Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1966: New rules

Bombarded dozens of times, all the same

Hundreds of disciplines have been practiced and transformed into phenomena, surging within a thousand miles~

I just feel that the water waves are far away and mysterious, coming from the infinite world

Four hundred Lecco guards, bombarded dozens of times, all without a trace

"No, the Yuan Ying Flower God of this human race has been on a hundred, why is it so powerful?"

A four-hundred-foot-high Lecco guard said in surprise,

However, the height is already four hundred feet,

Even speaking softly, the sound is thunderous

A suit of armor, shining brilliantly

Looks holy

More than four hundred Leko Protoss, they all looked in horror

They whizzed in the void world, I don’t know how many billions of miles they have walked,

As soon as the Hundred Lyco Guardians came out, it was invincible

Today’s battle is the first time I have encountered

These thousands of miles away,

They only felt that the sword light and thunder fire in it were as many as billions,

Their attacks came,

Compared with these billions of swords, it looks trivial again

Moreover, these billions of swords and thunder and fire,

Each path is of great importance,

These Lecco guards, one by one, are also afraid

If you are hit by a thousand miles of law in this area,

I'm afraid it turned to ashes immediately

A total of more than 600 Lecco guards have been released, and more than 200 Lecco guards have been killed.

The Rako Guard, for the Rako Protoss,

Is also very strong

"My lord, there are more than one hundred human infant flower gods gathered together, and the Taoism they issued seems to have undergone a certain change.

It is this hundred-plus-yuan infant flower god, who seems to be unable to control the Taoism he has issued."

A Lecco deity said to the four hundred feet tall Lecco deity


The four-hundred-foot-tall Lecco guard was annoyed in his heart.

I said to myself,

Without an interface, it's a loss of face

I heard that,

Just take a look,

But saw,

The Dharma of thousands of miles, surging and surging,

Circle and cross each other, sometimes diverging, sometimes merging,

That kind of deep look,

Even the leader of the God Guard of Rako glanced at him, not knowing whether this form is himself or whether he feels like this form.

"not good"

Among more than one hundred baby flower gods,

A Changhong composed of countless sparks shouted loudly

It is the Yuan Ying Flower God who was originally near the Qian Da Committee members

"Well, the Dao Fa of more than a hundred of us gathered together, in this void, it seems that some rules are manifested"

Among the Changhong surrounded by countless golden lights, one person said

In the voice, unspeakable surprise, pity, possession, and other emotions



"I'll check it"

More than one hundred baby flower gods, each performing Taoism, must compare each other on this battlefield,

Whose method is high, whose method is more lethal

Although at the same time the Yuanying Flower God of Longmen Inn,

In addition to actions on the battlefield,

Not much to say

There has been an abnormal change in the face of a thousand miles around,

Yuan Ying Flower Gods,

Very depressed

Everyone is the Yuanying Flower God,

Don’t say more than a hundred people,

Is a Yuanying Flower God,

For Dao Fa within a radius of more than a thousand miles,

Also freely controlled

More than one hundred baby flower gods gathered together,

It’s not a problem to control tens of thousands of miles.

Everyone is wondering,

However, the Yuan Ying Flower God among the countless golden lights said

More than one hundred baby flower gods, there is no one who does not speak

What does this mean?

Yuan Ying Flower God, if the rules come out,

So, one foot has already stepped into the position of transforming gods

It can be said that there is no other flower **** like Yuan Ying, who is so enthusiastic about the words "rules of manifestation".

"There are really signs of rules."

Countless boulders are tumbling and rolling, and the sound is like thunder. Among them, a monk said

"I heard that Laoguan you and Lao Dai are making rapid progress in tempering their own rules.

Come, it's really true"

"Everyone, don't think so well

If it is our own Taoism, the rules are manifested,

This rule can be easily refined, but now it is the Taoism of more than one hundred of us, and the rules have emerged."


More than one hundred baby flower gods, one by one wakes up

More than a hundred people’s Taoism, the rules that have been realized, even if they are practiced by a Yuan Ying Hua Shen,

It may not be able to refine successfully

"There is also the element of emptiness,

In the void world, it has always been mysterious

Our more than one hundred Yuanying Flower God’s Taoism, if it is performed on an ordinary plane, there will be no rules.

Among the classics I have read, there are more than one hundred infant flower gods fighting on ordinary planes,

The entire plane is destroyed, and there are no rules to manifest."

A Yuanying Flower God surrounded by countless clouds said

This Yuanying Flower God, surrounded by countless clouds, you can see at a glance, he also came to the Longmen Inn from the outside plane.

"that's right"

A Yuanying Flower God jumped out immediately,

"There is no Void Realm, the Taoism of us Yuanying Flower God, all together,

Not even the shadow of the rules

When this rule appears, we all have a share, do you think it’s right?"

While talking and gesticulating, I almost shouted

"Yes, that's right"

The Yuanying Flower Gods clamored

At this time, around this thousand miles of Dharma as the center,

Half of the battlefield is swarming here

The monks in a few airships were a little frightened

"My lords, let's rush out of the battlefield first."

