Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1941: Pass through

m "How can this prohibition be so strong?"

Commissioner Qian was surprised.

Go further in,

Countless characters and seals, with mountains and rocks, came violently!

Fu Cehong was not above the clear light of Qian’s body, although it was immediately broken, it was splashed.

A burst of sparks!

However, this character seal seems to be endless.

"Rely...Which power is this? Didn't all these thousands of miles of mountains be tempered into one tool?"

Commissioner Qian was no longer able to maintain his speed of advancement in the mountains.


Instead, he can only step a few feet away in one step,

"Look, there is no way I want to use Dao, what a dream!"

Hundreds of miles away,

Inside a palace tens of meters in size, "show him something amazing."

An abyss monster with three horns on its head roared.

"it is good!"

Several abyssal monsters pointed at the formation hub in front of them together!

Commissioner Qian immediately felt,

The fallen talisman has increased several times!

Under the increased pressure, I walked a few more miles,

Commissioner Qian only felt,

He seemed to be walking on a mountain.

Walked a few more miles,

My strength, even if the star power is infinite in the Zhoutian star formation,

However, it is necessary to absorb those star powers and use tactics to refine them to form gods or other forms,

It also takes time. Commissioner Qian turned around,

Go out.

"Huh? This person's cultivation is not bad, he hasn't been smashed."

A few abyssal monsters just sighed.

"I heard that we have invited alchemists from Zhan Tianlou,

There are a lot of masters here, I think, this man's monk is probably second to none. "

There was no smile on the faces of several people.

"Report it, this kind of master reaches out and we have to become scum!"

"It can only be so, such a master, do we still want to go?"

"No, he has already reached the front entrance, and it looks like he's another trespasser."

The heads of these abyss monsters, an abyss monster with a full face and only one ear said.

Sure enough, in the water mirror, this person was already standing in front of the gate of Scorpio Mountain.

"Who'dare to trespass the mountain without authorization?"

A team of abyss monsters, with dozens of people, was led by an abyss monster wearing a silver armor and had already blocked Committee Member Qian.

"I'm here to worship the mountain."

Member Qian said lightly.

"Oh? Those who come to worship the mountain, please come back, Tianxie Mountain, during this time, worship of the mountain will not be accepted

people. "

This monster in silver armor.

A big knife in his hand!

It is the infinite cold glow,

It is also the level of the Three Diamond Flower God.

"I heard that you have Negative Fruits and Chi Jing Specials here.

sound. "

Commissioner Qian still said lightly,

But this word.

This abyssal monster in silver armor,

Opening his eyes wide, he glanced up and down at Commissioner Qian first.

This is how he said.

"Hey, during this period, many monks have come to worship the mountain for the negative fruit and Chi Jing.

It’s the first to see someone as crazy as you! "

"If you ask you to report, just report, what are you talking about?"

Commissioner Qian impatiently swept his sleeves!

"Boom" そ

These dozens of abyssal monsters, even though they are all wearing battle armor,

Dao Guanghua shines, and the entire mountain road shines like a crystal palace.

However, by an invisible force,


Roll towards the mountain.

Dozens of people, I only feel that the scenery is constantly rotating,

Pushing the tactic to the limit, can't resist this tremendous force. It was the blink of an eye on the Fushan Road to forbid shining, and they stopped. It turns out that they have been out of the scope of their defense,

When it comes to the next wave of monks, the range of defense is up.

"Why, brothers, you won't be able to escape, New Creation Art?" An abyss monster with a smile on his face. The hideous face and the mocking expression are very funny

"This tactic is called the tumbling technique, not bad, not bad." An abyss monster was already laughing. At this level, the defensive monk,

Every one laughed. The armor they wear has flames from time to time,

It’s just that the flame beats every time,

As if going straight to the sky. At a glance, you know that compared to the monks in the previous level, their armor and equipment,

Must be much stronger.

"You "one"

The abyss monsters that climbed up were extremely angry, but they couldn't say anything.

"he came…""

An abyss monster screamed.

Dozens of faint brilliance watching places,

A figure ‘walks floating,

The whole body is a clear light, and the picturesque scenery is bright and beautiful.

"It's funny? Then take a look, what do you guys have?"

Abyssal monster wearing silver armor,

Just shook his head, the abyss monsters of the previous level, brushed...all, stepped back a hundred feet away. Looking at this picturesque clear light, this abyss monster's face twitched. Tianxie Mountain has gained the negative fruit and Chi-Ji, and many masters have come to the scene. This monk has only seen one person who can reach the level of the monk, and that is the master invited from the Zhan Tianlou. This abyss monster is a reminder! In an instant, he had already pushed the tactic to the limit. A pillar of fire rushed up, spinning rapidly, and the spinning flames looked like magma. However, with a little cloud and haze,

This flame is even stronger than his own Five Suns Real Fire, before it evolved.

My own five-sun real fire absorbed a lot of flame mystery in the star power, and evolved the five-sun star fire,

Compared with this flame, it is much stronger.

The revolving pillar of fire flew close to Commissioner Qian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Numerous crimson sword blades, following the flames of the rapidly spinning saddle,

Coming to the Commissioner Qian!

Maybe it's ten thousand swords, maybe tens of thousands of swords!

"Peng, Peng'Peng——"

All the abyss monsters standing here released their own shields at the same time.

"Oh, the strongest move of the head."

The monsters of the abyss defending in this level,

Said in surprise. They are all on duty here, but the level of defense is different,

They all know that each of these tens of thousands of sword blades flies back and shoots out, and the power is not much worse than the treasure weapon they hold.

This monk in flame armor relies on this trick,

In the Scorpio Palace, you can rank among the top 30 masters!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..."

Countless explosions sounded,

In this mountain road, constantly echoing!

The eyes of all the monsters in the abyss, except for the countless sharp-returning blades, are no longer visible objects.

The monsters are also urging their own tactics ‘to block the countless sharp back shooting blades.


There was a loud noise.

As for the sharp-returning blade, it took a while before the shift was completed.

The abyss monster in the fiery red armor was gone, only a big hole in the mountain wall was left, at least a hundred feet deep.

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