Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1987: Crazy fight

That green cloud, mysterious and profound, destroys everything, and the thunder that swept across thousands of miles, touched this green cloud, like a brilliant firework.

Just blocking the moment of Qingxia, that Qingxia has already rushed forward!

The look of horror appeared on every crew member of the Thunder Dragon.

No matter whether it is an old crew member or a newcomer, Feng Feng never expected that the Yuan Ying-level protection method would be so vulnerable to this Qingxia!

"Efforts to press the law!"

Lei Fang roared.

The pilot of the airship, the fire manipulator, tried their best to urge the Dao, and the Thunder other than the Leilong airship suddenly flourished!

The thunder flying all over the sky has filled the square, one after another, the thunder, overlapping, burst out into a sea of ​​thunder.

This green haze is mysterious and profound, and its power is infinite, but in this sea of ​​thunder, its power is still weakened.

This is the normal Taoism of the Nascent Soul.

Everyone on board the Thunder Dragon floated in a relaxed mood. This was the Dao of Yuan Ying level.

On the Leilong floating spacecraft, only Lei Fang and Commissioner Qian were expressionless.

The feeling this Qingxia gave them was far from simple.

Sure enough, among the green clouds, there was a loud shout, thunderous, piercing through the sky!

This Qingxia is Yisheng!

Qingxia skyrocketed!

In the entire void, there is a blue color!

Between the green clouds and dancing, everything in the sky showed an illusory taste.

It seemed that the entire emptiness would turn into countless green clouds in the next instant.

"Oh, my magic weapon, urging delay is delayed"...

A monk screamed!

"My magic weapon is the same.

Said the monk with slender eyebrows and round eyes.

The three magic weapons he released "are all a bit crooked.

There were signs of chaos in the Dhamma surrounding him.

At this time, the green clouds were far away from the Leilong flying craft. There are still miles away.

"Turn" ready for shelling! "

Lei Fang quickly yelled.

At this time, all the monks in the entire floating spaceship felt the terrifying green glow.

The pilot and fire manipulator, operating the Thunder, made countless bangs!

In front of such a fierce bombardment, the Thunder Dragon just wanted to turn, and it was not that easy.

and so"

The monks watched the inquiring Qingxia, occupying all the mirrors.

The airship has a pause." Then, the entire airship released a strange brilliance.

All kinds of brilliance, diffuse and interlaced.

The entire floating spaceship looked chaotic.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

After a series of rolling thunders, a huge hole with a width of more than ten feet appeared on the Leilonghao airship.

A monk, who was wrapped in that huge hole, brought magic weapons with people, was already turned into ashes.

Between the green clouds, there is an incomparable coldness!


Lei Fang said loudly."

With the spear in hand, the sword's power was urged, like an endless thunder, not knowing where it came from, and where it went from, blasting above the long green clouds.

"I don't want to abandon the ship" This is my honor! "

He yelled at Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian suddenly felt that time had stopped!

In Lei Fang's eyes, "is a kind of determination!"

This reminded Commissioner Qian, he stepped into the path of comprehension."

A lot of abandoned beliefs and ideals. In an instant, Committee Member Qian shouted: "Damn, let me see how powerful this Qingxia is!"

Although this Qingxia had suffered, but the guardian Dao of Yuan Ying's hu **** level was not so easy to attack.

Qingxia rushed all the way, blasting off the protective method of the airship, which was also a lot of loss.

Commissioner Qian wanted to try, what's so great about this magic weapon refined by the Rako Shenwei!

A piece of Yan Wu unfolded, all the monks in the floating spaceship, including Lei Fang, suddenly felt that they were already in the infinite galaxy! Countless stars dashed across the starry sky at the speed of lightning, hurriedly toward the distance!

The green clouds that would destroy everything, in the starry sky passing by countless stars, seemed so far away, as if at the end of the starry sky.

Everyone's Fa Jue is full!

The infinite starry sky shrank, and it was already hitting the green clouds suddenly.

This infinite starry sky seems to exist in eternity, as if watching everything.

"Boom boom... boom..."

A series of thunder-like loud noises.

All monks' body protection methods boiled like boiling.

Qingxia flashed for a while, and she had already retreated a few miles away!

Commissioner Qian and Lei Fang looked at each other.

"This Lecco guard is much stronger than the one we encountered that day. This is just a magic weapon.

Commissioner Qian said.

"No, there is an existence that can fight against the Jingyi Yuanying Hu God. You must know that the Yuanying Hu God of the Longmen Inn has generally understood some of the laws. The power of Taoism is generally stronger than that of ordinary monks. The last one."

Lei Fang said.

"However, we can block him for a while. At that time, the Jingyi Yuanying and the gods should come!"

Councillor Qian gritted his teeth: "Your Captain Lei Fang said so, so that's the only thing to do."

The figure flickered, a cloud of sword aura seemed to be infinite, a cloud of tens of meters of star fog, had flown out of the airship, and hurried away toward the Qingxia that was dozens of miles away.

"Your cultivation level is not high, so you really dare to come." A roar like thunder came out in the void dozens of miles away!

This Rako guard, at some point, was already standing among the green clouds.

In the distant void, several figures stood in the void, as if they existed, as if they did not exist.

"It seems that among these captains, there are still a few good players."

A figure said Lou, "Jing Yi, your old opponent is here, don't greet you, stand here and watch the fun."

It turned out that the figure who spoke first was the Jingyi Yuanying hu god!

After increasing the number of resident monks in the Void Continent, the gods Jingyi Hu and Zhenru Hu were stationed in this fortress ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said a figure standing next to them.

"True, I just have a look, the cultivation of these monks is just."

This person who speaks is Zhenru Yuanying hu god.

"Let them fight again. This Rako Guard, the magic weapon for refining, is still very powerful. It would be good to let these two people open their eyes."

Jing Yihu said.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A series of loud noises rang out.

But it was other airships, and several Lecco guards appeared. Dozens of Lecco gods surrounded the Lecco guards, roaring to the sky, and launched a fierce attack on the floating fleet!

"Leco Guard, a lot of this time... one"

In the emptiness, the face of God Hu really changed!

"True, you go to the first place to fight! You are responsible for the more than 300 people."

A figure spoke, it was the highest admiral of this fortress, Zeng Sheng Yuanying, the god. ! ~!


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