Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2131: Waterfall battle

After a while,

The violent water waves have quickly separated.

A purple light flashes in the violent water waves. It can be compared with the four-diamond hu divine method of water waves. It has no effect on this purple light.

Some human monks nearby saw it from a distance, and immediately urged to the side.

This purple sè Xiaoguang must be Yuan Ying Hu god.

Under this Qingliu Waterfall, there is the Yuan Ying Hu God, which should be one of the Yuan Ying Hu Gods that occupy the five abysses of Yunqingliu Waterfall.

Sure enough, Ziguang had a meal in the water.

A tall monster in the abyss has already emerged.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he played a magic trick.

Immediately, his face changed: "Human Yuanying, hu, is here?"

With a wave of his hand, a magic formula rushed away in the water.

The figure shook, it has turned into a purple rainbow, madly in the water!

After a while, a group of red and yellow brilliance was already in sight.

"Human, you are good at..."

Zihong paused, and the abyss monster shook his hand. A purple sword rainbow was already in his hand.

Among the purple sword rainbow, a piece of water b, as if endless.

"Those are your subordinates? I really don't get hit...

Member Qian said.

With a sway of his hand, a group of red and yellow sè brilliance, wrapped in some b-patterned iron spirits, entered the storage ring.

In the purple brilliance, the abyss monster was furious.

A reminder of the sword!

Purple sèb waves are prosperous!

As if connected to the horizon, slashed towards Commissioner Qian, the purple sword rainbow has not arrived, and the b wave separates within the radius of Erfengli!

Being able to be here, separated by twenty miles of b waves, that can be powerful.

Here, a wave of a hundred feet long is equivalent to three diamonds, or even four diamonds.

Twenty-mile b wave is equivalent to four diamonds, hu god, how many dharma uttered?

This is also the Yuan Ying Hu God. Seeing the red and yellow sè Guanghua of the Chairman Qian, the red and yellow sè brilliance merged into the law and the innate Dao mechanism. This point, this abyss monster, the Yuan Ying Hu, felt it.

A sword, but it is already a full force to urge the sword!

A reminder of the sword!

Like a long river for thousands of miles, in these countless waves, the power has increased by three points.

In the hands of Commissioner Qian, there was an additional iron whip.

With a whip towards this purple brilliance, the river of thousands of miles was cut!

The iron whip turned into a water wave, and there were countless waves in this water wave!

Among the countless waves, there are some stars!

Under the whip!

As if countless thunderous explosions sounded!

The sound of a huge earthquake can be heard under the entire Qingliu Waterfall.

"There is another Yuanying hu **** who is at war...A four-diamond hu **** is surrounded by ten thousand swords.

The huge water flow kept slashing, but was strangled by this ten thousand swords, and it was already twisted into countless waves!

These four diamonds spoke to the monk beside him.

"I don’t know how many great supernatural power monks there are in this Ukaya River. These five Yuanying hu gods and abyss monsters occupy this place. Great supernatural power monks, come here as well, otherwise, under this clear stream waterfall, b-line iron spirit, how come more and more The less." said a monk next to him, surrounded by thunder.

The huge water flow under this clear stream waterfall is the four-diamond hu god, and it takes a lot of mana to resist the Dao Fa.

Zi Guanghua was in the water, rushing out ten miles away, twisting and exploding! ~

The abyss monster appeared.

The light on his face was in an instant, and there have been a hundred changes!

He urges a magic weapon to protect the body!

With this magic weapon, and these countless waves, he only felt that the power of these countless waves was amazing. With a single sword, this magic weapon had been blasted!

"Good swordsmanship, why is it not like general rules."

Said the abyss monster.

This abyssal monster has no laws of perception. Under a single move, it seems that there are millions of waves of hu and b patterns that interact with each other!

This abyss monster suffered a lot.

Law, among the five monsters of the abyss, there are those who have cultivated them into laws.

He has also seen the law.

He also fought against monsters in the abyss of the law.

However, how can the power of the law be so strong?

Commissioner Qian's power of this law is much higher than the law cultivated in those five abyss monsters.

"You practice the law, just start..."..."

Member Qian said.

