Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1981: Rush into the fortress

"The firepower is equal. Our fleet can rush to the side of the fortress, but the fortress may not be destroyed. These monks must rush into the fortress to fight!"

Zeng Sheng Yuanying Hu said.

The sound is like a collision of iron and stone.

"Leaving the airship and rushing into the fortress to fight, these monks, that can be "one"

Said a monk who was wrapped in purple thunder.

Countless purple thunders rolled, and every purple thunder passed by, making people stand up.

Because, this purple thunder will give out a mysterious and mysterious aura, except that it will make the hair stand up, there will be no other feelings.

"Lihuo Demon Lord, when did you have such a good intention? The fleet has already arrived, should we just retreat like this?

Then how can I be an admiral! n”

Amidst the purple thunder, a quack laughed.

"We attacked the fortress of the Rako Protoss. The Dragon Gate Inn has not been there for tens of thousands of years. This Rako Protoss fortress is beyond our expectations."

"Hahaha one... Once you left the Fire Demon Lord and entered the Dragon Gate Inn with me, before entering the Dragon Gate Inn, you were on the Howling Plane. Why, after entering the Dragon Gate Inn, you have understood the rules and the power of Taoism has increased. But became more scared?

Back then, where did you leave the pride of the war between you and me? "

Really disdainful as Yuan Yinghu god.

It turned out that he and this Lihuo Demon had known each other on the plane outside the Dragon Gate Inn, and they had a battle on the same plane!

A large hole with a radius of hundreds of miles was exploded, and then the portal to the Dragon Gate Inn was discovered.

At that time, the two of them were already Yuan Ying Hu gods.

As soon as I entered the Longmen Inn, I found that the Longmen Inn was covered by the law of blame.

The monk Yuan Ying had cultivated his own laws, and that was a great monk who could enter the stage of God.

For hundreds of years, the kung fu of refining tools has been advancing by leaps and bounds.

There is also a certain understanding of the law.

Their respective Taoisms are even more powerful.

"If this is the case, let them rely on their own cultivation base to decide the outcome!"

Lihuo Monarch sneered.

During this conversation, the airship fleet shrank.

The mana of the airship is mostly concentrated on artillery fire.

The artillery fire from both sides blasted fiercely, and the void was trembling and boiling.

"They must destroy their airships, otherwise, our fortress has no record of artillery fire!"

In the fortress of the God Guard of Leko, a Guard of Leko stood up.

Green face and red hair, voice thunderous!

"The volatility of our fortress cannons and their airships' artillery bombardment was huge. Now, even our thunderbolt escape method cannot pass through the fluctuating void and reach directly next to the airship. .

If we want to assault their airship, we have to fly over, so that we can meet with their Yuan Ying hu.

However, the question is how many Yuan Yinghu gods they have more than a hundred airships.

The battle for the Netherland!

Our Lecco guards have lost so much, and they have lost very few of them.

The Lecco guard beside him also stood up.

"We have more than 20 Lecco guards, enough to fight!"

The sound is like rock rubbing.

The whole person is like a rock statue.

On this statue, there are countless runes.

This rune is also made up of countless thunder and fire combinations.

Like the ordinary monks in the Dragon Gate Inn, they fear the God Guard of Rako.

The God Guard of Lecco was also more afraid of the Chinese-German Yuan Ying Hu God in Longmen Inn after several battles.

Because, the Yuan Ying hu **** of the Dragon Gate Inn has the law that covers the Dragon Gate Inn, why not try his best to enlighten it?

Some have understood some laws and refined these laws into their own Taoism.

Commissioner Qian used the magic weapon of innate Dao-Ji insight, which increased its power for the Rako Protoss.

The same is true for the integration of rules and Taoism. It has an increased effect on the lethality of the Rako Protoss and the Rako Guard.

When it comes to the battle at the level of Yuan Ying Hu, it will be suppressed if there is not a big gap. What's more, the law is integrated, and there is an obvious suppression. "We Yuan Ying Hu, should attack together and blow up their fortress cannons. Otherwise, ordinary monks will die a lot."

