Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1855: Pippen's Yard

m reminds book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes. Chapter 1855 Pippen’s Yard

"Then, what about the two who escaped from Haitianzhai?"

A guard asked.

The guard who grinned and rolled his eyes: "There is one named Guifang, I know, how much oil and water can an incompetent stall owner?"



The guard next to him sneered.

The guard who asked this question made a big blush.

"Awesome, awesome----I have been in the Longmn Inn for more than a hundred years, and I have a feeling of a breakthrough that is about to be reborn.

Compared with this Yuan Ying Hu God's attack, how does it feel?

I feel like a bug. "

Gui Fang shook his head again and again, the bright golden light still seemed to stay in his eyes, as if lingering.

As for the golden light,

It contains those specific mysteries,

Now that Guifang thinks about it, he can only distinguish the profound mysteries of the earth and gold elements.

As for how the mysteries are arranged, what is the mystery,

In Guifang's memory, only brilliance and grandeur remained, and the rest seemed to have not been noticed.

Commissioner Qian shook his head, knowing that Guifang had been shocked to a certain extent.

"Don't be so jealous, just see more."

Commissioner Qian patted Guifang on the shoulder.

"I didn't expect that your spells are so superbly used, and the powerful attack of Yuan Ying Hu God can resist one or two."

Guifang said.

At the last moment when his three magic weapons were destroyed,

He saw that Qian Da's hustle around Committee Member Qian's were all turned into an apricot brilliance.

Thousands of apricots and yellow sè at the same time, the angle is very mysterious, dense and long,

Jin Guanghua who came booming,

It was frozen, no, maybe it was petrified, or it was an intermediate state between frozen and petrified.

This shows that among the thousands of people that surround this committee member,

The mystery of the water system and the earth system has reached a peak state,

This peak state is so strong that it even changes the state of a part of Yuanying’s hu **** attack

Despite the frozen or petrified golden awn,

It was destroyed by the golden roar coming from behind, but it was enough to make the Qiang committee float away.

As for himself, when several consecutive Yuan Ying hu god-level attacks arrived, the best Baiyun Dao, even though it had integrated the spatial lun flow, at that moment, he did not dare to push the Baiyun Dao with all his strength and rushed forward.

As a result, the three magic weapons were over,

Although escaped from which space,


Shame and jealousy made Guifang's face a little chubby.

"Go to Master Liu Dao and see what he says"

Commissioner Qian was furious.

Gui Fang's footsteps just slowed down: "Old Qian, the master is not necessarily the cultivation base of Yuan Ying Hu.

However, one or a few of the master’s refining skills are displayed,

It definitely has the lethal power of Yuan Ying Hu God

Your sword------"

When the Zhanhai Sword was swung for the last time,

Gui Fang also heard the clicking sound of the sword.

Seeing the water sword light from the last slash of Zhan Haijian, its power was greatly reduced.

Of course Guifang can guess,

There was a problem with the Zhanhai Sword's components,

"Guifang, Master Liu Dao, but you introduced me to it.

The equipment that can crystallize plants, how many years did I get this one. "

Commissioner Qian meant to blame Gui Fang.

If you lose ordinary equipment, you lose it.

However, equipment that can crystallize plants

You know, the plant system is far inferior to the crystal in terms of density.

The crystal material is neat and dense.

Compared with plant materials, it is more suitable for specialties and attaches various magic circles.

The monsters of the crystal system are smarter than the monsters of the plant system.

Among the clones of various elements,

The avatar wisdom of the plant system can only be regarded as upper-middle.

It's just because the plant system has the power of life.

The plant structure is relatively simple, and the plant spells are also easy to practice.

If this piece of equipment is repaired,

The first thing that Commissioner Qian has to do is to put the Iron Crown Divine Art in the array,

The surface of the shadow of six hundred golden fruits is crystallized,

Then, on the surface of the crystal, use the skills of enchanting to mark a large number of special deduction arrays,

In this way, the deduction ability of the 600 Golden Fruit Shadows will definitely be further improved.

The thirty-six fighting avatars of the shadow of the golden fruit on the mountain hu plane,

Even more, I have to use this piece of equipment to brush it again to crystallize all their body surfaces,

In this way, the thirty-six combat power of the Golden Fruit Shadow,

There will be a stage of improvement.

This piece of equipment can be said to be too suitable for Commissioner Qian.

No wonder Commissioner Qian gave Guifang a look.

"How do I know that this kind of moth will come out."

Guifang muttered in her heart.

In Longmn Inn, this kind of thing is rare.

In addition, Master Liu Dao's reputation is good.

"Well, I'll go to Grandmaster Liu Dao with you, and tell Liu Dao about the whole situation first."

Gui Fang stomped her foot.

This is the only thing right now.

Grandmaster Liu Dao's courtyard is right in front of him.

Guifang only felt that his footsteps were of great importance.


Guifang tapped mn lightly,

No response,

Knock again, but there is still no response.

