Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2295: Refining rules magic weapon

Chapter 2295 Refining Rules Magic Weapon

The battle flag is fluttering, the gongs and drums are noisy!

The army's march must be very lively.

After Li Yaoshi did the pre-war mobilization,

Are the core members of the Shanhua plane,

Toast the warriors who are about to go out together.

An altar of good spirit wine was served.

The core members of Shanhua plane,

Drinking from a big bowl.

After a long time, the ceremony was completed.

The warriors began to board the airship!

Toward the teleportation array.

Commissioner Qian looked at the floating fleet,

Slowly go to the horizon,

Turned around,

Go straight to the exercise room in Loquat Mountain.

It can be said that the exercise room in Loquat Mountain.

It is the best place to practice on the planet.

In the past, Commissioner Qian did not practice much here.

Commissioner Qian went to the practice room,

Sit down cross-legs,

Started to read Taoist books.

You Biyou Temple, Bifu Army,

.There are more advanced teachings of Taoism,

Then I will feel the mysterious plane.

As Commissioner Qian understood these books,

In the temple of the Qian Da committee members,

Pieces of information jumped out.

This is the mystery of the plane that Committee member Qian had previously felt.

Some planes are mysterious, Commissioner Qian thought he understood.

Looking at the mystery mentioned above in this book,

Commissioner Qian has a new understanding,

Some planes are mysterious,

Commissioner Qian did not understand,

Looking at the mystery mentioned above in these books,

Committee member Qian suddenly,

Understand this mystery.

these messages,

Circling in the palace of the Qian committee member,

Slowly, some complicated runes came out.

Commissioner Qian did not know,

These runes belong to the mystery or the rules?

Or, it's just part of a realm.

After reading these books,

Commissioner Qian said about the concepts of Taoism, mystery, and rules,

Some new understandings.


Even if it is a rule, it is just part of a certain existence.

The battle of Shaking Sword Sect,

Commissioner Qian and the monks of the Shaking Sword Sect,

The fluctuation of Tao that I feel,

It cannot be represented by runes at all.

At least, at the level of the Qian Yuan committee,

This kind of Taoist fluctuation cannot be expressed as a kind of talismanic existence.

This time, all the Taoist books in exchange for pure gold have been read.

This time the Iron Sword plane faces the cave,

For casual repairs,

What a blessing.

This kind of pure gold can't be found in general planes.

A piece of pure gold,

But one foot radius,

You can get a more advanced Taoist book.

Jindan monks of the level of Red Wolf,

Both can charge more than 30 yuan of pure gold.

A golden core monk of average level cannot refine pure gold at all.

You can use a few pieces of pure gold to exchange for a high-level book.

With advanced Taoism and advanced three-diamond flower god, the possibility of four-diamond flower **** is great.

Commissioner Qian walked out of the practice room.

However, I sorted out the planes that I had previously felt, and realized the realm described in those Taoist books.

One year has passed.

Commissioner Qian comprehended a rune of earth rules.

Commissioner Qian found that

From the red space,

Draw that rune,

Although he did not fully understand the true meaning of that rune.


Comprehend the rule rune of the earth system, but it has become easier.

Over the course of a year, Commissioner Qian mainly studied Taoism, but he also comprehended a rune of earth rules.

However, comprehending the rule rune of the earth system is really related to the plane.

On the plane of mountain flower, it is not so easy to comprehend the mystery and rules of the earth element.

Commissioner Qian walked into his hall,

How to say,

Commissioner Qian is the strongest master of the Tianzhuxing Joint Committee.

Those official duties must always be handled.

"Meet Committee Member Qian."

A waiter stepped forward immediately.

Reported to the member Qian on various affairs this year.

The report of the record was passed.

Pharmacist Li and the others have regained a plane.

This battle is not fast.

Commissioner Qian said,

It took a year to regain a plane.

It took a few days for Commissioner Qian to finish various affairs.

Got up and left Loquat Mountain,

Back to the mountain flower plane.

Commissioner Qian sat down in the hall,


Immediately the waiter stepped forward.

"Open the communication array leading to the stagnation points of each plane, I am going to preach."

Member Qian said.

These locations on the various planes also include the place where Commissioner Qian planted his spiritual roots.


The waiter was overjoyed.

Commissioner Qian advanced to the cultivation base of Yuanying Flower God,

There are not many preaching in the school,

For the monks in the foundation building and gas refining period,

Yuan Ying Flower God preached once,

It's equivalent to studying for many years.

Half a day,

The waiter comes in.

"Report Master, the monks stationed on each plane, have all opened the communication array, ready to listen."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

The monk of the mountain flower plane,

It even arrived near the palace of the Qian's Commissioner early.

Commissioner Qian began to preach,

The main thing is about some yin and yang mana reconciliation methods.

Based on Committee Qian’s understanding of those Taoist books,

One page of Taoism will last for a day.

Therefore, Commissioner Qian only selected some mysterious elements that reconcile Yin and Yang.

In the harmony of yin and yang, other mysteries were born.

This said,

Speaking for nine consecutive days.

Commissioner Qian has turned his understanding of Tao into simple words.


Among these monks,

Can understand one-third of what Committee Member Qian said,

Less than one in ten people.

