Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2339: Rush into the shield

   "I drink this water and enter a state of enlightenment. It is not up to half a day.

   You drink this water and enter a state of enlightenment, you can spend a day,"

   Achi said

   "The deepest water of this cold spring is really a treasure----"

   Member Qian said,

   "I don't know how many years have passed, the deepest water in this cold spring is only 13 thousand catties,

   is more precious than chalcedony"

   A Chong said,

   "No wonder, A Chong, Nizi's cave mansion is ignored, here it is"

   Member Qian said,

   Sure enough, most of these Yuanying Flower Gods are known,

  Good baby, they all have it,

  The one who is almost at the level of cultivation, has a bad relationship with them,

   These babies,

   can't see

   "I combined the tree with the surrounding magic circle,

   called them down with Pure Jinfei, and put them in my temple"

   A Chong said

   Qian Yuan said to the big fat man: "Then you, you should be a blend of different mysterious rules."

   The big fat man nodded: "I combined the plant system rule rune and the water system rule rune,

   However, outside, the tens of thousands of people are arranged in a formation, integrating the runes of the water system rules and the river plants rules.

  The power of Taoism, but it is easy to get in and out, and the opponent does not make a profit

  This valley will indeed be occupied by the demons"

   Qian Qian was a little surprised,

   "Outside this battle, you three Nascent Soul Flower Gods should be able to break through easily---"

   The three shook their heads together

  "The opponent is also the Yuanying Flower God, and the four-diamond Flower God can also exert the power of the ordinary Yuanying Flower God.

   This formation is difficult to break"

   A Chong said

   It seems,

   This demons’ formation,

   They are not unbreakable,

   I don’t want to pay too much

   These demon repairs,

   itself has a strong natural aptitude,

   With the help of the aura formed by thousands of miles of mountains, the treasures produced,

   Advanced Tao Yuanying stage understands the rules and integrates the rules

   A treasure that increases the divine mind and the probability of fusion rules,

  In the opinion of Chairman Qian

   is really against the sky

   However, the three Yuanying Flower Gods,

   didn’t want to break the demons’ formation outside,

   Their cultivation base in formation, alchemy, and refining skills,

   is indeed far inferior to human monks

   Achi and A Chong, can refine the rule flying sword,

   That's because of pure gold!

   "I will refine a set of restrictions for you, which is more powerful than the demon team outside.

   The demon race's tens of thousands of people are facing the battle, I know where the formation node is

   A few of us rushed out and can quickly break the formation"

   Member Qian said,

   The communication circle sounded

   "Master, the Demon Clan comes again with a Yuan Ying Flower God"

   Wanlidao said

  "It doesn’t matter if there is another Yuanying Flower God, we separate the two and resist the Yuanying Flower God of the Demon Race

   The other two can easily defeat the Four Diamond Flower God,

  It won’t take long to break the formation"

   Member Qian said

   "Well, these few of us are capable of fighting alone. It is not a problem to resist the opponent's Yuan Ying Flower God"

   That fat guy said

   "Wanli Dao, you urge the formation, leave Zhan Chao, I will let you back,

  You are coming back"

   Member Qian said


   Wanlidao said

   The nebula turns and flies away

   This nebula formation has fought the demon formation for more than a day,

   Boom, boom, booming loud noise,

   A tie between the two sides!

   Qian Qian, sitting cross-legged, waved,

   A prohibition was laid out,

  A pill furnace flew out

   Member Qian stretched out his hand,

   Pieces of materials flew into the furnace,

   began to refine the formation talisman

   "This man has refined the magical equipment, it's quite secret"

   The fat man said to Ah Chi and A Chou

  "Fatty, we have taken out so many treasures in these years, we have all learned the general refining techniques of human beings,

   Otherwise, we can refine the rules of flying swords"

   Achi said

   "That's because there is pure gold, otherwise, you can refine the rule flying sword?

  As many as you take out, you will exchange it for a general refining tool, alchemy technique"

   The corners of this fat man's mouth twitched!

   "Fatty, we set up a school, how about

   Our respective treasures all need the spirit of the mountains,

   Find some men to watch and watch"

   Achi said

  "Find some subordinates, those who are not transformed, are some little monsters in the foundation period,

What is the use of   ? "

   said the fat man,

   "Using our means, we will soon be able to get some golden pills,

  , give the golden core to those little monsters who haven't transformed again, and soon, there will be more golden cores

   There are a lot of monsters, although the foundation was built,

   But, the mana is not inferior to ordinary human gold core"

   Achi said


  "If so, then it can be considered

   Otherwise, they rely on treasures to pile up their cultivation skills,

   I didn’t have so many treasures out,

   This spring in the cold pool, I want to use it myself

   Where did you get the pure gold? Did it get it from the head of the mountain flower plane?

   Otherwise, I ask him"

  Fatty said

   his body is a plant,

   The spring in this cold pool,

   He wants to use it himself,

   How can there be more spring water

   Among the original three,

   His Taoism is the most powerful!

