Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1959: Billions of sparks

It's quite powerful.

A Rako Protoss shouted!

But in an instant, although these Rako Protoss were surprised in their hearts, the weapons in their hands had already turned into thousands of sword qi bursts, and the whole person had been wrapped in the sword light.

The sword beams of thousands of feet, overlapping and overlapping, are like mountain peaks of thousands of feet.

The space turbulence is a thousand times more powerful than the sea!

Void Protoss, this point has a cultivation base, there are still some.

The sword glow of thousands of feet, overlapping and overlapping, is also a very deep sword art for humans.

These empty swords should be shattered by this sword light!

The green light shoots and explodes!

There are already several big holes in the overlapping sword beams!

The supernatural power urged on the weapon, together with the weapon, touches the three-foot-long Zhankong arrow!

"Boom..." Amidst the huge earthquake, a huge force rushed into the sea, thundering and unpredictable, and only felt that the indestructible power was like a sand dune washed by the sea, disintegrating quickly!

I just felt that compared to the most powerful spatial turbulence they had encountered, these three-foot-long Zhankong arrows were much more powerful.

"Do not…"

A Rako Protoss roared, and the brilliance of the past ten years was pounced!

In the sudden explosion, a giant void beast with a mouth, a turbulent flow in the void, formed a giant whirl, roaring out, brilliant and beautiful, with a width of hundreds of meters. Several pieces of the weapons of the Rako Protoss were involved, and in the blink of an eye, they had been crushed by this giant spin, which showed the power of this giant spin.

A three-foot-long Zhankong arrow just exploded, and the turbulent turbulence of hundreds of meters has been blown to pieces!

Then, several air-cutting arrows bombarded the body of the void beast. The void beast shrank first and then suddenly exploded and exploded into pieces of meat.

This Rako Protoss, a hundred-foot-high body, has been exploded into several pieces!

The screams and explosions sounded tightly.

Several Leko Protoss had turned into a large fragment of limbs, whizzing away into the void.

Naturally, more than a dozen monks were immediately a volume of Jianguang, a large fragment of limbs, all of which had entered the storage artifacts of these monks.

The body of the Rako Protoss is used more and more in refining tools.

This battle, although the time is short.

However, the tens of thousands of Rako Protoss just felt the whole body tremble!

The difference in combat power between the Void Protoss and the ordinary monks was completely changed under the bombardment of the Zhan Kong Arrow.

However, having rushed so close, is there any reason to retreat?

Thousands of Rako Protoss roared and rammed hundreds of feet of weapons on the airship, like a thunderstorm, bombarding various ways of protection.

Countless ripples, whizzing and spreading.

The whole void shook, and then kept shaking, the figure roared, "launch!" out of the flying spaceship.

In the water mirrors of the various airships, the sound of issuing shooting orders became a bit sharp.

There were all kinds of artillery fire all over the sky, but the striker had already taken the battle, and this time the bombardment was much less effective.

More than a thousand Rako Protoss, together with their void beasts, turned into ashes. The mighty power of the tens of thousands of Leko Protoss and their void beasts, when I looked at each other closely, I only felt that they were everywhere, and the visual effects that they gave could only be called shock.

Several airships exploded into fireworks on the spot. However, more than half of the Rako Protoss who passed by these airships by hundreds of them had blue glow exploded on their bodies, and then turned into pieces!

However, there were dozens of cultivators from the Near Hundred Dragon Gate Inn who issued the arrows of Zhankong. Although the swordsmanship and Taoism moved like a mountain in a blue wave, the roaring waves were also beaten like a volcanic explosion by the Void Protoss. , Go straight to the sky!

In the flames, there are only a few rays of brilliance that are so powerful as to cut the void. One circling, not only turns the attack of the Void Protoss into countless fire splashes, but within one circling, it has passed more than ten miles, a few The Rako Protoss, surrounded by these brilliances, whirled, I only felt that these few brilliances, the thunderbolt, and the divine power of the Rako Protoss could only block an instant.

The hundred-foot-long weapon, the divine body, and the roaring void beast that released the strongest attack have exploded, splashing in countless directions.

