Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1714: ?Grass

At this moment,

Commissioner Qian is full of stars twinkling,

Countless stars rotate, deep and distant, as if it were a cluster of nebula.

In a blink of an eye, countless stars, all in the body of the money committee,

Mind movement,

A few more hidden xué orifices were rushed away.

Happy in my heart,

Immediately urge Qing Qi, and rush towards the remaining hidden xué orifice.

However, progress is as slow as ever.

Could it be that I just turned into a small herbal medicine and entered the state of comprehension to the world, and could actually strengthen the power of refreshing?

Commissioner Qian wondered,

It may well be so.


Clean, even though Commissioner Qian has been using it for a long time,

But it is the understanding and mastery of Qingqi,

It is still at a very low level.

Incarnate into a small herbal material with divine mind, it was taught by Chibian just now.

Thinking for a long time,

Also not clear,

Just go to the teleportation hall of Phongyangmen,

Reached out and pointed, the light flickered.

Go to Tianyangxing.

Around the teleportation array, countless monks shuttled.

This is before going out,

The necessary preparations.

In the remote teleportation array in front of him, a light flashed.

Another monk from the outer plane came.

"Who, show your ID card"

A dozen guards yelling

Just look at the person in front of him, his figure flashed with stars,

It's just that the stars twinkle,

A dozen guards,

We fell to the sky together.

"Puff, puff, puff"


The dozen guards were shocked.

Tian Yangxing, became the headquarters of the Galaxy Fleet,

This monk guarding the teleportation array,

It’s not the grade of the Golden Core cultivator.

All two diamond flower gods, or three diamond flower gods.

Come on, but the light flashes,

With this power,

Over a dozen two-diamond flower gods and three-diamond flower gods have been overwhelmed.

If you start,

The hundreds of monks from the Galaxy Fleet around this teleportation formation,

I am afraid it will be slaughtered.

"I don't even know me anymore, is there any elder in my eyes"

A dozen people hurriedly got up, their swords drawn.

Look carefully at the person in front of you.

For a long time, these more than a dozen two-diamond flower gods and three-diamond flower gods looked at each other.

The Galaxy Fleet was established for decades,

All the upper floors,

They are all familiar with it.

There is only one person who has never seen Lu on the planet Earth for decades,

I only heard that that person is a terrible master.

Although, the senior officials of the Galaxy Fleet,

They all have images.

However, if I haven't watched it for decades, I have forgotten many.

When this person comes,

After watching for a long time, everyone finally recognized,

This person is the legend, and the master of the Tiangong Hall is now the Tiangong Hall.

Sure enough, this rumored first lazy figure in the Galaxy Fleet has a terrifying cultivation base.

A high cultivation base is better than anything else.

Despite the dozens of two-diamond flower gods and three-diamond flower gods,

He was very disdainful of the lazy figure of Commissioner Qian.

However, one by one respectfully salutes.

"I have seen the Lord of Heavenly Work, the villain is ignorant and did not recognize the Lord of Heavenly Work. Please forgive the Lord."

Commissioner Qian waved his hand, it is really unreasonable for these gatekeepers to not recognize who they are.

Came to Tiangong Temple.

The Galaxy Fleet was established for decades,

He is the master of the Tiangong Temple,

Only been here once.

Come again now,

The guardian monk in the Temple of Heavenly Work also doesn't remember who Commissioner Qian is.

Needless to say, the sign of the head of the Tiangong Temple, the member of the Qian, showed that this meeting,

No more polite.

The gatekeeper of the Tiangong Temple is his own subordinate,

Commissioner Qian just stretched out his hand,

It seems that there is an invisible hand in the air, twitching continuously.

"Papa Papa"

The faces of several janitor disciples were all swollen to Lao Gao.

There are a few disciples who transported the bodyguard to fight.

Body light,

Just a flash,

It was smashed and shattered, protecting the body, and there was nothing the same.

Fell to the ground,

It turned out to be faint.

Let you strengthen your memory.

Wait until Commissioner Qian came to that luxurious and sophisticated office.

Everyone in the Tiangong Temple knows,

When the Temple of Heaven was built,

The Lord Qian, who had only met once, finally came.


The people in the Tiangong Temple are all elites of the Taibai Army, the Griffin Army, and the Marble City.

The system rules are very complete.

Commissioner Qian, the lord of the palace, has not gone to work for decades.

Tiangong Temple is also running very well.

And the magic weapon used by the monks,

As long as the quality is good,

Some magic weapons take a long time to temper.

For decades, hundreds of years.

In the Temple of Heaven, there are some great magic weapons being made.

When Commissioner Qian came last time,

Start making,

Until now, it has not been finished yet.

Therefore, there are not many backlogs in the Tiangong Temple.

Commissioner Qian, it took a few days to finish the matter.

Today’s Tiangong Temple, some very precious medicinal materials have formed a huge medicinal garden.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

There are a lot of medicinal materials, which I have never heard of.

He immediately ordered to pick a few of these medicinal materials and prepare them to be transplanted into his own palace.

