Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1894: Han Hu

m1894 Chapter Han Hu

Commissioner Qian sat leisurely.

For fighting with the monks in the Bone Fortress,

Negotiation in exchange for materials,

For Commissioner Qian, these are trivial matters.

As for the disciples of turtles, they are also practicing hard.

Comprehend your own experience in battle,

What they cultivate is the blood evil mysterious,

Commissioner Qian did not understand,

There is not much to point out.

Less than half a day,

Turtle came in a hurry.

"Old Qian, it went well this time, but the deputy commander of the Bone Fortress, Admiral Han Hu of the Tieyan Army, wants to see you.

This white bone fortress is a good place to practice the blood evil spirit, and you have to give me face no matter what. "

The turtle said.

The turtle wants to advance in this bone fortress,

The commander of this bone fortress,

But there is much to rely on.

Besides, Commissioner Qian also wanted to meet,

This bone fortress has a great reputation,

What kind of cultivation is his commander?

Turtle and Qian,

Walk towards the center of the Bone Fortress.

There are dozens of miles away from the center of the Bone Fortress,

There are already patrolling monks everywhere,

Just the turtle stopped on the road,

With a wave of his hand,

A flame erupted.

But flying hundreds of feet, as if hitting an invisible barrier,

An officer of the Iron Rock Army came out,

Sweeping his eyes to Commissioner Qian,

Wearing battle armor, the official Qian Qian committee asked the turtle to sell a set last time.

"Three diamonds u **** mid stage."

Commissioner Qian immediately knew his cultivation level.

And this person only feels that his spiritual thoughts have been swept away,

The opposite person, like shrouded in a cloud of mist,

Moreover, this mist is the kind of endless.

These are several high-level commanders facing the Bone Fortress,

I have this feeling.

As for the elders of the Bone Fortress,

Not to mention.

This man was horrified,

"I'm afraid this person is in the mid-stage of the four diamonds. No wonder he can travel between the ruins of the sea,

Get the equipment of the Dragon Inn,"

His face became more humble.

"The general has been waiting for you for a long time, please follow me."

Seven turns and eight turns all the way,

Walked dozens of miles.

The building on the roadside, the mana bounced out, is getting stronger and stronger,

More and more complicated.

A building more than ten feet high appeared in front of Commissioner Qian,

White, on the building, there are countless u patterns, forbidden,

Circulating flow,

Even Commissioner Qian, seeing these countless u patterns circulating,

My heart is also tight,

Such a powerful large magical weapon, I am afraid it is no less than a floating airship made by the Dragon Inn!

Of course, the technology used to refine this artifact,

Compared with Dragon Inn,

Still can't compare,

Refining this building, the materials used,

I am afraid that dozens of floating airships of the Dragon Inn can be refined.

"Please wait a moment, I'll go report it."

The colonel said politely,

Commissioner Qian and the turtle stopped.

Commissioner Qian, with great interest, checked the craftsmanship and materials of this building for himself.

Watch watch,

Commissioner Qian has been "tsk tsk" repeatedly.

A lot of rare materials,

On the common magic weapon, just add a little,

But here,

It's a big piece of use.

The officer came out and bowed slightly: "Please come in."

And the officer walked into this building,

It is heavily guarded again.

In one hall, a monk was correcting documents.

Seeing that the officer came in with the turtle and the Commissioner Qian,

Only then stood up,

He is burly in shape, with electric eyesight, not anger or prestige.

"Hey, it's just over the four-diamond mid-stage, but not the four-diamond mid-stage."

Commissioner Qian recognized the cultivation level of General Han Hu.

However, this Admiral Han Hu did not release coercion.

Fairly polite.


General Han Hu said.

The cultivation base is high, the authority is high, and the aura is full.

Did not deliberately exude power,

There is also a natural power, flowing out.

The turtle was already short, consciously or unconsciously.

However, this power,

As soon as I met Commissioner Qian, it was as if he had rushed into the boundless fog.


General Han Hu said,

No words please.

Commissioner Qian sat down leisurely without speaking.

"I didn't expect your Excellency to have such a cultivation base, it's no wonder you can go deep into the Dragon Inn."

