Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1240: receive


"Just capture this hall. www.{dyzww.{网{m{"

Yuan Tie said.

He beheaded the opponent of Jindan cultivation so quickly,

It is also a magic weapon.

Outside, the demons were waiting on the sidelines.

Yuan Tie opened up the communication array and reported to Committee Member Qian.

Commissioner Qian nodded: "Yes, you have refined the hub of the mountain protection formation."

The monks Yuan Tie and Jin Dan entered the main hall, and the hub of the mountain protection formation was right in front of them.

Yuantie played a trick,

A brilliance has enveloped the hub of the mountain protection formation,

Begin to refine the teleportation circle.

Refining the hub of a great mountain protection formation,

For Brother Jindan, it takes a certain amount of time.

"True to fight against the golden core monks of the Demon Race, the magic weapon is not as you imagined, it is not harmful."

Yuan Tie said.

"That is, although these demons don’t have much fusion of profound and profound, each branch of profound and profound,

They have all cultivated to a very high level.

Cut out with one sword, but it is very powerful! "

The Jindan monk next to him said.

"In the past, our Shanhua plane did not participate in large-scale battles with the demon race, and did not fight much with the golden core masters of the demon race.

This battle, only then knew that these golden cores of the Demon Race, when they fought, they were indeed powerful. "

Said the red wolf.

He was also personally ordered by Commissioner Qian to attack the main hall where the Hushan Great Front is located.

Fight a few rounds,

With his cultivation of the flower god, he failed to kill the demon gold core master who was fighting,

It was a sigh of relief.

"Yuan Tie, enter this mine to see if you can mine a spark of profound gold."

Member Qian’s voice sounded.


Yuan Tie said.

"The demon formation is just above the mine, do you want to..."

Seven-headed bird, said to Commissioner Qian.

"How are they fighting?"

Member Qian asked.

"The triangle flame battle formation, there are already many demons, rushing into the triangle flame battle formation, they are fighting fiercely,

The water wave formation just came in, and was shelled several times by the remaining fortress. It is estimated that the casualties were not small. "

Said the seven-headed bird.

Seven-headed bird saw,

That fortress cannon, every time it bombs the water wave formation,

A huge whirlpool immediately appeared in the water wave formation.

Although this water wave formation is very strong,

However, the formation around the huge vortex, the monks must have suffered heavy casualties!

Seven-headed bird felt the strength of the Jiuqu Qinghe Formation!

The other monks in the Jiuqu Qinghe Formation are all so!

Suddenly, the seven-headed bird saw,

The huge formation over the mine,

Is slowly retreating.

More than one hundred demons were guarding this fortress and retreating into the large battle formation.

"They quit----"

Said the seven-headed bird.

Commissioner Qian took a look at the thunder and fire battle formation that was fighting the triangle flame battle formation.

Thunder fire battle array,

Also slowly backing away.

The demons in the mountains rose to the sky one after another,

Rush into that huge battle formation.

Within the shield of three hundred li,

There are constant demons, entering the huge battle formation.

"It's really going to retreat? Why, this demon army is not as strong as the legend."

The demon formation easily rushed out of the thunder and fire shield,

Triangular battle formation and water wave battle formation,

But did not launch an attack on the Mozu battle array.

Turning around, he ran toward the mine.

After a while,

The three formations converged above the mine.

Above the mine, a few people soon appeared.

Commissioner Qian, the real Cangjian, the three four-diamond flower gods in the water wave battle,

We met at the top of the mine.

However, Commissioner Qian was very energetic.

The other people didn't have any joy on their faces.

"My team, Leo Five Thousand Killed!"

Real Cangjian said.

"My team was killed and talked about three thousand."

A four-diamond flower **** said.

"This mine, even if we occupy it together, the battle will be evenly divided."

Member Qian said.

"of course can."

Real Cangjian said.

"we agree."

The three four-diamond Flora nodded.

Among the three battle formations, their water wave battle formation is the worst.

There was almost no direct confrontation with the demons. Three thousand people had been bombarded by the fortress of the demons!

Commissioner Qian swept through his mind,

After a while, he found out,

In this mine,

Except for Yuantie and several people, the other two parties have already dispatched personnel to enter.

Now that I’m here, I don’t take the Fire Profound Crystal into it,

That would be a pity.

After a while,

The jade plaque issued by Biyou Temple immediately displayed the message: "Fighting on the high grassland, the money is fortunate for the ten thousand brigade. This is the highest achievement.

Accept the Gaocai personnel and arrive immediately. "

Gao Prairie is the name of this place where Fire Profound Crystal is produced.

"We fought hard, Gao Prairie sent someone over and accepted it immediately."

Real Cangjian said.

Commissioner Qian, the 10,000 people, won the highest military exploits, that's for sure.

Real Cangjian had nothing to say.


Under him, five thousand foundation-building monks were killed in battle, but only some fire profound crystals were obtained.

How can he balance in his heart.

Five thousand foundation-building cultivators, how many immortal stones and spirit pills do they need to cultivate?

Less than half a day,

More than a dozen escape lights, galloping over from the horizon!

Showing body shape,

But it was three golden core monks, more than a dozen monks in the foundation stage, surrounded by this one Nascent Soul monk.

Landed beside the high grassland,

Everyone wears Biyou Temple costumes.

This is the Thunder Fire Shield, still running.

A Jindan monk, stepped forward.


"Where is the leader of the Ten Thousand Thousand Team? Lord Hongye is here, come and greet you!"

After a while, several rays of light fell in front of the monks of the Biyou Temple.

"I have seen Hongye real person."

Real Cangjian and Commissioner Qian, but bowed their hands.

The three four-diamond flower gods are more respectful.

Hongye Zhenren nodded.

Mortal Cangjian and Commissioner Qian are both Yuanying Flower Gods, and he is not good to say anything.

"Well, you're going to take charge of the Hub of the Mountain Guard."

Hongye Zhenren said to a golden core monk.

"Red wolf, lead the way."

Member Qian said.

The Red Wolf stood up, nodded to this Biyou Temple and the southeast cultivator, and took the lead to fly in the direction of the hub of the mountain protection formation.

The golden core of Nabiyou Temple,

Brought two monks in the foundation period, and follow the escape!

"You, take someone to take over the mine. Without my consent, no one can enter the mine."

Hongye said.

"Our department dare not send someone to guard the mine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you just go."

Member Qian said.

"You, go and lead the way for adults."

Real Cangjian said to a golden core monk who was next to the guard.

The Jindan monk nodded, his figure leaping towards the mine.

The Golden Core monk, brought other monks in the foundation-building period to follow.

Hongye Yuanying Flower God nodded.

To Commissioner Qian, the real Cangjian, and the three four-diamond flower gods said:

"This high grassland, I will bother you and stay there for a while. The temple has already ordered it down.

The tens of thousands of pairs who participated in this battle can obtain an area of ​​three thousand miles in this blue original plane for cultivation. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to () subscribe, give rewards, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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