Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2122: Star Wars

A four-diamond hu **** abyss monster, the sword art was urged, and tens of thousands of sword lights had been smashed above this starlight **** thunder.

Starlight God Lei had a meal, and a warhammer, like mountains, had already blasted down suddenly!

In the midst of a huge earthquake, the Star Light Thunder suddenly exploded.

A four-diamond hu **** abyss monster shouted, slashed with a sword light!

Sixty miles long!

However, this sword light was sixty miles long, turning around in the starry sky, but in an instant, there was no trace.

Thousands of miles away, the monk of that mountain hu plane stretched out his hand!

Hundreds of millions of starlights blasted toward these abyss monsters and portals.

Brilliantly brilliant, all abyss monsters have a general feeling of boundlessness.

"Protection Portal"

The four diamond hu **** abyss monsters roared.

An abyss monster stretched out its hand, and it had already set off a giant spin!

Jianguang, thunder, as if flashing across the sky!

It seemed that there was an incomparably mighty violent rage, hundreds of millions of stars had already blasted.

The sword light of the four diamond hu **** abyss monsters flickered.

Behave calmly.

However, around the portal, countless starlight explosions sounded.

There was already a scream and explosion.

Four Diamond Hu Shenmen turned their heads and saw that the abyss monster that came out of the portal had died more than a hundred.

However, there are more than 30 abyssal monsters that can still stand.

The magic weapon, the scroll is destroyed, and the robe is broken.

Those who were able to stand were all monks above the second diamond hu god.

"These star Wus, each of them, are as heavy as a mountain.

It doesn’t matter to us, those two-diamond hu-gods below~" a four-diamond hu-god shook his head, took out a scroll, and "boomed" the mountain hu-plane monk, as if The distance from these abyssal monsters has become 30 miles.

The monk on this mountain hu plane was shocked, more than thirty miles away, for the four diamond hu god.

But it was just a moment of reaching out.

Two four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters roared, waved their hands, and two sword lights had crossed them!

Seeing the two sword lights, they have traversed thirty miles in an instant!

In the fierce rage, but it was like a sea tide, and countless waves changed.

With a wave of his hand, the monk on the hu plane of the mountain had already thrown out a shield. This shield flashed and turned into countless flames, spreading towards the surroundings!

The two four-diamond hu gods and the abyss monsters slashed at the same time, and the countless flames were just a violent vibration."

This monk on the hu plane of the mountain struck out a magic formula, and the brilliance flashed, and the space around him was ten meters round, and he was already without a trace along with the countless flames.

Looking at it again, he appeared in the starry sky 2,000 miles away.

"The formation is mysterious, the magic weapon is even better." said the abyss monster.

"I use a scroll, this space channel, and this monk, there are more than thirty miles away, and his magic weapon, "He is no more than a second drill, hu god", this magic weapon can actually stop us from blasting together!" The monster was already surprised.

This abyss monster took out another scroll and unrolled it with great effort.

Countless runes flew out of the scroll.

Touch this starry sky"

As if touching nothingness, a rune immediately turned into a space."

There was a sound like a thunderstorm.

A space channel appeared in the starry sky.

It looks like "It's just a mile long, as if it used a lot of space and piled it up."

A four-diamond hu **** monster, with countless demon gods on its robe, walked out of the space channel.

At first glance, the portal of the teleportation space was already thousands of miles away.

The abyss monsters swarmed in.

In the depths of the starry sky, Yuan Tie roared!

"Starry sky array, how easy is it to go?"

Reached out and pointed out a magic trick.

In an instant, countless dotted lines appeared in this passage Zhouguo, swarming toward this passage.

Pile up this passage space, it is impossible to block these dotted lines.

These dashed lines flickered and passed through this piece of space.

A shout of surprise.

In an instant, these monks urged their Taoism and magic weapons to the top.

The dotted line slammed on this Dao Fa and Magic Weapons, and in an instant, there were countless distortions in Dao Fa and Magic Weapons!

The faces of these abyssal monsters were also distorted.

