Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1866: Canisi's decision

One thousand eight hundred chapters of Canisi's decision

A monk walked in, also an intermediate refiner,

Bowing to Dada and saluting, then he said,

"Master Duotuo, the monk named Lao Qian came from a plane called Ruins Sea.

This sea of ​​ruins is part of an abyss,

With him, there are more than 100 monsters, among them, there are about 20 abyss monsters.

We asked a lot of demon cultivators, and they all said they didn't have the equipment of the Middle Ages.

However, there is an abyss monster named Canisi who is willing to sell more than a dozen pieces of ancient equipment.

The premise is that he doesn’t want immortal stones or equipment,

He wanted to get the blueprint of a super teleportation array that could teleport 50,000 people at a time and penetrate multiple planes. "

"The sea of ​​ruins, a part of an abyss, a super teleportation array that transmits 50,000 people?

These abyss monsters want to fight with someone again.

Interesting, have you seen the dozen or so pieces of medieval equipment? "

Heard this news,

This monk named Dodo suddenly straightened his waist.

Staring at this person with burning eyes.

The fact that he was able to collect more than a dozen pieces of ancient equipment was beyond his expectation.

If it can be transformed into a piece of crystal plant

"Oh my lord, he took out all the dozen or so pieces of equipment. They are indeed similar in style to the ancient equipment of Longmen Inn 50,000 years ago."

Upon hearing this, the monk named Doduo was overjoyed.

However, the next sentence of the subordinate,

Let his joy be washed away.

"Most of the dozen or so pieces of equipment are auxiliary equipment used in combat, and one of them is auxiliary equipment used for alchemy.

However, the function of that piece of alchemy auxiliary equipment was made carefully by the master of Longmen Inn, and it is now also made, which is no worse than that piece of medieval equipment. "

"Oh that's true."

Duoduo's face fell again.

"Fifty thousand years have passed, even if it was the equipment made by Longmen Inn back then,

The current level of equipment production is not necessarily bad. "

"That is, that is"

This intermediate refiner laughed dryly.

On that face is a hideous beast head, covered with spikes, and even the abyss monster Kanisi with four eyes.

It's really convincing.

Ask the super teleportation array as soon as you speak,

It didn’t take a long time to hear that there were blueprints for the Super Teleportation Array.

Just put together a dozen pieces of ancient equipment.

"You tell them that it is absolutely impossible to exchange those combat auxiliary equipment for the super teleportation array.

Unless they can find extremely special refining equipment. "

Dodha waved his hand.

A super teleportation array capable of teleporting 50,000 people,

What does it mean?

It means war, a large-scale war.

The drawing of this super teleportation array, Longmen Inn, has strict restrictions.

At most, the finished products of the Super Teleportation Array are already very good.

Of course, the manufactured products of those super teleportation arrays have countless restrictions.

In the powerful spirit,

It is also difficult to see the full picture of the super teleportation array.

If you try to disassemble, you can only get "pop"

The super teleportation array exploded.

"What, the auxiliary combat equipment is not valuable? What they want is the refining equipment of crystalline plants, or other high-end refining equipment?"


Canisi stood up,

Walking around violently.

"Crystalized plant equipment, the one hundred and four diamond flower gods who came from the sigh trench, only the old money has one, where can I get it for him?"

Cassini walked back and forth angrily.

How long does it take to start learning refining tools again to reach the level of intermediate refining masters?

Canisi, can't wait.

An abyss monster came up: "Boss, since people don't want these combat auxiliary equipment,

It's better to return it to the brothers. That old money made such a fuss. Many monks in Longmen Inn.

They all come to us to ask if there are any used equipment, they are willing to pay a high price to purchase. "


Canisi is a slap,

He drew it hard.

This abyss monster has been beaten and rolled again and again.

"Don't the glory of the abyss compare to a piece of broken equipment?

You coward, I will kill you. "

The abyss monster stood up,

I screamed bad luck,

The equipment was contributed, and in exchange for a slap.

Is about to exit this room,


Canisi stretched out his hand.

"First sell a few pieces of medieval equipment, and then you take a few people back to the sea of ​​ruins and sigh the trench, continue to search for equipment,

Don't let others know about this. "

The others in Kanisi’s mouth,

Refers to the remaining monsters in the abyss.

. . . .

"Oh sir, can you change someone else."

The face of this abyssal monster was already wrinkled.

Encountered such an errand again.

Many monsters from the sea of ​​ruins, abyss monsters,

Hunting in the void turbulence again and again,

While buying a book on the refiner,

Start to learn the refiner.

It was all the way of Guifang.

The four diamond flower gods, their respective mana, are simply very different.

If you can learn first-class refining techniques and create powerful magic weapons for yourself, it is better than anything.

And the superior crafting technique, in the plane outside the Dragon Inn,

That is extremely difficult to find.

