Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1979: Rule spell

"This is the fortress admiral Zeng Sheng."

Lei Fang spoke to Commissioner Qian.

Dragon Gate Inn, a fortress set up on the new world of the void, for each fortress, the highest officer is the admiral.

"The admirals are all Yuan Ying hu gods, really powerful."

This admiral Zeng had just swept his eyes. The dozens of monks present had a wave of intuition.

"Well, I saw it, Lei Fang's airship came with a good monk, let them come."

Lei Fang stepped forward first.

Commissioner Qian, who was a crew member of Lei Fang's airship, naturally followed behind and saluted.

This is the Yuan Ying Hu God, the Yuan Ying Hu God that Committee Member Qian saw, few of them showed their true body, they were all covered by Taoism.

Zeng Sheng just nodded to Lei Fang.

However, he glanced at Commissioner Qian, and then said: "The formation is good, but in terms of the perception of the mysterious starry sky, there is still a bit of a difference. If the perception of the starry sky mysterious is strengthened, given time, advance Yuan Yinghu God, it’s not a problem."

The taste in Lei Fang’s heart, it will be a matter of time before he advances to Yuanying Hu, but like many monks in Longmen Inn, in order to understand the rules of Longmen Inn, he can be promoted to Yuanying after understanding the rules. Then, the probability of being promoted to the cultivator of the Deity Transformation Period is greatly increased.

This is just staying at the four-diamond hu god's cultivation level. Isn't it worth your words?

In addition to saying this to Commissioner Qian, Brother Zeng Sheng Yuanying only ordered that the battlefield be cleaned up, that is, to sit on the airship, the airship, flying like a Changhong, has already returned to the fortress.

The monks divided the ten or so Rako protoss, each of them sat in the spaceship and flew towards the fortress.

"We don't need to fight with the Lecco Guard once it comes out. We are not the opponent of Lecco Guard at all."

In the airship, Ajan frowned and said.

Several monks in the Leilong floating spaceship have been transformed into the void, with brilliant smoke.

"The admiral is the **** Yuanying hu. The gods and guards of Rako are here, but the admiral did not come. It is good to project a long-distance Taoism. I heard that the **** Yuanying hu is able to project the Taoism on Fight at a long distance."

Rambo said.

Looks very dissatisfied.

The monks nodded one by one very much in agreement.

"In the void, any long-distance projection, teleportation spells are very complicated. Compared with ordinary spells, it is dozens of times more complicated. It is the Nascent Soul Hu God. After such complex projections, the spells do not have much power."

Lei Fang said.

But despite what Lei Fang said, in the airship, it was the area where everyone looked unhappy and was only tens of thousands of miles away from the fortress.

Yuan Ying Hu God, and Four Diamond Hu God, are not on the same level at all.

The distance of tens of thousands of miles in the void, for the four-diamond hu god, still needs a little time, for the yuanying hu god, that is no problem.

After this battle, the Lako Protoss around the fortress where the old money was located, not much came.

The God Guards of Rako were beheaded here, an ordinary Rako Protoss, but they did not dare to come here in a big way.

"What is the effect of Rako Guard on Innate Water Yuanzhu?"

Commissioner Qian ended his practice for several days.

Luan Po just asked, his eyes gleaming.

"Compared with the ordinary Rako Protoss, the power of the Innate Water Yuanzhu is stronger and greater.

However, I still can't find why it can enhance the power of the Innate Water Yuanzhu. "

Member Qian said.

"Really, a Rako Protoss can reach the Water Yuanzhu and increase its power."

Luanpo swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Old money, I wondered if our cultivation base is not enough, so I can't understand the mystery"""

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Well, it may be the case. However, we have more insights into the mystery of the void. Perhaps, the mystery of the Rako Protoss that can increase the power of the water element, we can enlighten it."

Member Qian said.

"This is just a possibility. If our cultivation level is promoted to Yuan Ying Hu God, we may know more about the mystery of this innate water Yuanzhu."

Luan Po said.

