Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1782: Viscount Tietou Mountain

Chapter 1788 Viscount Tietou Mountain

A piece of white animal skin is an inch and a half thick.

Rolled into a reel.

The swordfish shopkeeper reached out his hand and had already played a trick.

The snow-white animal skin just unfolded slowly.

A three-dimensional figure emerged as the roll of animal skins unfolded.

At the bottom are mountains and deep valleys

Surrounding the mountains and deep valleys are different kinds of currents.

The difference between the undersea map and the continental map is

All kinds of currents are almost everywhere.

Various finger-wide white lines shuttle on this map

The white line is connected by a lot of small flashing dots

Some of these flashing dots are small and some are big.

On the side, there are text notes.

"These white lines are relatively safe water flow routes. Swimming in these water flow routes is relatively safe.

What flickers is the place of residence or town. "

Said the swordfish boss.

Reach out a finger, a white line hits a ray of light

Immediately, around this white line, different streams of water flashed to indicate the diameter and direction of this stream, and there would generally be creatures inhabiting and passing through this stream.

Commissioner Qian took a look

The thinnest stream around this white line is also dozens of miles wide.

"Why didn't that stream be marked?"

Commissioner Qian pointed to the water flowing far away from a passing route and said.

Swordfish glanced at Commissioner Qian.

"On our drawings, only the water flow around the passage is indicated

It is best not to go to the currents outside the traffic route.

Our firm is not responsible for water flow outside the route of the team.

Of course, if the guest officer's cultivation base is sufficient, he can go anywhere. "

Flying swordfish shrugged

Spread his hands.

Then, stretched out his hand and pointed to a flashing green spot on the three-dimensional image

"This is where we are, Bambe Town."

Banbei Town, a very common name in an underwater world.

Luanpo nodded, and said to Commissioner Qian

"This is the most detailed seabed map. The seabed maps in other shops are several grades worse than this.

Many ocean currents are not shown at all.

It seems that the Swordfish Business Association still has some strength.

Just buy this picture. "

Commissioner Qian nodded

I have seen a lot of maps before. How can they be as detailed and complicated as a chart?

This world of practice is really vast, and the mystery is endless.

In this way, the two bought this chart from the Swordfish Business Association of the Swordfish Clan.

Next, since the two came here as merchants.

Of course, you should also be familiar with the rough price comparison between the various items you carry and the various materials in the underwater world.

This is also a businessman who should do something.

After living in Bambe for two days

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo stepped out of the protective cover of Banbei Town.


Ocean noise everywhere

Immediately struck overwhelmingly.

"Well, this water is almost like iron, and its density is several times that of ordinary sea water--"

Commissioner Qian said

A tens of thousands of flowers appeared above the head, giving off a shimmer of apricot yellow light

Enclose Qian Qiang firmly

Within one foot radius, there is no dripping water.

Luanpo is a little light from the whole body

Like turbulent waves

Although it was within ten feet of the whole body, there was no dripping water.

But it is very consistent with the surrounding sea water environment.

Wandao apricot yellow light shines

Commissioner Qian was like a mountain, and he stepped slightly, but he was already flashing out of the water like lightning.

Already hundreds of feet away.


Flash of water

Luanpo also followed.

Wandao apricot yellow light, even in this deep water, separated by thousands of feet, is very conspicuous.

"Tsk tsk, this human monk is really strong, he walks so fast, but this escape is too conspicuous."

Said a Kraken guarding the entrance of Banbei Town.

But it was also the peak of the foundation period

However, the body is one foot tall

You can see it at a glance, and it is powerful.

A thick carapace, much thicker than most heavy armor on land

For many monsters in the deep sea

The same cultivation level, but due to the physical relationship, the combat power is several times stronger than humans of the same level.

"That's right, such a conspicuous retreat is nothing more than in Banbei Town, once out of Banbei Town, hehe

Stupid human"

"Old Qian, in the deep ocean, your evasion is too conspicuous.

As far as I know, many deep sea creatures are particularly fond of light-emitting objects. "

Luan Po and Commissioner Qian side by side, said with some worry.

Commissioner Qian waved his hand and said disapprovingly, "I said, you are too careful. This Banbei town is just a thousand and five hundred feet below the water. This line is marked again. There is no super-big blame. .

It is also interesting to see what kind of creatures are there in this sea of ​​ruins. "

The map of the swordfish is correct.

In this passage, various underwater monsters come and go

It's quite a lot.

In the vast ocean currents of dozens of miles

The underwater monsters, as if observing some invisible limit, never jumped out of the edge of this passage.

"Do you have any way to find Shui Yuanzhu?"

Commissioner Qian asked Luanpo.

"As long as it is close to a certain range of the water element beads, my water element beads will naturally be induced."

Luan Po said.

"However, the range of sensing is also limited."

How wide is the specific sensing range

Luan Po also refused to say.

The currents on the bottom of the sea, countless currents intersect.

It's thousands of miles away

Another stream of water crosses this stream.

