Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1666: forward

One thousand six hundred and sixty-six chapters forward

"You **** can eat food by slowing down there"

Gao Yu, this master is more direct

He shouted directly at the subordinate who was passing through the portal.

A pair of eyes is more like a wolf.

The elixir that has been transformed into a human form for 18,000 years is a rare item even in Xiuzhenfang City.

Unexpectedly, Commissioner Qian killed 20 people casually and could capture Yixue Angelica and Red Fangfeng.

Siege of Tyrannosaurus

But there are a hundred thousand monks

The collision of large battle formations is earth-shaking.

The tyrannosaurus legion’s cone formation at the forefront of the big formation, occasionally broken

Continuous here

Attacking like a heavy rain in the sky

There is no time to open the main battle behind

Let the monks who were broken up in front enter

Otherwise, even if it is open for a few tenths of an instant

The sword light thunder that destroys the world

It will blast a huge hole in the main battle.

There are dozens of them at once, and a hundred streams of light scattered and fled

Followed by a large group of chasing sword lights immediately, escape light

Like a vulture, flapping its wings and following closely.


Li pharmacist, Qian Da committee member, Gao Yu, Feng. Biolin entered with several deputy army commanders

Jianguang rises into the sky, crisscross

All monks who approach them, no matter which side they are, will be destroyed by the sword.

Few people with superb cultivation

Escaped back

For a while

But he never dared to come again.

Commissioner Qian heard the enthusiasm in Gao Yu's tone, and it was as if he had beaten him with blood.


How can these plant monsters be so easy to clean up?

See the formation of the Tyrannosaurus Legion

There are only forty thousand people left.

In other words, there are no more than 20,000 cultivators, including those who run away.

Twenty thousand cultivators, in many planes, devote the power of all planes

I can't collect 20,000 monks

Besides, just now I killed dozens of monks, when I was cutting off the snow angelica and the red wind demon.

The counterattack issued by Wannianxue Angelica and Red Windproof Demon

A white sword light, a red sword light, just a brush

Let the blood of Qian's body surface

In a thousand minutes of time

Almost frozen

Although the mana in Commissioner Qian’s body is like a tsunami, a frenzy

This effect has been broken in an instant.

One thousandth of an instant

It's not worth mentioning at all.

Don't talk about fighting with this group of monks around Jin Dan

Even if it’s fighting the Four Diamond Flower God

The blood circulation in the body stops for a thousandth of an instant

It's just a weak influence.

This snow angelica and red parsnip

The attack that came out was able to traverse the bodyguard method of Commissioner Qian

Fortunately, this effect only affects the surface of the body

If it’s snow angelica and red fangfeng, the cultivation base should be higher

More quantity

Commissioner Qian wondered

I will suffer.

Anyway, the three hundred disciples he brought from Fengyangmen were ranked last.

People from the Taibai Army and the Griffin Army, each of them gathered hundreds of people

Add up

There are already more than a thousand people

Li Yakushi and Taka Yuichi total

The pair of the storm wolves

The number is large, but very scattered.

In the past ten years, there has been an attacker of hundreds

All red

Just a pair of green eyes, and I don’t know what monster it is

Driving the sword light, whistling and circling, staring at this side

Like a burning cloud in the sky

Moreover, these crimson monsters have white dangling things on their chests.


It turned out to be a human skeleton

Some are new in condition, and some are in old condition.

It seems that Tai locates the missing monk

Fallen monk of the violent wolf legion

part of it

Just above these skulls.

Although the Storm Wolf Army is the enemy of the combined fleet

But, in any case, human monks have the upper hand

See this scene

Of course, my heart is more upset.

Just kill them first

Give an order

More than a thousand swords light spread like ocean tide

Pounced towards the burning cloud.

At this time, the legion issued an order, but it could completely set aside Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian had no choice but to pretend to admire the war in the distance.

The burning cloud of red sword light

It looks like

Burning like a raging flame

However, in fact, Commissioner Qian did not feel much heat

The red sword light, the temperature and the surrounding air

Almost no different

The shouting and killing sounded loudly, and thousands of sword lights glided across the sky, and everyone was watching

Hit the fire cloud with one head.

Hundreds of scarlet sword lights, that would show weakness

Cut diagonally in the sky

Between the crisscross, as if covering half of the sky, the momentum is no less than the thousand swords of light.

"Boom boom boom"

Jianhong thunder fire full of torture

More than a hundred silhouettes, splashed with blood

With a scream

Planted towards the ground

The eyes of Li Yaoshi and Gao Yu suddenly widened

This time, among the more than 100 people who planted on the ground

Among the members of the Griffin Army and the Taibai Army

Occupy more than 60%

In this fight

The monks of the Gripen Legion and the Taibai Legion are actually at a disadvantage

What surprised the pharmacist and the legionnaire was

Some scarlet sword light, obviously did not slash the fighters on his side

The sword light of the attack burst upon contact with the body guard

However, the fighters under attack couldn’t help but escape immediately.

Plant one end toward the ground.

The attack that followed immediately worked.

The red light, the temperature is no different from the clouds in the sky

How could this be?

A Centurion of Taibai Legion was furious

A few big guys are watching

Isn't this too shameful?

With a sharp scream: "Crush to me----"

The figure has turned into a streamer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just a punch, a spin

A green glow in his hand cuts diagonally like electricity, just for a moment

The other four crimson monks

Has been cut diagonally in half

Crimson and sticky blood flew up.

Immediately, several red lights, crossed

Several companions behind him shoot swords

Sword light spreads, like a rainbow and lightning

Has blocked several sword lights

In the sudden burst, the light of the explosion rushed to a hundred meters, and the centurion had already enveloped it.

It stands to reason that the aftermath of the collision of sword light is for a centurion-level master

It doesn't matter at all.

But the centurion made a scream

Driving this sword light, already from the aftermath of the explosion

Staggered out

"Be careful of these scarlet sword lights, which can cause the blood and mana in the body to be chaotic together"

He just screamed in horror

Even Committee Member Qian could hear clearly.

The centurion’s sword light was swaying.

Several red lights, one staggered, have already crossed from behind

"His head is mine"

Several shrill yells and sounded at the same time


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