Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1727: Destroy

Commissioner Qian opened the communication circle, shaking his head in his heart

Only so

To completely suppress the four-diamond flower gods of these six monster races, only this monster in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul can produce

It can be done.

Laoli, you became the first committee member of this joint fleet

It's really a disadvantage

Tai fought face-to-face and returned without success. This time, it was the same again, but it was just a few more trophies.

I really don't know how Li Yaoshi justified himself in the Galaxy Fleet.

It seems that although this boss is very beautiful and has a lot of benefits, but there are more difficulties.


A huge shock

On the body of a thousand-zhang blue dragon, the symbols are flying everywhere

Hovering in the air, a person appeared above the dragon's head.

A quaint bowl suspended above the head

Numerous vines protruded from the bowl to protect this person.

It seemed to drift with the wind, exuding a beautiful green light, but it formed an unusually tight battle.

The vines inside seem to have a boundless feeling.

This person is the Li pharmacist.

There was a person opposite him, under his feet a cloud of purple light, like countless purple sword lights, gathered together, floating up and down.

This person wears a crown and a robe, with a clean face and a hint of dust.

How can there be the slightest devilish air.

It is Profound Sky Demon Saint.

The protagonist who caused this incident.

Pharmacist Li has the vision

With a mouth, a five-color brilliance spit out, turning into a big five-color lotus flower, and it turned around Li Yaoshi.

This is Xuan Chen's Five Qi Blessing Lotus

Commissioner Qian was still placed in the God’s Mansion, allowing this Xuanchen Five Qi lotus to grow

Li Yaoshi had already used a large number of refining masters from the Eagle Division to refine this Xuanchen Five Qi Lotus Flower Sacrifice into a magic weapon.

of course

Xuan Chen's Five Qi Blessing Lotus, such high-end materials

Refining took a lot of time

Want to maximize power

But also in the gods

It takes a lot of time to temper.

Li Yaoshi also fought against Tianxuan for one day, which was comparable.

I wonder if I can't win.

I, the leader of the Galaxy Fleet, really can’t save this face.

Just gritted his teeth

Released the Xuanchen Wuqi Fulin Lotus that had not yet been fully refined.

When this lotus flower came out, the whole body of the pharmacist

Surrounded by a breath of peace.

Sky Profound Demon Saint's face changed suddenly.

The magic weapon used by monks, no matter how beautiful the appearance

Without exception, they are all killers.

"Lord Li's reputation has been admired for a long time.

Lord Li and I have no grievances and no grudges. Are we really going to fight to death today? "

Sky Profound Demon Saint said.

Demon intuition

Make him feel

Once this magic weapon is used, it will be terrifying.

"Hmph, Tianxuan, if you bring someone from the blue master **** to station on this plane, my Galaxy Fleet will be able to live well in the future?

What nonsense are you talking about here? "

Master Li Yao was also reluctant, so he sacrificed Xuanchen's five qi blessing lotus flowers.

Treasures that have not been fully tempered, once they are fully used, their realm will immediately regress.

At this moment, "beep---"

The remote communication instrument sounded.

"What's the matter? Old Qian, I heard that there was an attack on your side, and there were heavy casualties on your side, but there are two four-diamond flower gods"

Although in battle

However, the situation in each major city.

The pharmacist of the calendar is still clear.


A few of the members of Qian’s meeting

I cleaned up the Gray Mang Demon Saint and disappeared

Almost let the medicine master in the battle fall from the escape in shock.

Although I know that Commissioner Qian’s cultivation speed is strange

However, the progress of Commissioner Qian’s level of cultivation is too enchanting, right?

It has only been decades since the last meeting between Pharmacist Li and Commissioner Qian?

Cultivation to four diamond flower god

The life span is at least three thousand years, and more than eight thousand years.

For decades, for the Four Diamond Flower God

It's about the same as a few days for ordinary people.

I heard that Commissioner Qian set up a huge star array on a private plane owned by the Giant Rock Earth God.

Could it be the progress of old money

Is it related to the star array?

What happened to the Profound Plane of the sky, how to say, I also got the Shanhua Plane to see.

