Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2026: Star formation

Of course Kun Mihui nodded one by one. ..

"Now let's discuss the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array."

Kun Mihui said.

Said it was a discussion, but Kun Mihui was embarrassed. Commissioner Qian had far more profound ideas about Zhou Tian's star battle array than him.

However, Commissioner Qian listened to Kun Mihui's exploration of the mystery, and it was not very far to merge the attacks issued by different clones.

"According to what I said, you can definitely merge the attacks issued by different clones, but whether there is such a power, it is difficult to say, the cultivation technique is also an important reason.

You also know that I practiced the Grand Palace Diamond Player, and I changed a magic formula, even if dozens of clones attacked at the same time, it might not be so powerful. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"Well, the Grand Palace Diamond Player is indeed different from other tactics. However, for so many years, I have collected a lot of powerful tactics. Choose the one with the right power.

Kun Mihui said.

Commissioner Qian nodded, "Hey, I said, what are they doing these days?"

Member Qian asked.

"It's not a battle yet. In the past half month, half of this face has been recovered. A few monsters are difficult to search. After all, this plane is so big."

Kun Mihui said, "You are relaxed, laid back, and you have broken through."

"Aren't you relaxing here too?"

Commissioner Qian said.

"I'm different. I was in charge of business. What about you, but the patrol captain and one of the combat supervisors.

In the past half month, the airship lost ten more. "

Kun Mihui said.

With that said, Commissioner Qian was also a little embarrassed, "Well, what tasks they have recently, I will go and see."

Member Qian said.

"But" the airships of the Galaxy Fleet have not improved much after so many years. Fighting the monsters of the abyss" I see, the level of crafting of the monsters of the abyss is no worse than that of the airships of the Galaxy Fleet. How many."

Regarding the airships of the Galaxy Fleet, Commissioner Qian now feels a little disdainful.

"It should have been this way, otherwise, they would have complained."

Kun Mihui said.

"If there is a complaint, there will be a complaint, how can I care so much?"

Member Qian said with a shrug.

"Look, I have cultivated to the present level" and how much does it have to do with the Galaxy Fleet? "

Member Qian said.

"Oh...this, the current realm of you and me in cultivation" has a lot to do with Zhou Tianxing's battle formation.

However, back then, on the Celestial Earth, the Ancient Biluo Realm was opened. You have a lot of benefits, right ""

Kun Mihui said.

"You are not from the earth star..."

Member Qian said.

"Naturally they told me.

Now that there are so many monsters in the abyss, you can't sit and watch. "

Kun Mihui said.

"Who said I sat and watched, those four-diamond abyss monsters of God Hua" just sat and watched who drove them away. "

Member Qian yelled.

"Furthermore, the ancient Biluo realm is only available on the planets of the earth, this plane" is there?

If so, I will go immediately. "

"Oh"...I knew it. "

Kun Mihui is not very surprised by Qian.

"These days, how many treasures have been seized, and what classics have been seized, take me to see."

Member Qian said.

"Oh" once you sit for more than ten days" the classics are in their hands."

Kun Mihui said.

"Speaking of classics, there is a cultivator six thousand miles away. Listen to their head." There are many ancient carvings.

Of course, now in the hands of the abyss monster. "

Kun Mihui said."

"It was not a task assigned by Lu Yuan. I had collected materials from that school before.


Commissioner Qian nodded.

"You are the God of Four Diamonds, why don't you go."

"Of course I went with you."

Kun Mihui said.

"Well, it's okay to go and see how those ancient carvings are mysterious."

Member Qian said.

"Okay, let's go now."

Kun Mihui took out a storage bag and gave it to Commissioner Qian.

"This is a seizure of distribution"..."

The two of them walked out of the fortress, Xiaoguang together, as if shaking the sky, and swiftly toward the distance!

It was only a few hundred miles away from the fortress.

A group of azure blue and deep purple swords rushed forward!


"Leave the magic weapon"..."

There was a shout, and then it came.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, a clear light, beautiful scenery on it, stroked in the air!

