Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2160: Zeker Continental

Yes, my refining technique is not ordinary. With these materials, I can't refining such a shield with 36 sides.

It's not bad to be able to trade for seven shields like this in Fangshi. "Topco said.

"It's the same with me, the art of refining is average. These materials can't be exchanged for some shields even if you get these materials in the market." said the real Qixing.

"If we were in Kanweierdong Mansion, it would be great if we had this kind of magic weapon..." said the Qixing real person.

"Li, with this magic weapon, it's already pretty good." Topco glanced at Qixing Real Man.

Ordinary monks can't buy this magic weapon.

Real Qixing stopped talking.

Commissioner Qian's Qixing mirror flashed, and the space was separated.

Liubao real person, Xiushan real person, Commissioner Qian, Qixing real person, Topco has entered the space.

Only seeing the space, like countless huge waves, drifting in the space.

Liubao real person, release his six treasure shield.

Six color brilliance flashed, space and six color brilliance touched, burst into pieces!

Yuan Ying hu gods, each urged Dao Fa, the space swept over, various Dao Fa, burst out, for the members of the Qian, they walk in this space, but the distance is a little longer.

"Huh? Why are there few space beasts in our space..." Topco said.

"I don't know. There are not many space beasts in the space outside our ordinary plane. Some space beasts come to us through some mysterious space doors."

Liubao said.

The real Liubao said so.

Commissioner Qian nodded, "No one knows how far those space gates crossed."

After walking for five or six days, only some space beasts were encountered, not big.

After walking a distance of 20,000 miles in the space, a little farther than the original distance, a green cave mansion has appeared in the void.

"Qingting Dongfu, I came here three hundred years ago. If there is no guard, then we should have gained a lot.

However, if there are guards, then we may gain very little. "Said the real Xiushan.

"I came here three hundred years ago. How often does this cave show up?"

Member Qian said.

"It appears once in four hundred years, and there are still a hundred years."

Said the real Xiushan.

"If there are various materials, now, these materials are just a lot."

"There are still a hundred years, if there is no guard, now it is time to harvest."

Member Qian said.

"It is estimated that there should be guards. If there are no guards, it is not difficult for the Yuanying hu gods to walk in space.

Once rushed into the cave, the cave does not need to be opened. "

Topco said.

"You were in Kanwei's Erdong Mansion, and hu was able to obtain a lot of materials before you could get it in Erdong Mansion, which is far worse than you expected"..." said the real Liubao.

Find Qingting Dongfu forbidden.

Yuan Ying hu gods urge Dao Fa to ban this blue mngmng!


The thunder fire rushed to a great height.

A figure flickered and appeared above the prohibition.

"Don't fight, we are going to Zeker. If you are willing to take part in the Zeker battle, you can enter the Qingting Dongfu."

This figure, dressed in a blue sè robe, was similar to an ordinary monk.

"You are..." Topco said.

"Since you and I have come to explore the monks, it has been two hundred years since I came to Qingting Dongfu.

At present, Qingting Dongfu is going to Zeker Continent and Dao Zeker Continent, to participate in the battle. If you are willing to participate in the battle, you can come in. "The figure above the restriction said, "This time, Qingting Dongfu will be opened in 200 years. "

"Oh, Zekell, I haven't heard of it before"..."

Member Qian said.

"In this infinite space, there are more continents.

Without the cave house as a space ship, ordinary monks could not reach the space continent at all. "

Above this restriction, the figure said.

"This cave... is used by you as a floating spaceship, what are you doing to Zekal mainland?"

Member Qian said.

"Looking for various materials and Taoism is the same as when you came to Qingting Mountain."

This prohibition said on the shadow.

"Of course, we find the material in the space continent mountain, we use it ourselves."

This prohibition said on the shadow.

"There are a lot of materials on the space continent."

Commissioner Qian "I have been there."

Commissioner Qian said that in the Longmen Inn, he had guarded the Space Continent.

"Can't you get in?"