Admiral Han Hu spoke.

Commissioner Qian shook his head again and again, "Master Han is too rewarding. I just happened to know a monk from the Dragon Inn."

Commissioner Qian insisted not to say that he had entered the Dragon Inn.

He just came here to sell equipment.

Leave after changing materials.

Admiral Han took a sip of tea,

Eyes are like electricity.

"We are very interested in the equipment you brought, and we need at least a hundred pieces.

However, we are more interested,

It is the multi-layer magic circle in these equipment and the technology of inlaying these multi-layer magic circle. "

Admiral Han Hu is very direct.

"The materials of these equipment---"

Member Qian said.

"The materials for these equipment are a combination of water smelting and fire smelting.

We have this technology,

For a long time,

The refining level of our White Bone Fortress is actually far beyond the ruins of the sea and the abyss monsters. "

General Han Hu said.

"Damn? What he said is true. We have killed a lot of ruined sea monsters and abyss monsters in the past few months.

Didn't see the Bone Fortress, send a piece of equipment down. "

The turtle's eyes are vertical,

Just spread the voice to Committee Member Qian.

"Don't talk about you, people from Tianpeng Mountain, who have been stationed in the White Bone Fortress for 20 years,

I didn't see them sending out half of the equipment. "

Commissioner Qian smiled.

Even if it is the ordinary equipment refined by the Dragon Inn, this material has been refined by water and fire, which can be done by extraordinary refiners.

This bone fortress, on the material,

Confident to reach the level of Dragon Inn, ordinary equipment,

That shows,

At least on the material,

The smelting level of the Bone Fortress is already very high.

However, Commissioner Qian was concerned about transferring the refining method and enchanting technology of the multi-layer magic circle to the Bone Fortress.

No interest at all,

Multi-layer magic circle, very complicated,

Without fusion and curing technology,

Even if the same multi-layer magic circle is compiled,

It simply cannot support the continuous operation of the multi-layer magic circle.

However, the Dragon Inn,

Is it so easy to enter?

High-level refining technique,

In ordinary planes, it is even rarer.

Whoever got it was reluctant to take it out.

"This...I don't know too much."

Commissioner Qian said.

"What we need is this kind of technology, you know, the transmission of the Dragon Inn,

All over all planes,

Sooner or later we will find the teleportation to the Dragon Inn, and then, the cooperation between us----"


Commissioner Qian was noncommittal.

If you find the teleport leading to the Dragon Inn,

Naturally you don’t need my equipment,

However, that is the future,

Let's talk about the future things later,

If I give you fusion skills and curing skills,

Relying on the peak of the three diamonds, the four diamonds, and your general Han Hu’s cultivation level beyond the mid-stage of the four diamonds

Practice these skills,

Within a few months, you can become proficient,

The smelting level of your White Bone Fortress in terms of materials is so high.

I am afraid that in less than a year,

You few master craftsmen can reach the level that can be refined, and the ordinary equipment of the Dragon Inn is close.

Such a good thing,

Commissioner Qian would not do it.

"We have a lot of rare materials, you don't think about it, if you don't have technology, then a hundred sets of equipment----"

Han Hu's meaning is very clear,

Without technology, this one hundred sets of equipment, that's nothing.

"Well, turtle, just complete the material change this time."

Commissioner Qian didn't care, and stood up,

Toward Han Hu, bow gently.

Then said to the turtle.

Han Hu stopped talking.

He is the deputy commander of the Bone Fortress,

Even if it is a four-diamond god,

You have to be respectful when you see him.

Seeing Commissioner Qian and Turtle go out,

He shook his head.

The colonel who brought them in,

Give them a storage bag,

The turtle took a look,

Handed it to Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian took it, and his thoughts were swept away.

"Well, the type of material is similar to last time.

In the list I listed last time,

There are still some materials, don’t you have this time? "

Commissioner Qian frowned slightly.

"The soft-shelled turtle showed me your list, what kinds of materials do you want?

It's too rare, I will only give you one this time. "

Said the officer.

"This is because the equipment you brought this time is a lot more, so I give you the blue flame iron crystal.

Otherwise, Lan Yan Tiejing,

In our bone fortress, it can be considered a scarce material.