However, he himself was only in the early stage of the four-diamond hu god, and he was far away from the Yuanying hu god.

"Well, we still use this innate water pearl to learn more about the mystery of the void, and it is easier for us to perform our Taoism in the void."

Member Qian said.

The monks' Taoism, which is performed in the void, is not as good as it is performed on the ordinary plane.

A few months passed, and the newly replenished monks were already in place.

Patrolling, practicing, this is the theme of the current life of the Qian and Luanpo.

The power of the Innate Water Yuanzhu has not progressed very much within these few months.

"The set..."

The communication instrument in the room suddenly sounded.

"Well, the Golden Merei Dragon does not patrol..."

Commissioner Qian shook his body and had already arrived in the lobby of the fortress.

In the hall, the monks from all fortresses are already here.

Admiral Zeng Sheng, who had not seen each other for a long time, was already suspended in the air.

However, at this time, his body was surrounded by countless fire hu, light blue, and billions of light blue fire hu, flying in a radius of several meters.

With the four-diamond hu **** level of Commissioner Qian, I can't see where these light blue fire hus come from, and where they go, what kind of Taoism they are.

Next to him, there are two Yuanying hu gods, one Yuanying hu god, surrounded by a sword aura, but, if you look closely, there are countless flying swords in this sword aura. Where did it go.

There is also a Yuanying hu god, rolling boulders around the boulder, surrounded by countless mysterious runes, each rune suddenly turned into a thunder, and then turned into a rune.

The wild and violent breath, * lustrous and long.

Commissioner Qian is also a practitioner of Thunder Law, and when he saw it, he was surprised."

Each of these stones contains thunder methods that are stronger than their own.

The monk looked at Yuanying Hu's body protection method, "This is the Yuanying Hu Shendao method after fusion of the rules. Every sword light, thunder and fire, contains certain information of the law, which is stronger than the general method." Much! "

A monk said.

This Yuan Ying Hu god’s body-protecting method is also integrated with the law, which is much stronger than the ordinary monk’s method.

These four diamond hu gods opened their eyes one by one, trying to find the shadow of the law.

"Oh, no wonder, I see, the structure of this monk's rune is not as complicated as my spell structure, but" the power of each rune is quite large.

But where is the law? "

A monk looked depressed.

"Yes, it stands to reason" after the law and the specific Taoism are integrated, it should be easier to see. "

The four-diamond hu **** standing beside was also puzzled.

"Is it optimistic, let me tell you that you haven't reached this state, even if I put the Dao Fa in front of you", I can't see why. "

Zeng Shengyuanying was a god, stretched out his hand and pointed, a light blue fire floated out."

In an instant, zoom in a hundred times"

Then, it turned into countless talisman entanglements.

What kind of cultivation is the Four Diamond Hu God?

Now, all the spell structures were clearly seen.

"Give you a quarter of an hour to see if you can see the law in the structure of this spell."

Zeng Sheng Yuanying said proudly.

All the monks of Qiang Four Diamond Hu God immediately urged the soul with all their strength and started deduction.

"Well, there are dozens of places, which are different from ordinary structures."

Ajan said.

"Yes, this is the embodiment of the law."

"This should be."

Four diamond hu gods said one after another.

"Well, let's try and see if we can build such a spell structure."

Commissioner Qian said.

Zeng Sheng curled his mouth in disdain.

"Spell structure that incorporates laws is actually so easy to build?"

The magical structure that incorporates the law, built in this way, how can we, the Nascent Soul God, stand in front of you?

Sure enough, not long after, a four-diamond hu **** snorted, and the light on his face was flashing one after another.

Obviously, not only didn't build this kind of magic structure, but he was also injured.

Then, another four-diamond hu god, groaned.

Then, Luan Po snorted.

Seeing Commissioner Qian's face indifferent, he was deducing.

Luan Po is just a "rely".

At this time, the difference in cultivation level was [really] reflected.

Luan Po chose a spell structure, only halfway through the construction, already feeling a huge shock in his mind and a lot of pressure.

