Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1910: Endless starry sky

m One thousand nine hundred and ten chapters endless starry sky

"This person's strength is really unfathomable. Everyone, if I shoot alone, it will definitely not work."

Said a monster with blue hair and blue fangs.

If it weren’t for the long fins from head to back,

Really like an abyss monster,

It's not like a monster in the sea of ​​ruins.

Feel it from a distance, watch it up close,

One after another, the four diamond hu gods fell and fled before the red sword light.

To say that these monsters are not afraid, it is definitely not true.

However, if you take the lead, those four diamond hu gods are role models.

At this moment, a few more monks came over,

Among them, there is a four-diamond hu god.

Meet a four-diamond hu **** monster standing here.

"Xing Nanzu, what are you doing here, watching the scenery?"

This four-diamond hu **** monster who just came here,

He smiled at the monster star Nanzu standing on top of a blng.

Xing Nan sneered: "Fei Honggui, then you are ready to attack, no one will stop you."

The monster called Flying Red Tortoise has a horn on his head, but his face is elegant, with a red line passing through it, but his eyes are thin and long.

Once I open my eyes,

In Brown's eyes, it was cold and merciless.

Hearing this, he also smiled: "Who is this? It's crazy!"

"This is a human master. As for being so rampant, you can see his way."

After saying this sentence,

Xing Nanzu just sneered.

This monster called the Flying Red Tortoise, the horns on its head flashed brightly,

A dark red light headed towards this sea of ​​hu and red smoke.

In the hu sea, there was a cold snort!

Thousands of hu flowers, each hu flower, she gives out a brilliance,

Thousands of brilliance, in mid-air, merge into one brilliance, but there are buckets of thickness

Its apricot yellow,

There are countless stars surrounding it.

This brilliance appeared,

Like a thunderbolt in the air,

Towards the flying red tortoise, it slammed.

Flying Red Tortoise was shocked,

This brilliance, far away, I feel the pressure is like a mountain!

The natural magical power has been urged to the limit,

A dark red light came out from the corner of the head,

The shè is no more than a few feet away, and there is a width of a foot, and it rushes toward the apricot-yellow light surrounded by stars.

There was a loud noise.

The brilliance of the dark red has been crushed!

The apricot and yellow brilliance surrounded by the stars continued to blast towards the flying red tortoise.

Flying Red Tortoise is shocked!

There is already an extra shield in his hand, black and brown, with a simple style, but there are countless mysterious hu patterns on it, like hu patterns on the back of a tortoise, and countless hu patterns form a mysterious array.

Fa Jue urged all his strength

The surging mana poured into the shield like water.

Pieces of shield shadows rushed out from the brown and black shields,

Hundreds of phantoms of brown and black shields immediately formed an incomparably dense net!

In Fei Honggui's heart, this was only slightly certain.

The power of this hu sea law is obviously beyond one's imagination.

A monk who can be so arrogant in the sea of ​​ruins,

Sure enough, unusual,

But so what?

My own shield is made from the shells of various ruined sea monsters, placed in turbulent waters, and after hundreds of years of tempering, it was successfully refined.

Not only uses a variety of magic circles for refining tools,

It is the fusion of the magical powers of various monsters!

Even the shadow of every shield flying out,

Are equivalent to the shield of the ordinary three-diamond hu god,

Flying red tortoise also has a certain reputation in the tens of thousands of miles of water centered on Tongpei Palace.

The reputation of flying red tortoise,

To a large extent, this magic weapon broke out.

"Boom, boom, boom,-----"

Like a huge shock of thunder!

The apricot brilliance surrounded by the stars touches the shadows of these shields,

The shadows of the shields turned into fragments and splashed,

It turned out to be like a real fragment,

Hardly any pause,

Straight bang on this shield.

A muffled sound,

It’s like beating a huge drum,

The flying red tortoise flies and rolls,

An arc-shaped lnghujshè was formed in the sea water!


The scarlet blood arrow spurted,

It's even more like a peach sprinkled.

Under one move,

The flying red tortoise rolled hundreds of feet in the sea!

In this trick,

Commissioner Qian did not use too much sword art,

Just go straight and smash Huashan.

However, the shock is even stronger!

In the deep sea,

The misty and invisible ocean current surges.

Every monster, like a stone statue,

Surrounded by this sea of ​​hu and red smoke.

"Chong, I don't believe it, how great a human monk can have."

Said a monk with a long beard on his face.

A pair of slender eyes,

The green flame is beating in the eyes,

It's like a wildfire.

A group of four diamond hu gods, three diamond hu gods, in the sea of ​​ruins,

They are all rampant angles.

There is no way to use a magic circle arranged by a human monk.

This makes the monks standing here feel embarrassed.

I hit----"

A big demon shouted wildly,

The battle axe in his hand,

In an instant, it has turned into a thousand feet, like a huge mountain,

There was a raging blue flame on it, rising to a height of tens of meters.