They don't know that their magic weapon, in front of this dotted line, seems to be non-existent.

Then, in the sound of "Peng, Peng, Peng...", these magic weapons, magic elements, suddenly exploded, and lava, flames, sea water, and thunder splashed all over the passage.

Screams and splashes of blood!

In an instant, in the starry sky, it seemed as if a huge smoke was in full bloom.

"Slightly, division, division one" one" two figures flew from the smoke.

However, these two figures are the first four diamonds to come out of the abyss monsters, one is more than 60 miles apart, and the other is more than 300 miles apart!

The abyss monster that was more than sixty miles apart, Xiaoguang, swept across the starry sky, but it was already two hundred miles away!

Immediately, there are five sword lights, some are flames, and some are thunder, but in the flames and thunder, there are faint stars, with a kind of vastness and distance, as if in an instant, there is a potential of traversing thousands of miles!

Cross fired, flew five hundred feet, and twisted toward the four-diamond hu **** abyss monster!

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monster roared, and the sword tactics urged, as if in the lava, thousands of fiery red thunders were shot, "Ah"

Five sword lights were tumbling more than fifty miles at the same time.

However, above the five sword lights, there is a strong flash of light at the same time, showing the mountains and the sea.

More than fifty miles away, there have been five monks from the mountain hu plane, all in a panic, with blood from the corners of their mouths.

"Ah, this sword didn't even kill you?" The Four Diamond Hu God Abyss Monster was shocked.

"It's just a few second diamonds, a good magic weapon—"

The four diamond hu gods looked at the five monks magic weapons.

Just now, the five second diamond hu gods have already won a sword!

In the eyes of the four-diamond hu **** abyss monster, the second-diamond hu **** hit him with a sword, and the magic weapon was exploded into shattering together!


These five mountain hu planes drilled the hu **** twice, hit him with a sword, and immediately activated the magic weapon on his body"

A strong force blocked his sword!

With a single stroke of his sword, the five mountains and the four diamond planes looked at him, and his figure shook!

He played a magic trick, already thousands of miles away.

How can these four diamonds hu Shendao Fa blast thousands of miles away.

Moreover, these four diamond hu divine minds were released and found that "in the starry sky, there are countless spatial distortions, and shook his head, and waved to the abyss monster coming out of the portal: "Go here. "On the other side of the portal, five abyss monsters" looked at each.

The scrolls are on!

Five brilliance shoots out, and there are countless runes among the five brilliance.

Immediately in the starry sky, showing a channel.

Numerous dotted lines shot in the air, and for a while, they were blocked by countless runes on this passage.

Abyssal monsters" rushed over immediately.

"You abyss monsters, you have some skills," a cold voice came.

On the robe, there are countless demon gods and abyss monsters turning their heads."

Twenty miles away, there was already a group of blood-red flames burning, and in this group of flames, a figure looked at him coldly.

Looking at this figure, it seemed that there were countless soldiers rushing towards him.

The abyss monster was startled.

I saw that this figure took out a seal with countless warriors roaring in battle, throwing it at me!

That group of blood-red seals, in an instant, had become as big as a hundred zhang, which is really average for these four diamond hu gods.

This abyssal monster, a shield has appeared in his hand, it is a block against this blood red shield!

"Boom" a ripple dng opened, and the mana of this abyssal monster seemed to be chaotic.

"What kind of magic weapon is this, with such power?" The abyss monster was taken aback. A blood-red sword rainbow had already been cut over. In this blood-red sword rainbow, countless warriors rushed as if to swallow the mountains and rivers with anger.

This abyssal monster has turned into a thousand swords and thousands of swords, and countless warriors have already welcomed that thousand swords.

Thousands of thousands of swords have been attacked by those countless warriors, as if thousands of warriors have already charged this abyssal monster.


The abyss monster screamed.

The blood spurted wildly on his body, and he showed off for a moment, and he was already flying towards the distance.

The soft-shelled turtle pointed.

Countless dotted lines have already swooped towards the abyss monster, and then a blood rainbow swept through the air!