However, here, Pharmacist Li decided that, whatever the matter, he had to suppress Committee Member Qian.

Otherwise, he, the true leader of the Galaxy Fleet, would become like a supporting role next to Commissioner Qian.

Damn, Commissioner Qian is furious

The matter of being attacked by the blood red demon saint, you come out and talk about it.

Why didn't you tell me about the thing that I have beaten the Gray Mang Demon Saint to nowhere and dare not look back?

You've been fighting for a day, and even a Profound Sky Demon Saint can't keep it up. You're embarrassed to tell me something.

"I met a guy in the middle stage of Yuanying Flower God, he has a suggestion, do you like it?"

Commissioner Qian said so.

Local sound

The Xuanchen Five Qi Forint Lotus, which was gathering momentum, trembled.

Yuanying Flower God's mid-term guy


Commissioner Qian's Zhanhai Sword is not very useful.

"Ah----what does he want to say, take it quickly."

Li Yaoshi's tone eased.

Mountain-like pangolin

Appeared in front of Li Yaoshi.

Of course, under countless vines fluttering

The Profound Demon Sage on the opposite side couldn't see what Li Yao Master was doing.

Heavy and long-term fluctuations were reflected from the communication artifact.

Immediately, Pharmacist Li confirmed what Commissioner Qian said---this giant pangolin was really the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying Flower God in the middle stage.

Li pharmacist's mouth

A bit of bitterness came over.

Yuanying Flower God Mid-term

With this one person, it is enough to destroy the entire Galaxy Fleet coming this time!

Listening to the giant pangolin, he said the conditions again without hesitation.

Li Yaoshi's face immediately turned green, getting greener.

As blue as an evil spirit.

The Galaxy Fleet fought twice, with no success every time, even the named committee member Qian Da

All feel really shameful.

Not to mention the actual commander of Li Pharmacist.

Moreover, this time the battle of the Profound Sky

The casualties of the Galaxy Fleet were much larger than those in the Battle of Tai Positioning.

But after much deliberation, what can be done?

Pharmacist Li nodded and said, "Listen to the predecessors. I don't know the name of the predecessors?"

Pharmacist Li answered simply and neatly.

"Just call me the real person of the vast boundlessness. You will use the communication magic weapon to take in the image of the Tianxuan child."

"it is good."

Pharmacist Li nodded.

Countless vines

An exquisite magical instrument stretched out.

Like a gem.

"What kind of attack is this? There is no fluctuation at all."

Sky Profound Demon Saint just sneered.

In the gem

Deep yellow light flashes

It's not enough to describe it as lightning.

Profound Sky Demon Saint's secret path is not good, just want to get out.

But that deep yellow brilliance

As if occupying my own soul in an instant

A wave of fluctuations seemed to fall straight from above the nine heavens.

The whole person became unable to move in an instant.

The Fa Jue moved quickly, and the feeling of being imprisoned in the whole body was relieved.

But that deep yellow brilliance

Already hit

A loud bang

Sky Profound Demon Saint, I only feel the familiar sky in front of me

Instantly turned into countless pieces

The last consciousness told the Profound Demon Saint that this was not the fragments that the sky turned into, but that it turned into fragments by itself.

"How can there be such a master on the Profound Sky plane----"

This was Profound Sky Demon Saint, the last thought before the bottom of the pool lost all consciousness.

Pharmacist Li, Commissioner Qian, all grow up with mouths

The deep yellow light bombarded the past, as if neither fast nor slow.

However, Profound Sky Demon Saint stood stupidly.

Was hit by a deep yellow light

The whole person seems to pause

Then, it burst open suddenly.

Seeing the same level as Li Pharmacist

Sky Profound Demon Saint, turned into a cloud of blood

Pharmacist Li looked down at the giant pangolin in the image

Commissioner Qian looked at his communication weapon.

What the communication device transmits is only some images and sounds.

Therefore, the transmission distance is very long

The power that can smash a four-diamond flower **** or above cultivator in one fell swoop

How big is that?

The total energy of 100 million communication magical instruments is probably not as big as the panglan giant armor.

Commissioner Qian’s spiritual mind quickly scanned every component of the communication artifact.