This abyssal monster, integrated into the laws of Taoism, is not worth mentioning.

With one move, there are no more than twenty law runes in this abyssal monster Tao law.

Commissioner Qian waved his hand, and countless waves had already turned into an iron whip, hitting the abyss monster.

This abyssal monster was shocked, and the magic tactics used all his strength!

A purple sword rainbow, like a stream of thousands of miles, greeted this iron whip!


Then there was a huge loud noise!

The purple sword rainbow splashed countless purple sparks, splashing around.

Purple sword rainbow, swirling, has flown more than ten miles away!

This abyss monster's face shook again, and he retreated more than a mile.

The figure was already trembling, purple brilliance, burning like flames, making a crackling sound.

I saw that in a flame, there seemed to be thousands of miles of flame scenes, which had already crashed down: where this flame passed, countless spatial cracks appeared.

Suddenly, this Yuan Ying hu **** abyss monster seemed to be in a sea of ​​fire for thousands of miles, a force that was extremely hot, but it was so profound that it had locked itself.

A big sword flew from the air, just a spin, the whole body was dark blue, as if there were countless mysterious runes, and every rune turned into a demon god.

Above the big sword, there seemed to be countless demon gods, facing this thousand miles of flame, one touch!


A loud noise! In the entire waters, countless turbulence, shaking at the same time!

Above the deep blue sword, more than a hundred cracks appeared.

The figure flickered, and a figure in blue armor appeared.

The figure wearing blue armor, with a wave of the deep blue sword, has appeared in his hand. The deep blue sword made a single move and looked again.

The face of this figure is already a little nervous.

On this great sword, there are more law runes, there should be more than a thousand law runes, and it is also more mysterious.

When I touched Chairman Qian Fenghuojian, more than a hundred cracks appeared.

However, this Abyss Demon Dance's face was shocked.

"It's just picking some b-line iron essence, please..."

Said the monk wearing dark blue armor.

Commissioner Qian nodded, turned and walked towards the next place where there is an iron spirit with a B pattern.

"Boss... just let him do it here?"

In the purple light, Lù had a distorted face.

"It's just picking the iron spirit with the b pattern. Looking at his magic weapon, I am afraid that his understanding of the law has far exceeded us, and even stronger than the general magic weapon."

Said this abyssal creature wearing dark blue armor.


In the purple light, that face said.

"My magic weapon has been practiced with more than a thousand law runes. The magic weapon of the ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator can be broken with one cut. This Qingliu Waterfall still relies on my sword!

When you touch his magic weapon, you can see it, one move, my sword is damaged! "

The monster wearing dark blue armor almost roared.

For these more than a thousand law runes, the boss has an insight for three hundred years!

Can't even block that fiery sword light!

In the purple light, the abyssal monster Yuan Ying Hu **** silent.

Red and yellow ripples spread one after another.

Commissioner Qian's detection of Dao Fa is better than ordinary Yuan Ying Hu Shen.

He mines all the iron spirits that can detect the b pattern.

A five-mile wide ban is underway.

More than one hundred abyssal monsters are guarding beside a building.

From time to time there are abyss monsters coming out of the building.

They all held storage bags in their hands and handed them to guard the abyss monsters by the building.

"The price of b-line iron essence is very high in the abyss." A four-diamond hu **** abyss monster said to an abyss monster.

This four-diamond hu **** abyss monster has thirteen horns on its head.

This abyssal monster, looks similar to humans, sitting on a recliner, very comfortable.

"Where can I find Qingliu Waterfall in the abyss?" said the abyss monster.

"Yes...sir, this batch of B-patterned iron spirits has even been exchanged for the Fruit of the Abyss. "Oh, you want to use the Fruit of the Abyss to advance to the Nascent Soul Hu God, don't think about it. "This Abyss Yuan Ying Hu Shen coldly snorted.

"B-line iron essence is good, don't think about it, I want it." A voice came.

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monster, and the Yuanying hu **** abyss monster, were shocked at the same time!

I saw that a person came in from the prohibition.

The prohibition stepped aside from it, as if flowing water.

"It's you... Excalibur!" There was an abyss monster with 13 horns on this head, and it shouted loudly.

