Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2308: The life of a practitioner

This square-faced monk had a meal,

   as the leader of this adventure team

   There are some privileges

   This jade grass, everyone eats it separately, he puts the fruit away,

  The members of the adventure team didn’t say anything

   I ate a piece of jade grass leaf,

   may not be able to advance to the Yuanying Flower God

   I have cultivated to a certain level, and I can’t get up.

   Eat this fruit again,


   can really comprehend the realm of Yuanying Flower God

  "My magic weapon of the three-diamond flower god's might, among the magic weapon, there are three thousand miles in the world!

   With these three thousand miles of the world, this magic weapon, in the market, is a sky-high price! "

   The square-faced monk does not speak

   A gold core monk in red armor said: "I see, that fruit, you can change this magic weapon,

  The larger the world in the magic weapon, the more expensive the magic weapon. The magic weapon in the world is three thousand miles away, but it is a sky-high price

   If you don’t change it, just eat the fruit"

   The round-faced monk in red armor finished

   "That's right, we ate all the jade grass leaves, isn't it just to save trouble?"

   There is a golden core monk who said,

   "Fortunately, I met a master, otherwise, today we Xuan---"

   The long-faced monk also spoke

   "If you eat this fruit, maybe it can increase your understanding of nature"

   said the foundation-building monk next to

   "This----I change this magic weapon----"

   Square face monk said

   can come out to explore,

  The nature of these medicinal materials and treasures, everyone has seen

   This kind of heaven and earth spirits is not based on increasing cultivation

   can increase the perception of nature and improve physical fitness,

   Eating a leaf, a stem, is enough

   The Qian Qian committee took out a flying sword,

   This flying sword was refined in the Longmen Inn.

  The magic circle in the flying sword is already pretty good.

   After absorbing aura for many years, I also improved some magic arrays.

  The magic circle in the flying sword turns into three thousand li in the world of Taoism

   is also the mountain flower plane with many stars,

   Flying swords and magic weapons for personal use can transform the world

   The peak of the ordinary three-diamond flower god, and the four-diamond flower **** uses magic weapons at this level.

   Those three-diamond flower gods peak, four-diamond flower gods use magic weapons in the early stage, even if flying swords, the magic circle within the magic weapons reaches enough,

   is strong enough to evolve into the world of Taoism,

   If you want to reach the Taoist world with a radius of three thousand miles,

   at least have to absorb aura for decades!

   These casual cultivators, can they use such magic weapons?

   The square-faced monk turned out to fly a sword, and his spirit peeked inside.

   "Sure enough, three thousand miles of the world, mountains and rivers"

   This square-faced monk is overjoyed,

   Bring out a fruit and hand it to Commissioner Qian

  The Qian Qian committee held this fruit,

   just throw it into the jade box

   Several plant system rules are launched,

  The rules fluctuate,

   spin towards this seed

   Growth fluctuations triggered by rules,

   should be able to make this seed germinate

  The Commissioner Qian wants

   escape light,

   After a while,

  Plane teleportation array has reached

   These monks quickly walked into the teleportation hall,

   Qian Qian turned around,

   flew towards Qingjian Valley

   Isn't this also a practice?

   With the cultivation base of Yuanying Flower God, the rules are integrated

  For this kind of practice,

   is easier to grasp,

   Qiang Yuan thinks this kind of practice is really good

   got the baby, let’s get out of it,

   Just a few tea time,

   The Qian Qian committee has arrived at Qingjian Valley

   pointed towards the communication circle!

   After a while,

   A landscape and countryside, quickly escaped,

  , the light is closed,

   shows a monk in a blue robe,

   seems to have countless landscapes and countryside

   "Shan Weng, his temperament has become more and more elegant-----"

   Member Qian said

   "Old money, you are a well-known strongman on the plane of the heavenly book, my level of cultivation can't be compared with you---"

   Shan Weng said

   The two said some kind words

   "Mr. Shan Weng, this time, when you join the 10,000 team, how advanced can you get?"

   Member Qian said

   has already met at the banquet,

   Member Qian said directly

   "Even if we get the Taoist book of Biyou Temple, Biyou Temple, we will not let it spread out---"

   Shan Weng said

   Sure enough, this Shan Weng can get a Taoist book,

   is just the good and bad of Taoism

   "Shan Weng, common materials, precious, no shortage of mountain flower planes"

   Member Qian said

   "The high-level Taoist books of the Biyou Temple, we are all lacking in the Sanxiu school---"

   Shan Weng said

   are Yuan Ying Hua God,

   Talking too much is useless

   My sun,

   Looking for real Shan Weng, this trip is for nothing

   "Well, goodbye---"

   Qian Qian turned around,

   has rushed to the horizon

   are all Sanxiu school, so what?

   I won’t give you a high-level book

  A valley, in the midst of fierce fighting between the two sides,

   sword light thunder fire, straight into the sky!

   Suddenly, a sword light flashed, and in an instant, it turned into dozens of sword lights.


   There was a loud noise,

   The one who had the advantage,

   Everyone’s sword light magic weapon is touched by a fiery red sword light,

   There are dozens of silhouettes, every one of them flying out of tens of feet

  The sword light technique that urged, all shattered into countless sparks

   The fiery red sword light closed,

   shows a monk in cyan armor,

   This figure in cyan armor,

   smiled at a dozen monks: "If the road is not flat, you should draw your sword to help.

   Everyone, what baby did you find? "

   just took advantage, at this moment, relax,

   When the monk was talking, he almost couldn't stand

   "My lord, the magic weapon found this time is just these things---"

   These monks, tell the magic weapon they found,

   This monk in armor turned to look at the dozens of monks who had been shaken back

   "Oh-to find these treasures"

   Those monks who were shaken back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are already shaking

   of course I dare not hide

   This monk in cyan armor curled his mouth: "General"

After    finished speaking, his figure shook,

   has no shadow

   This figure is just the member of the Qian,

   Just a while,

   The Qian Qian committee has appeared in a town

   The town is quite lively,

   come and go,

   But there are many monks,

   Most of them are monks in the foundation period,

   There are dozens of Jindan monks,

   There are several monks,

   Qian Qiang looked at it, his cultivation base was similar to himself

   of course is Yuan Ying monk

   like this kind of adventurous life,

   Yuanying has the same flower god

   I wandered for a few months on this book plane,

   entered some caves,

   Rare materials, got some more

   some cultivation techniques, but also a lot

   The Commissioner Qian found that once you enter the cave, you need to get the best treasure, such as cultivating tactics.

  Brother Jindan, his cultivation is really bad

   These things are usually obtained by Yuanying Flower God

   It seems that I really have to work harder to explore caves

   Don’t say anything else, just die these cultivation techniques,

   also gave a lot of inspiration to the Qian

   With my own cultivation base,

   rules are fused,

   can’t get high-level books,

   Explore more caves and comprehend some cultivation techniques,

   is also a road of cultivation!

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