Just know that if you continue to deduct it, you will definitely get hurt.

This is something that is completely linked to one's own cultivation realm.

However, one monk, then another monk, muffled.

The only difference is that these four-diamond hu gods who snorted, their cultivation bases are getting higher and higher.

The realm is getting higher and higher!

Commissioner Qian also snorted!

Only then I saw that among the more than one hundred monks, there are still more than a dozen people who are still continuing to deduct it!

Damn, if you say that according to the cultivation base, you will be ranked after a dozen in this fortress.

"Isn't it just the construction of the magic structure, I don't believe it, it can't be built, these six hundred golden fruit shadows, are they decorations?"

Commissioner Qian urged the array of Golden Fruit Shadows to run at full speed, and the entire Golden Fruit Shadow array was intertwined with countless brilliance.

For the **** Zeng Shenghu, the next words, just listen at will.

It is nothing more than summoning these monks to fight.

Sure enough, the **** Zeng Sheng Yuanying hu waved his hand and was a little bit impassioned, "Everyone, we found a gathering point of the Rako Protoss in the void ten million miles away. They set out from here and came to our Void Continent. .

Several of our fortresses decided to join forces to fight"

Destroy the gathering point of the Rako Protoss!

For this reason, Longmen Inn sent two Yuanying hu gods to our fortress.

This is the God of Jingyi Yuanying." This is the God of Zhenru Yuanying.

Everyone welcome"

"Wow, la la la one... one"

The monks began to applaud enthusiastically.

In other words, they are also two Yuanying hu gods.

"The fortress that went to fight together has also added the Nascent Soul Hu, and we will win this battle!"

With Zeng Shengyuanying's high-pitched voice.

The applause was great again.

Except for Zhan Lei and some four-diamond hu gods with the highest cultivation base, their palms lightly closed, that is, to deal with the scene.

Commissioner Qian is among them.

There have been many battles with the Rako Protoss, especially when the Rako God Guard comes out"

It is not something that the Four Diamond Hu God can easily handle.

Last time, he and Lei Fang, but the refining formations were fully opened." Only then was a Rako Shenwei beheaded, but both of them were defeated by the Rako Shenwei.

Commissioner Qian just fully deduced this, how to build those dozens of structures.

The impassioned speech was over.

This speech took a long time."

Most people don't know that the admiral of this fortress, Your Excellency Zeng Sheng, is so wordy.

"Next, please give me a lesson from the two Lord Yuanying Hu."

Zeng Sheng said loudly.

There was another warm applause.

But" this time, the monks were also a little bit embarrassed.

The two Yuanying Hu gods only said a few words and ended the coin talk.

"Well, everyone prepares separately, three days later" we set off. "

The monks went back to their rooms to prepare, "This time, two more Yuanying hu gods were sent." Every fortress that played in the battle, there was an increase of Yuanying hu gods. I am afraid that this battle will be extremely fierce... Said a monk.

Yuan Ying Hu, the admiral of Shinto went to a gathering there.

On the faces of the monks, there was not much joy.

"In this Void Continent, there are six fortresses. If every fortress adds two Yuanying hu gods, it means adding twelve Yuanying hu gods, and there are fifteen Yuanying hu gods in total.

A monk said, "Well," fifteen Yuanying hu gods will fight, they can be regarded as five hundred four-diamond hu gods. Each of our fortresses has a battle power of c and a half, which is more than three hundred four-diamond hu gods. I don't know how many Rako gods there are at the gathering point of Rako Protoss. "

Said a monk.

This is what everyone cares about, the gathering point of the Rako Protoss, how many Rako Guards there are.

"The fifteen Yuan Ying Hu gods should be able to deal with those Rako gods."

A monk said, shaking his head.

"We are too afraid of the Lecco guard."

Said a monk.

Everyone had a look of shame on their faces, but no one jumped out from the victorious monks and said the last sentence: "Leco Guard, I'm not afraid."

This is what Yuan Ying Hu said.

These four diamond hu gods, none of them here can say this.

