Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1915: Legendary War

m1915 Chapter Legendary War

There are deep pits everywhere,

Some tens of feet deep, some hundreds of feet deep,

Have a common feature,

It is the surface of these deep pits that all appear as colored glaze.

Crimson, black, yellow, green, blue, blue,

Have all kinds of colors,

This is the result of the powerful Dao Fa, bombardment.

Within a thousand miles, there are all such pits,

Commissioner Qian is not surprised at this point.


"The transmission mn is gone-----"

Luan broke open his mouth.

Teleport mn, originally opened on a cliff,

At this moment, this cliff has disappeared,

Only a big hole of tens of miles was left.

"A trace of space energy, this is the explosion of the transmission mn itself."

Luan Po said.

"Yes, teleporting mn exploded."

Commissioner Qian also had a dull expression.

"It should have been thought of long ago. Once the war starts, if this teleportation mn continues to exist,

The monsters in the ruins of the Haihe Abyss can get a steady stream of equipment from here,

How could the commander of the Bone Fortress tolerate it? "

Luanpo’s face is already like an iron plate,

"Your old money and the master have learned refining tools, how to say, they are of a considerable standard.

but me-------"

Luan Po couldn't help howling miserably: "Old money, I practice the training tool, this is just the beginning -----

Just to accompany you to find this Shui Yuanzhu. "

"This----I didn't tell you all the refining experience I got?

Besides, I don't know, teleporting mn will explode. "

Commissioner Qian said quickly.

How do I know that teleporting mn will explode,

It’s not my fault that teleportation mn exploded,

You are broken, don't push it all on my head.

"Your refining skills are advanced, and my refining skills are only used for mn, your old money is nothing but that."

Luan Po was already a bit reluctant to speak.

Suddenly, Luanpo seemed to think of something.

Said hurriedly,

"Old Qian, the Guifang you know has a high-end Longmnju license and can bring people in.

Where is he now? "

"Come on, you also know that a four-diamond hu **** can travel on all planes,

Where can I find him? "

Commissioner Qian shook his head straight.

Gui Fang’s refining technique passed the examination of the intermediate refining master.

God knows where Gui Fang went to collect materials?

"Well, the White Bone Fortress is not saying that there are monks practicing in the Dragon Inn.

Do you give them advanced equipment?

Let's go to the Bone Fortress,


See if he can send mn from the Dragon mn Inn and go back to the Dragon mn Inn. "

"Then we will use the high-end Dragon mn Inn license, and we don't have the high-end Dragon mn Inn license."

Luan couldn't hear it, and rolled his eyes.

"Find the teleportation mn leading to the Dragon mn Inn, let's talk about it."

Commissioner Qian waved his hand.

"That's all. Ask a monster who is cultivating here."

Luan Po said.

The two urged the escape method,


Teleport within hundreds of miles near mn,

No monsters are cultivating anymore.

Have been walking for six hundred miles,

Only then did I find a monster, and then the committee member Qian let go.

As if overwhelming, it was suppressed.

"Which adult, what's the matter?"

A voice came up,

A monster quickly moved up.

It is a monster of the two-diamond hu god.

"What happened to the teleportation mn of the Dragon mn Inn?

Where is the monster here? "

"My lord, somehow, a four-diamond hu **** master, after coming out of the teleportation mn of the dragon mn inn,

There was a violent explosion in the teleportation of the Dragon mn Inn! "

The monster said.

"Where is that monk? Where is the airship at the Dragon Inn?"

Member Qian asked.

If the teleporting mn explodes, the airship of the Dragon mn Inn is still outside the teleporting mn,


"The monk ran away. As for the flying sword, it didn't hurt at all, but he drove away.

Heaven, in the deep sea, it's flying a hundred miles in an instant!

It's really fast--"

Saying here,

Even this monster of the second diamond hu god,

It is also a look of worship--------.


Commissioner Qian and Luanpo looked at each other again.

The airship is now,

I don’t know it is a few million miles away.

As for the monster who sighs the trench,

Sigh that the trench has gone through such a big battle,

Where can I still practice? Moreover, the monsters who were sighing and practicing in the trenches are all guarding a treasure that allows people to advance.

As soon as the Taobao team from Longmn Inn came,

These monsters have suffered heavy losses,

After the war,

Sigh that the ancient equipment in the trench has been found,

Many monsters who were cultivating in the sigh trench also left the sigh trench.

And those big demons who tried to get powerful equipment from the monks of the Dragon Inn,

Seeing the teleportation mn exploded, the airship drove away,

Who is still interested, staying in the sigh trench?

"It turns out that this is the case-this war starts. It's really not something we four diamonds can manage. Let's go too."

Luan Po heard this,

Also lacking in interest.

One turn of the water,

Toward the direction of Banbei Town.

Along the way, I heard a lot of news.

Abyss monsters and ruins sea monsters,

Using the teleportation array,

Around the Bone Fortress, successfully appeared,

Fifty thousand masters, four diamonds and thousands of gods!

Although the Bone Fortress is prepared,

Countless spell artillery and high-level Taoism,

It can’t stop so many four diamond hu gods,


These four diamond hu gods are all wearing equipment provided by the Dragon Inn.