Even if there is a good refining technique, people may not give it.

Sigh for the more than one hundred and four diamond flower gods in the trench,

To be able to come to this Longmen Inn,

Although the conditions were difficult, a few died during the hunting of the void beasts.

However, you can buy high-end refining techniques,

It can be said to be a great opportunity.

High-level refining art, how precious and precious it is.

"Go back to the sea of ​​ruins and sigh the trench to search for equipment."

Searching for those special refining equipment is completely a matter of luck.

How long will it take to collect?

Maybe a few years, maybe decades?


The ruins of the sea, sighing trench equipment, there are many big monsters.

It’s not as good as being a bit harder in this Longmen Inn, but being able to learn refining tools,

Seeing this subordinate answer like this,

Canisi was disappointed,

This abyssal monster is in the same abyss with Kanisi, knowing Kanisi’s position in the abyss,

Only then reluctantly obeyed his orders.

The other party is also the Four Diamond Flower God,

If you leave your camp in a fit of anger, there is really no way at all.

Most people think that abyss monsters have a strict hierarchy.

In fact, it was only under the same ruler.

Among the different commanders, there are those scattered demons, which are not pleasing to each other.

"Well, you have been searching for a year in the sigh. No matter whether you have gained or not, I will send someone to replace you."

Canisi changed his tone.

This monster reluctantly responded.

Out of this small courtyard,


There was a sound like surging water.

The surface of the shadow of a golden fruit, the original transparent crystal sèze, turned into soil, with countless runes and mysterious words on it.

After the crystalization of the body surface of this crystal fruit shadow, the crystal structure was transformed into the structure of his own divine palace by Commissioner Qian.

It is equivalent to saying that the body surface of the shadow of the golden fruit has become like a divine palace.

Able to think and reason.

In a month,

There are already dozens of Golden Fruit Shadows in Commissioner Qian’s God’s Mansion.

The shadow of golden fruit for refining,

Has all completed the conversion,

The shadow of the golden fruit that was converted today, in fact, belongs to the iron crown magical array composed of six hundred golden fruit shadows.

The shadow of the golden fruit in the iron crown magical array composed of the shadow of six hundred golden fruit, although only a dozen of the shadows of the golden fruit have been crystallized,

However, the efficiency of the iron crown magic deduction array has been slightly improved.

This made Commissioner Qian full of joy.

And the crystals on the surface of these golden fruit shadows,

After the deification,

The crystal surface performs various mana operations,

Various test data,

Master Liu Dao was overjoyed.

For Grandmaster Liu Dao,

The crystal surface of the Shadow of Golden Fruit, under the control of Commissioner Qian, the four-diamond flower god, runs at full force.

The test on the crystal surface is quite comprehensive.

only if,

Only by allowing figures at the master level to better understand the nature of plant crystallization and lay the foundation for imitating this equipment.


There was a knock on the door.

Broad image appeared in the mind of Commissioner Qian,

Why do you seem to be a little constricted?


The door opened.

"Bro, yesterday's refining, your refining technology has greatly improved."

Commissioner Qian said.

These are polite words, but Bro's refining skills are indeed rapidly improving.

"It's not comparable, you heard that none, Kanisi sent a few people back to the sea of ​​ruins.

I heard that we are going to sigh the trench and collect special refining equipment. "

Bro said.

"Oh? They don't learn refining technique anymore?"

Commissioner Qian was surprised.

For the monsters of the abyss, high-level refining techniques are extremely rare.

In this Longmen Inn, you can buy some fairy stones.

Many abyssal monsters have begun to learn refining art.

"Could they also go back to the sea of ​​ruins to collect materials?"

Bro shook his head: "No, they collected special refining equipment, just to trade with a monk named Duo.

With special mixing equipment, buy a super teleportation array that can transport 50,000 people. "

"They really are"

Commissioner Qian took a breath.

He seemed to see,

The door to war is opening

God knows what special equipment is there in the sigh trench?

Once Canisi found special equipment,

In exchange for a special teleportation array that can transport 50,000 people,

Commissioner Qian seemed to see,

A large number of abyss monster masters will magically appear around the bone fortress.

Once the Bone Fortress is broken ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Abyssal monsters will swarm in.

"Wait until Luanpo comes over, tell him."

After thinking about it, Commissioner Qian said something.

Even if that is the case, what can Committee member Qian do?

He is not the commander of the Bone Fortress.

The White Bone Fortress is not owned by his Chief Qian.

To enter the Bone Fortress, you have to lead by Luanpai.

Let Luanpo consider what should be done.

It's important to refining oneself.

That piece of equipment that can crystallize plants, the frequency of activation is too slow,

Grandmaster has no good way to do this.

The principle that this piece of equipment crystallizes plants is still not fully understood.

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