrait.

Courage, the real headache for Qian

Next, we must condense the arm.

And the condensed arm must have magical powers.

This magical power is the supreme mystery contained in the various auras in the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only in this way, it makes sense to condense a few more arms.

Otherwise, condense a few more arms

Is there a hairy use?

If you want your arm to have magical powers, you must first comprehend the rules contained in the aura of various colors.

In the final analysis, it is back to the comprehension of the Golden Fruit Shadow Array.

The root of the three-color spirit, shaking for a while.

This is embarrassing.

The enlightenment task of the Golden Fruit Shadow Array is already full.

I can't spare any more energy at all.

"Rumble, crackle---"

A blast of thunder came from outside the mountain gate.

Commissioner Qian takes back his mind

"Come on, what's the matter?"

The maid came in with a crackle

Commissioner Qian’s spirit has already been figured out

what is the problem.

Meng Dali was crossing the catastrophe. Once the Golden Core Tribulation was over, the Golden Core was established, but he was used to it just now, and then he raised the head of the boss and asked.

"The head of the enlightenment, it is the chief senior brother Meng Dali who has crossed the golden core."

The maid looked at Commissioner Qian as if there was a rare gem in front of her.

Commissioner Qian gave over 50 pills of the best medicine at once, but she knew it all.

Isn't it because of these medicines that Meng Dali achieved the golden pill?


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