Three days of preparation time is just to relax.

Only Commissioner Qian sat still in the room. One day's time passed quickly. Commissioner Qian discovered that the innate Dao mechanism he had felt was already realized due to the need to refine the law formation.

Turned into countless mysterious and incomparable talisman, and some of these mysterious and incomparable talisman, and those in Zeng Sheng Yuanying’s hu Shinto method, have similarities with the structure of the fusion of the law, the Commissioner Qian tried to rebuild the structure of Zeng Sheng’s spell .

The last time I built a structure that could not be broken through, Commissioner Qian tried to replace it with the Fuluo that appeared in the innate way.

It can!

Mana is urged on the structure that has been built, and sure enough, there is a feeling that the power of mana is greatly increased.

Innate Dao Ji, the talisman that appeared, had such an effect?

Commissioner Qian re-read these talismanic signs of innate Taoism, and, sure enough, from this, Commissioner Qian also experienced some artistic conceptions.

However, after the rune urn of the Xiantian Dao machine tool, and the similar rune urn of Zeng Sheng Yuanying's hu Shendao method were used up, the construction of this magical structure could no longer be carried out.

However, the magic structure of Zeng Sheng Yuanying hu **** has already been built by the committee member Qian!

At this moment, three days have come.

The monks gathered and floated on the airship.

There are more than 20 airships in half of the fortress.

There are more than twenty ships left behind fortresses.

More than 20 airships whizzed into the air. At one place above the void continent, more than 100 airships were moving towards the distance.

More than a hundred airships gathered together, vast and mighty, like a galaxy gathering. Fly towards the void.

The distance of ten million miles is the range where the Rako Protoss gathers. This fleet will take a few days to reach it.

Yuan Ying Hu, the **** Zeng Sheng, served as the highest admiral in this fleet.

The captains of the other fortresses were all deputy admirals.

Regardless of how many members are, he has already begun to use the already-built magic structure to urge the operation of mana. The member wants to see how the spell structure integrated into the rules is different from the general spell structure. What is the difference? where.

Of course, in some parts of these structures, Commissioner Qian has replaced them with the talismanic talisman.

Compared with the original spell structure, it was not reliable, and in the heart of Committee Member Qian, he was not sure.

Use the embodiment of the innate Dao machine instead of the embodiment of the law. This is. Commissioner Qian did not see the classics about the innate Taoism in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Shangxian District of Longmen Inn.

Mana circulated in the organization, and it was completed quickly. Well, I think the power of mana has become greater.

But, how big ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Qian Da committee did not feel at all. It seems that naturally, the power of mana has increased.

Oh" For a four-diamond hu **** cultivator, especially a cultivator who has a particularly strong spiritual mind, he can’t explore the mystery at all. For this point, since Commissioner Qian was in the Zhoutian star battle, his spiritual mind Mosquitoes came in by leaps and bounds, and had never encountered them.

In the Zhoutian Star Fighting formation, since the great advancement of divine consciousness, regardless of whether it is refining tools or cultivating, alchemy, no matter how complicated the situation is, the great committee member Qian’s divine consciousness has been released with all his strength.

As it is now, there is no clue at all.

"This" "It seems like I just got the Innate Water Yuanzhu. It is completely impossible to detect the Innate Dao machine.

The difference is that this law is more difficult to explore ""

Commissioner Qian had this insight in his heart.

If this is the case, then activate the mana again.

again and again.

Commissioner Qian sat on the airship and began to practice.

Since Commissioner Qian and Lei Fang issued a shocking blow at the same time, they beheaded the guard of Rako.

The cultivator on the floating spaceship met with Commissioner Qian and Lei Fang, and they all gave up and dared not answer.

Seeing Commissioner Qian practising on the airship, the cultivators: "This...there is hard work in cultivating, it's not bad for these three days, this one..."

"Even Master Lei Fang, with such a high level of cultivation, I have never seen such a practice before, Master Lei, do you think...

The monks said to Lei Fang. ! ~!

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