Of course, if, those kinds of technologies that our General Han said......"

The officer said with a smile.

Just like the smile of Chairman Qian just now, the smile was calm and gentle.

"Damn, it seems that you have these materials."

Commissioner Qian said dissatisfied: "The equipment I brought this time is twice as much as last time.

The material you gave me, is there an extra blue flame iron crystal? "

Commissioner Qian changed suddenly.

"In that case, the one hundred pieces of equipment you want will end here!"


Commissioner Qian pulled the turtle.

The entrance of the Dragon Inn is in many planes,

However, that is equivalent to the existence of a treasure map.

How many monks,

A few risks,

To find the entrance of the Dragon Inn,

Before I found the entrance of the Dragon Inn,

You bone fortress,

Rely on me for not paying it back?

Wait until the Qian Yuan and Turtle have gone tens of feet away,

This building is about to be out.

"and many more----"

The officer spoke.

Commissioner Qian and the turtle stopped.

The officer waved,

A monk ran over.

In the hands of this officer,

When the flame burns, it rises and turns into a piece of yù jane.

"This is my handwriting, you hold it,

I went to the warehouse to check and found that these materials were used up. "


The monk turned around and left quickly.

Commissioner Qian and Turtle looked at each other.

These are scene words, scene words.

Sure enough, after a long while, the monk came in a hurry.

"Report to your lord, only one material was found.

Frosty gray copper crystal. "

"How about, I can only find one, I can't help it."

The officer handed over a storage bag.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

There is a gray copper block with a big fist,

It has a crystal-like texture.

On the surface, there is a bit of chill,

The more divine consciousness probed into this copper block,

The more I feel cold!

This is the Frost Grey Copper Crystal.

Commissioner Qian asked Kun Mihui to buy it at the Beasts Corridor,

I haven't seen the shadow for a long time.

This time, Commissioner Qian was satisfied.

Out of the Bone Fortress,

The battlefield of the **** border is still so fierce.

There are very few monks walking away alone.

"Stop, the i team, show your ID card!"

Even though Commissioner Qian turned into a billowing red smoke,

There are still a few abyssal monsters, shouting towards the red smoke.

The red smoke raged like anger, pounced at these abyss monsters,

At the same time, hundreds of sword lights like flames,

As if overwhelming, it whizzed,

In the eyes of these abyssal monsters,

Just feel that

First there was a puff of red smoke,

The pressure is as heavy as a mountain,


Over this entire battlefield,

They are all flame-like sword lights,

Seems to be everywhere,


These abyssal monsters were originally fighting on the battlefield.

God is ferocious.

However, seeing the power of this sword,

Every **** changed and became serious,

Like a strong wind,

Thunder exploded,

Countless boulders, with flames, billowed into the sky.

These abyssal monsters also urged their own Taoism to the limit,

This scene,

It's almost like a huge volcanic eruption.

However, hundreds of sword lights like flames whizzed down,

Extremely mighty,

With the will to destroy everything,

In the mighty and mighty, with the change of mighty,

High winds, thunder, boulders,

And this flame sword light,

Not being shaken,

It is smashed to pieces.

These abyssal monsters became serious gods,

In a blink of an eye, he has become panicked.

Daofal thunder fire emitted by himself,

In front of the sky full of sword light flames,

Can't even block a moment,

Screams sounded one after another.

Broken limbs splashed, blood rushed up,

Commissioner Qian has gone far.

A team of abyss monsters and ruins sea monsters next to them,

There was a look of fear in his eyes,

No one dared to intercept it.

Even if it’s **** on the battlefield,

However, a few masters fell in one face,

The monk in the red smoke,

Within this **** boundary, he could be regarded as a high-level monk.

How can these people still dare to make a move?

Along the way,

Encountered cross-examination,

Commissioner Qian burst into red smoke and waved out.

After slaying dozens of ruined sea monsters and abyss monsters,

Four diamonds appeared and God intercepted it.

However, Commissioner Qian brushed a few swords!

The sword light of hundreds of feet is like a surge,

Like a shining rainbow,

Extremely mighty, endless changes.