"Peng, Peng, Peng" As if countless explosions came over.

The blood rainbow rushed into the starry sky, this abyss monster was in the air, and it suddenly exploded!

"Why is the Turtle Master's sword art so strong?" Yuan Tie said.

He has practiced in the Zhoutian Star Dou formation for so many years, and has been to the secret realm of Qiuyuan to become a four-diamond hu god, but Yuan Tie pondered this four-diamond hu **** abyss monster, he could not resist more than a hundred moves.

"The fusion of tactics in Taoism is really easy to use."

The turtle rushed towards the next abyssal monster.


"Ah" in the distance, a four-diamond abyss monster shouted.

The whole person has turned into hundreds of thousands of thunder lights!

Hundreds of thousands of thunder fires, cross-fired, the space shattered, and a way had been opened.

Another four-diamond hu **** abyss monster rushed up.

The scrolls were continuously thrown out, forming channels in the air.

The blood flame reappeared in the air, and the blood stamp blasted towards the four-diamond hu **** abyss monster.

This four-diamond hu **** abyss monster stretched out his hand, and released a treasure."

In that moment, it has turned into a thousand-foot monster, with countless thunder and lightning on its body, breathing fire in its mouth, and roaring out!

This thousand-foot monster, with countless thunder and lightning on its body, rolled in the air.

"Oh, this magic weapon is good for refining materials."

As soon as the turtle stretched out his hand, the blood-red seal had already flown back.

But I saw another four-diamond hu **** abyss monster, unfolding the scroll!

There are four four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters standing there"

Although the turtle came back from Fenghuoguan, in the Taoist law, the rules given by Qian Dao were integrated.

However, the turtle shook his head after the four four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters.

Has rushed towards the portal.

In the distance, the big head had already rushed over and reached out and took out a round mirror. This yuan mirror was made from Taiyi real gold, and it was only possible when not in use.

Guanghua is shining, this big head stretches out his hand and points. "Once it was done, the round mirror had become ten feet large, and it was close to the big head. The big head stretched out his hand and pointed, and it has issued six deep yellows. The brilliance is emitted from the mirror, the longest of each beam is only six feet, thick as a finger, as yellow as a loquat, and the light is very crystal clear, not strong, but there is starlight.


A four-diamond hu **** abyss monster shouted, and it has been hit by the Six Sun God Fire Mirror, "A deep yellow flame burst into the sky.

Originally, the big head was two hundred miles away from him.

But" In the next instant, the big head had already appeared in front of him, and the deep yellow sword light with one stroke, slashed!

As if there are countless scenes lingering, these four-diamond hu divine technique is urged, as if there are thousands of thunder flames, blasting over.

There are countless scenes, thousands of thunder flames intertwined in the air, these four diamonds of the hu **** abyss monster, have been retreating after twenty miles!

The abyss monster wearing a battle armor rushed here at full speed.

Hurricaneously in the starry sky, but found that the distance is only about half short.

"Boom" there was a huge shock!

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monster has been cut into six or seven pieces!

However, it will take a while.

With four diamonds and a bunch of space scrolls, in this starlight array, they quickly rushed over four thousand miles.

Turtle, big head, Meng Dali, Yuantie stand together.

The formation of abyssal monsters appeared in the star mirror in front of them.

"We have nine mines, and there are only so many four diamonds," Turtle said.

"They still have ten four-diamond hu irons.

"We are urging to fight against their ordinary abyss monsters," Turtle said.

The abyss monsters marched in the starry sky.

"How many scrolls are used?" said the abyss monster wearing monster armor.

"This starlight formation, with a radius of 10,000 miles and five thousand miles, can reach the center of the formation. No matter how many scrolls are used, it is just for the sake of saving face."

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monster said.

"Well, nine planes have been captured by the mountain hu plane in a row, and you can't get it back in front of one position. It loses a lot of face. Those Nascent Soul hu gods, making scrolls is very easy for them. But just use some materials. "

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monster said.

"Well, that's true," the monk said.