   Achi and A Chong,

   have refined the pure gold magic circle,

   Above this pure gold magic circle,

   is inlaid with the gold ruled circle,

   Attack power is higher,

   Achi and A Chong holding the pure golden flying sword, the sword tactics, the attack power,

   is catching up with the fat man,

   "The pure gold is indeed traded from this person, you can trade the fruit for him"

   Achi said

  Outside the valley,

   The two Yuanying Flower Gods looked into the valley

   "We can take a punch with a heavy shield"

   A Yuanying Flower God said

  "Well, these planes are natural creatures that are exactly what we need

  A heavy shield consumes 70 million catties of red copper and has countless refinements to completely block the monster’s flying and suppression."

   A Yuanying Flower God beside said

   The Yuan Ying Flower God in the valley heard,

  Including committee member Qian,

   surprised together!

   70 million catties of red copper, how many magic circles can be refined,

   Even if these magic circles are simpler

   So many magic circles are combined together,

  The power can be imagined

   Nijo figure, holding a shield

   has passed from the gate of the valley,

   rushed in!

   The demon also wants the treasure in this valley,

   Therefore, it did not show much power!

   A shield, three feet thick,

   above the shield,

  There are countless mysterious runes

   Achi and A Chong looked at each other,

   body shape turned,

   has turned into peanuts,

   A golden light flashes at the top

   rushed towards the two Yuanying Flower Gods

   Two Yuan Ying Flower Gods

   The shield flashed,

   One block toward these two peanuts!

   These two peanut-sized things,

   has rushed into the shield,

  In the shield, countless sparks burst out!

   Achi River, A Chong burst into the shield

   saw in the shield,

   there are countless shields,

   Every shield emits another gravity wave!

   where the golden light goes

  Countless shields have exploded suddenly!

   combined into this shield's magic circle,

   is really not very complicated,

   However, every magic circle is combined into a shield,

   In just a few moments,

   Achi and A Chong,

   has been driving away,

   blasted countless shields

   But gravity is getting bigger and bigger

   Ah Chi’s advancing speed is getting slower and slower

   "This shield is nothing but a defensive circle and a gravity circle. With more than one hundred catties of red copper, you can refine a circle."

   more than 70 million catties of red copper,

   Even after purification, how many such magic circles can be refined?

   So many gravitational circles urged together,

   Gravity is big

   Ah Chi turned around,

   rushed towards the path


   Ah Chi has rushed out of the shield,


   A sword light, so terrible,

   revolves rapidly around these two Yuanying Flower Gods,

   In the sword light, there was another extremely powerful suction.

   Block these two Yuanying Flower Gods at the mouth of the valley!

   Achi, A Chong, Fatty, among the three Yuanying Flower Gods,

   Fatty has the strongest combat power,

   However, the two Yuan Ying Hua Shen attacked together,

   Fatty Sword Art is urged to send, but it can block the two Yuanying Flower Gods

   Qian Da Wo i Hungry Yuan is under restraint, watching the battle,

   Three Yuan Ying Flower Gods, to two Yuan Ying Flower Gods,

   don’t need the help of the money committee

  Sure enough, although Fatty has integrated the rules of water system and plant system,

   But, really fight,

   Combat power, sword tactics, Taoism, and yin and yang mana are involved

   Fatty in this respect,

   is far inferior to Commissioner Qian,

   If Commissioner Qian confronts these two Yuan Ying Flower Gods,

   can't make thirty moves,

   These two Yuanying Flower Gods,

   will be shot out of the valley!

   Fatty Sword Art is continuously urged,

   The incredibly bitter sword light, slashing to the shield continuously!

   Dozens of deep sword marks appeared on the shield!

   Mozu Yuanying Flower God brandishing a shield,

   urges flying swords,

   blocked this wave of fat man’s attack,

   But take a few steps back!

   Committee Member Qian has clearly seen the structure of this shield,

   Every magic circle is a defensive circle and a gravity circle.

   Ninety Gravity Array, a little more complicated

   But, there are hundreds of thousands of magic circles

   is red copper refined with flame again,

   is really a weapon of war

  The Commissioner Qian wants

   Achi and A Chong rushed out of the shield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These two Yuanying Flower Gods,

   immediately retreated outside the valley

   If Achihe Achong restored the prototype,

   don’t want to seize their primordial infant,

   Use magic tricks, fight them,

   These two Yuanying Flower Gods are absolutely unstoppable

  Looking at these two Yuanying Flower Gods,

   rushed out of the valley,

   Achi and A Chong, they are about to rush out to catch up.

   They are pure golden flying swords, rules and magic weapons,

   Kill the four-diamond flower god, just like cutting a melon!

  "Don’t chase,

   can’t let these demons discover the cold spring water in the deepest part of the cold pool"

  Fatty said

   It seems that fat people also know,

   The baby who can make people enter the state of perception,

   is definitely a scrambled baby

   The two demons, the soul infant flower god, launched the valley,

  "The monster rushed into the shield,

  The power of my shield can only be played by one third"

   A tall Yuanying flower **** said

   "Me too, the four-diamond flower **** met this monster"

   This Yuan Ying Flower God shook his head straight

   "Otherwise, call the War Sword"

   The tall Yuanying Flower God said

   "Let's call Zhanhan Dao, that Yucaoguan, isn't there no Yuanying Flower God sitting here?"

   The Yuan Ying Flower God beside said

  "The spiritual energy of the mountains in a radius of more than three thousand miles, all gathered here

   The treasures in this place are definitely much better than Yucaoguan! "

   This hungry tall Yuan Ying Flower God is a little angry


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