Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1939: Nile

m1939 Chapter Nile

"No, the attacks of these thunder beasts, although compared with their full attack in the middle of the four diamonds, are very similar.

But what is missing is the artistic conception

Yes, it is artistic conception.

Therefore, more than a dozen attacks were made, and only a few monks who had three diamonds on the summit of God Hua were killed.

Among the monks who were killed, only one was from the early stage of the Four Diamond God Hua. "

Several people flew towards both sides of the battle.

The other people had heard of Thunder Beast’s attack for a long time, so they didn’t think it was strange.

Commissioner Qian was shocked.

More than a dozen four-diamond mid-stage masters attacked with all strength,

His own five four-diamond hua gods can't stop him.

Sure enough, Thunder Dragon attacked again and again,

The hundreds of people on the other side were not to be outdone.

Dao Fa, Fa Jue, full urge,

The thunder and fire exploded for hundreds of miles,

I can only see thunder and fire hundreds of miles around,

Countless sword lights, bravely pounced.

There are thousands of swordsmanship, thousands of miles away, and the five directions are fierce.

The sound of rolling thunder echoed in the entire space of thousands of miles,

There is another terrifying monster head burning with blue-violet flames,

I don’t know what is refined,

Only a few meters in size, the blue-violet flames burning all over,

There are hundreds of feet tall,

The stern and grim whistling sound, amidst the thunderous sound of thousands of miles,

It still seems so clear.

Several lightning flashes, like a blast from above nine days,

Thunder and fire,

It all seemed to pause.

Blasted on the head of this terrifying monster,

Baizhang blue-violet flames were blasted into countless sparks,

However, countless tiny talismans appeared on the head of a terrifying monster several feet in size.

The head of the terrifying monster is just a few pieces broken,

Between howling, the speed is faster than lightning,

Just a pounce,

Has pounced on a thunder dragon

The thunder dragon let out a long howl,

The thunder surged,

The thunder fire is splashing hundreds of feet,

This thunder dragon is like a muscle u made of copper and iron,

It dries out quickly,

With thunder protection,

The head damage of this terrifying monster is so great,

It really shocked all the members of the great Qian in the distance.


The Thunder Dragon roared,

A front tuǐ, together with its shoulder, burst suddenly,

Lei Guang went straight

The head of the terrifying monster was blown up,

Thunder Dragon's body has been missing a half,

This is the heaviest injury suffered by Thunder Dragon since the war,

And the other side, nearly twenty people have fallen

"Go fast, go fast, the negative fruit and Lei Yu, must grow in that place.

Be ahead of others, hurry up"

The monk with a dozen horns just stepped up to urge.

Several people broke into the battlefield,

Thunder and fire raged across the sky, a few people were touched,

But it was immediately turned into invisible by a few people's body protection methods.

Several people rushed towards the center of the war.

"Gail, you hún egg, this Thunder Dragon lair belongs to me, you actually came to pick it up."

The head of that terrifying monster with the size of several meters, at this moment, the damage has been fully recovered.

Seeing several escapes, rushing forward,

Immediately, the head of this terrifying monster was yelling

Gal, is the name of this monk with a dozen horns on his head.

It seems that he knows the owner of this terrifying monster head magic weapon.

"Nile, you fart this brontosaurus lair I have already discovered,

It's you who came to pick me up. "

This Gael with a dozen horns,

More than a dozen horns emit light, the blue gate g gate g, forming a mysterious formation,

Hundreds of feet of thunder blasted continuously for several times,

Gail moved forward, as if a slide show,

One meal, forward, one meal, forward.

But thunderously grows these hundreds of feet,


The formation of the blue gate g gate g was broken up.

Thunder Dragon’s thunder exploded at close range,

Immediately, these thunderous changes,

Appeared in Commissioner Qian’s palace.

