Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1905: Xuan Yin 6 Beast Fan

m1905 Chapter Xuanyī Six Beast Fan

The prohibition on a plate is lifted,

Clouds and mists are scattered,

A fan came out,

Six shining, rushing straight into the dome of the entire copper pavilion shield.

Among the six brilliance,

Surging with the unspeakable yī cold air,

It’s made of five kinds of animal skins,

Every animal skin is tempered and refined into long strips,

Then, caring about a certain mysterious technique, weaving and fusing together,

It looks like a fan woven from feathers.

"This is the Xuanyī Six Beast Fan, which is refined from six top-level water-system monsters.

The fan shook, and the water weighed 10,000, but it was extremely cold.

Has the power of four-diamond u **** late monk. "

No need for the host to say,

The monk sitting in the square,

I can also feel that the yī cold air is like a cloud cover, covering the sky,

It is indeed the powerful magic weapon of the Four Diamond U God in the late stage.

This time, sitting on the square with the four diamond gods was a sensation.

Some heads to ears, and some mana circulation quickly accelerated.

"Multilayer magic circle?"

Commissioner Qian also blinked.

Attention was taken away from the plate a bit.

"Yes, it's a multi-layer magic circle, but I think the breath that this baby exudes, this multi-layer magic circle, I am afraid there are only one hundred layers.

Moreover, it seems that the method of smelting was used to inlay the magic circle. "

Luan Po said.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Luanpo's refinery level has definitely improved a lot.

"Yes, it seems that this bronze palace, from the ancient equipment obtained, also understands the mystery of some multi-layer magic circles.

This treasure’s multi-layer magic circle, although there are only one hundred layers,

However, the materials are good and the number of refined components is large,

A combination also has the power of four diamonds.

However, these multi-layer magic circles are used to melt the original materials and then put the multi-layer magic circles in.

If you encounter a true four-diamond gods peak or four-diamond **** super-class masters, I am afraid it will not last.

Not to mention Yuan Ying u God. "

"Well, it should be so.

Sigh for the ancient equipment in the trench,

The sea of ​​ruins has been acquired for more than a thousand years,

It’s not difficult to imitate a multi-layer circle.

Those multi-layer magic arrays on medieval equipment are more common, that is, two hundred layers. "

Luan Po also nodded in agreement.

Once you have mastered the manufacturing and connection of multi-layer magic circles,

There are so many good materials, it is not impossible to make powerful equipment.

Of course, without the many skills of Dragon Inn,

Using ordinary methods to create such many multi-layer magic arrays connected equipment,

It is more difficult.

Five pieces of equipment have been lifted one by one.

Sure enough, they were all superimposed on a large number of equipment using this multi-layered array.

"If the equipment of the Dragon Inn does not appear in the sea of ​​ruins,

These five pieces of equipment are indeed top-notch.

But now—"

Luan Po said.

"Now, the power of these five pieces of equipment is also above the level of the ordinary equipment of the Dragon Inn.

It has reached the level of the medium equipment of the Dragon Inn.

You know, the magic circle on the medieval equipment, although there are only one hundred layers, two hundred layers,

However, the design is good,

Moreover, they use a lot of multi-layer magic circles on every piece of equipment,


Otherwise, it will not reach the power of the four diamonds. "

Commissioner Qian corrected Luanpo's view.

"That Xuanyī Six Beast Fan uses nearly 200 multi-layer magic arrays!

There are probably no fewer than dozens of powerful monsters used to refine this magic weapon. "

Commissioner Qian said.

At the level of refiners,

Commissioner Qian is much stronger than Luanpo.

"So many materials? If you are in the Dragon Inn, you can make more than five magic weapons. They are all magic weapons used by the four diamonds in the early days."

The power of connecting a dozen multi-layer magic circles together is already considerable.

Commissioner Qian and Luan Po said here.

Many four-diamond gods sitting in the square have already roared: "What conditions are needed for these treasures, let's just say it!"

"That is, since the treasures are displayed, they are used to look good."

"It's hard for us to go to Tongpei Palace."

These four diamonds opened their mouths,

The sky above the square was like huge thunder formations.

"Quiet, everyone!"

The host shouted with all his strength,

Four diamond gods, this is the silence.

"Our Tongpai Palace, we took out these magic weapons, of course, for everyone's sake---"

The host hasn't finished saying this.

There was already a burst of laughter in the square.

"Hey, now, everyone knows,

Ruinshai purchased a batch of equipment for the Dragon Inn,

If you keep these pieces of equipment here, I am afraid they will depreciate! "

The one who said this was a three-diamond U **** monk.


There was another burst of laughter,

"Just something."

The host said with a smile.

However, this laughter is obviously insufficient.

"Our six treasures of the town and palace are presented this time, mainly with you.

If you have special medieval equipment, you can take it out,

Who has the special medieval equipment obtained from the Trench of Sighs,

Whoever can take it out and buy these magic weapons first. "

After the host said,


A neat "oh".

It turns out that if you want to buy these treasures, you must first have medieval equipment.

The people in Tongpei Palace looked satisfied with these ancient equipment.

This is the qualification to buy these treasures,

Otherwise, you wouldn't even be eligible to buy these treasures.

Sigh that the ancient equipment in the trench has been over a thousand years,

It is widely distributed in the sea of ​​ruins.

In the hands of these three-diamond u-gods and four-diamond u-gods,

Maybe there are many.

"The idea of ​​Tong Pei Palace was this.

I think they are collecting these special medieval equipment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and they are probably going to exchange items with the monks in the Dragon Inn, or to refine the magic tricks. "

Luan Po said.


Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Long Inn's weapon refining skills are not recorded in the ancient equipment of Sigh Trench, at least for now.

However, Tong Pei Palace should know about Dragon Inn’s crafting skills.

As long as you can get the Dragon Inn, the yùjian who can refine the skills,

Tong Pei Palace's refining skills have definitely made rapid progress.

For a pie who is good at refining tools, this is more attractive than materials and treasures. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"I have a few pieces of medieval equipment here, you can check them out."

Said the monk who was covered in crystal smoke.

There are already a few more pieces of medieval equipment in his hand.


Commissioner Qian and Luanpo looked at each other.

With these pieces of ancient equipment,

The pieces of medieval equipment in his hands are like **** compared to one.

"I have it here too, look at mine."

The four diamond gods, and even the monsters of the three diamond gods, shouted.

All kinds of medieval equipment appeared.

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo, the more they look, the more depressed!

Enjoy reading, all in m

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