But dozens of mysterious runes appeared on mn.

The entire mn has become profound and majestic.

This is the courtyard of the master, a fan of mn is a very powerful protective magic weapon.

"No one inside, we -----"

Guifang said.

"Let's wait."

On this walk, Commissioner Qian did not do it.

It’s really important for this artifact,

Just to make up for many shortcomings of the plant cultivation system.

Just wait.

After a long time,

The sky has become dark,

There are footsteps in the street,

The gap between each step and each step,

There is no difference in milliseconds, it is just stepping on a frequency.

But it makes people feel so natural.

Commissioner Qian felt a stunned heart...

Guifang said earlier that one or more of the master’s skills

With the power of Yuanying Hu,

Commissioner Qian did not believe it before,

Listen to the footsteps of Master Liu Dao,

Commissioner Qian immediately understood.

What Guifang said is not bad at all.

Master Liu Dao’s face appeared at the corner,

Filled with a satisfied smile.

Seeing Commissioner Qian and Gui Fang, Liu Dao nodded: "You are here, I have basically repaired that piece of equipment.

It's just the core array of equipment. It's very complicated. I only have some understanding of the periphery. The core part of the array is just a vague understanding.

These have been recorded, I will give you later. "

Liu Dao said,

Before mn, mn will automatically open.

"This one-----"

Guifang said hesitantly.

"Fan Nan is getting lazier."

Seeing that Fan Nan did not come out to greet him.

Liu Dao was a little unhappy.

Commissioner Qian glared at Gui Fang, don't you say, let me say.

"Master Liu, a good apprentice you taught----"

Member Qian said strangely.

In Liu Dao's surprised eyes,

Commissioner Qian said exactly what happened to Guifang today.


In Liu Dao's eyes, the blade flashed

He has disappeared before mn

Immediately afterwards, Liu Dao's roar came from the courtyard.


The roar is like thunder, and the pressure is rolling, but judging from the overall realm of cultivation,

Six ways, maybe four drills the cultivation base of the hu **** peak.


Flash like a hurricane,

An angry Liu Dao appeared in front of Committee Member Qian.

"That villain may be hiding in one place, you follow me, and I will give you a generation."

Then, he handed a yù Jane to Committee Member Qian.

"This is my research experience, you take it."

Commissioner Qian took a divine look, and sure enough, there were hundreds of thousands of words of research experience and many analytical arrays.

Commissioner Qian gave his hand to Master Liu Dao.

"Thank you, Master."

Guifang looked at Commissioner Qian’s expression,

It is known that the research experience that Master Liu Dao gave to the Qian committee is true.

"Well, I'm right.

Master Liu Dao is not that kind of person. "

Guifang is a bit sour.

Master’s research experience,

He has been in Longmn Inn for more than 100 years, but he has only seen a few yùjen

The content inside,

He has no chance to read.

Liu Dao's footsteps were hurried.

All the way hurriedly, up and down.

Turn around, a moment of effort.

Has walked dozens of miles.

In this law enveloped the Dragon Inn,

Even in the Zhongxian district where the master is waiting,

Only the guards can teleport and fly in the air, and the master cannot fly over the Zhongxian District.

Not to mention the vast periphery.

Next to this street are all courtyards.

At a glance, it was known that it was the residence of the intermediate refiner.

Even, there are people like Liu Dao who have reached the level of a master, but are unwilling to be restricted by the Dragon Inn. Master who lives in Zhongxian District.

"Pippen, you come out and I know you are inside"

Liu Dao shouted loudly,

There are also complicated lines on mn, like overlapping mountains. Commissioner Qian looked at this and guessed it.

The owner of this yard,

I'm afraid it's the same level as Liu Dao

However, Liu Dao’s roar touched these lines,

The lines tremble for a while,

The lines, big mn, become like ripples of water.

Liu Dao’s roar ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is just like the substance, and it penetrates through this mn


Commissioner Qian and Gui Fang looked at each other.

Although the cultivation base has not reached the realm of Yuan Ying,

But this roar,

That weird penetrating power,

Commissioner Qian and Gui Fang's body protection methods may not be able to stop them.


With a sound, mn opened.

A figure appeared,

He wore a three-pointed purple gold crown on his head, dressed in a splendid white cloud robe, and had a long and thin face, grinning.

"Liu Dao, it's hard to get me here as a guest. Why should I be so impulsive?"

"Where is Fan Nan? He ran away from me and took away one of my important equipment.

You introduced Fan Nan, don’t say you don’t know where he is? "

Liu Dao’s words are as cold as ice

He Liu Dao became a master, the best immortal stone, flowing in like a river, there is no need for the equipment to engulf customers.

"No way, taking away the equipment or items of the master, in the Dragon Inn, it is a big crime

Fan Nan really did this kind of thing back? "

Pippen looked surprised.

Liu Dao looked surprised: "Needless to say, that piece of equipment has been here. You are also a master. You should understand that the force field that crystallizes plants is very complicated."


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