The captain of an airship, flying out of the airship

However, once standing on the airship,

The immense pressure caused his body protection to be released only about three feet away

The four diamond flower gods around the periphery were taken aback

"To shut up"

The Yuan Ying Flower God surrounded by boulders,

Just shout

"We Yuanying Flower God said something, how can you interrupt?"

With a loud shout,

The captain standing on the airship,

I've been shocked and my face changed

"Well, whoever of you is capable, just take away the rules that are being produced"

Among the billions of sparks,

A silhouette waved

"Old Dai, you"

Among the countless golden lights, Lao Guan said

"The Taoist method of the more than one hundred infant and flower gods, the rules formed in the void, is to call a cultivator to come, and it is not so easy to collect."

"Oh that's it"

When it comes to accepting this innate rule,

All silent

Able to cultivate to the Yuanying Flower God,

Stayed at Longmen Inn for so long again,

The power of rules is still clear

"I will accept this rule, but I won't hand it over."

Amidst the rolling waves,

The monk spoke

"Well, you can accept this innate rule. If you can accept this innate rule, we won't grab you."

Among countless sparks,

Old Dai said

In the rolling waves,

The figure stretched out his hand to play the trick continuously,

Among the phenomena of thousands of miles,

Just a huge wave rushing up,

Like a huge mountain ridge coming from the sky, the sound of the tide resounds like a thunderbolt, and the tide oscillates and splashes towards a certain place in this thousand miles of phenomena.

Rush away


The huge waves splashed all over,

The Yuan Ying Flower God in this huge wave just made a muffled hum

"Haha, I will try"

Among the numerous boulders circling, a figure said

Among the phenomena of thousands of miles,

Suddenly, countless boulders rise up,

A tsunami composed of anti-corrosion boulders is general,

Toward this thousand-mile dhamma, there is a boom

I heard countless huge thunder explosions


Among the countless boulders, the figure hummed

The monks surrounded by countless boulders just shouted loudly,

Also failed to collect this rule,

Countless boulders surround the huge whistle,

Also silent

The Dharma turbulence of thousands of miles,

Don't take those four hundred Lecco guards seriously

On the battlefield, there are so many Leko Protoss watching

Lecco guards, furious one by one

The adults who looked at them one after another

"Humans, you are quite arrogant"

The four-hundred-zhang Lyco guard is also furious

Flicked the sword

A thunderbolt flashed, in an instant, hundreds of miles have passed

"Boom" there was a loud noise

A floating airship of Yuanying Flower God,

Protecting Dao Fa, being beaten to pieces

There are already holes everywhere on the airship

Flames gushing,

Dao Fa on the airship, fully activated

After a while, the flame went out,

There are already full of holes on this airship

Although it was not blown up,

However, continuing to fight is obviously impossible

"Damn, a single blow will smash a floating airship with the power of the Yuanying Flower God to make it impossible to fight."

Chi Dawei said and gasped

"All of my magic weapons, none of them have the defensive power of the Yuanying Flower God"

The others nodded together

"What a Lecco Guard"

Surrounded by sparks,

Old Dai reaches for a finger

More than one hundred baby flower gods,

Are also arranged in a certain formation

Although at this moment, thousands of miles away, has already lost control,

However, it is still possible to use part of the combat power

Among the splendid thousands of miles,

A wave roared,


It’s only tens of feet old, compared with this thousand miles,

It seems trivial

More than a hundred miles away,

As if it didn't exist at all,

This is, dozens of thunder and fire, rumbling through the void,

Flew into the distance in the void

A Lecco guard was beaten by this wave,


Turning into countless debris and splashing, the waves are only a pause for a fraction of an instant,

Crashed on the body of another Lecco guard

An unimaginable fierce thunder erupted from the body of the God Guard of Rako

However, in front of the colorful waves, it is like a brilliant firework,

There was a loud noise and turned into countless pieces

At this time, dozens of thunder and fire,

Each is hundreds of feet long, or the color is dark blue, or the color is red, or the color is blue and black,

Booming on the waves of dozens of feet wide,

"Boom, boom, boom" amidst the loud noise,

Ripples fly and spread

Spell fragments splashed around, as if filling every space

It's another Lecco guard, after being broken into pieces,

This colorful wave was shattered

Several Lecco guards around,

Splashed by this magic fragment, everyone has been injured

The face of more than four hundred Lecco guards has changed color

If this face of thousands of miles in a radius of a radius attacks these four hundred Lecco guards,

Who can stop it?

The wave blew, and the four-hundred-meter-high Lecco guard did not speak anymore.

Several more people want to collect this rule,

But none succeeded

"Oh, old Dai, it’s a bit bad. This rule has become more and more unpredictable.

Maintaining this thousand-mile radius, the Taoism I issued, I feel more and more difficult to control.

The Dao Fa I issued is actually controlled by that rule."

Laoguan is towards Lao Dai

The old Dai surrounded by countless sparks,

I was a little anxious when I heard it

"Can you do it? This rule seems to be out of control. Can you control the Dao law you have issued to yourself?



