Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1897: Or go find Shui Wonju

m Chapter 1897 Still go to find Shui Yuanzhu

When I arrived at Wanliju, my life remained the same.

Refining tools, feeling various magic circles,

Practice skills.

The refining experience taught by Master Liu Dao,

He only talked for a long time,

Commissioner Qian had indeed passed three months before fully comprehending it.

Commissioner Qian stretched his waist.

Was thinking,

It's time to rest.

The communication instrument sounded: "Old money, are you there?"

It turned out to be a red-haired Bro,

"Well, I'm here."

Commissioner Qian is very strange,

Buro is also very serious about refining.

"Why, what problems did you encounter in the refining technique?"

Member Qian asked.

"Hey, the refining technique of Dragon mn Inn also depends on hard work.

Do you know that Super Teleportation Array will be paid to Kanisi in three months. "

Bro said blankly.

"Oh, did they get special medieval equipment?"

Commissioner Qian said in surprise.

The longer you stay in Longmn Inn,

The more Commissioner Qian knew,

The magic circle used in war like the super teleportation circle,

It is much more expensive than the general powerful magic weapon.

There are also many restrictions,

Will never take it out easily.

Not to mention,

Give the super teleportation array to the abyss monster.

"The Abyss also has a history of more than a thousand years to obtain medieval equipment.

There will always be some very special equipment,

Once the ruins of the sea and the abyss, war against the bone fortress,

The teleportation formation leading to the White Bone Mountain, I am afraid that only special waist cards can pass. "

Commissioner Qian nodded, indicating that he knew.

"If there is a super teleportation array,

The ruins of the sea and the abyss, even if the bone fortress cannot be defeated,

It can also occupy a few more planes,

It seems you are not very happy. "

Bro gave a wry smile,

"Come on, you have been in contact with the abyssal creatures for a long time,

You should know,

Abyssal creatures implement a lord system,

Even if you have captured a few planes,

Like us, the edge of blood---hehe. "

Bro shook his head.

"The tactics of the Dragon Inn, the more you practice, the more profound you feel.

I stay here satisfied,

By the way, old money, I have a question------"

Bro asked a question about the refining device,

Looking at Commissioner Qian eagerly.

At least within Wanliju,

Many people already know,

Commissioner Qian, now he is the master’s subordinate,

That piece of plant crystallized equipment,

It's Commissioner Qian.

Bro came over and notified the news,

Commissioner Qian listed as a meal,

In more detail, give Bro to this question.

Bro happily walked away.

Commissioner Qian did not practice skills either.

Once the war starts,

The teleportation formation from Banbei Town to the White Bone Mountain was not so easy to come and go.

In the ruins of the sea plane, looking for water and pearls,

It should be on the agenda.

However, looking for water yuanzhu,

It has to be broken.

Luanpo already has a water element bead, and it is also sensitive to other water element beads.

Commissioner Qian opened the communication tool: "Luanpo, come here, I have something to tell you."

Huhu green and green on my face,

This is the trace left by various materials used in the experiment.

"what's up?

I'm experimenting to increase the power of the ring of fire. How can I make great progress in defense? "

Commissioner Qian saw,

Luan Po is setting up a multi-layer magic circle,

This is an ordinary fire multi-layer magic circle.

Some structures of this multi-layered magic circle, under the production of Luanpo, actually have a hint of flame in the starry sky.

Luan Po is using his insight into the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array to improve this array.

Well, Luanpo deserves to be a former voidwalker.

Once nng understands the principle of making a multi-layer magic circle,

I immediately started to improve myself.

Commissioner Qian felt that he had paid too much attention to learning foreign knowledge.

Thinking about these multi-layer magic circles,

Can't keep up with the break.

Commissioner Qian took Canisi’s super teleportation circle in three months.

Tell Luanpo.

Luan's broken pupils just shrank.

"In other words, after three months, there will be war.

The transmission channel in Banbei Town is not so easy to use. "

"That's it, hurry up and find Shui Yuanzhu with me."

Commissioner Qian said.

"This---my research hasn't yielded results yet,

Old money, you should have learned a lot of high-level refining knowledge from the master.

What do you think of the transformation of this circle? "

With broken eyes,

Just one turn,


Commissioner Qian carefully checked the formations that were rising and falling.

In the opinion of Chairman Qian,

The idea of ​​improvement is not bad,

However, there are many things that are not too reasonable,

It is entirely possible to make relatively large changes.

And Luanpo’s understanding of star power,

Compared with Commissioner Qian,

There is also a big gap.

Commissioner Qian started everywhere,

Give Luanpo a detailed explanation.

The more Luanpo listened, the wider his eyes opened.

Commissioner Qian explained several points in detail.

"Old Qian, you were an apprentice a year earlier than me,

However, your attainments in refining tools,

I have another five years, and I may not be able to catch up. "

This, Luanpo just said directly,

He should stay the refining device.

"Hey, let's go, I will pass you some of these high-level refining knowledge. Longmn Inn, placed here, I am afraid you will not be able to learn the refining knowledge here for decades."

Commissioner Qian said.

"Well, take a trip to the sea of ​​ruins."

