Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2249: 300 Gold Core

"More than twenty golden cores preside over the battle, and dare to come to participate in this kind of battle----"

  The Qian Qiang has a face of disdain

   The more gold pill, the greater the power that presides over the battle

   For foundation building, the golden pill is not only reflected in the strength of mana, but also in the power of divine consciousness and the perception of nature.

  "Master, Gao Yu, he seems to have only twenty Jindan Aita formations, and the attack received is several times that of this formation.

  In his battle, there were fewer canyons than this battle."

  Red Wolf stepped forward

   are both under the joint committee of the sky and earth stars,

   Takaha's formation is naturally concerned

  "Master Gao Yu is also a four-diamond flower god. His formation, a four-diamond flower **** and flower **** host, received several times more firepower than this one here.

   Here, there are two four-diamond flower gods presided over, which is too far away."

   Seven-headed bird came and said

   In the water mirror, Takaba's formation appeared,

   is walking in the middle of the battlefield, but little by little, leaning towards the center of the battlefield

   "There must be some unspoken secrets in the image of others-----"

   Yuantie said

  The three formations on the Qian side, and the demon formation is still in progress.

   In the sound of countless thunder explosions,

  The golden core monks of the flower plane of the mountain, talk like nonsense

   For these golden core monks, there is not much pressure

   The communication array sounded, Committee Member Qian took a look, Li Yaoshi?

   The number one person of the Celestial Star Joint Committee, why did he come to correspond at this time?

   "Old Qian, why don't you go with Gao Yu? How do you say, it's also from the joint committee member of Tianyangxing!"

   Li Yakushi’s mouth is this sentence


   The Qian Qian committee is really hard to answer,

   "It's not that I don't walk with him, he wants to break through, what is my business?"

   Qian Qian said quickly

  He doesn't want to be put on a big hat by others

   "Then you rush into the battle with Gao Yu, your galaxy vortex is quite powerful, just use it!"

   said the calendar pharmacist

   "Pharmacist, your mouth is very easy to move----"

   Member Qian said

   "Less long-winded---I told you--"

   The pharmacist of the calendar and the committee member Qian said

   Member Qian, who said straightforwardly, was stunned.

"you will not----"

   Qian Qian, the committee member looked at Li Yaoshi

   "Old Qian, I have seen Kun Mihui's star battle that week. He has forty golden cores to preside over the battle this time.

   You have three hundred golden cores to preside over the battle. In this azure plane, there is no battle that can help you. You don’t go.

   Kun Mihui is here, let Kun Mihui go-----"

   said the calendar pharmacist


  The Qian Qian committee member remembered,

  Kun Mihui’s formation is also refined on the basis of the Zhoutian Star Dou formation

   Although the power is not as powerful as this nine-curved blue river formation,

   can't say that either,

   Kun Yae, what kind of formation can't be obtained?

  God knows how many complex formations have been refined in that formation

   The nine tunes of Qinghe Formation,

The biggest difference between    and Kun Mihui's use of the formation this time is: here, Commissioner Qian, there are 300 gold cores presiding over the formation, nearly ten times that of the opponent!

  If the three hundred golden pills are fully urged,

   Unless this blue original plane has a particularly strong position,

   Otherwise, the strong Jiuqu Qinghe Great Formation, in this blue original plane, can really walk sideways!

   Commissioner Qian connected to Yunquan’s communication array

   "True person Yun Yuan, the battle over there belongs to our Celestial Planetary Joint Committee. The joint committee members of the Celestial Planetary Joint Committee have already ordered me to fight with him. I can't help it---"

  Chairman Qian pointed to Taka Yu’s position

   "Ah----that formation belonged to your joint committee of the earth planet? So long-----"

   Yunquan is really surprised

   "Oh---Five products did not recognize----"

   Member Qian said

   "That's how Ai Na---rush to the battle, I won't go"

   Yunquan said

   Everyone is the Yuanying Flower God, and they speak very simply,

   finished speaking,

   The galaxy formation accelerated,

   has galloped towards the middle of the battlefield

   As soon as the nebula formation appeared,

   Dozens of thunder fires tens of feet thick, blasting straight over

  In the huge thunder fire,

   is the nebula formation, and can’t raise the speed

  The Qian Qian committee was furious, and shouted: "Let's start the three hundred golden pills together! Galaxy Six!"


  Three hundred golden pills, together should be

   Three hundred complex magic tricks, while entering the big formation,

   Immediately, a galaxy vortex rushed out,

   a spin,

   The thunder and fire that blasted, has disappeared without a trace,

   another spin,

   has crossed over a hundred miles,

   Before a demon formation

   "Fully urged the defensive array---"

   The voice of the magic commander has changed its tone

   saw it,

   That rotating nebula vortex, touch the formation!

   The song is spectacular!

   Like countless stars, flying swords towards the sky,

  In an instant, it seemed to have crossed the eternal time and space!


  The thunder and fire burst

   with countless pieces, body fragments, flesh and blood!

   This formation, but in an instant,

   is only half of its original size!

   The demon formation next to the thunder fire stopped for a while,

   Watching the nebula formation rush past

   I want to launch thunder fire at the formation of the real Yunquan again,

   The formation of the real person Yunquan and his friend is also speeding toward the distance!