Dozens of abyss monsters rushed up, urging their magic weapon, flying sword, just a meal in the air!

A sound of "Peng, Peng, Peng" suddenly exploded!

"It's only a few hundred miles out of the fortress, and there are abyss monsters, old money, this is your duty."

Kun Mihui said.

"I care so much!"

Commissioner Qian answered indifferently.

Flying out for hundreds of miles, another sword of light rushed toward here!

Although hurried in the air, they were scattered in an orderly manner. Obviously, these dozens of sword lights were organized in one organization.


It is a group of human monks.

"Well, this doesn't seem to be our patrol team from Tianyangxing."

Commissioner Qian said to Luan Po.

,"of course not."

Kun Mihui replied, a scarlet warhammer was already in his hand!

There were countless flame thunders on this crimson warhammer, just a flash, there was an infinite flame thunder rushing up, reflecting the red half of the sky!

This is a magic weapon given by Commissioner Qian to Luanpo, "Na Feng...

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

A clear light landscape traverses dozens of miles!

These dozens of sword lights, seeing this scenery traverse dozens of miles, one by one is already shocked!

Dozens of sword lights just walked towards the air and swept!

All kinds of magic weapons, magic tricks, are already used to urge them, magic tricks, magic weapons, sword light touches this scenery!

Shattered immediately! Then, it exploded! But in an instant, these dozens of escape lights have been reduced by half!

The other half escaped, turned in the air, and hurried away!

I dare not even say a word in the scene.

The two hurried all the way, and the distance of seven thousand miles "repulsed dozens of monks. There are monsters in the abyss, as well as human monks.

"A splendid building" has already appeared.

The Xiaoguang of the two quickly flew close, and dozens of abyssal monsters had already rushed up with sword light and flames.

"Where is the human being, dare to come..."

The words of this abyssal monster have not been finished yet.

Kun Mihui, the warhammer in her hand" just waved, "boom... one"

It seems that there are hundreds of thunder in the sky, rolling by! Dozens of lightning strikes, each of which is several feet thick"

A few miles of space is just a flash!

Today is empty, has been shining! Dozens of abyssal monsters have already used the magic trick, sword trick, and magic weapon with all their strength!

"Boom" boom, boom..."

A series of thunderbolts sounded! Dozens of magic tactics, sword tactics "magic weapons, before this thunder fire" were all blasted to pieces!

More than twenty abyss monsters were shattered by thunder and fire!

But there are still more than 20 abyssal monsters, flying swords, and magic weapons broken and still supporting!

"Old money, the magic weapon you gave me is really good!"

Kun Mihui said.

"Human masters are here, hurry up, fight!" The abyss monsters were shouting.

The monsters of the abyss rose up wildly, and hundreds of Changhongs seemed to rise in the buildings tens of miles around.

Kun Mihui waved the warhammer, and a shadow of the hammer flashed! Thousands of thunder and fire, cross fire!

The abyss monsters flying in the forefront only felt that the sky was full of lightning and thunder, illuminating the sky frantically and noisily. In front of the endless pressure, these abyss monsters only felt fear!

A scream resounded over the entire building!

This time, dozens of abyssal monsters exploded into sky debris!

"This master is amazing, hurry up, call all the adults to come up!"

An abyss monster, the blue sword light in his hand, urged it into endless stars.

With a thunder and fire, most of his sword light had been smashed into pieces, and another thunder and fire blew, and a blue shield appeared, with the evil demon **** and mysterious runes on it.

"Boom, boom, boom" With several loud noises, this blue shield, together with the abyss monster, turned into sky-filled debris. There are also abyss monsters, which have become distorted illusions, but the thunder and fire blasted in the distorted illusions, and the distorted illusions exploded likewise!

The magic weapon given to Kun Mihui by Commissioner Qian was all the magic weapon used by the monks of Longmen Inn. The power far surpassed these abyss monsters. Without the cultivation base of the four-diamond **** Hua, under the bombardment of this thunder and fire, it was completely impossible to stop it!