Luan Po immediately became enthusiastic.

As Bro said,

The knowledge of the Dragon mn Inn,

The more you cultivate,

The more profound it is.

Observe and comprehend by being an apprentice,

I don't know how long it takes to practice.

Wright, just at the time of acceptance,

Just came last time.

For questions, the answers are also very brief.

After answering,

The time of the intermediate mixer is precious,

Naturally can't be with these apprentices,

Too much Dao.

The rules of Longmn Inn,

Many apprentices’ knowledge of refining tools must be comprehended in practice.

Luanpo now, regarding the progress of refining knowledge,

It was about the same as when Commissioner Qian became an apprentice.

When it comes to hard work, it's about the same as that of the Qian committee.

"Shui Yuanzhu's mystery, how much do you understand?

If we refine innate magical artifacts in the future, we must obtain rules from this kind of treasure.

If you get the rules from the real world,

That's too difficult. "

Member Qian asked.

This question,

Luanpo's face was ashamed.

"Shui Yuanzhu 30,000 li in the world,

The mystery that I understand,

But one tenth. Mainly busy refining equipment. "

After listening to Luanpo’s explanation,

Commissioner Qian chuckled.

The 30,000 li world in Shui Yuanzhu,

The scope is large, the rules are complete,

Far more than the,

There are many mysteries.

I am afraid there are rules in this remaining mystery,

Otherwise, it is so heavy that even Commissioner Qian can't afford it?

Innate Yuanyang Ruler, warmed by the big fireball in the water source pearl,

Power continues to increase,

Those changes in the circle that were originally triggered by Qing Qi,

Originally, Commissioner Qian thought,

After Xiantian Yuanyang Ruler entered the big fireball, the change of the circle,

Will be fixed.

However, Luanpo took out the innate Yuanyang ruler to use,

After the power increases,

Commissioner Qian was surprised,

Take the Xiantian Yuanyang Ruler and check it carefully.

Unexpectedly, the magic circle in this Xian Yuanyang Ruler was slowly increasing and improving!

Although very slow,

However, Commissioner Qian was quite surprised.

This overturned one of the members of Qian's understanding---that is, only by being clean can the growth, change, and improvement of the law formation be promoted.

In this big fireball, there is an innate Dao machine, but the innate Dao machine has been integrated with the big fire ball.

It can only be said that the big fireball in this water yuanzhu,

It was originally a congenital thing.

Of course, the congenital genus is xìng, and it may be rare.

But this proves,

In Shui Yuanzhu, in this world, the grade is high enough,

The treasure of Shui Yuanzhu is high enough.

Luan breaking is not inaction, I am afraid it is impossible to understand.

"According to the feeling of this water element bead, if the next water element bead can be found, the mystery contained in it,

I'm afraid it's different.

If you get a water pearl, give me some insights. "

Luan Po said.

Damn, your water pearl, because you need it for cultivation,

Until now, I haven't enlightened it.

Commissioner Qian said in his heart, but he had no choice but to nod.

No ridge break,

The waters of 60 million miles across,

Where to find a bead?

Out of the teleportation array,

The congenital Yuanyang ruler turned into a mass of red awns, enclosing the broken peaks,

Commissioner Qian turned into a long water brilliance,

With this group of red light, they left quickly.

War is approaching,

The known transmission mn side of the Dragon mn Inn has more after-sales creatures.

Commissioner Qian and Luan Po only flew out a few miles,

There have been several sword qi rushes,

Five faces and six sè, in the pressure of sea water,

Feeling cold, he rushed over,

"Friends, where does anyone have equipment for sale?"

The voice fell in the sword air,

The top of the broken head,

Nine groups of sparks have already rushed out,

Every group of Mars has a big fist, shining extremely, and the brilliance rushes out thousands of feet,

Like a meteor flying across the sky,

There is an unstoppable momentum!

Little sparks, no matter how the opposite sword qi dodges, whizzes, and the trajectory pulled out, how wonderful, these nine clusters of sparks, all bombarding the opposite sword qi,

A few sword qi reached,

The sword qi dissipated ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ several figures of different heights appeared.

Mars with a big fist hit above these figures,

Like a thunderous earthquake,

These figures are already shouting, blood spurting on their bodies!

Turned around,

The sea separates and flies away!

"I didn't expect that I would also have an invincible day, hahahahaha.

These are all three-diamond hu gods, and one more is a four-diamond hu god. "

Luanpo didn't even rush, and laughed wildly.


Luanpo has long been a voidwalker.

However, there are probably too many places to visit,

The cultivation base has not been able to go up,

It’s just been a fight, just in an instant,

It can be said to be a show of power.

"Haha, congratulations.

Innate Yuanyang Ruler has such power, and the world can go well. "

Member Qian also congratulated him.

A mist of water, a cloud of red flames, moved forward again.

There are those who stand in the way, thunder sword light, nine sparks, and at the same time,

There are a few more magic weapons, either turned into smoke or turned into elemental water,

Just a roll,

Those who blocked the way were all shaken off,

Those with poor cultivation base will be beheaded if one fails!

Enjoy reading, all in m

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