Jingyi Yuanying God spoke up.

"Well, our Yuan Ying Hu God has this ability, everyone, what do you think."

Zeng Sheng Yuanying nodded, admiring this opinion very much.

"The admiral has spoken, of course we obeyed."

Lihuo Demon Lord said a bit unpleasantly.

Seeing that the fortress of the Rako Protoss is stronger than expected.

Lihuo Demon Lord did not want to launch this battle.

In Yuanying Hu, there are the same ideas as Lihuo Demon Lord, and there are also.

However, in this fleet, Zeng Sheng is the highest admiral. His words are military orders!

"The artillery fire from the fortress of the Rako Protoss, which is attacking the floating fleet, can't hit us, man, don't worry.

Zeng Sheng said.

"Our Nascent Soul Hu, go to destroy the Fortress Cannon of the Rako Protoss. Captains, lead the airship to attack the fortress, no mistake!"

Zeng Sheng said seriously.


Floating captains, together should be.

They are not Yuan Ying hu gods, no matter how bad their tempers are, they have to respond.

Fifteen Changhongs rushed out of the floating spaceships, but they did not gather in the air, and rushed towards the fortress of the Rako Protoss.

Fifteen escape lights, the spectacular sight in the sky, and the entire floating fleet were eclipsed.

At exactly this time, there were more than 20 thunder fires in the fortress of the Rako Protoss, blasting out, as if to break the void and refine a world.

All the Lecco guards in the fortress also attacked.

"Haha, the Lecco guard in this fortress, seems to be attacking our airship."

Countless flying swords surrounded. It's like a long roar from God Hu.

Among these primordial hu gods, only Zhenru hu gods are pure sword repairs and the most powerful!

"Yuan Ying Hu God, there are fifteen! We are probably not rivals."

In the thunder and fire of over twenty thousand feet, the green-faced and red-haired Rako Protoss shouted loudly. There was a hint of panic in the shout. In a black iron armor, there are countless turbulences surrounding it.

Holding a long spear of more than one hundred feet.

On the spear, there are countless sparks surrounding it.


This Rako deity also got the skill of Longmen Inn.

"It's just a year, these weapons in the hands of the Rako Protoss"

When fighting with us and the Rako Protoss, a lot has changed. Ajan sighed amidst the Leilong airship.

"After many battles, they must have captured Longmen Inn's weapon refining skills, the Lecco Guardian, and the speed at which they can practice refining skills is beyond our reach."

Lei Fang said.

"Oh, it looks like" Rako Shenwei's weapon, after being refined by the Dragon Inn's refining method, has greatly increased its power. I just don’t know, how long can the God Guard of Rako sustain against Shang Yuanying Hu? "

Luan Po said.

The materials of "Lake Shenwei Weapon" are very good. Refining these weapons uses the divine power of the Rako Protoss. To be honest, use the divine power of the Rako Protoss." I don’t know how much power it increases."

Lei Fang answered.

"I think" the power of the weapons of the God Guards of Rako has increased by more than half compared to when they were fighting for the battle on the Void Continent."

Luan Po said.

As soon as the words came out, "We will soon enter the fortress to fight. Let's consider how many Rako Protoss there are in the fortress."

Rambo said.


The void that was already boiling, was another violent vibration. As if countless rolling thunders collided together, countless smoke bloomed brilliantly.

There are more than 20 Rako deity guards, if according to the level of the war when fighting for the floating continent, fifteen Yuan Ying hu gods are more than enough to deal with them. However, this thunder and fire method suddenly collided with each other, which can be described as unstoppable, a thunderbolt, and the broken world. However, the God Guard of Rako was able to block fifteen Nascent Souls.

Moreover, between Lecco's gestures, the fortress artillery fired by Lecco's fortress, at this moment, all changed, and what was launched was a huge thunder vortex one after another.

These thunder and fire vortexes are tens of miles wide.

Amidst the thunder and fire, even the Nascent Soul Hu, did not dare to enter. However, these Rako deity's fingers, countless thunder fires, thousands of feet long, blasted towards the Yuan Ying Hu god!