The Yuanying Flower Gods opened their eyes one after another,

The monk who collects the rules,

Once someone accepts this rule, then it is almost a monk in the Flower God stage.

When I heard what Old Dai said,

This thought flashed,

I immediately found out that the Dao Fa he issued seemed to be running around the rules

"What's the matter? I control my Dao Fa, and the divine consciousness consumed is several times more"

A Yuanying Flower God was surprised

As the Yuanying Flower God, there are not many things that can surprise them so much.

Yuan Ying Flower God consumes several times more divine consciousness, which can be said to be a terrifying figure.

"There are several times more divine minds, but Dao Fa revolves around the rules"

A Yuanying Flower God complained

"I don't believe it"

There are still unwilling, rules that are being formed,

They came to Longmen Inn, some of them have been there for thousands of years,

I walked in the void countless times before I met once

There are more than a dozen Yuanying Flower Gods who urge their Taoism to the limit.

Go to a roll

"Boom" amidst the loud noise,

The look on my face changes a dozen times in a row

This is back to normal

For Yuanying Flower God,

War for a long time,

The look on his face won’t change a dozen times

"Old Dai, this rule is very strange.

Do you see it, what is the rule? "

Countless ice cones form a river,

In this cone of ice, there was a voice

"This deer comes back in spring, I am afraid that the practice of rules is not under the two of you and me."

Lao Guan said

"Lu Chun is back, I heard that your Excellency has been diligent in repairing the rules for many years, so please talk about it."

Among the billions of sparks,

Old Dai said

"Hey, I am inferior to you in the practice of rules. The body of the Rako Protoss can refine the projection of the rules. I still know after you."

Billions of sparks, among countless golden lights,

Lao Dai and Lao Guan, just as they didn’t hear

"According to my opinion, the Dao Fa issued by more than 100 of us has a tendency to become one with this rule.

The Dao Fa issued by more than a hundred of us, I don’t know what rules in the void have been touched, but I’m sure,

We won’t be able to control this phenomenon for thousands of miles.”

As soon as Lu Chun came back,

Lao Dai and Lao Guan just look at each other

There are more than one hundred baby flower gods, it’s really not much

"It seems that this deer who returns to the Spring Festival has a relatively high level of knowledge in rules.

I think so"

"That's right, if so, what should I do?"

Among countless sparks,

Old Dai nodded

"The only way to push out this thousand-mile radius,

Pushed far into the void,

These more than 100 kinds of Taoism and the rules formed by the infant flower **** are probably not something that any one of us can collect."

Lu Chungui said

"If there hadn't been this battle, our hundred-odd-odd infant flower **** could still watch the formation of this rule.

But now, with so many Void Protoss around,

I have no choice but to do so"

Old Dai said,

Somewhat helpless

"Everyone listen to me"

Lu Chungui said

However, more than one hundred infant monks, each talking non-stop

Lu Chun Gui San

"It's still me"

Among countless sparks, Old Dai said

"Everyone listen to me"

In a word,

More than one hundred baby flower gods, all quiet

The jealous look on Lu Chungui's face just flashed past

Old Dai repeated their speculation

"I agree with this view"

A Yuanying Flower God said

"I also agree that my perception and practice of the rules have been going on for hundreds of years.

This rule does not seem to be very ambitious"

Said another Yuanying Flower God with a cyan flame

"I will try again"

There are still many Yuanying Flower Gods who are not reconciled

Some Yuanying Flower Gods stepped forward again, still in vain

Within a thousand miles, the phenomena of the law have risen and changed,

Become spinning

Thousands of miles, start to rotate around a center

This time,

Even the Lecco guards on the periphery can see it

"The law, the formation of the law, how did they do it, they can form the law with the more than one hundred infant and flower **** Taoism"

The four-hundred-zhang Lecco guard muttered to himself

"Impossible, I am in the void, I don't know how many hundreds of millions of miles I have walked, and I still haven't seen the formation of rules. Although they are powerful, they have not reached the level of forming rules."

The Lecco guards~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is like a fryer

"How do you say this, this piece of emptiness is simply messy"

A Lecco guard said,

"It stands to reason that this kind of void should not be able to manifest the Void Continent. However, in this void, the Void Continent is manifested.

Now, it’s weird that another rule has emerged from the Taoism of the more than one hundred Infant Flower Gods."

Lecco guards said

The four-hundred-zhang Lako Protoss,

The huge vortex formed by this thousands of miles around is like eyes breathing fire

Commissioner Qian, they don’t know what these Yuan Ying Hua Shen thoughts

Because they have received the order to disperse

"It seems like we are going to make a passage"

Luan Po said

"Then what about their dozen or so airships?"

Luo said

"The phases of the thousand-mile range began to rotate, began to rotate, and, the faster it turned,"

Chi Da said coldly,

"Well, it seems that those Yuan Ying and Flower Gods all want to find something in that thousand-mile dhamma."

Commissioner Qian said

"Follow a predetermined route"

Ruan Ren said, even though Ruan Ren's brows were frowned

"Boom" the purple airship, quickly turned its head

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