Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1883: Evolution of the Shadow of Golden Fruit

m reminds book friends to pay attention to resting their eyes, Chapter 1883: The Evolution of the Shadow of Golden Fruit

"The monk is also a way of life,

It must be versatile. "

Commissioner Qian has something in his words.

"But---Master, we are going to fight, and now it’s too late to learn refining tools."

Meng Dali glanced at these disciples in Tiangong Hall, and now he wanted to learn refining tools.

I still start as an apprentice?

Spread your hands.


Although Commissioner Qian was a little unhappy,

However, what Meng Dali said is true.

With Meng Dali, Bailiqiao, Yuantie and their alchemy foundation,

Want to reach the level of refiner Qian before entering the Dragon Inn,

No cultivation, no alchemy, a single-minded refinement,

At least ten years!

Commissioner Qian thought for a while,

His expression became serious.

"In your experience, how many masters have you fought with? Some magic weapons have been damaged?

Note that the master I'm talking about has a cultivation base that is at least equal to or even more than yours. "

"Some, even thrilling.

The magic weapon has been damaged several times, but the capable people in the Temple of Heavenly Work have repaired the magic weapon. "

Bailiqiao answered.

Bailiqiao is obsessed with swordsmanship and is a fighting madman.

Now, he has upgraded his golden core to the fifth grade elementary.

When Bailiqiao cultivated the golden core, it was an eighth-grade golden core.

After more than ten years of practice and fighting, he has been upgraded to a fifth-grade golden core,

This is already quite amazing.

"Fighting with the strong below the diamond god, the damage to the magic weapon is not great.

However, if you fight with the diamond god, all the magic weapons may be damaged. Do you know that? "

. . . . .

Jin Dan repairs other monsters in the abyss, it is possible to issue a God-level attack,

In the rich soil, it has been communicated.

At that time, one magic weapon may not be enough to use, but a few magic weapons are needed.

"It may be that a few magic weapons are needed, and I will bother Master by then."

Meng Dali, Bailiqiao, and Yuantie all laughed.

"Are you a respected master or am I a respected master, huh?"

Member Qian’s voice increased.

"You don't know how to refine weapons, so how can there be so many magic weapons for you to consume?

I'm blunt here, each of you, I will give a newly refined magic weapon,

As for other magic weapons, to improve your existing magic weapons, you should think of ways yourself! "

This, we find a way,

In addition to his own refining tools, I was looking for a monk from the Temple of Heaven.

The monks of Tiangong Temple,

The status in the rich soil has not been high.

Now---It's really hard to speak.

Meng Dali, Bailiqiao, and Yuantie several people, relying on themselves as the direct disciples of the palm, are very proud of themselves.

"Master, I sincerely follow Master's will, and I am willing to learn tools, starting from an apprentice."

Meng Dali gritted his teeth.

The disciples of the Tiangong Temple must be responsible for making magic weapons for the faction, and they are also popular products.

It’s better to learn how to refine by yourself,

At least, when I create magic weapons for myself,

In terms of materials and craftsmanship, it is absolutely attentive.

. Meng Dali expressed his opinion,

A few people from Bailiqiao and Yuantie,

Immediately raised his head, his face was awe-inspiring.

It means that the teacher means,

The disciples must overcome all difficulties and achieve it.

"It seems that you are still learning the refining tool or follow my meaning?"

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

Let's wait until the battle happens frequently.

Then you will know.

Next, Committee Member Qian spent a month,

The disciples of the Temple of Heavenly Work, just now are on the right track in the training of the Dragon Inn skills.

Unlike Commissioner Qian, the ability to quickly cultivate the Dragon Inn as soon as he gets the skill book.

These monks in the Tiangong Temple, in terms of the fusion and understanding of the profound,

It's totally incomparable with Committee Member Qian.

While busy with the Tiangong Temple,

Commissioner Qian returned to the shadow of the thirty-six battle golden fruit, turned into a big tree and planted it.

There are already a few people in the thirty-six golden fruit shadows.

The shadow of the golden fruit, for the absorption of star power, is much stronger than that of ordinary monks.

The shadow of the tree shook,

With a fresh breath, it seems to be the vastness of ancient times.

The brilliance circulating like flames, and the brilliance circulating like sea water, there are glorious circulating like ice.

It seems extremely mysterious.

Seeing the arrival of Commissioner Qian,

A happy mood appeared in Committee Member Qian's mind.

Commissioner Qian knew all about the thirty-six Golden Fruit Shadows in an instant.

In addition to the elders of the six golden fruit shadows,

The intensity of the other thirty Golden Fruit Shadows all reached the level of the fifth-grade Golden Core.

In addition to the progress of the repair base by the pool,

In the entire Zhoutian star battle array, it is the shadow of these thirty golden fruits,

They are not practicing, but growing!

However, the use of spells is still not as good as the cultivating fifth-grade golden core monks step by step.

Gu Tianshan has put away his 49 clones,

Go back to the Galaxy Fleet to fight for the position.

Ancient Tianshan left a message for these thirty-six golden fruit shadows,

Now, the Galaxy Fleet is recruiting more and more people,

Your position in the Galaxy Fleet must be determined quickly.

Wait until the Galaxy Fleet affairs come to an end,

Back to Zhou Tian Xing Dou to practice,

This ancient Tianshan,

Let him go, Commissioner Qian shook his head.

Commissioner Qian took out the plant crystallized equipment,

The purpose of this plant crystallization equipment, after use, the plant will become like,

The shadow of thirty-six golden fruits immediately spread various emotions,

Or surprised,

Or curious, or shy away.

Crystallizing the surface, but changing the quality of life!

For a time, none of the thirty-six Golden Fruit Shadows actively requested the equipment to be used for plant crystallization.

How does that work?

Dragon Inn and his party~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition to the method of Dragon Inn,

This piece of plant crystallized equipment is the biggest gain.

Improve the combat effectiveness of the Golden Fruit Shadow, in one fell swoop.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, a green light was already shining on the shadows of the golden fruits.

Where the green light shines,

The surface of the shadow of the golden fruit has turned into a brown crystal.

Green light shines back and forth,

The brown crystal began to spread!

"How? How does it feel?"

Commissioner Qian felt that his divine mansion was filled with conversations of these golden fruit shadows in an instant.

These golden fruit shadows, in the thick star fog,

Growth is extremely fast, and wisdom naturally improves very quickly.

Seeing that there is a shadow of a golden fruit, as an experiment,

All were not surprised but rejoiced.

Asked one after another how this shadow of golden fruit felt.

"You silly people, how do you feel, it seems that the Shenfu has begun to expand."

The selected Jin Guo Ying answered with disdain.

It seems that these golden fruit shadows still have their own personality.

These golden fruit shadows are much larger than the plant monsters that the master used to experiment.

Spent most of the day,

Commissioner Qian completely crystallized the surface of this golden fruit shadow.

Enjoy reading, all in m, our only domain name!

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