Sure enough, the Thunder Dragon’s thunder is similar to his full blow in the middle of the four diamond hua gods, but,

Actual power,

But it is far worse than when I was in the middle of the four diamond hua gods, I made a full blow

Several Thunder Dragons rushed forward,

The head of that terrifying monster also let out a stern and terrifying roar,

I don’t care about attacking this Thunder Dragon,


With a flash,

Together, there is a monk standing on the head of this terrifying monster,

The scales of the whole body are like an abyss, making people look as if they are all sinking in.

It is Nile, the owner of this terrifying monster head.

A few people with Gail, go hand in hand.

"These treasures are mine, don't want to swallow them alone"

Nile stood, the head of the terrifying monster roared,

The fierce hurricane can't even make his purple robe a little pattern.

The flames in the eye sockets became deeper and deeper,

A hundred of them fought hard,

Has lost more than 20 people,

This Nile was so angry that he was about to explode,

This treasure of Thunder Dragon, said nothing to let Gail and the others take advantage.

A thunder blasted,

A big fresh flower appeared,

Thunder blasted into this fresh hua,

Xianhua immediately became like a crystal,

After a few rounds of Guanghua, the original color was restored.

This caused several Thunder Dragons to change their faces together.

The huge dragon head showed the same expression as a human being.

Scary monster head startled

"Wow------" With a cry,

The blue-violet tone dang on,

Said it was sound. Actually there is a speed of tens of thousands of miles,


Personal protection,

Touch this blue-violet tone,

I suddenly felt that in the blue-violet tone,

It seems that there are thousands of grievances,

Several retreats of full advancement, including Committee Member Qian, were just a meal in the air.

Thunder Dragon is the same,

In an instant,

They all become like a stone.

Nile backhand finger

A blue and purple brilliance flashed

The thunder and fire around is just dark

This blue-violet brilliance is composed of countless blue-violet combinations,

Different shades.

Mysterious and dazzling.

The monk with dark red pupils,

The magic tricks and magic weapons are fully opened,

Several layers of shields surround him.

However, "Peng---Peng-Peng---"

The blue-violet brilliance can easily pass through several layers of shields,

In an instant, this person has been directly hit.

The place where the blue-violet brilliance hits, all become gray

The man yelled,

Get free from Nile’s phonology,

A pat of the hand, a piece of yù Pei Guanghua flashed,

The brilliance of the blue gate is enveloped

The body that was turning to gray, stopped immediately.

Have most of the body,

The method moves, crookedly, and traverses an arc in the thunder fire,

Gallop away.


He is really depressed,

It is not difficult for him to avoid this blue-violet brilliance with his cultivation technique.

However, this blue-violet tone, I don’t know how much it has been tempered, is very powerful.

After an instant,

Committee member Qian,

An unspeakable flow of light,

The blue-purple tone immediately shattered the imprisonment of Chairman Qian.

However, in this moment,

In the blue-violet flame,

The head of that terrifying monster has suddenly hit a forbidden,

Thousands of thunders, suddenly, whistling and blasting

However, the blue-violet flames turned into countless blue-violet talisman, blasting towards all sides

Hundreds of feet of fireball has already risen into the air

Thousands of thunder,

Have been blasted back

However, the blue-violet flame is also dark

A dozen thunder dragons, thunder arrays,

It can be said to be quite a stake

But at this moment,

In Commissioner Qian’s eyes, countless runes were densely covered,

A brown-green brilliance is just a flash

It seems to have passed time and space,

It seems to have crossed an infinite distance.

This brown-green brilliance,

Blue-violet flames,

It has no effect on this brown-green brilliance,

This brown-green brilliance is about to hit the Nile's body,

Nile flashed

In an instant, the head of the terrifying monster

Has doubled

The brown-green brilliance blasted above the head of this terrifying monster,


Just a soft sound,

There is only half of the head of this terrifying monster

Only half of the scary monster heads are left, and there are countless talismans, which can definitely be counted in billions.

It can be seen that this magic weapon is powerful.


Nile appeared,

The battle robe shattered,

There are many bones in the body.

He is one with the magic weapon,

How can ordinary attacks hurt?

However, this brown-green brilliance hit,

The magic weapon that oneself is invincible,

It is as fragile as an ordinary stone.