The four diamond u gods and monsters blocking the way were all shaken away!

Moreover, there are more or less sword marks on the body!

Blood splashed, accompanied by a long muffled sound.

These monsters, monsters, one by one,

This group of red smoke is devilish.

Among the monsters in the sea of ​​ruins, when did such a master come out?

Of course, for the masters of the monster race and the masters of the abyss monster,

Dare to block the way, cut it with one sword,

It doesn't matter which side you are on.

The higher the cultivation base, the greater the temper.

Organize the masters of the monster race and the abyss monster,

It is not an easy task.

Commissioner Qian rushed all the way to slash,

It is the same as the monsters and the abyss monsters.

All the way straight to slash,

Commissioner Qian returned to the vicinity of the teleportation array,

Entered the teleportation array,

After arriving at Banbei Town, after leaving Banbei Town,

Commissioner Qian removed the red smoke,

The clouds rushed over my head,

Back to the top.

All the way madly cut, the consumption is also a lot.

This **** border is getting worse and worse.

You have to get those one hundred pieces of equipment quickly.

Commissioner Qian thought,

Body shape together,

Flee like flying in the sea.

When I arrived at the Dragon Inn, I didn't rest.

The materials in exchange, some rare ones,

Stay what you need,

The rest, there are a lot of materials,

Find Luo Luowei directly.

"Roloway, there is still a batch of materials here, help me change into equipment."

Luo Luowei took a look.

"These materials are good, but to be honest, old money,

Now, some people purchase this ordinary equipment in large quantities. "

Loweway was a little embarrassed to say.

"Who is purchasing equipment in bulk?"

"Are you not the monsters and monsters that came in with you?"

Loweway said.

As for whether Commissioner Qian is a monster,

Lowe didn't care about this.

"Can you change enough for a hundred pieces of equipment?

Ordinary is fine. "

Member Qian asked.

"A hundred pieces of ordinary equipment? You know, the equipment used in Dragon Inn is very particular about the materials."

Loweway said.

"How much can be exchanged, give a correct number."

Commissioner Qian was impatient and bargaining with Luo Luo.

"Ninety pieces."

Loweway said.

"Too few, ninety-five pieces!"

Ten pieces short,

Even if you refine it yourself, ten pieces of equipment require a lot of materials.

In the end, it was set at 92.

As for the remaining large equipment,

Commissioner Qian had to refine it himself.

This time, after a long time,

Lowe had only collected ninety-two pieces of equipment.

"Damn, it seems that this equipment is really nervous.

Usually, Lolowe, those one hundred pieces of equipment are nothing but a cup of tea. "

Commissioner Qian thought.

These vendors communicate with each other,

The speed of the transfer is very fast.

Back to Wanliju,

Commissioner Qian found that

Multi-layer magic circle is not enough.

So, come up with some medium and high-grade materials,

Begin to refine the magic circle.

The skills of fusion and solidification reach a certain level,

Even if it’s medium to high-end materials,

Under the action of fusion and solidification skills,

Will become unusually strong.

In this respect,

Many precious materials given by the Bone Fortress to the Commissioner Qian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can refine top-grade equipment according to the Dragon Inn standard---that is, the equipment used by Yuanying U God.

The refining of multi-layer magic circle is the most cumbersome.

Even if Commissioner Qian intends to refine the most common shield,

A shield requires at least five or more multi-layer magic circles.

Even if it makes up the number,

You can't smash your brand, can you?

It took more than ten days for Commissioner Qian to finish making these shields.

No need to experiment,

Five multi-layer magic circles form a composite magic circle,

It is definitely stronger than the blue fog shield for the turtle.

Make good instruments,

Commissioner Qian hurried to the teleportation formation.

The situation is getting more and more tense,

Not free.

Out of the teleportation array,

He felt,

In the distant sea, the prying eyes are even more.

However, when Commissioner Qian turned into a billowing red smoke, rushing in the sea like electricity,

In the sea, a voice came from a distance: "I saw it, it's the red smoke master. Last time, the two four-diamond u gods were not in his hands, so they took advantage."

Oh, it seems that the last time was still impressive.

Sure enough, this time, no one followed.

Enjoy reading, all in m

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