Suddenly, the entire space had already shot countless stars, blasting towards them.

In an instant, in the team, all the abyss monsters and magic weapons were fully opened, only to see, in the abyss monster team, countless stars exploded!

A scream sounded.

These four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters shook their heads.

"After four thousand miles, only one of the five thousand abyss monsters is left." These countless starbursts, one drill below the hu god, can't hold it! "

This abyss monster four diamonds said hu.

"How can the gods with diamonds cultivate so well, we five people, there are three hundred gods with diamonds.

Let's see how much is left after the bombing. "

At this moment, I saw that thousands of starlight divine thunders had already blasted down!

Starlight God Thunder is very powerful, not so easy to send.

This starlight formation guarding the mine can only blast thousands of starlight thunders at a time.

However, for these ten four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters, resisting these thousands of starlight divine thunders is already the magic weapon of the sword art.

In the abyss monster team, the starlight **** thunder was blasted, and there was another violent explosion and screams, one after another.

However, the four-diamond hu **** abyss monster, in the explosion sound as if resounding through the sky, found that "some people are standing on a plane full of flames, some are standing on a plane full of ice, and some are standing on a volcano full of lava. Plane.

"Ah" these abyss monsters roar wildly"

Boom at this face!

They knew that this was the Starlight Dao of the Starlight God Thunder, but it was just a kind of space Dao.

However, a monster standing in the abyss found in the flames.

"Huh, huh, huh, huh" Four figures have appeared in the sky.

These four silhouettes stand in the air, "a magic weapon in their hands!"

This abyssal monster felt like an overwhelming breath, madly pressing over.

"Come on" the abyss monster roared!

The sword art urged to the top, the whole person has turned into a piece of lava, this piece of lava "seems to be thousands of miles wide!"

Countless red flames rushed towards Yuantie from above the lava!

The four sword lights, like a frenzy, like a mountain, traverse ten thousand feet."

Welcome to the countless red flames!

"Boom" there was a huge shock.

The thunder fire went straight!

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monster rushed into the air with a loud noise and exploded in the air!

"Boom" boom, boom "Space confinement is broken!

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters found that

There are only nine of them.

"Starlight thunder blasted over again and opened the space scroll~" An abyss monster...,

Immediately, more than a thousand starlight thunders blasted over.

These abyss monsters, open scrolls one by one.

In the huge earthquake, one space appeared around them, and they were immediately blasted by thousands of sword lights!

"Well, these abyssal monster scrolls are not simple.

As soon as the scrolls are displayed, the Dao Fa of the Starlight God Thunder is of little use to them," said Meng Dali.

"Look at the mana on the scroll, it may be made by Yuanying Hu," Turtle said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ our magic weapon is not bad," Yuan Tie said, "However, with Lao Qian's own magic weapon, there are still many Big gap," said the big head.

"Can it be compared with old Qian's own magic weapon? This time we don't use sword tactics, magic weapon!" Turtle said.

"it is good."

In the entire ten thousand li starry sky, all the stars began to flash, releasing great brilliance!

Countless stars blasted towards the abyss monster team.

"There are only seven hundred people"

A four-diamond hu **** abyss monster sighed!

"There are so many stars, I can't hold it at all."

A four-diamond hu **** abyss monster was finished.

Among the stars, there were a dozen or so brilliances, especially dazzling, traversing thousands of feet, and they had already blasted over. For a time, countless stars could not compare to these brilliance.

The four of them, the turtle, are a dozen magic weapons.

Blasted out with full force.

These ten years of brilliance seem to have passed through the vast starry sky, with an infinite momentum.

"It is more than ten times stronger than those ordinary abyss monster magic weapons."

The four diamond hu **** abyss monsters were all shocked!

Four diamonds, hu gods and abyss monsters, urge all Taoisms and magic weapons!

A group of brilliance, one punch!

The whole starry sky is shining!

A four-diamond hu **** abyss monster has been blasted to pieces!

Next to a four-diamond hu **** abyss monster, the magic weapon is destroyed! @.

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