Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2350: Blood Fiend War

  He stretched out his hand!

   More than a dozen demon repairs, run fast, sword light flying by!


   a stream of water rises,

  This current, combined into countless mysterious ropes,

   One roll!

   More than a dozen demon cultivating methods of body protection, touch the water,

   There are countless thunder-like vibrations!

   These more than a dozen demon cultivation degrees are just one slow!

  The director of the refining hall, took out a magic weapon,

   Cylindrical shape with hundreds of circular holes on it. ≮Read novels on the novel website















   The director of the refining hall,

   holding this cylinder,

   urged these more than a dozen demons,

   "Brush, brush, brush."

   Thousands of sword spirits,

   shoots out from the round hole.

   Every sword aura shines extremely! Among them, it seems to have mysterious lines,

  In an instant,

   More than a dozen demon repairs, a reminder of sword art!

   Sword light, sword light, slash out fiercely!

  In the midst of fierce fierceness, yet it is like moving clouds and flowing water,

   As if the sky has changed color!

   There was a thunderous explosion!

   Several demon repairs,

   has been bleeding all over!

   in the sect,

   How can there be such a good attack,

   is absolutely banned!

   a tall red robe Yuan Ying flower god,

   reached out and pointed,

   Thousands of swords light madly out!

   Thousands of swords light, divided and combined, more than ten blood evil cultivators,

   form a mysterious formation,

   Thousands of swords shot!

   I heard countless thunderous earthquakes!

   Ten thousand swords of light,

   just stayed for a few moments,


   More than a dozen blood evil cultivators.

   has disappeared!

   There are thousands of swords light. Charged towards another group of blood evil cultivators.

   A blue light flashed. As if flying from thousands of miles away.

   The tens of thousands of sword lights were all caught in the blue sword light.

   Ten thousand swords of light,

   In an instant, tens of thousands of aggregations,


  The thunder and fire rushed hundreds of feet!

   Thousands of sword lights gathered together, it has turned into a bright red sword light,

   held in the hands of the Yuan Ying Flower God in a big red robe!

   Green light closed. Around a monk in Tsing Yi, spin!

   The monk spoke to the red robe monk.

  "Blood Blade King, your Beast Sovereign Mountain, dare to attack the resident of our Blood Fiend Sect,

   Do you think our blood evil faction is made of mud? "

   This red-robed monk is the original flower **** of the blood evil sect, the blood knife king,

   This monk in Tsing Yi is the original flower **** of the Blood Fiend Sect.

   "Shangwen, you blood evil faction. Let this sect out,

  You people. You can exit the whole body! "

   The blood knife king looks arrogant!

   "Arrogant! That piece of iron outside the sky, you beasts respect the mountain, and you have no ability,

   Refining is a magic weapon, what is the ability to drive away our blood evil faction? "

   The Yuan Ying Flower God of the Blood Fiend Sect,

   Shangwen said.


   screams came over,

   sword light flew, Dao Fa slammed, blood splashed!

   The monks on both sides kept falling down!

   But, Brother Yuanying, was unmoved.

   "The sect of the Blood Fiend Sect, our Beast Zun Mountain, this time, we must win it!"

   Hongpao Yuanying Flower God Blood Sword King said.

   "You guys are for the inheritance of the demon cultivation"

   Shangwen said.

"how do you know?"

   The Blood Knife King was surprised.

   "We have been here for so many years,

   Can't even show a ban?

   However, that restriction, we cannot enter. "

   Shangwen said,

   The Blood Fiend Sect is now a heritage in the prohibition.

   The monk of the Blood Fiend Sect, after hundreds of years,

   can't get that inheritance either.

   The Blood Fiend Sect has also accepted the demon disciples,


   can't get that inheritance.

   The blood knife king heard,

   is definitely that heritage,

   There is no part of Beast Zun Mountain,

   Others can never enter the inheritance.

   "Do you know that heritage? It couldn't be better!

   let us enter the heritage,

   You blood evil faction sect, we are not rare. "

   said the blood knife king.

   "Dreaming, you quickly quit the **** sect station!

   This heritage, we can talk about it! "

   Shangwen said.

   Countless water waves rushed up to tens of feet, and vines entangled for tens of feet.

  Brake is prohibited,

   Dozens of demon repairs, wearing heavy armor,

   Sword Jue fully urged,

  Water waves, countless vines smashed into pieces!

   A monk was entangled by water waves and vines,

  He has released a lot of mountains.


   Water waves fluctuate again and again,

  The vines are as hard as flying swords,

   a twist!

   a lot of mountains,


   Obviously, the power of the forbidden law has already passed the Dao law on this armor.

   "Boss of the Nine Generals, don't worry about eating! Come and help me!"

   The monk already yelled.

   These armors were given by the nine generals.


   The whole team can know.

   More than a dozen miles away, a monk of the Blood Fiend Sect suddenly exploded!

   a big bird three feet high,

   a mouthful,

   I have swallowed all the fragments of this monk!

   seems to be listening to something.

   his figure shook,

   has turned into a sword light,

   In an instant, I have already leaped more than ten miles away,

   Thousands of sword lights,

   towards a vine, the wave blew!

   Big waves, the vines have been broken!

   These dozens of monks have already rushed out.

   "A bunch of waste, even a ban can't be broken!"

   This three-foot-tall bird,

   yelled at these dozens of monks!

   "Nine generals, your defense, the King of Blood Knife cannot be broken,

   You can kill all the way, but we can't. "

   said a demon monk.

   "The treasure house, the medicinal material storehouse, none of my share!

   I won’t kill some monks and eat it,

   stand here dry! "

   said the three-foot-tall bird.

   "Nine generals, I know, this blood evil faction, where some heavenly creatures are raised,

  Well, let's go to those heavenly creatures. "

   A thin monk stood up.

   "How do you know where the Blood Fiend Sect is raising those heavenly creatures?"

   said the three-foot-tall bird.

  "When I was not transformed, I liked to eat all kinds of heavenly artifacts,

   This place where the blood evil faction breeds heavenly creatures,

   I have been here before. "

   said the skinny demon.


   A Chou said.

  Don't think that prohibition is omnipotent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this world, there are so many talents and strange powers.

   The big red bird takes the lead,

   Dozens of monks, stepped into a mysterious formation, followed closely,

   rushed in one direction.

   sword light and thunder fire everywhere,

   Yuan Ying Flower God, Four Diamond Flower God,

   just dared to fly in the air!

   To them this kind of cultivation,


   Even if you put up a battle,

   was also bombed as scum!

   More than a dozen cultivators from the Blood Fiend Sect rushed over.

   These dozens of demons rushed up,

   In an instant, countless swords light!

   Thunder and fire, sword light, shoots a hundred feet!

   a few moments,

   These more than a dozen monks of the Blood Fiend Sect,

   has been halfway there!

   These dozens of monks, but some people have more sword marks on their armor!

   "These magic weapons are good!"

   The blood evil cultivator was shocked!

   Get back quickly!

   A Chou did not make a move,

   Among these monks, there is only one golden core, and the rest are all in the foundation period.

   None of these opponents can solve it,

  Mountain Flower Plane, over a hundred sets of armor, I took it for nothing!

   In the distance, a blue light, a red flame-like brilliance touched!

   Countless sparks burst,

   rushed forever!

   Shangwenhe Blood Knife King,

   has urged Dao Fa,


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