Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1849: Dindle's joining

1849 Chapter Dindel's Joining

"The Dragon Inn is a paradise where alchemists gather, but there is no guarantee of being clean."

Bro said with emotion.

"Bro, I found that you are not like a monster.

Don’t monsters use fighting as their instinct? "

Chi Da said as a joke.

"I'm bored of killing every day.

Do you think I am immortal?

Even a monk in the transformation stage is not an immortal body. "

Broad's face was full of boredom.

"In the abyss, it will always be the world of those advanced demons

A monster of my blood line can't go up or down.

Follow them to kill, but it's just a cannon fodder. "

Chi Da nodded: "Those who can cultivate to the four diamond huā gods have their own ideas."

Commissioner Qian did not speak, but he felt the same.

Mountain huā plane is not the best proof.

It is not difficult to change the mountains and rivers after reaching the four diamond huā gods.

Just build a dòng mansion on that plane and live comfortably.

"I don't know what magic circle I can learn this time."

Commissioner Qian changed the conversation.

Long mén Inn does not teach apprentices a little bit of magic circle

All learn in the process of participating in the production.

You have participated in smelting more times

There are also more magic circles to see.

How can they have the kung fu and Canisi toss about the abyss plan?

With this skill, it’s better to learn a few more complicated three-dimensional arrays, this is true

It is even more impossible for a monster like Buro to use his precious opportunity to obtain powerful magical artifact blueprints in the so-called abyss attack plan.


Commissioner Qian’s divine mansion had fallen into several tens of feet long creatures.

The bodies of these creatures quickly turned towards the peaks and puddles.

On the soil of the gods, countless runes shine

These conversions were stopped.

Then, these bodies began to quickly decompose into piles of materials.

Four diamonds huā **** gets the monster in the sea

The whole body is filled with materials.

Commissioner Qian, who was lacking materials, obviously wouldn't let this giant monster become a part of his divine palace.

Canisi managed to straighten out his mana and blood.

A short battle

Gave these dozen people too much shock

Therefore, no one speaks.

"Does anyone you know become an apprentice."

Kanisi asked the monster in the abyss and the great monster in the ruined sea next to him.

During the conversation, there were already some forms of superiors, and the shelf was lifted.

Enter this dragon mén inn to send mén’s more than one hundred and four diamond huā gods

The aboriginals of Ruins Sea account for more

There are not many monsters in the abyss.

Many aboriginals in the ruined sea, when they were in the ruined sea, had a coping attitude towards the abyssal monsters.

When you arrive at the Dragon Inn, that's even more important.

To the monsters of the abyss, at the root, they just ignore it.

However, since there are more than one hundred people, of course they have various thoughts.

"Oh---I know a few, I'm refining power crystals over and over, while I teach myself the refining technique, want to learn the refining technique of Dragon Inn.

Said a great demon in the ruined sea

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and find"

Canisi shouted.

After Kanisi and his team left here

Faros rushed here with a few people.

jī fierce battle, brought a huge amount of money

It will change the spatial luàn flow, so the distance and direction in the spatial luàn flow will also change.

When Faros arrived here, both sides of the āo battle had already left.

"Faros, this magic weapon is finished. I must rush back and bring the magic weapon to Jinjī Mountain. I cannot stay here for too long."

Said the famous red robe.

"This, then you go back to Jinjī Mountain first."

Faros said lightly.

Refining cultivators, once they start refining, they may not come out for a few months.

Time passed day by day.

Wanliju’s Palace of Crafts

A mass of gray-white material melted in the five sun sparks, and it was full of human heads.

This is a non-metallic material, which is much more complicated than a metallic material.

In an instant

Commissioner Qian felt that this group of gray-white solution with big heads, all textures and structures from the outside to the inside, were clearly reflected in his mind.

Commissioner Qian immediately understood

After many days of hard work

My own decomposition skills have broken through.

Observe all the subtle structures of matter

It is an aspect of decomposition skills.

At this moment, Commissioner Qian felt that he was like a huge atomic microscope.

How do those impurities adhere and how to get rid of them completely, it seems like an instinct

It was clear in the heart of Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian’s hand turned into a phantom, and he swiped in the air.

A nine-layer three-dimensional array, quickly formed in the air

Commissioner Qian slapped his hand, a brilliance of blue and gray, wrapped in the nine-layer three-dimensional array, and patted on the gray solution.

This nine-layer three-dimensional magic circle has been penetrated into this solution

It seemed that it was born in this mass of solution.

"Enchanting" is generally an advanced skill that can only be mastered by an intermediate refiner

Member Qian came out of the preliminary practice.

However, there is a sentence, how do you describe the skill of this refiner?