Unexpectedly, the person stepped forward: "My lord, the age of these medicinal materials is more than 500 years. If you want to pick these medicinal materials, you need to apply for the alchemist who refines the pill. Three committee members will approve it at the same time. "


So strict?

"When is this rule?"

Commissioner Qian asked with a frown.

"This medicine garden, soon after the establishment, the committee established this regulation."


But in my heart is contempt.

When the medicine garden was established,

Commissioner Qian, the manager of the Temple of God, was not even present.

What kind of palace master is this?

"Then collect a few years and fewer seeds. That's fine."

Commissioner Qian said.

Oh, this is fine.

The person nodded and went to handle it immediately.

Plant these few medicinal materials and seeds into your own palace.

He ordered people to go to the law enforcement hall.

Hall Master of Law Enforcement, Liu Sisi, please come over.

Commissioner Qian is the **** of flowers with four diamonds, and Liu Sisi is the **** of flowers with three diamonds.

How could Commissioner Qian go to see her.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the person to report.

"Lord Liu of the Law Enforcement Hall, has come."


Commissioner Qian waved,

But immediately changed his mind.

"I personally greet."

Liu Sisi is the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, and this face is still to be given.

Liu Sisi's face is more prettier, and her graceful posture is outstanding.

When I saw Commissioner Qian, I just smiled: "Old Qian is so elegant, and the Temple of God's Work has been open for decades, but he didn't even see a figure in the Temple of God's Work."

"Where, where, all these years I have been collecting precious medicinal materials and cherished materials for the Galaxy Fleet."

Commissioner Qian said haha.

Made up an excuse indiscriminately.

Liu Sisi looked at Commissioner Qian's eyes and became more complicated.

Commissioner Qian is now like a starry sky,

Gives a sense of infinite breadth and distance.

Obviously, it was because of the absorption of a lot of the power of stars.

"Old Qian, you are really strong in star power."

Liu Sisi said so.

Commissioner Qian already has an extra storage bag in his hands.

There are countless stars around,

At a glance, it is made from many materials that contain strong starlight.

Liu Sisi stretched out her hand to take it, and swept away her spiritual thoughts.

After a while, it was scanned and found that there were indeed 300 million Starlight Pills.

"If it's not enough, I still have it here."

Another storage bag,

Appeared in the hands of Commissioner Qian.

Liu Sisi's face changed.

This person definitely has a very strong star formation

"Here I have six seeds of the jasmine grass. When they grow up, their shape is like a jasmine, which can produce yellow sè fresh air.

A thousand years of growth can produce yellow clear air,

However, the effectiveness of the yellow clear air is worse than the purple clear air produced by the purple tree.

The plants that can produce fresh air are too few and too precious. The six seeds are the limit I can get from the Eternal Origin.

I don't know the old money, what is the purpose of taking your breath away? "

Commissioner Qian watched Liu Sisi for a long time.

do not know either,

Does Liu Sisi know that Qing Qi can temper a magic weapon?

However, plants that can produce fresh air,

Really few,

The dignified Eternal Land, the plane built by the Lord Biyou himself,

This is the only way to produce refreshing qi from purple trees and lily grass.

Moreover, this freshness is really different with Yan sè,

The effectiveness is different.

Just the six seeds of the gibbon, it's like getting the 300 million Starlight Pills for yourself, too expensive.

The 300 million starlight pill, within the Zhoutian star formation,

Easy to come.

However, give it a try out of the Zhou Tianxing Star Array.

With a general starlight formation,

A hundred years' time may not be enough.

"Old money still needs tactics, Lao Feng has already told me.

I still have a few books of the Eternal Principles here, take a look. "

As he said, Liu Sisi reached out and pointed.

Several brilliant and colorful books have appeared before the Qian.

The Taoist books of the Eternal Land are all woven from strange grasses, and they are kept for a long time.

Commissioner Qian reached out and fetched a copy of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and flipped it, and it was just one eyebrow.

This technique is profound,

My own four-diamond flower god, just a cursory look over it, and it was enlightening.

I turned over the four books of law,

It turned out to be profound.

Commissioner Qian was taken aback.

I heard Liu Sisi say: "The Lord Biyou, the main body has fallen, and there are several powerful clones in the Eternal Land.

Taking out the secret tactics from the Eternal Plains, choosing those who are predestined to teach them, and improving the cultivator's combat power is exactly what Biyou Lord God clone means. "

When Liu Sisi said this, Committee Member Qian sneered in her heart.

These books

The magic trick was obtained by himself with 300 million Starlight Pills.

Equivalent exchange, and your eternal origin, there is a relationship with Mao.

"Yes, yes, really profound."

Commissioner Qian still nodded, the trick is good.

In front of Liu Sisi, the act of deliberately lowering the price was just a laugh.

"400 million Starlight Pill is worth it."

Liu Sisi said.

Commissioner Qian thought for a while and nodded: "It's worth it, and I'll give you another 100 million Starlight Pills."

Within the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, the Fengyangmen monk practiced several times faster than ordinary people, and his aptitude was ten times better.

These four tactics, plus the six seeds of the lily grass, are indeed worth 400 million Starlight Pills


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