"Today's preaching, stop here."

Member Qian said.

Doubt, he really doesn't have this skill.

Commissioner Qian returned to Loquat Mountain,

Begin to comprehend the rules of the soil system.

Commissioner Qian sits down,

A powerful spirit stretched out,

The thick earth-based mysticism moves with this powerful divine mind,

According to a certain mysterious texture, it starts to run,

However, the speed is not very fast.

Comprehend the new soil rules,

Every additional period of understanding,

In this soil rule rune,

Just one more rule rune.

Compared with comprehending the new rules,

Commissioner Qian is in the red plain,

Draw regular runes,

That's easy!

Three more months passed,

This earth system rule rune is drawn with divine mind.

After more than ten days,

Very stable.

This soil system rule can be regarded as a successful comprehension.

However, Commissioner Qian found that

The rules of the soil system that I understand,

And the rule rune comprehended in the red plain,

There are so little similarities.

This is also within such a fast time of Committee Qian,

Continuously comprehend the reasons for the rules of the soil system.

Commissioner Qian continued to comprehend the rules of the soil system,

However, the line of Commissioner Qian’s perception,

Similar to the lines of sentiment in the red plain,

Fewer and fewer.

Commissioner Qian felt the speed of the new soil rules,

It slowed down immediately.

One year,

Unexpectedly, I failed to comprehend a soil rule,

This soil system rule is all stable,

It took a total of one and a half years!

Commissioner Qian Ru began to comprehend the rules of the soil system again, this time,

It took a year,

The framework of the soil system rules,

Commissioner Qian did not build.

Commissioner Qian knew,

The complex runes on the red plain,

The sentiment for myself is almost the same.

Commissioner Qian continued to understand the speed of the soil rules,

It's close to the level of ordinary Yuanying Flower God.

Commissioner Qian’s deduction ability is far better than the average Yuan Ying Flower God.

However, Commissioner Qian’s perception of the rules,

Compared with the general Yuanying Flower God,

There is not much difference!

The fire system rules and the water system rules merge,

Mainly because of the great increase in the thoughts of the Qian Yuan committee!

"Come on--"

Member Qian said.

A waiter stepped forward.

Commissioner Qian took out a piece of jade slip.

"Go and transfer these materials."

In recent years, Commissioner Qian,

Sitting in Loquat Mountain,

Ready to deal with Yuanying masters at any time!

These materials are what he should get.

After half a day,

The waiter brought a storage bag.

Hand over,

Exited the hall.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, and a pill furnace appeared.

In the furnace, apricot flames ignited.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

Pieces of material flew out of the storage bag.

Fly towards this flame.

Among them, there are many ordinary precious materials.

So these materials are generally precious.

Because these materials, for Cuijin,

It seems more general.

In the past, Commissioner Qian had experimented with these materials many times.

Can't refine the rule rune,

Now, Commissioner Qian has comprehended several soil rule runes,

The fusion of the five elements is based on the rules of the earth element.

The fusion of the five elements of mystery has brought new improvements.

Commissioner Qian's refining ability has improved again.

Use the same material as before,

It's no longer so difficult for Commissioner Qian to refine the rule runes.

The Gripen Legion, Taibai Legion, all play action battles,

This made Commissioner Qian feel,

Those few magic weapons of my own cannot be improved without improvement.

It’s better to use these materials,

Refining regular runes to form a magic circle.

Added to the magic weapon,

The magic weapon of Chairman Qian,

The world within each magic weapon is already thousands of miles away!

It is not difficult at all to accommodate a circle composed of some regular runes.

There are enough auxiliary circles,

The mana absorbed has reached a sufficient level.

The world in the magic weapon is big enough.

Add some regular magic circles, or add some magic circles combining different mysterious rules,

For this magic weapon, it is not difficult, and it can greatly increase the power of the magic weapon!

Those materials are all fused,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

The fusion of the five elements of mysticism urges the Dragon Inn to refining art,

Cover the material,

After a while,

That material, in accordance with the extreme of mystery, the extreme of complexity ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ began to run!

Use magic, draw a rune,

It's already difficult.

Use matter to construct a regular rune,

The difficulty has increased a hundred times!

Master the rules, you must be very skilled,

For the grasp of refining technique,

More to an incredible level!

Each mysterious rune has different requirements for materials!


Even Yuanying Flower God is very keen on the magic weapon of rules.

Yuan Ying Flower God, even if he understands the rules, he will show the rules and Taoism!

However, even if you can blend the rules, you may not be able to refine the rules.

It took a full month,

A rule rune has been refined.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed out an apricot brilliance, rushing into this rule rune, and began to urge the issue

——"Tetris" tells us: the mistakes made will accumulate, and the success gained will disappear. "Super Mario" tells us: success depends not on how high you jump, but on how far you run. "Contra" tells us: It is often not the enemy in front that prevents you from advancing, but the black gun behind you! "Tank Battle" tells us: Don't just think about shooting, watch your birds. "Snake" tells us: It is not the sugar-coated cannonballs that defeated me, but the longer and longer body. I am the most powerful enemy. "Raiden" tells us: People always think you are hitting a plane, but you are actually hiding from bullets.

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