Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1649: Negotiate

One thousand six hundred and forty-nine chapters of negotiation

However, those medicine kings and medicine emperors were not so easy to deal with.

After practicing to the four-diamond flower god's strength, maybe

What are the special mysteries and laws.

It's not so coping.

What surprised Commissioner Qian was that

Within one plane, several monsters turned into elixir of 100,000 years appeared unexpectedly

A large group of elixir for more than ten thousand years

This is unreasonable

How can an ordinary plane have such aura support?

What if----what if there is something more powerful?

The more Commissioner Qian thought about it, the more he felt that this aspect of the Thai position, the occurrence of this matter, was a bit strange.

"When will the attack be launched?"

Member Qian asked again.

Wujiazhou is depressed

But when I saw Committee Member Qian, he seemed to have changed his mind.

Wu Jiazhou is a joy. If he returns empty-handed, it is really hard to explain to Chairman Feng.

"At least a year and a half later. Just a few forces uniting this framework to build this framework will be busy for a while.

Old money, consider carefully. "

Wu Jiazhou said.

Heavenly Earth Star, Taibai Legion, Eagle Division, and other small forces added together

There are more people.

When the time comes, whoever is the master and who is the deputy, there will be a quarrel.

After the general framework is completed, the expedition can proceed.

Also, a message was uploaded from the Thai location

Searched with a lot of search methods

There are no traces of those panacea, a hundred thousand years panacea

On the search for Taoism

It is not displayed at all.

Therefore, delaying the attack for more than a year is not a problem at all.

"Jiazhou, you and I have not seen you for many years, I will treat you well

Come on. "

Commissioner Qian shouted.

Several Xiaoting's beauties just came.

"Take a good hospitality to Master Wu, Master Wu has been my friend for many years."

Commissioner Qian pointed to Wu Jiazhou and said.

Wu Jiazhou is also smiling.

Commissioner Qian

At least it shows that he did not completely reject it, still very promising.

Wu Jiazhou left surrounded by the beauties, and went down to wait for the reply from the Chief Qian.

Commissioner Qian walked into the back room, and an object similar to a small altar stood quietly in the middle of the room. On the altar, there were countless complicated patterns. These complicated patterns were all carved from rare metals and minerals. to make

The ultra-long-range plane communication array is located here.

However, every time it is activated, it costs a lot of fairy stones.

Therefore, Commissioner Qian is rarely used.

Reach out

A ray of light shines

Panaga’s plane and space coordinates have been entered into the ultra-long-range plane communication array

A blurry screen appears in the space

A few glare flashes

A bronzed face appears on the screen

About 30 years old

Black hair tied up

Use a black ribbon to tie your forehead, with a broad forehead and a straight nose

The eyes are slightly elongated, with a soft look.


It hasn't changed at all as it was when fighting for the gravity pool years ago.

"Old Qian, congratulations on your promotion to Four Diamond Flower God."

Panagar's name for the Qian Dao Committee has changed from the former Qian Daoist to Old Qian.

However, how does Commissioner Qian think about Panagar’s expression

A bit sour.

This is also the case that Panaga has passed through the ancient Biluo realm and is supported by the Taibai Legion

Recently, my own cultivation level hit the early stage of the Four Diamond Flower God

Unexpectedly, the news from the pharmacist Li

Commissioner Qian’s cultivation level has the upper hand against the mid-stage cultivators of the Four Diamond Flower God.

You know, this is the Four Diamond Flower God

Early stage, middle stage, peak

The difference in every realm

It was as great as the difference between the Jindan monk and the foundation building monk.

The higher the cultivator, the greater the difference in realm between the same rank

Correspondingly, the greater the difficulty of raising a realm.

According to Pharmacist Li, he is no opponent at all against the committee member Qian.

In Panaga's heart, that is called a Bai Wei Chen Za.

"Where, where, we make progress together

Panagar, the Taibai Army and the Sky Star, and the Eagle Division will jointly attack the Taiyuan area? "

After listening to Commissioner Qian's question

Panaga also nodded.

Such important news will naturally be known to someone with a cultivation level like Commissioner Qian.

"Then, in the future, Feng Bi Aolin, where is he in your consortium?"

Member Qian asked

This is the key issue.

Panaga hesitated

Your old money asked this question, in fact, to understand, if you yourself join this consortium, what is your status in the consortium?

If this person joins the confederation, his position in the confederation will compete with his own.

Like Commissioner Qian, he has a small sect and has a high level of cultivation.

It is certainly impossible to become the head of the consortium.

However, he has more advanced cultivation and combat power than the four-diamond flower **** mid-stage, and has a history of pharmacists as friends

In the consortium, it can definitely occupy a not low position.

Come to think of it, I am the deputy commander of the Taibai Army

Commissioner Qian is a very likely competitor.

Then he said, "Well, how many of them are talking about it.

At least recently, there will be no results.

However, you join in the old money

The status will not be higher than Feng Bi Aolin, after all, Feng Bi Aolin masters a plane of cultivation with a long history and great strength. "

This Panaga, it sounds like

Compared with Sky Earth

This mountain flower plane that I own

It's just not long after opening

White, it's just a bigger Dongfu

And on the planet earth

Compared with many schools of Dongfu

In addition to the larger area, the celestial stone reserves are a bit more

In other environments, for example, the arrangement of spiritual veins is far inferior to those of the Dongfu of the cultivation sect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If I join in, what position can I get. "

Commissioner Qian finally asked the core question.

"I don't know this either."

Panaga replied.

"Then---Well, if you have work, we will talk another day."

Commissioner Qian closed the ultra-long-distance communication array.

Flick the sleeves

Panagar this kid

It's just fooling me.

Think about it

Commissioner Qian, stretched out his hand again

A ray of light penetrated into the ultra-long-range plane communication array.

This time, inside the light, is the communication coordinates of Li Yaoshi.

The light flashes continuously again

The face of Pharmacist Li appeared.

"Old money, I'm just looking for you, but I really don't have time

You Tianyangxing, you want to unite our Gripen Legion and Taibai Legion, as well as a Corridor of Beasts, to form a consortium, you know, let’s discuss it here

Feng Bi Aolin came but didn't see you. "

Commissioner Qian shrugged

The corner of his mouth curled: "Li Yaoshi just sent someone to tell me about this, and he also said that you are going to jointly attack the surface of Thailand.

Pharmacist, you and I have established this consortium, what position can we occupy in it? "

Commissioner Qian, this time, it is us.


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