Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1852: Crystal plant

m reminds book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes. Chapter 1852 Crystal Plants

Gui Fang's mouth twitched.

Of course it will not be pleasant to be told face to face that it is inaccurate.

Under the master's mn, this is the face of the city.

However, it doesn't matter if there are more stalls and more faces.

After a while, Fan Nan came back with a smile on his face: "Everyone, Master Liu Dao, please."

Commissioner Qian and Gui Fang followed Fan Nan into the big mn, and the courtyard where they entered three times seemed relatively spacious.

In the courtyard, there are mountains and fountains, which look very natural.


Commissioner Qian did see,

Below the natural scenery, there is a surging flow of mana.

Commissioner Qian thought of scanning himself,

This is, in fact,

Those rockery and fountains are actually magical artifacts.

A tall and thin old man is watching this piece of equipment carefully.

It feels very common.

I saw a few people coming in from Chairman Qian,

The tall and thin old man, motionless: "Whose piece of equipment belongs to? If you are going to sell, pick one of the equipment in the yard."

Inside the yard,

Twenty pieces of equipment were neatly placed.

Every piece of equipment is brilliant.

Every brilliance rushes up, and the majestic shock in it is like a sea bsp; even without divine consciousness,

I felt that in this yard,

It seems that there are more than a dozen independent worlds.

It's like closing your eyes, relying on feeling-----it is the kind of feeling different from divine mind.

I can only feel the vision formed by the elements, like countless thunder and lightning in the sea, like my murderous spear in the flame,

Just with the four-diamond monk at the top of God Hua,

The momentum of full mana is similar.

It can be said that every piece of equipment is much stronger than the equipment made by Wright.

The four-diamond monk at the top of the **** Hua, if he gets these equipment, his mana will be doubled

That said, every piece of equipment here is no worse than the Six Snake Wind Fire Sword in terms of most of its capabilities.

The Six Snake Wind Fire Sword relies on the special magic array that is urged by Qing Qi, and may be stronger than these equipment in terms of flame penetration.

However, the other xìng capabilities of the Six Snake Wind and Fire Sword,

It is far inferior to these equipment.

Even if Commissioner Qian added a three-dimensional array of fire and a three-dimensional array of gold to the Six Snake Wind Fire Sword.

It is also far inferior to the magic array in these equipment.

Commissioner Qian was also expecting that Qing Qi would bring the variation of the three-dimensional magic circle of the fire system and the three-dimensional magic circle of the gold system.

"Unfortunately, I like this piece of equipment very much, and I really can't bear it."

Commissioner Qian smiled modestly.

When I look at the works in this courtyard, he is indeed a real master.

Commissioner Qian couldn't raise any arrogance.

"This is a work about the civilization of plant crystals. It is very likely the work of Longmn Inn tens of thousands of years ago.

However, the refining technique of plant crystals is now lost. "

Grandmaster Liu Dao said slowly,

Fan Nan's ears were pricked up, not missing a word.

"Plant crystal-----the hún combination of plant and crystal?"

Commissioner Qian's eyes flashed.

What Liu Dao said,

For Commissioner Qian,

No stranger.

The magical plant that Commissioner Qian first obtained, Jinyù Gongdetan, grows to a stage that looks like white.

In essence, it is a combination of white yù and plant hún,

Only in this way can the attack on multiple spells form a rebound effect.

However, the golden sandalwood tree, which grows together with the white yùhún, forms a composite structure,

Cannot be transplanted to other plants.

Commissioner Qian made a detailed analysis of the composite structure of Jinyù Gongdetan.

However, it just can’t be replicated on other plants.

No matter what method is used.

To be honest, Commissioner Qian is optimistic about this composite structure, and he is not afraid of fire at all.

For the scorching of the five yang real fire, it is resistant to a lot of alloys.

For soil elements, it has a particularly fast adsorption capacity.

"You mean, this piece of equipment can make crystal plants?"

Commissioner Qian’s address to Liu Dao changed to "you."

"Making crystal plants, this piece of equipment is not qualified enough."

Liu Dao said slowly.

Originally, someone who can reach the level of a master,

Divine mind is like a perfect spar,

Will not move easily.

However, I heard that Commissioner Qian was unwilling to transfer this piece of equipment.

Liu Dao's face still has regrets that cannot be concealed.

"If I'm not mistaken, this piece of equipment can only crystallize the surface of the plant. After the surface of the plant is crystallized, it still has the same toughness as an ordinary plant. However, the growth of this plant depends on the plant core. The nature of the plant has not changed to proceed."


That's it,

Even so,

It also greatly improves the ability of plants.

"Does the crystallization of plant surfaces work for all types of plants?

In addition to the increase in anti-strike ability, is there any improvement in the ability to absorb elements? "

Commissioner Qian asked this question.

Liu Dao glanced at Commissioner Qian.

"It seems that you have seen crystal plants before.

Yes, the surface of the plant is crystallized, which not only increases the strength,

If this kind of plant carries a certain element of the genus xìng,

Then, for this kind of plant, the absorption capacity of the element that is already compatible with this kind of element will increase dozens of times.

The absorbed elements can not only be used to strengthen the crystal armor on the surface of plants, but also energy crystals of the genus xìng can be formed on the surface of plants.

The quality can at least reach the quality of high-grade fairy stone

This is something that most existing crystal plants cannot do. "

Speaking of later, Commissioner Qian's eyes widened.

Your own golden merit sandalwood does not have this function.

Once the absorption of the earth element reaches the saturation state~www.wuxiaspot.com~Golden yù merit sandalwood, it will stop absorbing the earth element and wait for the absorbed earth element to be transformed into a part of itself.

Converting the absorbed elements into existences such as high-level celestial stones is not equivalent to this plant, but the fruits of high-order celestial stones are produced.

Can you continuously harvest high-level celestial stones?

Since at the Longmn Inn, Commissioner Qian learned that Xinglidan is not so good a hard currency,

Commissioner Qian also found out that the Star Power Pill contained many kinds of starlight, and it was not so pure.

However, to separate all the mysteries contained in the Star Power Pill, it would take a lot of effort to use the top-grade immortal stone, not to mention the top-grade immortal stone.

The various mysteries contained in the Star Power Pill,

All of them were separated, and only when Xingli had already sucked into his divine mansion, he could slowly sort out.

Liu Dao saw the appearance of Commissioner Qian and couldn't help sneering in his heart: "Pure hillbilly."

"If the whole plant becomes a crystal plant,

Not only can you harvest more top-grade celestial stones, but it is also possible to harvest top-grade celestial stones. "


Commissioner Qian was already very surprised.

The Jinyù Gongdetan, which Hai admired very much, suddenly became **** in the heart of Committee Member Qian.

.. Enjoy the fun of reading, all in m, our only domain name!

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