Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1861: Lupeng

m reminds book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes yo Chapter 1861 Lu Peng

His blow from this fan of flames, the flames blatant

There is a sweeping trend.

However, the sword array composed of thousands of flame swords,

It's really mysterious,

Thousands of consecutive slashes, as if in an instant,

The flames sweeping everything,

It was broken abruptly.


Countless silver grids appeared on the surface of his body,

Dozens of slashes of flame swords,

But let this silver grid dent in one piece.

Obviously, this silver lattice is also a good magic weapon.

Abruptly blocked the slash of the six snake wind and fire sword

Grandmaster Liu Dao, gave Guifang and Dingdel, one piece of celestial symbol for each,

This defender was also dispatched by the master,

The level of magic weapons is naturally not too bad.

At this time, his figure retreated several feet away.

Damn, what kind of apprentice is this,

This sword gesture,

Half of the masters I have met are not comparable.

The figure was already wailing in his heart.

With a thought,

Above the flames, countless rockets rushed up,

When it touches the star fog, it bursts like a huge thunder

Under such dense flame arrows,

U Doo just shows a phantom,

Burned to nothingness

It is impossible to even manifest the body.

This flame is stronger than my five-sun star fire

You know, these u flowers are a combination of four elements of mystery,

Fire resistance is not generally high,

The real fire of the five suns can burn more of these lives, but to burn into nothingness, there must be a breathing time.

In the flames of this lupeng,

These u can't even appear.

Collect this lupeng and understand the mystery.

This trip didn't come in vain.

These thoughts flashed halfway through the head of Commissioner Qian.

Swordsmanship again,

It was like tens of thousands of stars, once again blasting on the host of this formation.

This monk felt that the flames came from countless angles,

The fire cloud fan surrounded by fire clouds flew sharply, forming several fire walls,

Tightly wrap this monk

However, the appearance of the wall of fire is obviously worse than ten thousand stars.

Hundreds of fiery red sword lights, as if turning countless turns,

It just slammed on the silver grid.

Hundreds of muffled thunders seemed to sound at the same instant,

The monk splashed several blood, but it has turned into flames in the air, spraying several feet high


The monk shouted,


The teleport function of the flame lupin is activated.

A flame surrounds him, and there are countless runes in the flame.

The figure of this monk has become blurred

This silver lattice armor,

Not worse than my Blackwater Marsh Armor.

Member Qian said with emotion,

To know,

The main raw materials of Heishui Swamp Armor are Wuè soil and Xuanshui true soil.

To know,

This is so rare that the raw material cannot be rarer,

Only when it is made into Blackwater Swamp Armor can it have a strong defense.

And this silver lattice armor,

From the eyes of the Qian committee member,

It's definitely made with those ordinary precious materials.

In other words,

Although the materials are precious, it is not difficult to find them.

At the current level of the Chief Qian,

The silver lattice armor made with these ordinary precious materials,

He used the Six Snake Wind and Fire Sword to slash with all his strength,

The number of swords blocked does not exceed thirty swords.

It really is the master's handwriting.

These thoughts also passed by like lightning.

Commissioner Qian’s left hand,

There has been an extra thunder and lightning. If you look closely, it is a sword that surrounds the thunder and lightning.

Just a slash

"Great King Swallowing, it's time for you to go all out."

Commissioner Qian yelled

"Okay, look at me"

King Swallowing Sky also yelled in the Wind Thunder Sword: "It's been a long time since I showed my skills."

Thousands of Thunder and Thunder

As if time stopped, space stopped

In the eyes of this monk, in the end there was only an incomparably shining thunder light

The teleportation flame surrounding him, together with his body,

It exploded, a few pieces splashed and countless flames flew

"Good baby on this end, I hit with all my strength, but it's not a few dollars."

In the wind and thunder sword,

King Tuntian, a little coveted.

"You are now presiding over the magic circle. You don't need this for the time being. After you regain your freedom, I will give you a better defense magic weapon."

Commissioner Qian waved his hand and put away all the wreckage.

If it wasn't for the continuous full attack, the silver grid would be cut through.

The Heaven-swallowing King controlled the Flying Thunder Sword with a full blow,

I'm afraid I can't touch this silver grid.

Such a treasure is naturally repaired after his refining skills grow, or simply ask Master Liu Dao to repair and pay for his own use.

You a monster who was caught,

How can I get such treatment?

"Resume freedom, God knows when?"

The King Swallowing Sky was in the Wind Thunder Sword, rolling his eyes.

Commissioner Qian immediately took this monk’s soul into the Zhoutian Star Dou formation.

Count the stars to gather, at the fastest speed,

Begin to refine this soul.

He needs to control this lupeng as quickly as possible,

After digesting the various knowledge contained in this lupeng,

Committee member Qian’s five-sun sparks have once again increased their power, which is a sure thing.

A thick thunder struck down suddenly

That power, just looking at it, makes people tremble from the depths of the soul

However, countless silver and thin awns also rose into the sky.

Just a twist, a twist

Baizhang thunder, all turned into powder

Under the silver light, of course it is Master Liu Dao.

In the distance, a shadow of a man confronted.

He has a thin face, eyes like eagles, and a beard.

Countless thunder lights flickered in the sky, indescribable killing.

At this moment, his face moved

"Liu Dao, a good helper you chose, you broke the flames so quickly"

"No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liu Dao didn't believe it.

Before he wanted to, with the power bonus of the formation, Commissioner Qian would take at least one hour to break the formation.

"According to real people, we don't play much on behalf of us, but I know who you are. Don't fool me."

Liu Dao smiled.

Thousands of thin silver awns have already whizzed towards the real person Zhaoneng.

Across tens of miles, one hundredth of an instant

Chen Zhaoneng wanted to change the Lupeng in the south, which contained the formation of the Agni Array.

However, he really didn't dare not take a thousand shots.

Just like Liu Dao's thunder against him, only hard resistance.

Commissioner Qian sat crouched in the flames on the lupeng, suddenly his eyes opened.

One after another, the magic tricks came out toward this flame lupeng.

The whole Lupeng emits a big flame.

Countless runes and mysterious words appeared.

The whole Lupeng began to shrink sharply.

On the north side of the formation, Zhao Neng is really anxious.

Countless silver awns surrounded him fiercely

His figure shook, thousands of thunder and lightning came out of him,

Touching the silver mang, "Boom boom boom---"

Half of the thin awns were destroyed, but the real person Zhao Neng has already shed blood

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