"There is still such a method, like the artillery fire of a floating airship, without this function."

Luanpo said in surprise.

Immediately, the cultivator in the airship rolled his eyes.

"Who said no, each of the airships officially manufactured by Longmen Inn has this kind of magical function. However, after the airship’s artillery fire is fired, if you want to use it, you must have the Yuan Yinghu god. Repair for.

There are almost no Yuan Ying Hu gods in Longmen Inn who flies on a floating airship. Even if the artillery fire of this floating airship lets us use it, we can't use it. "

Ajan said.

"Furthermore, once we can cultivate to the **** Yuanying hu, the Taoism of the **** Yuanying hu is naturally unpredictable.

Using the artillery fire from the floating spaceship, there have been many swords with that time. "

Rambo said. Regardless of what the monks talked about, more than two dozen Rako guards used this technique and received the full support of the fortress, and fought with fifteen Yuan Ying Hu gods.

More than a hundred airships roared through the boiling void beside the battlefield.

If you want to attack the fortress, you must pass from here.

However, the ups and downs of these more than one hundred airships have to avoid the aftermath of the battle between the two sides. Naturally, they cannot get up quickly.

The airships were bombarded by the aftermath of the battle between the two sides. The bombardment of the airships several times seemed to be defensible. Although the detonation detonation continued to explode, they could easily pass through the battlefield.

Only a few airships were continuously bombarded by the aftermath of the battle between the two sides.

It is even more bombarded by the Lecco guards!

Seeing that he was about to pass the battlefield, he just screamed "Blast! n However, there is Yuan Ying Hu God fighting on the side, and the airship exploded"

Not many monks died.

The floating fleet passes through the battlefield, a volley!

Countless artillery fire seemed to fill the entire void.

A fortress cannon was just a meal, and the countless huge talisman seals in motion suddenly exploded! Tens of thousands of feet of flames rushed up, and the entire fortress of hundreds of miles around was blown up. But" it was another thunder fire with a width of more than a dozen miles, which just blasted over! Several airships could no longer be avoided. Although these airships fired at the same time, but, immediately, these ships The airship has exploded into thunder and fire.

Within the thunder and fire, there were only a dozen monks and several magic weapons "together to protect themselves, and flew out from the thunder and fire.

"Quickly" step up to the fortress! "

The roars of the captains of the airships, one after another.

The subtlety of the fortress cannon"

It's really not as strong as the artillery fire of the airship, but "victory is powerful!"

If you want to destroy all of these fortress guns, the floating fleet, I am afraid that half of the floating fleet will not be left!

The monks can survive prolifically, not to mention.

The airship leaned crazily towards the surface of the fortress, and the Rako Protoss appeared on the surface of the fortress, and the naval gun blasted over. In front of the naval guns of more than one hundred airships, with just a few moments of effort, hundreds of Leco Protoss have been blasted into scum!

However, the fortress artillery of Lecco Fortress did not bombard Yuan Ying Hu.

Thunder fire a dozen miles wide blasted out, spinning in mid-air, turning into hundreds of thousands of thunder fires, covering more than a hundred floating ships! In the midst of a series of thunderstorms, the protective shield of the floating spaceship, countless ripples opened and exploded!

It was just a few attacks.

A few more airships exploded!

"Rush, rush into the fortress, blow up the fortress cannon first! n"

Captain Redbeard howled.

Leading them a flying cultivator, whizzed out.

Like dozens of meteors, rushing into the big hole on the surface of the fortress.

The surface of the fortress was not only bombarded by the artillery fire of the floating airship, but also the fortress artillery, which was divided into tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of thunder fires.

In addition to what landed on the surface of the airship, it also smashed on the surface of the Lecco Protoss Peak Fortress. From the time the air fleet approached to the Redbeard rushing into the fortress, it was only a few blinks of an eye.

"Rush down and move in the direction of the fortress cannon!"

Lei Fang said to the cultivator in the Leilong airship.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom... one"

A series of explosions sounded.