Seeing it is the crimson sword flame, it flashes again

Has traversed dozens of miles to reach,

Nile is just a shot of the head of a monster,

Numerous talisman, jī shot out.

But above the crimson sword flame,

Countless flames, wrong shots,

Very profound,

Just cut

It's like a waterfall slaps on the water,

Countless Talismans ejected fiercely

This Nile’s surprise has turned into fear,

However, this crimson sword flame became clearer and clearer in his eyes.

In an instant,

The Nile has turned into a blue-purple mist,

Crimson sword flame, "boom" through

The blue-violet mist was already a flash, escaping into the thunder and fire within a hundred miles.

Cut Nile with a sword, Nile flees,

Gal and the remaining cultivators were already very surprised.

The other monks, that’s all, but Gail knew the power of Nile very well.

"Quickly, break the ban"

Member Qian yelled

The prohibition under these dozen thunder dragon cloth,

Also put a lot of effort,

Very profound,

It’s not so easy to break open,

More than a dozen thunders flashed in the air

The entire time and space, as if it was at a standstill,

Thunder Dragon, who was banned by Nile's Yinfa Jue, arrived.

A strange animal like Thunder Dragon is born with mighty power.

Under this blow, it can be said that it was full.

Commissioner Qian gave a long scream,

Dozens of fresh hua, as if appearing from the void.

Struck by thunder, dozens of fresh hua immediately became crystal clear and transparent.

However, this time, above Xianhua, Guanghua suddenly exploded after turning around.

The crystal-clear hua petals shine,

The crimson sword flame flashed again

Seems to cut through time and space

Pass by a thunder beast

The clouds and mist are surging,

This thunder beast seems to be bashing,

But in the air, it just stopped,


It has exploded into pieces of blood in the sky

The rest of Thunder Dragon was shocked,

With this sword, even dozens of figures flying down were shocked.

This is Nile's companion

Seeing the treasure of Thunder Dragon,

May have to be preempted,

Is already swooping down

Although they lost 20 people,

However, Thunder Dragon is also injured

But, this sword in front of me-----

Even Nile’s magic weapon failed to kill a Thunder Dragon,

The power of this sword, a thunder dragon, has exploded to smash

Gal and the rest of the monks are overjoyed

Thousands of thunder, fire and sword light are already bombarded out

I saw the thunder leaping up like a giant*.

Like a volcano explosion,

Straight into the sky

The sight is spectacular,

Shine the entire sky into a beautiful blue

A few four-diamond bombardment with full force,

Is it common?

The momentum is enough to bombard the sky.

The prohibition was blasted through a huge crack,

Within the ban, a negative fruit tree and a yù that was nearly a square meter in radius were clearly visible.

The two are separated by hundreds of feet.

On the negative fruit tree, the negative fruit tree is clearly visible,

There are countless lines on that piece of yù,

Every pattern is like a thunder shot,

Pentium enthusiastically

"Negative fruit?"

Among Nile's companions, a dozen figures rushed down,

Looking at their figures, they are all ferocious.

Hundreds of thunder shots woven into a thunder net of thousands of feet

More than a dozen thunder dragons, fully urged the law,

Strongest attack

However, a clear light, slightly apricot,

It’s like riding the wind and breaking through the thunder

In this clear light,

Rolling mountains, rushing rivers, vast grasslands emerge.

Thunder bombarded this group of clear light,

Hundreds of thunder shots,

There should be a huge thunder pillar to catch the sky

However, these rolling mountains, galloping rivers, vast grasslands,

Just a flutter,

Thunder's blast, as if blasting on nothingness.

This ball has a clear apricot light,

Is close to the negative result,

"Lei yù is mine"

Gail rushed down

"Do not----"

Dozens of monsters roared,

Also in the momentum of the thunderbolt,

Rush into this thundernet.

However, they immediately found out,

Commissioner Qian had an easy time, they are not Commissioner Qian,

Thunder fork shot,

There were several monsters in the abyss,

The treasure, the magic trick was shattered,

I only saw a glimpse of thunder,

They have turned to ashes.

