Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1857: Devour the soul

m remind book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes yo chapter 1857 devour the soul

Grandmaster has done it,

Commissioner Qian never thought of staying out.

These intermediate refiners along the way with Pippen are the same.

With a flutter, an intermediate refiner has been enveloped in the star fog,

Which intermediate mixer does not evade,

Let the star mist of Commissioner Qian enshroud himself.

"Isn't it just a formation? Brother saw a lot."

There was a sneer on the face of this intermediate refiner.

There was a strong red light in his hands,

Skills have been fully motivated

Breaking the formation is not a difficult task for the intermediate refiner of Longmn Inn.


A vast and boundless starry sky, a huge galaxy slowly rotating,

Appeared in front of this intermediate mixer,


In a few thousandths of an instant,

The intermediate refiner was shocked,

The breadth and breadth of this battle was beyond his expectations.

However, he still pushed with both hands

Two faint red lights blasted out

With these two faint red lights blasting out, it was as if the infinitely wide starry sky had collapsed in space.

The collapse of space formed a huge gap, bombarding towards the Milky Way.


The Milky Way was blasted out of a gap,

It seems that there are countless explosions, soaring into the sky.

The formation structure of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation was broken into pieces, and the fragmentation of the formation caused the collapse of the formation.

The face of this intermediate refiner changed.

The skills are fully open, the effect is really far from imagined,

Seeing the Milky Way slowly turning, countless stars burst out

Before the stars,

A great pressure,

Has been pressed into the heart of the intermediate mixer

The power of this battle is far from your own imagination

"Even carrying such a strong formation with me"

He turned and galloped toward the edge of the starry sky.

However, the edge of the starry sky looks very close, but it is actually far away.

At this time, the real state of practice of the intermediate refiner,

It was decided that his escape was at the level of the four-diamond **** Hua, not the kind of the Yuan Ying Hua god, and there was a thousand miles away in an instant.

So, although his retreat is like a meteor,

The edge of the starry sky is still far away,

Thousands of stars have been bombarded

This intermediate refiner already feels the pressure behind him


He yelled,

Backhand flick

Immediately, just a few magic weapons appeared behind him

Sweep a black thread,

A piece of space was suddenly distorted,

Immediately afterwards, another continuous mountain range emerged, magnificent,

It seems to have been in the air since the ancient times.

Then again,

A turbulent sea was surging.

The 1ang wave undulates like a thunderstorm.

At the same time, his figure drew a sharp arc, and for a flash, he was already outside the range of these ten thousand stars.


Under the thunder of thousands of stars,

Distorted space, rolling mountains, turbulent sea,

Continuously torn into pieces, like pieces of paper.

The intermediate refiner finally reached the edge of the starry sky,

However, after the tens of thousands of stars shattered the magic weapon into a shield,

There are still thousands of starlights, and an arc is drawn, covering this intermediate refiner.

The intermediate mixer gave a backhand shot,

A red light blew out,

However, the thousands of stars, as if they have their own consciousness, separate dozens of stars, just a twist,

This red light is already shattered

The middle-level craftsman has a red glow and a drum around his body, like red bronze,

Countless stars have exploded like a huge thunder

Like dozens of mn rocket launchers, covering at the same time,

The red copper shield shattered in an instant,

The intermediate refiner had already gone out of the starry sky, but it was just a scream,

His back has been blown to pieces.

His figure turned sharply in the air,

Speeding to his companion,


He yelled

Since Commissioner Qian initiated the projection of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array in the Shenfu,

This is the time someone escaped alive.

However, a green and gray hand was already severely stamped on his back.

Immediately, his upper body has turned to gray

With a flick of this hand,

His head has been divided into several pieces,

However, Yuanshen and Shenfu, a mountain range, surrounded by a lake and a volcano,

One turn is to fly away

Sure enough to be an intermediate refiner,

There are not only lakes and volcanoes in the primordial spirit, but also an iceberg and metal mountains.

Almost all the tools and raw materials needed for the refining vessel are complete.

Commissioner Qian is not polite,

The wreckage and divine mansion of this intermediate refiner,

All went into the universe of the Qiang Chief Committee Member, and then, this soul, saw a planet with a flame of thousands of meters,

The primordial spirit of this mountain range is eagerly throwing into this planet.

The distance was still far away, and the flames burned, and the consciousness was already blurred.

This song Yuanshen will not become the raw material of the Qian Committee’s God’s Mansion

After his self-consciousness was refined,

This mountain primordial spirit will be established on a planet, together with all the refining knowledge that this primordial spirit originally possessed.

An intermediate refiner, solved it so quickly.

On Member Qian’s robe, there were signs of apprenticeship.

Intermediate refiner, just like Commissioner Qian thought, is an attack with a few hand skills, especially strong.