Topco said.

"What is the standard of this Qingting Dongfu guard?"

Brother Xiushan said.

"There are a lot of cultivators at the summit of Yuanying hu God, without the cultivator of Yuanying hu God, the space cave can't be guarded..."

Said the monk.

"Space Continent, I have never been to it, I can definitely go."

Brother Xiushan said.

"How far is that Kyle continent."

Liubao real person asked.

"In space, through space transmission, I don't know how far the car is," said the figure in the ban.

"In space, through space transmission, in ordinary planes, I don't know how far away..."

Member Qian said.

"My Starlight Dao Fa, with all my strength, can only detect a distance of 300,000 miles in space."

Member Qian said.

"If you walk another 10,000 miles, you will be able to see the space vortex, and the Yuan Ying Hu Shen's mighty floating airship can't enter this space vortex."

In this prohibition, the shadow said.

"Ah...Space Vortex."

Commissioner Qian was surprised.

In the Longmen Inn, the Longmen inn’s airship was dispatched and encountered the space vortex. Six hundred Yuan Ying’s hu-powered airships fired together. This space vortex exploded into countless space debris. The captains said, these The space vortex is not very powerful, some very large space vortex, a thousand Yuan Ying hu gods might run into the airship, and they must stay far away.

"Go, go in and see..."

Said the real Xiushan.

"Is there any Space Protoss in the Kyle Continent?" Commissioner Qian asked, "Of course there are space Protoss and space monsters, or else, why do you let the ancestors come in?" said the banned figure. That said, let's go in and take a look.

Said the real Xiushan.

"Okay... Space Protoss, it's not as easy to deal with as you are in the like."

Member Qian said.

During this ban, the figure stretched out his hand, and the ban had already been opened, and Commissioner Qian and the others walked in.

A monk stood there, and he stretched out his hand and handed these Yuan Ying hu gods, each with a sign.

"You take this, in the Qingting Dongfu, some tactics and Taoist books are located, you can watch it, but you can't enter the place where the materials are produced. "Oh... it’s also very good to be able to watch some Taoism. Ah~..."

Member Qian said.

"Once you arrive at Zekell Continent, no matter where you are, you will begin to teleport to the forbidden place and go to Zekell Continent together."

Oh... as soon as you look at it, you can.

"These talisman are not bad, watch these tactics, and then forcefully transmit them."

Topco said.

"Let's go and see where these materials are produced."

Seven-star Taoist said that he exchanged shields with Commissioner Qian and had already used a lot of the materials on his body.

At this Qingting Dongfu, I just wanted to get some materials.

"Qingting Mountain, a radius of 30,000 miles."

While walking, Taoist Xiushan said.

"Well... this Qingting Mountain, the scenery is pretty good..."

Member Qian said.

These drifting sceneries in space are all created by great power, and the sceneries are naturally good. "Said the real Xiushan.

They were in the cave, and soon came to a high ground. On this high ground, there was a canyon.

Topco reached the plateau, reached out his hand, and released a Dao Fa.

A ripple dng opened.

"There are a lot of materials here..."

Topco said.

"Yi...yi" a figure is already standing here.

"Wh, eh, eh..."

Six more figures stood over.

One person and one flaming armor.

Everyone sees that everyone's cultivation base is above the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and they are wearing armor, the Nascent Soul hu divine consciousness probes up, as if they have encountered a big mountain.

"How to refine this armor?

I took a divine look and felt that this armor was ten times stronger than Lao Qian’s refining magic weapon."...Commissioner Qian found that in these caves, the general guards are the same as the Rako divine guards. The body is very strong.

Long-range Taoism ability is average.

With this armor, Commissioner Qian thought that these Yuan Ying monks were not the seven guarding opponents.

At first glance, other monks are the same.

"Foreign monk?

Didn’t the person who gave you the talisman tell you that you can only act in the magic arts and Taofa area, which is the material area, and you cannot come here. "

Said the monk in flaming armor.