The second drill of the abyss monster of God Hua, the sword tactics forcefully urged to stop a thunder fire.

There is another thunderstorm, which is shattered!

The three-drilled abyss monster of God Hua is just a few more thunder and fire. It was just a blink of an eye. There were already more than a hundred monsters in the abyss, shattered by the broken warhammer!

Commissioner Qian stood in the air, watching Luan burst into power.

"Why, no master has appeared yet?"

Commissioner Qian said.

"Stop! Human monk, dare to fight with me!"

A cruel voice sounded, and the sound of thunder and thunder was endless!

For a time, the attack of thousands of abyssal monsters just stopped!

A snow-white figure has already rushed up, and with a flash, it has crossed dozens of miles!

A bright blue brilliance flashed, "Boom, boom, boom..."

Hundreds of thunder and fire have been shattered by the brilliance of this azure blue!

But after smashing hundreds of thunder fires"

The brilliance of this azure blue also stagnated.

As soon as the Kunmihui method was collected, the sky full of thunder and fire had turned into a warhammer, surrounded by countless thunder and fire, slanting a finger!

Kun Mihui was already flashing.

"This abyss monster is strong!"

Luan Po said.

A azure blue armor with countless iron rings on it.

On top of the azure armor, there is a long and pointed face with fine scales.

A azure blue spear pointed obliquely, and he was surprised at Kun Mihui's magic weapon.

"Where is the human, bother me?"

The sound of rolling thunder sounded!

A snow-white brilliance dashed from the valley dozens of miles away!

The billowing white light, suddenly opening and closing, has reached a few people.

"Another four-diamond master in the middle stage of the **** Hua" is what I told you, with ancient carvings. "

Kun Mihui spoke to Commissioner Qian.

"Oh...Four diamonds in the abyss of God Hua, also felt there. It seems that this ancient sculpture has a meaning."

Commissioner Qian said, "Humans, get out of one"

There was another roar.

A green brilliance strikes!

A red flame roll!

An abyss monster with six horns on its head" is already standing in front of him.

Holding a battle axe.

There is also a fiery red abyss monster with six eyes and holding a flame sword!

"Damn, there are so many masters of the abyss monsters, just such a place" Four Diamond God Hua has three! "

Commissioner Qian said in surprise.

"Well, otherwise, the abyss monsters occupied this plane for only seven days, and it took us half a month to regain half of the plane."

Luanpo said.

"It's good to know that we are great, don't hurry up...one"

The abyss monster with six horns stretched out his hand!

Luan breaks this treasure"

With one wave, there is a thousand ways of thunder and fire." Ten thousand ways, never time to return!

The master of God Hua with three diamonds, dozens of thunder and fire struck, but also shattered!

The four-diamond God Hua Abyss monster looked in his eyes.

"Have you all come."

Commissioner Qian said.

"What's all here?"

Asked the abyss monster in blue armor.

"Four diamond masters of God Hua..."

Member Qian said.

"The four masters here are the four of us."

The fiery red abyss monster said, and its six eyes rolled around.

"Well, you can roll now..."

A flame, no more than a few feet long, was already in the hands of the Qianqian Commissioner, but between the flame jumps, the sky in the distance was red!

The four abyss monsters just changed their faces!

"Human, your magic weapon is very strong, but if you want to let us go, your magic weapon is still far from enough."

The deep blue monster of the abyss has a bit of hideousness on its face!

The four monsters are magic weapons in one fell swoop, and the magic tricks began to be sent!

"Oh? Then try it!"

The crimson monster of the abyss swayed, the wind was blowing, and the situation changed!

In the wind and cloud, thousands of red thunders just slammed down!

Every red thunder has several feet in thickness, and it looks like it has the potential to crush everything!

"Well, it's interesting..."

Member Qian said.

"Something interesting? I think it's very strong... One"

The Luan Po method is urged, and it is already surrounded by countless thunder and fire!

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

The flame sword was still in his hand, and a flash of lightning had already flashed out!