Although the sea of ​​ruins is a plane full of seawater,

However, monsters with slightly better magic weapons like to be on magic weapons.

Attach fire spells.

When the axe fell like a giant mountain, it was still far away from the sea formation.

The red smoke in the sea of ​​hu, and the sea water between the giant axe, have already been "chicking",

It has already turned into nothingness.

When the axe fell,

This huhai red smoke seems to be broken open.

The monsters saw it,

The material used to make this great axe,

It’s just too much,

Changes in the five elements,

There are only a limited number of these great axes,

However, it is these few limited changes that the monster who was cast with this big axe has played to the extreme!

With the power of huhai red smoke,

Far away,

Commissioner Qian also felt tremendous pressure.

Just on this huge mountain that is thousands of feet high,

To hit the sea of ​​red smoke,

A burst of starlight, suddenly burst!

Hu Haihongyan has become misty.

Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array comes out!

Thousands of kilometers of huge mountain burning with blue flames,


Brought up a thunderous whistling sound.

Has been smashed into the Zhoutian Star Dou formation.

This monster only felt that the connection between his divine mind and the magic weapon quickly weakened,

Then disappear.

"My magic weapon----"

The monster just shouted.

With this axe, he takes several mysterious changes of the five elements,

Push to the limit.

In order to refine this magic weapon to its current power,

He doesn't know how much effort hu has done!

Immediately the figure is like electricity,

Has plunged into the sea of ​​mngmnghu in this piece of starlight.

The monk with long beards on his face and blue flames in his eyes,

It was a long howl, which had turned into a green flame of hundreds of feet wide, and flew towards the sea of ​​starlight!

Immediately, with a long howling sound,


The Zhan Ran sword light turned into pieces, rushing towards the hu sea faintly swaying in the stars.

Your star light array method is no better.

The coverage is also limited.

With four diamonds and more than one god, tenants refrain from any general magic circle.

But as soon as they rushed into the stars,


This is the formation?

It's almost the same as the real starry sky.

The monk who rushed into the star battle array first this week, the master of the axe magic weapon,

Driving wildly behind his magic weapon.


The distance between him and his magic weapon seems to be more than a thousand miles,

Moreover, the distance between the two shortened very slowly.

The monks blasted into the void,

Thunder, fire and sword light, drew thousands of feet in the void, thousands of feet!

Draw a brilliant trace in the void,

If this formation is generally prohibited,

Under the crazy bombardment of so many four diamonds,

I'm afraid it will explode to pieces immediately.

The many monsters that were bombarding wildly were surprised to see,

The thunder fire they blasted out, in a frantic rush,

Gradually, it became insignificant.

"No way, this flying distance is thousands of miles!"

In the hearts of these monsters,

At the same time this thought arose,

Appears unusually helpless.

Looking at this dark void, countless stars,

It seems so deep and cold.

Some monsters turned to the edge of the starry sky,

Gallop away.

Thousands of emotions have all turned into full urging on the law!

However, they immediately discovered that

When I came, I flew over a breathing room,

No matter how fast their escape,

It can only fly tens of miles, fly away hundreds of miles, and is already a very fast escape.

However, they found that

They are at least a thousand miles away from the edge of the formation,

Moreover, the distance from the edge of the formation,

Is increasing!

"Do not------"

A monk roared wildly.

His body is blue and shining,

Now, in an instant,

The law has been urged to the limit.

Tugged with both hands!

The void is torn apart, he is just a flash,

Has disappeared in the space cracks.

Compared with the escape method,

But the monsters are about to follow suit,

Just heard,

A roar of thunder,

Thousands of miles behind them,

Rolling in,

"How come there is so much overlapping space!"

While ranting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How can that surprise and anger come?


Everyone turned around and took a look,

Thousands of miles behind,

A azure blue light shines,

It’s not just that monster’s mana, then who is it?

Commissioner Qian’s Zhou Tianxing Array has absorbed Zhou Tian’s starlight for many years.

And Zhou Tianxing Douzhong,

Space mystery is simply one of the most common mysteries.

After so many years of hard work, Commissioner Qian,

In terms of deducing the mystery of space,

Has already exceeded the level of Luanpo.

If the void is torn apart in the sea of ​​ruins, Commissioner Qian will not be able to control it.

However, if the void is torn apart in the star battle this week,

It can be said that unless the Yuan Ying Hu God comes,

Otherwise, you will get wherever Commissioner Qian wants you!

The monsters immediately turned into rainbows and galloped towards the edge of the starry sky.

In an instant, it has become a distant point,

It's really fast!

Commissioner Qian just sneered.

As if in the distant galaxy,

Began to rotate slowly,

As the Milky Way rotates,

In the Milky Way, countless stars have already burst out!

Enjoy reading, all in m

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