Commissioner Qian looked at the abyss monster.

He admired Commissioner Qian’s Jian Jue very much, and called Commissioner Qian to call Excalibur.

"I'm Gail... At Tieluoshan, we met."

Oh...Commissioner Qian nodded.

Near Tieluo Mountain, they went to Thunder Monster together.

"Have you cultivated to the top of the Four Diamond Hu God?"

Commissioner Qian was surprised.

At the beginning, this Gael only had the initial cultivation base of the four-diamond hu god. From the initial cultivation of the four-diamond hu **** to the top, it has not been more than four to five hundred years, and it is difficult for ordinary monks to reach it.

"I took that piece of thunder jade, Lord Sword God, it's better for you... Yuan Ying is a god."

Gail said.

This restriction is the Yuan Ying Hu God next to him. Without a formation, it is difficult to walk in and out like the Lord Sword God.

"Human, you are crazy."

This Yuan Ying Hu God Abyss Demon said, as if remembering something.

"A while ago, a very arrogant human came here, is it you?"

Seeing, a flame, a thunder, and an iron whip have been circulating around Committee Member Qian.

This Yuan Ying hu **** abyss monster suddenly stood up.

The expression on his face is a continuous change.

This Qingliu Waterfall, the Ukaya plane, and the Yuanying hu **** on the outer plane often come here.

Four diamonds can't stop it!

Otherwise, a mineral vein will be guarded by Yuan Ying Hu himself.

When I looked at these three magic weapons, I knew that this person was the boss, and the magic weapons were very powerful, that human monk.

"Take me a sword first!"

Member Qian said.

Reach for a stick.

A flame slashed towards this Yuan Ying Hu God!

The flames flew across the sky, and the entire sky was illuminated as transparent!

Seeing thousands of miles of flames, a continent, with countless monsters, rushed towards him!

In this abyssal monster Yuan Ying Hu, these monsters rushed every step, and the entire plane trembles.

Their minions are shining, as if stars are shining from the distant unknowable sky, this abyssal monster Yuan Ying hu divine art has been fully urged!

In an instant, countless white lightning flashes!

The white lightning touched this fiery beast!

Only four or five white lights can kill a fiery beast.

This white electric light is the way of the abyss monster.

The beast of flames is the method of flame swordsmanship.

When the two sides touched, there were countless lightning flashes, and they retreated suddenly.

As for Gail?

Combining the laws and innate Dao mechanism, it is very shocking to the Four Diamond Hu God!

Gal stepped back to one side, but this restriction was only five miles wide, for the Yuan Ying hu Divine Sword Art with all his strength.

It's really narrow...

This Gail saw that hundreds of beasts rushed towards the abyss monster in the restricted area.

The three-diamond hu **** abyss monster, Dao Fa, sword tactics, and magic weapons all urged to send, but three or five monsters rushed!

A pounce, Dao Fa, sword tactics, magic weapons have been torn to pieces, and then, these three diamonds hu god!

Commissioner Qian was able to expand the power of this Fenghuo Sword when he was at war with Yuanying Hu.


Countless white sword lights have retreated to the brink of restriction.

Within five miles of the ban, outside the building, all the monsters in the abyss have been swallowed by the fire beasts.

That building was also bitten and swallowed by the fire beast.


In the midst of a violent earthquake, there was a scream!

A white sword light, in the boundless water waves, like electricity away!

Gail slowed down, and the water waves had already rushed in. Besides, there were no more than one hundred chamois in the abyss!


What does Gail want to say, but he doesn't know what to say?

What can you say?

"Lei Yu is a wonderful treasure. Unexpectedly, I got Lei Yu, still so far from you...

It took a long time for Gail to say such a word.

"You go, maybe I will go to Tieluoshan someday."

Member Qian said.

"I'm going to another mine."

Gail said.

As soon as he turned around, there was a thunder and a b-wave, and Gail was gone.

It is very easy for the Chief Qian to mine B-line iron essence.

Half a day later, this mineral vein B-patterned iron essence has been almost mined by Committee Member Qian.

Commissioner Qian suddenly stretched out his hand!

The five brilliances have been rapidly revolving around Committee Member Qian.