Only in an instant, this lightning has turned into tens of thousands of lightning, and it is just a blow at these thousands of red lightning!

Thousands of red thunders have been blasted away without a trace!

The flame sword in the hands of the abyss monster has turned into countless flames, only to hear countless thunder explosions, this abyss monster has been blasted back for several miles.

In the midst of a huge earthquake, the Flame Sword exploded, and then, this abyss monster, the several magic weapons that it urged, exploded one after another!

In the screams, countless thunders blasted down, and these four-diamond abyss monsters of God Hua have been blasted into scum!

The abyss monster with six horns rolled out with a wave of a shield, and swayed in the air. It was nearly as large as hundreds of meters, with countless seals tumbling toward the thunder and fire!

Commissioner Qian waved his hand!

The flame of several feet long has turned into a flame sword that is several miles long. In the light of the light sword, the flame jumps, as if there are countless seals and beautiful scenery!

Cut across the air!

The space moves, like a ripple!

Several miles of flame sword light has been cut on the shield of hundreds of feet.

A loud bang! The shield of hundreds of feet has been blown to pieces!

Ah "one"

The horns on the head of the abyss monster swayed for a while.

Commissioner Qian’s flame sword is a magic weapon, and his shield is a magic weapon, even Commissioner Qian can’t stop a move!

"Old Qian, what magic weapon is your arm in your hand? It's far behind the magic weapon you gave me." Thousands of shots, intertwined with thousands of blue brilliance, collided, exploded!

Kun Mihui urged the magic weapon to be issued, but only drew a tie with the blue monster.

This azure blue magic magic art was displayed, but it was much stronger than Luan Po.

My flame sword, how many innate magic circles have been refined, can it be the same as the magic weapon for you?

Commissioner Qian waved his hand! The flames of miles long slashed away at the monster with long horns!

The monster with horns on this head just flashed into the space!

In the next moment, he has appeared dozens of miles away.

"Ha, old Qian, his supernatural powers are not under you..."

In the thunder and fire, Kun Mihui shouted!

"so what?"

Qian Dawei pointed his nose! The mile-long flame has rushed into the space dozens of miles away, and this monster only stopped and saw the mile-long flame, which had already been cut down!

The green lightning rolled, and in an instant, he had already swung thousands of swords!

However, the mile-long flames slashed and flattened wildly, the flames billowed, and a thunderous shock!

Amidst a scream, a green sè retreating light rolled, already rushing out dozens of miles away, repelling two four-diamond hua gods in succession, and Commissioner Qian was nothing more than a gesture.

There is also an abyss monster, standing hundreds of feet away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ holding the magic weapon's hand, already a little trembling!

"Kun Mihui, work harder" One"

Commissioner Qian said.

"Okay, let you see, my starry formation this week is not a display!"

After that, Kun Mihui flashed, and star fog appeared. In the star fog, dozens of stars shone, and on each star, a clone of Kun Mihui stood.

Guanghua Dasheng! Counting tenths, already hit a palm! Dozens of palms hover in the air!

Already in one palm! In a radius of tens of meters, there are infinite stars shining on it, just a swipe, as if across the infinite starry sky, and as if across the eternal time and space!

The azure blue brilliance, and when he touched these dozens of zhang palms, he suddenly broke away!

In the midst of a huge earthquake, a scream of clear blue light trailed, and in an instant, it had traversed hundreds of miles!

"The trick I taught you can be used so quickly. You have a lot of understanding of the profound mysteries of Zhou Tian's star battle array."

Commissioner Qian was a little surprised. Kun Mihui's hand, which was blessed by the Zhou Tianxing Array, was not far from Commissioner Qian's hand.

"Unfortunately, I have used it, and the power is far from yours."..."

Kun Mihui said.

While speaking, he shook his head.

"The realm of this abyssal monster is higher than you, and the technique is stronger than you!

You knocked him back hundreds of miles with one move, it was pretty good. "

Commissioner Qian said. a.

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