Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2182: Magic flames

  ‘Can the mountain flower plane bring us? "

   A monk said, for a moment,

   has caught up with the Jiuqu Qinghe Formation.

  Although he is a four-diamond flower god,

   However, the flying speed of the Jiuqu Qinghe Formation is definitely not as fast as the Four Diamond Flower God.

   "Wait, I am a monk of Panjiaoshan, can you take me with you----"

   immediately, more than a hundred escapes,

   has flashed outside the Qinghe Great Array,

   There is a big brother----

   There is someone called Lord Master-----

  The Qian Qian committee looked impatient,

   said to the red wolf: "Let them go ------"


   The red wolf bowed,

   reached out and pointed,

   A magic trick, into the battle,

   Immediately, a sledgehammer appeared in the air,

   This sledgehammer is as big as a mountain,

   has countless star patterns on it.

   sledgehammer hit,


   was hitting in the air.

   These four diamond flower gods were taken aback,

   immediately felt that a violent shock came from the air.

   "Ah----my escape!"

   A three-diamond flower **** shouted.

   His escape light had been dissipated by the power of this hammer, and he fell directly into the air.


   fell on a mountain.

   "My escape light is chaotic---"

   The four-diamond flower **** in the red robe shouted.

   The light under his feet, there was a twist,

   Although it didn’t break up, it couldn’t fly anymore.

   The four-diamond flower **** in the red robe, turned his head to look,

   These over a hundred monks, three-diamond flower gods, most of them were shaken, shattered, and flung down.

  Four diamond flower gods, most of them are distorted and their flying speed is already very slow.

   More than a hundred people, everyone was shocked,

   looked at the starlight array going away.

   One hundred people, but no one dared to chase them.

   In a huge palace,

   A young monk, but with a hideous face, looked at the water mirror in front of him,

   On the mirror, a starlight ran across the entire sky almost.

   Next to him, stood a huge monster, which was ten feet high and twenty feet long, covered with ferocious scales, and the cylinder was burning with black flames.

   Suddenly, this monster was spitting words.

   "very strong-----"

   talk, this beast came down,

   began to doze off.

   "It seems to be just passing by us, leave him alone---"

   The young monk glanced at the pet around him.

   This pet is a high-level monster.

   He said that he was very strong, so even though he was a magic commander, he didn't need to look at it.

   Anyway, this starlight seems to be passing by one's own jurisdiction.

   I heard that the six-armed demon generals and the big mouth demon generals have all lost, and the six-armed demon generals have lost miserably.

   My own cultivation base, plus this pet, but I drew a tie with the six-armed magic general,

  You don’t have to think about the battle.

   along the way,

   Nine Qu Qinghe ran wildly,

   Whenever someone blocked, the stars flashed,

   blasted dozens of miles!

  Those who stand in the way are immediately broken into pieces,

   Jiuqu Qinghe Formation, has traveled three thousand miles in the air,


   The entire sky, as if there are countless thunder explosions,

   The flames make up flowers, which are extremely gorgeous. The flowers bloom for dozens of miles, and the sky is full of fire, with a coquettish beauty.

   The monster roars, prancing and galloping,

   tens of miles in the air,

   with an irresistible feeling!

   Sword aura in the sky, crisscrossing, whistling for dozens of miles, with the cruelty of killing everything.

  The sky is full of boulders, rushing and roaring,

   with the power to crush everything

   A long river, coiling for dozens of miles, the river is overwhelming, forming a tornado with a radius of tens of kilometers!

   The thorns are waving, and every thorn is ten feet long,

   Above the thorns, is covered with spikes,

   Within a radius of tens of miles, covered with thorns waving,

   whatever you are,

   was drawn by this thorn,

   is going to be reduced to pieces immediately!

   The position of the avenue has covered the entire sky!

   The cultivation base has reached the Golden Core level, and the mana is fully urged, but it also has a shocking power.

   "Forty magic schools, this time, the demons produced forty golden cores."

   said the man with a beard.

  In this hall,

   They can see the situation ahead,

   However, I don’t know how to operate the Jiuqu Qinghe Array.

   A cultivator of the Shaking Sword Sect next to him was already pale!

   "Fortunately, we are acting together with the formation of this mountain flower plane, otherwise, with these forty golden cores -----"

   A disciple of the Jiji period next to him glanced at the real person Qiu Song and quickly lowered his head.

   "Forty golden pills, the ancestors of Yuan Ying can't hold it-----"

   Shaking Tiandao Sect disciple, no one said anything,

   every face was horrified.

  Mr. Qiu Song, the ancestor of Yuan Ying, they rely on the most

   In front of these forty golden core cultivation base demons, it is not worth mentioning.

   Even a monk in the foundation building period can see it.

  Mr. Qiu Song, the ancestor of Yuan Ying, even if Dao Fa is fully developed,

   That power is much weaker than the full power of these forty Golden Core Dao Laws!

"Forty golden cores, in the air, the Dao Fa is fully opened. This is not comparable to that in the Demon Race. Dao Fa cannot be fully opened. It is all based on the Sword Art River magic weapon. Once the Dao Fa is fully opened, even the Yuan Ying Flower God, It is not so easy to kill the Golden Core cultivator with one sword."

   Qiu Song thought to himself.

   "Just a mere golden pill, in front of the ancestors of Qiusong, what counts-----"

   A monk in the foundation-building period stepped forward with a smile on his face, and said to the real Qiu Song.

  "Ancestor Shenwu-----"

   The cheers came and went.


   Qiu Song nodded his head------

   Forty Mozu Jin Dan shots,

   A flame flower, as big as a mountain!

   rotates towards the stars.

   A flame bird, as big as a mountain,

   There was a scream, the wings spread out,

   has flown over the Jiuqu Qinghe Formation,

   caught Miao Miao Xinghe,

   As if to grab a big hole in the sky.

  A giant*, a thousand feet high, slaps against the starry sky,

   As if to flatten the starry sky!

  A stone mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~It is as big as a mountain,

   smashed towards the starry sky,

   As if to smash the starry sky!

   A thorn, it seems to be a thousand feet long!

   This black magic fire is burning on it,

   drew towards the starry sky,

   As if to draw this starry sky, one by one deep groove!

   "With all my strength to urge Dao Fa, this starry sky formation only urges the sword art magic weapon, I am afraid it will be difficult to break!"

   An elder demon roars with six eyes,

   "I saw the starry sky, the infinite starry sky----with ordinary swordsmanship magic weapon, it can't be broken at all----"

   said this demons,

  Other Jindan monks of the Demon Race, all energizing the magic or Taoism -----

   The six-eyed demons have magic-breaking abilities.

   He said so,

   That's right------

   For a time, the magic flames were overwhelming.

   Shaking the Heavenly Sword Sect, most people were frightened by the sky full of magic flames.

   Their number increased tenfold,

   Under this sky full of magic flames, I'm afraid I can't stand a single move!

   The Heaven-shaking Sword Sect is here this time, Brother Jindan, but six people.

  With the diamond flower god, there is only the big man with a beard.

  Other golden core monks, there are nine-rank golden cores and seven-rank golden cores.

   "These demons, I'm afraid they are all above the flower **** of one diamond-----"

   said the real Qiu Song. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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