The dozen or so horns of Gale shot out brilliance and combined into a mysterious shield.

Thunder Dragon’s thunder blasted on this shield, and immediately, the shield was moving mysteriously.

This is already Gail’s netbsp; but, such a mysterious move,

However, let Gail advance halfway in this Thunder Net, and he has been shattered to pieces.

Gail went all out to urge the law,

One magic weapon after another,

But then,

Shattered by this thunder again

The explosion on the body shot hundreds of feet

Commissioner Qian put away the negative results,

I saw a person, crashing and falling,

Broken robe

Blood stained.

However, Gale arrived shortly after Qian Qiang,

A volume of brilliance,

Lei yù, has entered Gael's palace

"Gail, you are so graceful through the thundernet."

Commissioner Qian said.

"Hmph, Lei yù is mine anyway."

Gail hummed.

"No-leave Lei yù"

The thunder dragons roared together,

Lei yù is also very useful for Thunder Dragons.

At this time, Nile’s companions have swooped down

However, under the roar of the Thunder Dragons, the tactics pushed to the limit.

It’s just an instant effort,

More than a dozen abyssal monsters, Taoism and magic weapons, shattered one after another,

Then, under the thunder,

With a face of horror,

Already turned to ashes.

"Help me quickly"

With three eyes on his head and no eyebrows, the four-diamond cultivator Hua yelled

He has rushed to the end of Thunder Net,

However, the Thunder's power has greatly increased, and seeing several Thunders, it is just a blast.

Right here,

A ray of apricot light swirled,

Like a picture scroll unfolding,

Several thunderstorms blasted into the picture scroll, and the scenery on the picture scroll was just a movement.

"Thank you, Thunder Dragon's treasure."

The monk shouted,

In the distance, hundreds of treasures adorn this mountain.

On the mountain, there are many restrictions,

It is not easy to get good treasures.

"You can take any one."

Commissioner Qian said, reaching out and grabbing in the air.

Dozens of miles away, on the mountain,

Several banned movements,

Several treasures have already appeared in the hands of Commissioner Qian.

The roar of Thunder Dragon,

As if shaking the sky

It seems that it's no good to drive Thunder Dragon away.

"Oh, OK."

The monk just responded,

The eyes in the middle of the eyebrows radiate a lot of light,

On the mountain dozens of miles away, there was also a sudden movement.

Three treasures have appeared in the eyes of this monk.


Commissioner Qian and Gail leaned in their hearts at the same time.

When I just broke the Thunder Net,

I haven't seen you work so hard.


Commissioner Qian said, it has turned into a long rainbow, whizzing up

A Thunder Dragon is already evasive,

The giant claws blow down


Commissioner Qian doesn’t use swords anymore.

It also punched hard and went straight up

The physical contrast between the two is simply funny.




This Thunder Dragon has been beaten down and flew out,

Tumbling in the air,

Get out for miles.

Commissioner Qian’s figure does not stop,

One step in the air,

I've passed through the thunder for several times~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was another punch, hitting the giant claw that was grabbed at the front


A figure of hundreds of feet has rolled and rolled over a dozen miles away.

Thunder Dragons shocked

They are born with strong mana and can move mountains and seas.

But above the subtlety of spells,

It is indeed not as good as the advanced method.

However, this monk is so strong in the magic arts,

In close combat, it’s more of a punch

The figure of Thunder Dragon also began to stagnate.

Gail fully urged the law,

It's already beyond the prohibition of Thunder Dragon,

Much better than when it came in

The monk with insect compound eyes stood blankly.

Thunder Dragon's thunder net blasted, with his cultivation base, it is really difficult to pass.

Seeing how many members of the committee members snatched treasures out,

His mouth netbsp; I don’t know what to say,

Commissioner Qian threw a treasure over,

This is a piece of equipment, but it’s not available to Committee Member Qian.

Just throw it over.

"Ah-----thanks a lot."

The compound-eyed monk, grabbed the equipment, and jumped up

A few silhouettes flew toward the exit when they came

When I came out, it went smoothly.

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