The currents cross, but they don't interfere with each other, and each flow has its own way. It really makes people sigh the wonder of creation.

Two people walk here

Escape like electricity, but suddenly

It turned out that there was already a large number of underwater monsters blocking the intersection.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed at a water monster. This water monster had a long and slender body. From the back to the top of the head, it was covered with a row of spikes and its skin was black and blue.

Was pointed out by committee member Qian

It was immediately immobile.

Look at Commissioner Qian's whole body surrounded by apricot yellow light.

This water monster already has the cultivation base of the seventh-grade golden core.

I don't understand where I ran into a strongman.

The spirits in the sea have different preferences. Some spirits in the sea have high cultivation bases, but they like to be transformed into the same human beings.

Therefore, this water monster's eyes immediately showed a look of fear: "My lord, what's the matter? The little monster should work hard."

Commissioner Qian pouted.

"It's so crowded here, what's the matter, why don't these demons take a detour?"

The water monster quickly replied: "There is a team of Viscount Hundred-footed Ironhead Fish passing by, and his guards will clear the court

Prohibition passed.

As for the detour, this adult is in another water area. This waterway, near here, is the safest place.

Leaving this channel, there will be pirate groups, and they are very powerful."

The pirates in the ruins and the sea are the same as the bandits on the land.

"Hundred-foot iron head fish? What kind of fish is this? Interesting, let me see."

Commissioner Qian is interested

Just squeeze forward

Just a step forward

Ten thousand apricot light squeezed the monsters in front one after another.

Body guards of various colors flashed

However, in front of the ten thousand apricot lights

Just like ordinary water

Suddenly, Commissioner Qian came to the forefront.

"This old money, throwing his hand at the shopkeeper, is really chic."

Luanpo shook his head.

Commissioner Qian is the head of the Fengyangmen and the core of the Galaxy Fleet.

If it’s an individual, the things to deal with every day

It's just a bunch.

However, Luan Po was also discovered when he was practicing in the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation.

Commissioner Qian only dealt with some major issues regarding Fengyangmen.

Regarding the matter of the Galaxy Fleet, I will not even go unless there is a communication from the superplane.

This is just a statement.

So, I’m still here to see what kind of fish is.

Commissioner Qian came to the front, a row of monks wearing heavy armor, facing everyone, maintaining this order.

Sickness appeared in his eyes.

Everyone held a door-like axe in their hands.

These heavy armors were made with exquisite styles, but the water-based magic formations above were much more sophisticated than the general water-based magic formations on the mainland monks’ battle armor.

The magic circle of the same size exudes mana, which is stronger than the water system magic circle on the mainland.

However, in addition to the magic circle of the water system

There is no other magic circle for seal cutting.

A depth of 1,500 feet is equivalent to a depth of 5,000 meters.

In this kind of place, the water pressure has reached strong enough

Even the ocean floor is full of mountains, and the elemental power of the earth system is not as easy to gather as the mainland.

There is not enough soil system repair base, the power of the earth system elements gather

It is easy to be disturbed by extremely dense water elements.

Even on the armor, the seal cutting earth system

The magic circle of the same area is interfered by the elements of the water system, and its protective power is probably worse than that of the water system circle of the same area.

The earth-based magic circle, the time it takes effect, is slower than that of the water-based magic circle.

Despite the short period of inactivity, in combat

It is also unacceptable.

This is also the reason why other magic circles are rarely engraved on the armour of the monks on the seabed.

If the opponent’s attack contains powerful fire spells, this single water armor

It does have a bonus to suppress production.

Commissioner Qian understood, why, those fire-type refining materials are so easy to sell in the sea of ​​ruins.

And behind them, there is a row of huge snail-shaped creatures, moving quickly or slowly.

Yes, the carapace is the size of a small mountain bag with dense lines on it.

With the insight of Commissioner Qian

The carapace of this creature was assembled according to a mysterious structure.

The structure is similar to the magic weapon.

This is among the creatures that Commissioner Qian saw, except for the Fenglong De Carapace

The structure closest to the magic weapon.

This shows the strength of this carapace.

Under the carapace, the slimy body is several feet in thickness, covered with fine scales.

An extremely curved mouth on the head. There is a row of tentacles that are often whip-like, which is a full length of one foot, swinging with the current.

"I haven't seen one foot, this is a hundred-legged iron head fish."

Commissioner Qian said in surprise.

"Cut, hillbilly this---"

The monster standing in front of Commissioner Qian gave a sneer in disdain

Then, turned his head.

Thousands of light, as if vast and boundless

Reflected in his eyes.

He wanted to say that he didn't even know the snail beast, he was simply a hillbilly.

Unexpectedly, this hillbilly

Turned out to be a big tall

"Ah big---sir, please forgive me for being rude. This is a snail beast. In the carapace on its back, it has its own space and can hold tens of thousands of catties. Therefore, it is called the snail beast.

The carapace on the back is very hard, and several snail beasts, connected to each other, can form a defensive array with higher protection capabilities.

It is a very expensive transport animal.