There is no strongest, only stronger.

The three-dimensional magic circle of the refining device seems to be endless.

The brown gray sè is the decomposition skill, the green sè is the reinforcement skill.

Commissioner Qian, the enchanting skill he cultivated is Cyan Grey.

In fact, enchanting skills are a combination of decomposition skills and reinforcement skills

It's almost fusion with Xuan'ao.

This is also the member Qian, who has read all the other yù Jane purchased from Qiu Yuge, and has made a lot of gains in skills and knowledge.

However, the integration of this kind of skill, but relying on deduction, it is very difficult to get it.

The integration of skills, after making a large number of products, will more or less enter a state of epiphany

It's just a question of how many skills you can comprehend during the epiphany, and whether the level is high.

Suddenly, another month passed.

Commissioner Qian returned to the room, and with a thought, some of the worst materials appeared in the room.

He wants these materials to exercise the skills of enchanting.

Strive for these materials to seal a more complex circle.

The more complex arrays have an increase in the microstructure of materials by tens of times, hundreds of times, thousands of times, or even tens of thousands of times.

In the process of enchanting, how to keep the material's energy

It is something that can only be known by actual experience.

In the era when monks generally have clones to assist in cultivation

This is one of the few areas that can be understood by practical experience.

Finally, after a month

Commissioner Qian, can already seal more than fifty layers of three-dimensional magic arrays into materials with the skills of enchanting.

this day

Wright watched the samples of the parts made by Commissioner Qian with enchantments

Nodded with satisfaction.

"Your progress is really fast and I am very happy. I can make ordinary secret parts."

Commissioner Qian knows that he can make ordinary secret parts

It is to officially add a qualified coolie to Wan Liju.

General equipment and secret components must be enchanted with at least fifty layers of magic circles.

Want to become an intermediate mixer

The qualification standard for enchanting skills is 800 layers of magic circle.

Like Wright, you can enchant a thousand layers of magic circles at a time

Among the intermediate refiners, they are all considered good.

However, Commissioner Qian found that the Dragon Inn, among the common parts of the equipment, the sealed magic circle

The magic circle that is not very complicated, compared to the magic circle that was urged by Qing Qi tempering on his own equipment, is far different.

These fifty-layer magic arrays were changed from common magic arrays in several places, overlapped and connected, and produced powerful power.

Commissioner Qian is already considering how to add this kind of overlapping three-dimensional magic circle to his several magic weapons.

Among his own magic weapons, the magic circle has been tempered by Qingqi, and the evolution and mutation that have taken place is also thinking of a three-dimensional development.

If these three-dimensional arrays have been tempered and evolved by Qing Qi, you don't know what they will look like.

Of course, the added three-dimensional magic circle must first be compatible with the original magic circle among its own magic weapons.

This is another matter that requires the full deduction of the Golden Fruit Shadow Array.

Get permission from Wright

Commissioner Qian began to make dense parts.

Although these dense parts are just ordinary parts on the equipment

However, a three-dimensional array with more than tens of layers has been added

Of course, it is different from ordinary parts.

First, we must consider the connection between these dozens of layers of tactics and other parts.

Wright just gave the blueprints of each equipment.

As for why the components do this and what is the principle of doing this, it is not stated on the drawing.

In the Dragon Inn, the tactics needed to cultivate skills can be sold.

But how are the various components designed and why are they designed like this

Are the secrets of each workshop

Not for sale in the shop.

As for the cheap master Wright.

When you are in a good mood, give some pointers

When you are in a bad mood, just wave your hand: "Think for yourself"

So much so that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a few months, Commissioner Qian’s level of enchantment has been cultivated to the point where he has completely enchanted and sealed the 120-layer magic circle.

However, there is still no complete plan for how to modify the parts and the magic circle that he already has in his few magic weapons.

"Old money, someone named Dindle is looking for you."

An apprentice watching mén walked in and said to the old money.

"Dindle, that bone monster?"

Commissioner Qian nodded and walked towards mén.

Gothic body

The whole body was burning with gray flames, with six horned heads.

But the monks coming and going

It's just a glance.

Inside the Dragon Inn, there are all kinds of strange creatures.

"Dindle, you're not in Fort E, as the overlord, what are you doing here?"

Commissioner Qian secretly listened

Six Tigers of Jingbao in Wuzibao, after being beaten away

Dindel became the substantive overlord of Fort W, and Dindel accepted all the benefits.

"Come on--this benefit has been confiscated for a month. Faros brought one person over, with a banner in his hand, and one display, which is ten thousand white lotus flowers.

What darkness sacrifices, what bones destroy the heart and fire, it is impossible to break through these ten thousand white lotus flowers, fortunately I can run




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