Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1868: change

m reminds book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes. Chapter 1868 changes

"Well, although it is broken, there is still some research value."

Grandmaster Liu Dao nodded.

It turned out to be too few.

Old Qian muttered in his heart.

A flame emerged from Grandmaster Liu Dao's eyebrows, and in an instant, a yù Jane appeared and flew towards Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

The ten skills in this yù jane are much more detailed than those you can buy in the store.

Especially for the use of skills in various materials, various flames, and water flames.

All have made detailed instructions.

Sure enough, the master's product is extraordinary.

"Thank you."

Commissioner Qian smiled.

These skills allow the disciples of Tiangong Temple in Fengyang to practice,

A refining system imitating the Dragon Inn is basically formed.

Although it is far behind the Dragon Inn,

However, some areas of the refining weapon will probably exceed the level of the Galaxy Fleet headquarters on the planet Earth.

The research on plant crystallization equipment is continuing.

It is nearly a year, and it will soon pass.

On this day, Commissioner Qian will recognize Wanliju’s residence,

Luanpo's figure is already waiting.

"Luanpo, just right, I have news to tell you."

Member Qian was overjoyed.

The case of Canisi happened to be dealt with by Luan.

"It's Kanisi and the Super Teleportation Array. I will return to the Bone Fortress later.

However, whether they believe this news is another question. "

Luanpa's face was a bit helpless.

"Do you know that when the teleportation was activated, the prompt on the license plate of Longju I applied for changed?

Between the Dragon Inn and the Sea of ​​Ruins, only fifty best immortal stones are needed at a time, but I am only allowed to pass.

What is going on, I asked Wright, and Wright said that he is just an intermediate refiner, and the license change of Longju is not known to him.

I heard that you know a master, can you help me ask. "

When talking about the latter question, Luanpo's face was a little anxious.

In the previous Longju license, when the transmission was opened, there was only a time limit and no limit on the number of people.

Otherwise, from the sigh of the trench, how come, rush into the **** of more than one hundred and four diamonds.

However, the permission of the Longju license is changed, and only the person holding the Longju license can be sent through.

Even if the transmission cost is reduced by half,

That value, I don't know how much it has dropped.

"Do you plan to bring a group from Tianpeng Mountain to Longju to learn crafting?"

Member Qian asked.

Luan Po must have made this idea.

This made it look frustrated.

"Hey, old Qian, you also know that Tianpeng Mountain does not have a super-level exercise method that is too outstanding, and the force value is really not high.

Only then, I was sighing in the trench, and the one who entered the teleportation was suddenly more than one hundred and four diamonds.

If these four diamond gods all attack the bone fortress,

The Bone Fortress is not enough for them to fight.

However, it is really difficult to train a large number of combat masters.

However, there is this Dragon Inn’s high-level refining technique and materials, and some of the Tianpeng Mountain is,

Pile up a batch of master craftsmen with materials to improve the crafting level of Tianpeng Mountain,

From this aspect, the combat effectiveness of Tianpeng Mountain can be improved quickly. "


Luanpo still considers Tianpeng Mountain a lot.

Once there are more high-end instruments,

At least defensively,

The power is huge.

As soon as the permission of this Longju license is changed,

The idea of ​​Luanpo was completely destroyed.

"Hey, at the Dragon Inn, buy some skill books for refining tools, go back and practice them, as long as the kung fu is reached, you can practice them."

Commissioner Qian said.

"Oh, old money, don't mess with me,

Practicing skills is one thing. To achieve a high level of refinement skills, watching and participating in high-level refineries is essential.

I was also in the sea of ​​ruins. It took me so long to realize this truth. I went to Wright for the apprenticeship test

Regarding the Longju license, please inquire about it. "

After speaking, Luanpo hurried away.


Seeing that he was about to become an apprentice, Luan Po talked to himself more casually.

Actually, when I think about it,

Luan’s broken Shui Yuanzhu is more powerful than his own Sword of the Sea.

However, the cultivation base is not high and cannot be fully utilized.

After practicing with a lot of materials in the sea of ​​ruins for so long, it’s certain that it will pass the apprenticeship test

In this way, Luan Po is Wright's official apprentice.

The various skills of Dragon Inn can be formally learned.

For myself, of course it is ------.

The several refining skills originally obtained from the imprisoned soul,

Originally I wanted to break Luan, but this time, I didn't show it.

Old Qian shook his head and took out his Longju license.

Once the license plate is taken out,

A flash of brilliance,

"Only I can pass."

A few words clearly appear,

There is also a line of words, each pass, fifty best immortal stones.

Damn, Commissioner Qian stomped towards Grandmaster Liu Dao’s courtyard,

Walked hurriedly.

"Oh, I've heard about this. I thought you knew it, but I didn't tell you."

After listening to Commissioner Qian's quick and quick remarks.

Liu Dao nodded: "I heard, because your ruins sea is part of the abyss plane,

The Dragon Inn has restrictions on the Dragon Residence tokens of the monks on the abyss plane.

Only approved by me. "

"Oh---I know, abyss monsters like to plunder, but there is no protection by law here.

The four diamonds are the gods, and they are all at the base-building period. You can fight a hundred guards here. "

Commissioner Qian was a little puzzled.

With the protection of the law, are you afraid that the abyss monsters will be wild here?

Come and kill as much.

"It's not that they are wild here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the Dragon Inn. I don't want too many abyss monsters to become high-level craftsmen here."

When Liu Dao said this sentence, he began to study the core array of plant crystallization.

In this case, Commissioner Qian has nothing to say.

After a few days,

Commissioner Qian returned to Wanliju,

Commissioner Qian first made a pot of tea for himself.

Then, take out a piece of yù jane,

Organizer's experience in plant crystallization research.

The master is the master, after so long research,

The basic principle of this piece of equipment,

Finally there is a spectrum.

With such a piece of equipment, the research experience has been nearly 100 million characters, and the graphics are countless.

In terms of the basic principles of this piece of equipment,

Liu Dao still has a master style,

Did not take advantage of the money committee.

Research data,

They all gave a copy to Committee Member Qian.

After a while,

According to the Dragon Inn, the current level of refining,

Recreate a similar piece of equipment.

According to Liu Dao,

If this piece of equipment can be manufactured successfully,

On the way to becoming a great master,

Liu Dao has taken a solid step.

Enjoy reading, all in m, our only domain name!

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