My lord, the little demon has eyes but no beads, please forgive, please forgive"

This water monster bowed again and again.

"Forget it----"

Commissioner Qian waved his hand awkwardly.

How long has it been that no one has been called a hillbilly?

However, that bit of knowledge on land is indeed not enough in this boundless ocean.

At this moment, several snail beasts in the vicinity uttered a low roar like thunder.

On the first turn, he was extremely flexible, as if there was no angle limit at all, and looked towards Committee Member Qian.

The mouth is slightly open, the arc has become an obtuse angle, the mouth is full of sharp teeth, there are a few rows

Obviously, the food is swallowed by chewing.

"Ah, my lord, the most favorite of these ten thousand snails is a kind of seaweed that glows yellow---"

The little demon yelled

People have squeezed to the back.

At the same time, the monsters around Commissioner Qian retreated one after another.

At the same time, muttering in his heart.

Where's the stunned lord, this is going to be bad.

The monsters in the sea, whether they are vegetarian or meat-eating

There is a paranoia about food.

Although the sea of ​​ruins is vast and vast, the number of various creatures is even more endless.

These snail beasts were attracted by the apricot-yellow rays of the body guards of Chairman Qian

Think of Commissioner Qian as a human-shaped seaweed.

Whether on land or in the ocean.

Plants have cultivated for a long time, and they can cultivate into human form.

Plants transformed into humanoids, they will replenish after eating

Even a slightly wise monster

All understand this truth

Several monsters in armor roared: "Hurry up and put away the mana"

The door panels resemble an axe, screaming staggered, slashing towards ten thousand apricots

In the whistling, several traces of vacuum have appeared in the water

Commissioner Qian was furious and wanted to put away the apricot light, but at this moment, his expression remained unchanged, and the apricot light remained the same.

"Peng, Peng, Peng"

Several door panels looked like an axe, slashing fiercely on the apricot yellow light.

To say that these axes have countless lines on them

It shows that these axes are also magical artifacts that have been refined thousands of times.

The monks on the mainland use a variety of different fire refiners.

And the monk in the ruins

Also use a variety of different water refiners

Strong water pressure, peculiar texture, complex and precise application method

The same can be refined from various materials.

Not like some monks imagined

In the sea of ​​ruins, there were only some places where volcanoes erupted and there were ground fires.

The level of the refiner is definitely not high.

In fact, this axe is of the same quality as the magic weapon used on the mainland plane and the summit building.

Looking at these monsters, they probably belonged to the first level of elite fighters.

All of them have such weapons, which really surprised the four-diamond flower god, Commissioner Qian.


There was a soft sound.

Several apricot rays, like lightning

Swinging along these axes, a few thousandths of an instant, the bodies of these heavy armored warriors were covered with apricot light.

For a moment, they and their axe stopped moving.

As if it has always been so general.

It seems a long time passed

It seemed like an instant.

These heavy armored warriors, together with their axes, have been turned into countless spots of light and scattered

They were turned into ashes by the counter-shock force generated by these ten thousand rays of light.

For a time, centered on Commissioner Qian

Everyone who saw this scene was silent.

On the bottom of the sea, **** battles are happening all the time.

But it’s really rare to turn to gray like this

"There are robbers guarding, guarding"

A heavy armored warrior, reacted

Yelling, his face has been deformed due to tension and fear.

Immediately afterwards, the shouting voice spread throughout the passing team.

Lines of figures, from the carapace on the back of the beast

Leaping out one after another, suspended in the water.

All colors glitter.

The whole team is like a commercial pedestrian street, colorful and beautiful.

Thousands of monks flew out of the carapace of the snail beast, suspended in the water above the team, and thousands of heavy armored soldiers, and then leaped out of the carapace of the snail beast.

Form a battlefield to surround the ten thousand beasts tightly

Commissioner Qian, instantly under the gaze of thousands of eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are at least four hundred of these floating monks who have reached the Golden Core Realm.

In addition to these heavy armored soldiers, one by one is the peak of the foundation, plus the powerfulness of the demon repair itself

The combat power is twice to several times stronger than that of the ordinary human race base-building monks.

Even in Tianyangxing, a medium-sized martial art, but with such strength

Commissioner Qian noticed

Some of the monks, the robes or the feet under the armor, are tentacles like octopuses, without suckers, divided into several sections

Their hands, at least six hands or more

Yes, with a dozen hands.

And their heads are very long and tough, with lines---in fact, they are just a pile of different hard shells.

These monks are probably the monks of the hundred-foot iron head fish type.

"Where did the thief dare to rob the team of Viscount Tietoushan"

A monk of the Hundred-legged Ironhead Fish Race stood up and shouted

The surging aura, like a tide, rushed towards the member Qian.

"Robbery? What kind of cargo are you transporting? Is it worth my shot?"

Commissioner Qian shook his head. Since becoming the Flower God of Four Diamonds

He basically never did robbery.

This is purely a misunderstanding.

Who knows, these snails are so interested in seaweed?


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