"Of course I told, let's take a look."

The real Xiushan stepped forward.

Hatching... a monk in red armor waved his hand.

Yuanying hu gods, together with Xiaoguang, saw another mountain range more than a thousand miles away. "Go there and see." Yuanying hu gods, turned to another mountain range.

Xiaoguang reached the mountain range and had not landed yet.

"Boom..." A piece of blue dangling and happy light flashed, rolling with Thunder God, already stopped in front of Committee Member Qian.

A dozen or so monks in blue sè armor stood in front of the Yuan Ying hu gods.

One by one, holding a sword!

"Foreign monks, you are not allowed to enter here, you can go over there, towering mountains... There are many pictures on the cliff mountain over there, but if you can see it, it depends on you. A monk in blue armor with a thin face. , Said to them.

"Oh, it depends on us..." Topco said.

"Of course... Foreign monks, how can it be so easy to enter"... the monk said.

Yuan Ying Hu God turned his head, towering over the sky, far away, but for Yuan Ying Hu God, it would be there in a while.

"Look, there are graphics over there..."

Topco said.

"It's not easy to find Dongfu in space..."

Topco was excited and rushed down.

In a flash, the graphics were gone. The Yuan Ying and the gods rushed there, one by one, all surprised.

Topco reached out and pointed!

One by one detection Dao Fa was released toward this cliff.


Among the cliffs everywhere, a figure appeared.

In an instant, more than a dozen monks had arrived.

These monks are wearing purple armors, these purple armors are luxurious and exquisite.

"Outsiders, this graphic, you can look at it, these cliffs, you can't move around oh one... one"

A monk wearing purple armor stood up with thick eyebrows.

His eyes shine like thunder.

"This graphic, we haven't seen it clearly, this graphic is gone..."

The real Qixing said, "This figure is gone, regardless of your business.

Anyway, this cliff, you can't move! "Said this monk with thick eyebrows.

"Otherwise, you guys have a look with us."... A purple armored monk stood up next to him." This said, we can still look at these graphics."...Chairman Qian said, "Of course, as long as you have this ability. "Speaking, Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

In the distant horizon, a starlight flashed, already hitting a piece of graphics.

This graphic flashed before it had to hide in the cliff, and the starlight flashed, and this graphic has been fixed!

"I just saw this monk with thick eyebrows and pinched a magic trick." said the real Xiushan.

"His technique is inferior to your Starlight Dao technique"... said the Liubao real person.

"Let's go see..."

Member Qian said.

Seeing that the hu gods of Yuan Ying shook their bodies, they had reached the figure and looked around.

These purple armor monks, look at me one by one, and I look at you.

"His Starlight Dao Fa is really good..."

Said a monk with a long face and complex armor.

Looking at the Yuan Ying hu gods, in front of that pair of graphics, they began to comprehend.

"Zekel Continent will be here soon.

Said the monk with long face and complex armor.

Sure enough, Yuan Ying Hu God stood in front of this graphic for only three days.

The runes flashed brilliance.

The transmission started.

The surrounding scenery changed.

They have come to the side of the prohibition, and the guards are arranged in a large square formation, wearing various armors.

Next to the big square, the formation was scattered, standing in groups one by one.

You can see at a glance, it is a foreign monk.

"There are more than a hundred people...one"

Commissioner Qian exclaimed!

"Yeah... I didn't expect it..." Xiushan real person asked a monk next to him, "Are you coming from the Cog plane." This monk looked at Xiushan real person. "This is the first time you have come from space."

Once you enter the space, you don’t have any planes...~

I am not a monk of the Cog plane. "Now, let me introduce you to the situation of Zeker Mainland."

A guard stood up, "Listen to me... One"

Yuan Ying Hu gods took a look, Yuan Ying Hu **** peak monk.

Said to everyone.

Zekai Continent, with a radius of 10 million li, there are all kinds of Void Protoss on Zekai Continent.

The entire Zeker continent is restricted by law and cannot fly.