It was a terrible hit,

For ordinary monks, the mana artillery fire that can be slaughtered in pieces, under the overlap of the power of the Dragon mn Inn and the four-diamond hu **** cultivation base, far from reaching the expected effect.

A large-scale spell reaching a hundred li,

Amidst the vast mist of bombardment,

The spectacular sight of the original explosion is so magnificent that it can reach dozens of miles or even a hundred miles in radius.

I was hit by this Yu b,

All will turn to ashes.

but now,

But you can only see the explosion of flames, rushing to a thousand feet,

Being able to hear a few screams is already a killing effect.

The monk of the Bone Fortress,

I was shocked by the power of more than a thousand pieces of equipment,

More than a thousand and four diamonds,

Rushed up with gunfire,

After only a hundred people were killed, they rushed to the Bone Fortress.

Once rushed to the Bone Fortress,

Those fixed fortifications on the Bone Fortress,

Wrapped by a cloud of fog!

Daofa blasted out, but was blocked by the mist,

Immediately afterwards, the four-diamond hu **** hiding in the mist fiercely attacked,

When it’s just a cup of tea,

On the side of the Bone Fortress, the fixed fortifications were in the explosion of thousands of meters,

One after another becomes shattered!

And the four diamond hu gods rushing up, at this moment, there are still a thousand.

The loss of Bone Fortress is far more than that of its opponents.

Seeing to be washed up by the monsters of the abyss and the sea of ​​ruins,

At this moment, the White Bone Fortress that had awakened had also gathered the masters to arrive.

This belligerent!

Hundreds of miles away,

I can no longer see the Bone Fortress,

I only saw countless thunder and fire exploding in the Bone Fortress, and then soaring into the sky, at an altitude of several thousand feet in the Bone Fortress,

Formed a flame of hundreds of miles wide,

Around countless thunder and fire,

There was another violent whirl.

Repaired almost,

As soon as it gets closer,

He was even carried a sword and rolled out dozens of miles away.

Until the end, the heaven and earth qi machine within a thousand li, all rushed towards the bone fortress,

Pei Ran's irresistible force turned into a large-scale Dao Fa and blasted towards the battlefield.

Thunder sound runs through the sky, returning to the sky thousands of miles away.

Everyone realized that

Yuan Ying Hu God shot.

I saw thousands of paths, hundreds of thousands of brilliances shining the sky,

Yu b turned into thunder and fire,

It was as turbulent as a tsunami.

Hundreds of abyssal monsters and ruins of Brother Hyde,

Tens of miles away from the battlefield, I was hit by the thunder and fire,

Immediately bring a sword with someone,

Already turned to ashes!

And the large-scale Taoism on the Bone Fortress,

It's just crazy bombardment without stopping!

The ruins sea got more than one thousand pieces of equipment from the Dragon mn Inn,

Gave the **** of more than a thousand four diamonds,

The attackers in the back do not have the equipment of the Dragon Inn.

and so,

The large-scale Taoism of the Bone Fortress can attack over hundreds of miles.

But in the time of a cup of tea, the thunder fire stretches for hundreds of miles,

Attacking abyss monsters and four diamond hu gods,

Thousands of monks were bombarded into pieces!

Except for thunder and fire, explosions, blood and fragments, like thunder sounds everywhere,

Everything else seems to be non-existent,

This is the fortress attack,

Complete twisting machine.

After taking it, the attacking monsters in the abyss and the monsters in the ruin sea immediately retreated a hundred miles away.

But for a while, there are already four diamonds,

Fleeing wildly from the thunder and fire.

There is the Yuanying hu **** on the bone fortress,

The abyss monsters and ruins sea monsters that came to attack, there are also Yuan Ying hu gods,

Yuan Ying Hu God battle!

Even with the equipment of the Dragon Inn, it can't be carried.

After three days and three nights,

This battle of weeping ghosts,

This came to an end.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many hu gods in the White Bone Fortress.

The four diamond hu **** who attacked the bone fortress died more than four hundred!

Our Yuan Ying Hu God is not an opponent of the Yuan Ying Hu God in the White Bone Fortress.

Three days of war,

Our coalition of ruins sea and abyss monsters,

More than 16,000 died!

A lot of tri-diamond hu gods, even the primordial gods were blasted into ashes! "

In a restaurant in a town~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Commissioner Qian and Luanpo, enjoying seafood,

Listening to a sea snake talking freely,

The surrounding listeners all heard mesmerizing!

This is thousands of years,

The abyss monsters and the sea of ​​ruins,

Launch the fiercest battle against the Bone Fortress!

The grandeur of the scene can only be described as "legendary".

Yes, the entire sea of ​​ruins,

Near the abyss of the ruined sea,

Except for some strong people who retreat all year round,

Everyone sang about this battle.

Whenever someone talks about this battle,

Even if the four diamonds are by the side,

Also hold your breath.

This is respect for the entire ruined Haihe Abyss.

More than four hundred and four diamonds died?

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo looked at each other.

Hold back the shock in my heart.

Four diamond hu gods, the existence of aloft,

Usually, it’s hard to see a few four-diamond hu gods.

However, with the equipment of the Dragon mn Inn, more than four hundred died in the first battle!

Maybe a few hundred planes can make up these four hundred four-diamond hu gods-----

"and after?"

A monster asked.

Enjoy reading, all in m

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