In a battle between the forwards of the two sides, the loss of the Rako Protoss was greater than that of the monks of the Dragon Inn.

"The loss of the Rako Protoss is greater than ours, but the Rako Protoss has one hundred thousand monks, plus one hundred thousand void beasts."

Ruan Ren, his face is not good. "The top-grade equipment is different, even the worst top-grade equipment."

The monks, however, paid attention to the monks who rushed out of the airship to fight, and how their equipment was used.

At first glance, the top grade equipment is really extraordinary.

In the face-to-face swift battle with hundreds of Rako Protoss, not only did they resist all the slashes of the other party, but also quickly smashed the Rako Protoss.

"Bombardment!" In the water mirrors of every floating spacecraft, the voice was already a bit crazy!

Half of the airships have already fought with the Rako Protoss, and the Rako Protoss has more than 60,000 people.

It was another bombardment, but the momentum was much weaker than since the beginning of the fighting.

Only a few hundred Leko Protoss turned to ashes under the bombardment.

I'm coming!

In the airship that Commissioner Qian was riding in, there was a loud scream. Several Rako protoss, riding on this void beast, whizzed towards the airship that Commissioner Qian was riding.

The floating spaceship, one shot!

A Rako Protoss and a three-hundred-meter-long Void Beast turned into ashes, but just like that, a few hundred-foot-long weapons of the Rako Protoss.

Like a long sword against the sky, it has already blasted on the floating spaceship.

On the airship, hundreds of feet of flame violently shook!

Several Rako Protoss were tumbling in the air by the flames of several hundred feet high!

However, everyone in the airship felt a violent shock!

"Zi" "Zi" and "Zi"..."Continuously there is fire" burst out from the flying appearance.

Immediately blame Guanghua for a sweep!

The part where the fire burst out has been restored as before.

Obviously, the attack of the Rako Protoss has a great deal of damage to ordinary Taoist notes, and it is not a lie.

"Go out for battle!"

Ruan Ren just shouted loudly!

Reaching out his hand, the hatch opened wide, and he stepped out immediately.

With a wave of his hand, a large seal was printed, which looked only a few meters in radius, but its appearance was like a ten thousand mountain peak."

It was just a flash, already smashed into a Rako Protoss.

This Rako Protoss, a hundred-foot-long sword is just one action!

With a bang, the fire shot hundreds of feet, and the knife was smashed into several segments."

The big seal has been smashed on the body of the Rako Protoss, and the Rako Protoss was knocked down from the Void Beast, continuously rolling hundreds of feet away, breathing fire all over.

Although the body was like a cast of copper and iron, the whole body was hurt by being beaten!

A tumbling "I saw a blade of sword light sweeping like clouds, but it was picturesque and beautiful, with a warhammer and a spear" just to welcome this beautiful scenery!

"Boom" there was a loud noise!

It looks like it's just a beautiful landscape, but the Rako Protoss won hundreds of swords!

The warhammer and the spear have become fragments and splashes!

Baizhang divine body, already divided into several pieces, splashed!

A big sleeve, with a wave to face, the splashing body, has all entered into the big sleeve, there is nothing left!

Ruan Ren took a picture, the big seal was already firmly in his hand, but in front of him was Commissioner Qian grinning: "I just got here, he rolled over by himself."

Damn, my spoils!

Ruan Ren's heart was cursing.

However, he was even more surprised by the power of Commissioner Qian's sword.

His own magic weapon was nothing but to knock this Rako Protoss over hundreds of feet.

And this old money cut this Rako Protoss into a few pieces!

"It doesn't matter, there are some of the Rako Protoss here."

After speaking, the big seal in the hand will be issued again.

There were also two Rako Protoss, and the Void Beast riding in it roared and passed an arc in the void, already more than ten miles away.

Although these two human monks were not the Nascent Soul Hu God, their attack power was also strong enough.

Although the magic swordsmanship of these two people can't kill the Rako Protoss in seconds, the ordinary Rako Protoss can't stop it at all!

At this moment, a gunfire tens of feet thick swept away!

A Rako protoss, together with the void beast on the ride, has already turned to ashes!