The monks roared and rushed towards the fortress.

The floating spaceship was bombarding the fortress!

Being bombarded by hundreds of thousands of thunder and fire, the floating airship seemed to be of Dao Fa, which was at the level of Yuan Ying Hu, and could not stand it.


Tens of thousands of feet of thunder fire rushed again, a fortress cannon in Lecco fortress turned into a skyrocketing flame, and a few flying ships also rushed into flames of thousands of feet.

At this moment, the cultivators of the Leilong floating spacecraft had already rushed into the interior of the Lecco Protoss fortress, and were advancing rapidly in the direction of a fortress cannon.

No one dared to walk on the surface of the floating fortress on the more than one hundred floating spaceships. As soon as the billions of thunder and fire fell, there were several magic weapons, which were pierced in an instant, including the magic weapons. Turned into ash.

The passage of the Rako Protoss was very wide. Commissioner Qian was surrounded by star fog, and countless swords swirled around Lei Fang.

Of course, compared to the sword aura of the **** Hu, it is simply incomparable.

However, without the Lecco God Guard, the ordinary Lecco Protoss, between several arms waving, there is a star fog, countless sword auras, just a cross and a sweep!

The monk behind only saw a burst of brilliance, but he hadn't seen clearly what moves the two used, the Rako Protoss had already exploded suddenly.

Then, the two have been collected into the storage artifact.

"Damn, this man used the same move that killed the God Guard of Lyco that day, but this man's Starfog Sword Formation is really powerful, I can't see it clearly."

I have participated in that patrol and watched Commissioner Qian and Lei Fang, with a shocking blow, killing God Guard Rako.

In the four-diamond hu gods, this blow, it can be said that all the four-diamond hu gods have a very deep reflection.

"I can protect myself with the formation."

The monk reached out his hand and a piece of magma emerged, roaring around him.

This is equivalent to the four-diamond hu **** level that Commissioner Qian encountered when he was exploring treasures in Anshan.

However, in the fortress of the Rako Protoss, this kind of power, only to say, is really general.

"It's just that, like that kind of mysterious formation, where to look for it."

The monk said.

"Cut, this kind of truly mysterious formation is a hot commodity wherever it is placed.

Not to mention the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Zhongxian District, it is the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Shangxian District, and it does not have a very mysterious formation.

These very mysterious formations are in the hands of the monks. "

A monk, Fa Jue with all his strength, glanced at the talking monk with disdain.

"The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Shangxian District, have you been in?"

"I have never been in, but I heard the grandmaster say ""

These monks were talking there.

On the opposite side of the passage, several hundred-foot-tall figures, in the thunderous roar, had already rushed out together.

"Those masters are too leisurely, we only deal with one ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to find something to do for them."

Member Qian said.

"Well, let's quickly find the fortress artillery and bomb a few powerful minecraft."

Lei Fang said.

Destroying the fort cannon of the Rako Protoss is the most important thing.

A piece of star fog and countless sword qi suddenly accelerated and twisted.

The shout of a Rako protoss still echoed in the passage. Several weapons of tens of feet long have been twisted to pieces!

Then, the whole person, a "boom" explosion!

Among the fragments, the star mist and countless sword qi had passed through like lightning.

Lei Fang's voice came from the distance of the tunnel.

"The Thunder Dragon, never back down!"

Oh, you two slogans are easy, these few Rako Protoss, we deal with it, it is not so easy.

The monks looked at the few Rako Protoss who rushed forward, "Wow..."

Magic weapons fly out!

The fluctuation of mana is like a huge howl, like a volcano!

The weapons of the Rako Protoss danced like a violent wind, and several magic weapons were continuously picked up.

But this is a magic weapon!

A magic weapon was dropped, quite a mountain or several mountains!

The Rako Protoss picked up a few magic weapons, and the body has been hit continuously!

As the sacred fire shot, the Rako Protoss rushed forward, the storm-like thunder and fire passed by, the magic weapon exploded, and the screams of the monks also sounded! ! ~!

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