It turned out that the guards of these Qingting Dongfu were going to Zekel Continent to exchange various materials and runes.

Half of the green court guards stayed to guard the cave mansion, and half of the guards walked up to Zekal Continent with these foreign monks to exchange various materials and runes.

"Various runes...?"

Commissioner Qian asked a monk next to him, who has a round face and fine eyes.

"Oh... this rune was found in the endless void. No one knows whether these runes were originally in the void or passed down from the distant past."

Said the monk.

"Oh, I see, it turns out that we went to Zekel mainland to act as a caravan... one"

Brother Liubao said.

"Of course, otherwise, people let us enter the Qingting Dongfu to understand various techniques?"

Said a monk in a red robe next to him.

"How many cultivators of Nascent Soul Peak Peak are there among the guards of the Kaiser continent?"

Member Qian said.

"I'll know later."

After a while, half of the monks walked out of the square, there were probably more than fifty people, the casual practitioners took a look.

"Ah... there are only seven cultivators at the peak of Yuanying hu god!" said the round-faced cultivator.

"Generally, Void Protoss should be able to deal with it." Committee Member Qian said.

There are more than one hundred casual cultivators, fifty guards, and more than one hundred and fifty infant monks. In the Longmen Inn and the battle of the Rako Protoss, they can all be regarded as luxurious lineups.

Encountered the Void God Race in Kanweier Cave Mansion and was able to rush out of the ten thousand li canyon of the Zhengtian Pavilion. It can be said that it is more powerful in the Void God Race.

It's just the cultivation base of Yuan Ying hu god.

"I have stayed here in Qingting Mountain for more than 30 years, don't you know...

Some guards told me that there are a lot of powerful monsters in Zekal Continent, which are not ordinary Yuan Ying hu gods and can deal with them.

When you get there, you will know that there are seven Yuanying hu **** peak monks, not many..." said the round-faced monk.

The Yuan Ying Hu, the guard at the peak, finished the lineup.

They also have a map.

"We are walking in the formation. If we run into a powerful monster, there will be another formation..." This Yuan Ying hu **** peak monk, waved his hand, and a formation appeared. "Everyone stand up..." This monk, guard They stood up, "You, stand here"... the guards assigned positions, and the five Six Treasures cultivators assigned a relatively outside position.

"More than one hundred and fifty Nascent Soul Hu gods, to walk on this Kyle continent, need to be in the formation?" Seven-star real Lou "Xiushan, be surprised, this Kyle continent is not like what you think So good to go...

Liubao real person, said to Xiushan real person.

"Since you are here, let's take a trip," said the real Xiushan.

"Ze Kaier Continent has arrived ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Yuan Yinghu **** peak monk stretched out his hand and opened the restriction.

Everyone saw that in the starry sky, a remote and boundless continent appeared in front of them.

On the mainland, many cave houses and buildings have stopped.

Every cave house and building are as big as a mountain range!

When the prohibition is opened, Guanghua flashes!

He saw Guanghua flashing, this hundred and fifty cultivators were already standing on the mainland of Kayser, and the formations were reminded. Numerous blue sword lights had already surrounded the cultivators, spinning quickly!

"This Qingting Dongfu formation, powerful and mysterious, is much stronger than my treasure map..."

Member Qian said.

Together, the sword formation turned into a ball of blue light and walked towards the distance.

Commissioner Qian saw that this sword formation was not fast.

It's about the same speed as Baibaotu.

Did not go far "Boom..."

A monster is more than sixty feet long, with five or six horns on its head, and its body is covered with grubs, like many tortoise shells.

From behind a mountain, suddenly jumped out!

Pounce towards this sword!

In the sword formation, thousands of strokes struck!

This monster has suddenly exploded!

Behind the mountain peak, another five or six monsters rushed out, roaring at the green sword formation.

"On this monster, fighting against Lecco at the Longmen Inn is almost the same as encountering those stronger monsters." Commissioner Qian said. ! .

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