There was also a Void Protoss, and I saw a dozen figures, like a rainbow through the sky, madly rolling in!

"Where to go "One"

Coming to the front, there was a burst of thunder-like shouts, dozens of green and misty brilliance, like a meteor, as if flying from a distant time and space, just a swoop, this Rako Protoss, a hundred feet long weapon Wild dance, countless knives, grabs, swords, forming a sea of ​​flames!

The void beast riding in it also roared wildly, swinging tens of thousands of claws in an instant!

If this is placed in the plane, several mountains will also be broken.

However, the brilliance of the Ten Dao Qing Ji Meng exploded!

Flame thunder, rushed hundreds of feet!

The sea of ​​flames, tens of thousands of claw shadows, were immediately blown to pieces!

Then there are the Rako Protoss and the empty beasts on the ride, turning into countless pieces of meat splashing!

"Well, these Leko Protoss, in this battle, all took the airship.

It is a Yuan Ying Hu God here, which is the result of this battle. "

Ruan Ren's face stretched out, very satisfied.

"It's easy to say, this is all the power of Zhankongjian." He spoke extremely, and was rare and humble.

"Yes." The power of the Zhankong Arrow is not bad, if it were more, it would be fine. "

It was Bro.


Ruan has wrinkles on either face.

You foreign cultivators don't know, but you know, how can Zhankongjian be so easy to refine?

"Everyone has collected these materials."

Ruan Ren pointed to the floating remains of the Rako Protoss and the Void Beast.

Everyone is unceremonious, letting out the tactics"

Commissioner Qian received some more, but he was surprised to find"

The wreckage of the Rako Protoss that had been collected was gone, and only a few huge pieces of equipment remained in the universe.

Also, a water element bead glowing with mist.

A piece of information came over.

Commissioner Qian immediately understood, it turned out that "this Innate Water Yuanzhu had absorbed the remains of the Void God Race."

Considering that this is the grand scene of the two thousand Yuanying Hu Shenwei airships exhibiting, Xiantian Shui Yuanzhu"

Commissioner Qian did not put it in the mansion, but put it in his sleeve.

As soon as the wreckage of the Rako Protoss came into the sleeves, Commissioner Qian didn't take care of it.

Unexpectedly, among the universe in the sleeves, this Innate Water Yuanzhu, which is several hundred meters away from the remains of the Rako Protoss, just swept in the air and swallowed the Rako Protoss remains.

However, all the equipment of the Rako Protoss was left.

Why is that?

Commissioner Qian’s spiritual thoughts protruded towards Xian Shui Yuanzhu, but that world was a little better than before. As for why it swallowed the remains of the Rako Protoss, Commissioner Qian did not get an answer.

"Attention everyone, there is another Void Protoss here.

Ruan Ren's voice sounded like thunder!

Now the Rako Protoss and Void Beasts rushed over every minute. If this Innate Water Primordial Pearl wants to absorb the remains of the Rako Protoss, then I should kill more Rako Protoss.

"Boom... One"

The naval gun of the airship was the first to fire.

It was another Rako protoss and the empty beast that was riding on it, turning to ashes.

The rest of the Lecco clan has already rushed over!

A dozen pieces of equipment with a length of one hundred feet are called towards these dozen monks!

In the void, brought a billowing thunder!

The magic weapon of the monks of the Dragon Gate Inn can be used for dozens of miles, one hundred miles, and the equipment of the Rako Protoss can also be played without hands.

However, the equipment of a hundred feet long is obviously not as easy to control as the magic weapon of the Dragon Inn.

However, under the control of the divine power of the Rako Protoss, the power is great.

A monk shot out a few empty-cutting arrows in his hand, seeing a huge hammer measuring a hundred meters long, burning the flame, and whizzing!

He still had a Zhankong Arrow in his hand, so there was an extra spear in his hand, and the spear roared, and it turned into thousands of ways in an instant, like a blooming hu sea.

However, thousands of long spears bombarded this hundred-foot-long giant hammer, and the flames burning on the giant hammer broke through, but it touched the body of the giant hammer only on the giant hammer, Splashing countless sparks!