It seems that there is a magnificent brilliance, circulating incessantly.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

The water b is divided, and the five figures come out.

"It's you... I heard that this Qingliu waterfall is occupied by five abyssal monsters. It's you... One"

Member Qian said.

"You are so majestic...

Continuously plundered our six mining sites and killed more than 1,200 people..." said an abyss monster in blue armor.

More than a thousand runes and magic weapons were merged, and it was smashed by Commissioner Qian with a single sword. Wearing a deep blue armored abyss monster, the more I thought about it, my heart became more and more frustrated.

However, Commissioner Qian looted six mining sites in a row, and these five abyss monsters couldn't sit still.

"This Qingliu Waterfall was originally you, plundered from the hands of humans. Now, I'm just mining and mining. What can I say."

Member Qian said.

"Yes, take the move..."

Wearing a deep blue armor, the abyss monster waved!

A red light flashed, but in an instant, five people had passed, connecting them together.


As if a thunderbolt passed by.

Among them, a giant has stood up!

This giant is a thousand feet tall, full of armor, burning blue flames.

With a long face and big eyes, he is not angry with himself.

Holding a battle axe, above this battle axe, there is a colorful brilliance.

Tomahawk in one fell swoop!

Commissioner Qian already felt that a huge and incomparable spiritual thought had locked himself in.

Yuanshen locked!

The five primordial infants and hu gods work together to launch the Dao Fa, I am afraid that they will not be able to escape from this Dao.

Commissioner Qian shouted wildly!

The whole body burst into stars.

Countless stars have rushed into these five magic weapons.

Over the years, Commissioner Qian, from the starry sky, has realized many law runes. These law runes can be integrated with the innate Dao machine. Among the thousands of runes, there are only two or three.

Other law runes are also used to blend into the Zhoutian Star Dou formation and red and yellow brilliance.

In the Tower of Refining Laws, regarding how to use the law runes, Commissioner Qian re-arranged the law runes in Dao Fa Zhong and Zhou Tian Xing Dou.

In his opinion, the five primordial infant hu gods worked together to issue this law, but the power was far inferior to that of the god-transforming monks and the tower of the law.

Even Yu b is far behind.

There is no sense of destroying everything at all.

The five brilliances crossed towards this thousand-foot-tall giant!

Around the Qingliu Waterfall, there are many human monks and abyss monsters who are preparing to throw into the flat of the countless water waves, preparing to find some b-line iron spirits. This Qingliu waterfall is occupied by the abyssal monsters, looking for the b-line iron spirit monks, Instead, there are more.

With the sound of a huge thunder, the pool of more than 2,000 miles around, all trembled.

A huge wave with a radius of ten miles, rushed from this huge pool, rushed out of the water, and has been rushing to a great height!

The monks by the pool, one by one have already stayed...

Close to the Qingliu Waterfall, every stream of more than one hundred meters has the power of four diamonds!

The huge waves in a radius of ten miles ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ rise to a great height. What kind of Taoism is this, and there is such a powerful force?

Who is at war?


A red and yellow light burst out of the water, and in an instant, it was already far away.

Commissioner Qian flew under a cliff, under the cliff, and meditated for seven days before standing up.

"It's still far behind the battle between the cultivators of the Hua Shen stage"..."

Member Qian said.

In the depths of the Qingliu waterfall, the five Yuanying hu gods of the abyss monsters changed their faces hundreds of times. They sat in this deep pool for a total of half a month.

Only then stood up.

Commissioner Qian made five magic weapons, and he blasted a sword at the same time!

The giants were injured, and the giants urged them with all their strength. Only then did they have this form, and they were also injured.

The five stood up, you look at me, I look at you, unable to say a word for a long time.

After a while, the abyssal monster stepped forward: "Report, that human monk has come to pick the B-patterned iron spirit again, but it is a thousand miles away from here."

The farther away from Qingliu Waterfall, the fewer b-patterned iron grits.

However, for the cultivator Yuanying Hu, all this is not a problem.

"This human race will come to mine again, let him point."

Said the **** Yuan Ying, an abyss monster in armor, and waved his hand.


The other abyssal monster Yuanying Hu nodded. .

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