But it is strange.

Every component of communication instrument

No damage at all.

How did such a powerful attack pass through the communication magical device without causing a little damage to the communication magical device?

Commissioner Qian was extremely puzzled.

Fortunately, these fluctuations are still preserved in the communication instrument.

These fluctuations are mysterious and weird.

With the current level of the Qian Chief Committee, it is impossible to understand.

Seeing these fluctuations will dissipate.

The shadow of Jin Guo deduced the array and started to operate at full capacity.

Remember these fluctuations as much as possible

This was the first time that Commissioner Qian saw the action of the mid-stage cultivator of Yuanying Flower God.

Moreover, once shot, it is more mysterious

Even through the communication magic weapon, killed a four-diamond flower **** mid-stage tens of thousands of miles away.

You know, this communication tool

Commissioner Qian took a breath, it might collapse.

"You guys, return the treasure to others, don't be so naughty."

The pangolin giant said to the five little demons.

The five little demons made a grimace at Commissioner Qian: "This is also a treasure, these tatters are not rare for us."

Five storage bags were thrown over.

Commissioner Qian was overjoyed: "Hey, of course, of course----"

These treasures are all my own.

My colleagues from the Sixth Battle Flag team asked

There is such a giant monster, of course I haven't got it.

This is, this giant pangolin reaches out

A few thin pages of paper floated over to Committee Member Qian.

"In the future, don't use the Yaozu directly with condensed milk weapons. I think you have caught a lot.

This is the Profound Pill Power Secret Art, which can temper the spirit of the monster beast with the magic realm of the magic weapon, so that the monster can live in the magic realm of the magic weapon in its flesh.

In addition, this profound pill vigorous tactic

The monster beast can be cultivated to increase the true power of the monster itself.

Bringing you here, this is your compensation. "

The pangolin is finished

Commissioner Qian was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly.

"Real Cangman, don't worry, those monsters, I will never refine them and magic weapons into one."

It turned out that this vast real person saw that he was using the Six Snake Wind and Fire Sword, the Six Snake Wind and Fire Sword, which refining the six-headed Fire Snake and the Flying Sword into one.

Worried about the monster beasts that they will catch, they will also be processed according to the law, and they will be refined with magic weapons and flying swords.

To be honest, this refining method can quickly increase the power of the magic weapon flying sword, but it is cruel to the monster.

This pangolin is really for the sake of monsters.

Member Qian smiled in his heart.

I have already read the Xuan Dan Vigorous Jue once.

"Huh? Although there are only a few pages of paper, there is also a mystery?

It can be used to cultivate one's own power. "

The power referred to here refers to the power possessed by the body of Chairman Qian.

Since opening the hidden hole and tempering the body with countless stars

Commissioner Qian discovered that the power of the physical body is constantly growing.

Starlight accumulates in the body and reaches a certain level

The physical strength, which was hard to grow, grew again.

In other words, temper the body with starlight to a certain degree.

Unexpectedly surpasses many techniques for cultivating the physical body

"Is this the so-called Taoist natural meaning? Any tactics, in the final analysis, are carried out by imitating a certain phenomenon in nature."

Commissioner Qian wondered

The role of the star battle array this week seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

Although it is still unable to compare with its own mana.

Commissioner Qian wanted to discover that under the tempering of countless stars

How much power can still emerge.

Under the continuous action of starlight, where is the limit?

There is almost no suspense about the rest.

The sword is like a frost, the imperial emissary of thousands of feet of red thunder fire, violently bombarding

But it was violently bombarded by hundreds of millions of black awns surrounding the thousand-foot-long red-blue thunder fire

In the agitation of light, countless arrows shot, like dozens of volcanic eruptions.

However, after receiving a communication message, Jian Rushuang dubiously moved the communication magic weapon towards the billions of black fine lights in one fell swoop.

A deep yellow light blasted out from the gem-sized communication artifact

Straight into the billions of black lights

Jian Rushuang was shocked

At this moment

A huge shock

Hundreds of thousands of black awns, shooting towards the surrounding like a volcanic eruption

At the center of the outbreak, there was a cloud of blood splashing all over.