With a wave of his hand, a green brilliance shot out and exploded!

The giant hammer has been blown into pieces!

Watching the battlefield surrounding this floating airship, the Rako Protoss who came in ran away, and on his side, there was also a monk who was blasted into pieces!

Another victory.

Collect the remains of the Rako Protoss.

A group of monks looked nervous.

"Slayed nine Rako Protoss, the results were good, but our Slashing Arrows were not much."

Luanpo said.


The monks all agreed.

"Set up the formation, only that."

Ruan Ren said a little depressed.

"You must set up a formation on the left and right, so that I will lead the formation on the left." You lead the formation on the right. "

Ruan Ren said to Commissioner Qian.

As for the other monks, Ruan Ren ignored them.


Commissioner Qian nodded and waved his hand casually."

"Lan Po, Dawei, Buruo, come here, let's line up."

But it is moving towards Luan Po's voice transmission: My Innate Water Yuanzhu is devouring the remains of the Rako Protoss, isn't it the same for your Innate Water Yuanzhu. "

Ah "really" my Innate Water Yuanzhu and the remains of the Rako Protoss are not put together, I will try them out. "

The mountain break is urging the water and yuanzhu"

Commissioner Qian took out a map, stretched out his hand, and the map was enlarged by ten feet. The members of Commissioner Qian just stood on the map!


The formation was gone, and a mountain range of one hundred meters in radius was suspended in the air.

Most of the floating spaceship was covered.

Feeling the restriction in the formation, Chi Dawei nodded in satisfaction.

"Old Qian, you have a good array, strange mountains and strange peaks, staggered". The ravines are vertical and horizontal, and you can take out an array at will. There is such a level, but your crafting level is far higher than mine. "

"so so."

Commissioner Qian said.

In this array, there is no magic array with innate sense of Taoism."

For Commissioner Qian, it is no longer advanced equipment.

"Yes, the Innate Water Elemental Beads" are devouring the nose of the Rako Protoss, but "What is the use of this team of Innate Water Elemental Beads, I have no idea."

Luan Po spoke to Member Qian in surprise.

"Then let Xian Shui Yuanzhu absorb a few more remains of the Rako Protoss and see what happens."

Commissioner Qian said.

"Look over there."

Suddenly, Luanpo stretched out his hand!

A long rainbow of flames, but like a gathering of billions of fire hu, the momentum is magnificent, like a galaxy, it rushes towards a Rako Protoss.

The Rako Protoss, and the Void Beast, simultaneously issued the strongest attacks. However, in the eyes of Commissioner Qian and Luan Po, the strong supernatural power is just a sparkle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It hasn’t had time to see this Rako Protoss. And the void beast, what kind of attack is it sending out!

Where the flame Changhong passed, the void beast of hundreds of meters, the Lyco protoss of hundreds of meters, there was nothing left!

Only the equipment of the Rako Protoss, whizzing and flying in the air!

"Look at this Nascent Soul Hu God, isn't it the Void Continent who fought against the Rako Protoss when it was just formed, those two Nascent Soul Hu God masters?

I remember that there was another surrounded by countless golden lights.

He was also devouring the Rako Protoss, just like the Xian Shui Yuanzhu, the Rako Protoss equipment, he didn't even bother. "

When Luan Po said this, Commissioner Qian also noticed that the billions of fire hu, composed of Changhong, was one of the Yuan Ying Hu gods who fought against the Void God Race that day.

Now it looks even more powerful, it is simply infinite!

The Rako Protoss, shot with the Void Beast, this billions of fire hu is just a plunder, and the Rako Protoss and the Void Hand Beast are no longer visible!

The flames on the six Rako Protoss that had just been devoured were twice as high as the few Rako Protoss killed by the committee members. Looking at their strength, if they were matched, they would be enough to fight for a long time.

However, in this volume of billions of fire hu, even the moves were not fully released, and there was no trace.

Commissioner Qian was all sweaty.

"This monk, I'm afraid it's not a powerful monk in the middle stage of Yuanying Hu, if he is against us, how can this monk be interested in the body of the Rako Protoss? "!~!

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