  The demon commander who presided over the battle, a burst of sound transmission,

   did not catch up

   less than a moment,

   Nebula formation, has rushed to the side of Takaba formation

   Commissioner Qian connected to Takaha’s communication tool

   "Taka Yu, I'll help you-----"

   Qian Qian, the committee member laughed loudly

   "Thank you so much"

   Taka Yu nodded, no matter if this person is here, my formation, although strong,

   But there are too few Jindan monks

   A lot of power, I can’t use it


   The nebula is shaking

   Member Qian looked at it, but it was a thunder fire more than 100 feet thick, exploding outside the galaxy formation

  The Commissioner Qian stretched his hand to the water mirror!

   On the water mirror, a formation immediately appeared

   "Three hundred golden pills, galaxy six revolutions!"

   Immediately, three hundred golden pills, and at the same time, he played a complex trick and entered the battle.

   A revolving nebula, from the nebula formation, rushing towards the formation

  In an instant,

   A thunder fire of more than 100 feet thick came over,

   There was a wave of ripples on the rotating galaxy,

   forward speed, but slightly slower,

   That battle, a thunder and fire shield, just appeared!

   The rotating galaxy has already touched this thunder and fire shield!

   accompanied by a starlight ripple, like countless stars, sputtering towards the surrounding-----

   Space and time seem to pause again!

   Countless fragments splashed into the sky together with flesh and blood!

  This formation,

   is only half left!

   For the monks in the base-building period, if they want to play the same trick, it may take half a cup of tea or a cup of tea.

   This is determined by divine mind and mana, you can’t take tricks at all

   "The formation and attack power of him and Kun Mihui are so strong, so fierce attacks can be continuously issued!"

   Takaha's face is serious

   "fast forward"

   Takaha issued an order

   The formation moves forward quickly

   Galaxy formation follows forward

   only walked dozens of miles,

   There are a few more formations, blocking in front,

   "Two hundred golden pills, Xinglei!"

   Member Qian said

  In an instant,

   Two hundred golden pills, a magic trick to enter the battle, but it is simpler than urging the Galaxy to turn six battles

  In an instant,

   More than two hundred star thunders with a radius of ten feet are gushing out from above the Jiuqu Qinghe Formation,

   like lightning,

   blasted towards those formations,

  The thunder and fire rushed up, as if it continued for dozens of miles,

  Countless rolling thunders echoed in the sky!

   In those formations, more or less huge gorges appeared!

   Two hundred Jindan urged a blow,

   Let several formations be injured at the same time!

   "Legion commander, if this goes on, our credit will be taken away by them---"

   A golden pill moved forward and said to Gao Yu

   "How can we reach the center of the battlefield without them?

  You will have more gold cores."

   Takaha said,

   "Golden core, is there such a good condensation?"

   Suddenly, the golden core stopped talking

   "I greeted Kun Mihui a long time ago and asked Kun Mihui to come, but Kun Mihui was not here"

   said Takaha

   rushed through this level,

   went on for less than dozens of miles,

   battlefield center,

   Accompanied by the earth-shattering explosion!

   tens of miles and thousands of feet of thunder fire!

   "Another Biyou Temple is directly under the command of collapsed waves----"

  The golden cores of the monks of the mountain flower plane,

   looked at the water mirror nervously

   this time,

   The other three Biyou Temples are directly under the 10,000-person team,

   madly shoots countless aquamarine thunder fires,

   but the arms are thick,

   But, monk of the demons, drill the flower **** and the golden core,

   When touched with this thunder and fire, it exploded immediately!

   Unless there are some monks,

   phantoms appeared on his body, especially weird and ferocious. Obviously, these talented supernatural powers are very powerful!

   Touch this green thunder and fire,

   magic weapon, talent magical shadow, armor,

   all exploded,

   There is blood everywhere, escape in embarrassment!

   This time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The number of monks who successfully escaped into the monks array directly under the Biyou Temple is more than six thousand!

   Between the thunder and fire rolling,

  Commissioner Qian and Gao Yu rushed over

   "Taka Yu, is the formation next to you belonged to the Joint Committee of the Earth Stars"

   In the water mirror in front of Gao Yu, a young man appeared,

   opened his mouth and asked Gao Yu directly

   "Yes, the formation next to it is a core member of the Celestial Star Joint Committee, a casual repairman, serving as the patrol captain of the Celestial Star Joint Committee---"

   Gao Yu was polite and said in more detail

   "Okay---you hold on there---"

   The young man pointed at the Biyou Temple, which had just exploded and collapsed, was directly under the command.

   "Old money, let me do it, and hold on to the place where Beng Lishi is"

   said Takaha

"it is good-----"

   Qian Qian quickly agreed

   I was about to go there, pick more pieces of the formation


   The two formations of the joint committee of the sky and earth stars,

   has reached the place where the formation just exploded

   The Qiannian committee member came out, swept around to see where the battle fragments fell

   More than ten thunder fires of more than one hundred feet thick have already blew over!

   On the surface of the galaxy formation, several galaxy vortexes immediately appeared, in an instant,

   Galaxy Vortex, turning fast!

   More than a dozen thunderstorms burst into flames!

   In the entire nebula formation, a huge depression appeared!

   "Ah---" A scream sounded! (To be continued

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