As soon as the deep yellow light came out, the four-diamond flower **** of the demon race inside the billions of black awns was bombarded and killed.

Jian Rushuang: "Ah"

When the three four-diamond flower gods from the main **** of Qingdou were completely extinguished by the deep yellow light blasted from the communication magic weapon

There are still two demon saints on the Profound Sky plane, the blood red demon holy river, the red scale demon saint.

Without exception, they wore the most flattering smiles on their faces: "It turned out to be the ancestor of the boundless ancestor, and I heard the reputation of the ancestor of the boundless ancestor. It has been a long time, but I have no chance to see it. Today I have to see the true face of the ancestor. Extremely"

It turned out that the name of the Cangmang Zhenren was called the Cangmang Zhenren, but others called him the Cangmang ancestor.

Damn, if I can advance to the Nascent Soul, I will definitely give myself an incomparable reputation.

The six main cities, not to mention the treasures in the city, before being handed over to the ancestors

Almost wiped out.

Even the demons in the city, those with a high level of cultivation, and those who had not had time to run, were also arrested in large numbers.

Had it not been for the thunder lion with long horns to stop it.

Monster Race in the City

Those with a high repair base were almost caught

Several deputy captains of the Sixth Battle Flag Team

Ask the money committee member to ask about the baby

Commissioner Qian pushed Thunder Lions into their hands, but didn't return it.

Several deputy captains of the Sixth Battle Flag Team

Seeing that I have been fighting for a long time, there are not many casualties in the battle flag team

The harvest is minimal

Where can I swallow this breath?


Those who found the vast ancestors just started arguing.

The vast old ancestor ordered the five little demons, but returned all the storage bags to Commissioner Qian.

The vast ancestors were clear and clear under a large group of people.

Where do you want to do it?

"All the treasures have been returned to your money committee member. We have seen hundreds of people. Why are you still looking for us?"

The men of the vast ancestors refused to show weakness

Shouted loudly

Several deputy captains listened to their foreheads

That is the green veins exposed.

Seeing Commissioner Qian, he rushed over.

"Old Qian, you are too unruly. Brothers are desperate, and there are so many casualties. You have swallowed all the treasures. The captain of the Battle Flag team is not so good."

Yelled Jed.

Although I don't dare to rely on Qian Qian to get too close

However, the attitude is not willing to show weakness.

He was severely injured by the blood red demon saint

Although the wound is healed, in fact, many meridians and blood vessels have not grown well.

Speaking like a bellows.

He paid such a big price, the money committee swallowed all the baby

Jed couldn't bear to say anything.

"That's it, go to judge Li in front of Master Li?"

The deputy captains shouted.

Commissioner Qian is helpless

Had to take out three storage bags

As for the three storage bags, how many did they contain

How many are installed now

who knows?

"Old money, that's it?"

After several deputy captains ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ poured out all the treasures and materials in the storage bag

Looking at the small piles of treasures and materials

All of them couldn't believe it, staring at Commissioner Qian.

"Of course, when they returned the storage bag to me, I didn’t count them.

As the captain of the battle flag team, don't I even have this merit? "

Commissioner Qian called back louder.

Seeing how few deputy captains dared to speak

Commissioner Qian Xinghuang Changhong flew away like an escape.

Before leaving, I yelled: "The committee is a bird, Lao Tzu is also a committee member and a core member. In my capacity, I still have to listen to their orders. What are you talking about?"

Several deputy captains looked embarrassed and wanted to cry without tears. Why did they stand up to such a battle flag team captain? How did they run into such a thing?

Who is it that the vast ancestor is not looking for, but he wants to find the Sixth Battle Flag Team?

What's in the bag and then taken out, who can make it clear, what is it? What's less?

Commissioner Qian’s words hit them very much, but this is true

Commissioner Qian is now different from the past, his strength status is getting higher and higher, and he is no longer comparable to a few three-diamond flower gods.

The four-diamond flower god, the gray-mang demon saint, suffered a heavy blow once they met each other, including Jed, the distance between these deputy captains and committee member Qian, they were no longer of the same level.


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