In terms of the entire level of mana, escape, and the mystery of the magic arts, it is not much superior to the intermediate refiner of the same level.

Even compared to the four-diamond **** Hua of the same realm, it is still inferior.

The people around were a little confused,

The white clouds and the spatial stream surrounding Guifang have been beaten one piece to the east and one piece to the west.

All rely on magic weapons to support.

Gui Fang’s magic weapon was vulnerable to a bombardment at the level of Yuan Ying’s **** Hua.

However, to defend against the attacks of these intermediate refiners and apprentices,

Still more than enough.

Without the barrier of the vast space formed by the Zhoutian star formation,

Gui Fang's Baiyun Knife is not at all superior to the various skills of the intermediate refiner.

Commissioner Qian flashed, star fog rolled,

An apprentice who besieged Guifang has been involved.

Immediately, thousands of stars hit,

The apprentice was blasted to pieces,

The fireworks of a planet are so huge that it directly sucked his soul over,

Although he was an apprentice, he was also in the early stage of the Three Diamond God Hua.

Divine Soul is directly into a planet.

Like the ultimate refiner, his soul will also be established on this planet, along with all his refinement knowledge.

Then, this planet will hang high in the sky above Commissioner Qian's palace.

As a dedicated refining planet.

Xinghuang's sword light was in full bloom, and hundreds of swords flashed in an instant, thousands of swords

The skill of an intermediate refiner turned into a golden light, slashing towards Guifang,

But was blocked by the sword light of the apricot

Golden light, apricot yellow sè sword light splashing,

A red flame,


Like a flash of thunder across the sky,

The countless talisman surrounded by this intermediate refiner,

There is already a crack torn apart,

Blood burst

This intermediate refiner just exclaimed and backed away

Using enchanting techniques, a few three-dimensional array of six snake wind and fire swords were added,

I am here,

One sword cut off the defense of an intermediate refiner,

However, the intermediate refiner, a magic weapon,

Not for nothing,

Had abruptly.

"Ashamed, compared to you, I am really embarrassed to stand here."

Guifang was really embarrassed.

"It seems that I will also have to set up a strong formation in the Divine Mansion in the future."

This matter was cut obliquely,

It seems that it doesn’t exist at all,

The head of an apprentice burst open, like a big watermelon.

Splash of blood and brain plasma,

Of course, the corpse and the primordial spirit were still collected into the Zhou Tianxing formation.

An apprentice is the perception and knowledge of one or several refining tools.

If every kind of perception and knowledge is realized by the high-money executives themselves,

Maybe a hundred years, maybe two hundred years,

Commissioner Qian didn't even want to get out of Longmn Inn.

have to say,

These intermediate refiner mn in Long mn Inn are very lively and vivid.

Seeing the star fog surrounding Chairman Qian, it was indeed strange.

There are not many who really fight to death.

Those apprentices, after being swallowed five or six by the star mist around the member Qian’s body, like dumplings,

They also stood far away from the Qian Qian committee, bluffing.

This is a typical life.

Dozens of figures suddenly appeared in the air

The guard of Longmn Inn finally sent here.

how? I remembered that when I came to Longmn Inn, the guard appeared so fast.

As soon as the Grandmaster started the fight, the guard appeared slowly ----

Commissioner Qian understands,

It turned out to be the same everywhere.

Liu Dao and Pippen stopped their hands.

"Two masters, please follow us.

If you have the certification of a master, then this matter will be handled by the Zhongxian District. "

A guard in the lead,

Read a paragraph formulaically.

Upon hearing this tone,

Commissioner Qian can guess,

This kind of fighting between masters is just like that.

"Friend, you go back to your residence for a while."

Liu Dao said to Commissioner Qian ~www.wuxiaspot.com~OK---"

Commissioner Qian watched Liu Dao and Pippen go away.

His face straddled.

"Damn, Master Liu Dao, I'm not sure."

Guifang was very embarrassed.

"This---I didn't think about it--"

"Let's go, I can't blame you on this-----"

Commissioner Qian patted Gui Fang on the shoulder.

A large group of people stared at Commissioner Qian and Guifang with hatred.

But the guard came,

Grandmaster also left, no one is looking for trouble.

Commissioner Qian and Gui Fang left the chaotic scene smoothly.

Commissioner Qian returned to Wanliju,

Refining all the restrained primordial spirits in the Zhoutian Star Dou formation,

This is serious.

In Commissioner Qian’s palace,

Several planets burned with raging red flames.

Within the raging red flame,

The various primordial spirits trembled, collapsed, and regrouped.

All kinds of perceptions are like flowing water,

Flowing all over the palace of the Commissioner Qian.

These insights have greatly improved the efficiency of Commissioner Qian’s mastering these skills.

Reduce the materials required to practice these skills.

.. Enjoy the fun of reading, all in m, our only domain name!

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