Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2358: Quanquan

"Rule runes and magic weapons are overflowing"

   Member Qian said,


   Let the waiter quit!

   Under the Yuan Ying Flower God, the basic méiyǒu ability to refine pure gold

   Pure gold is so tight,

Needless to say,

  Everyone is zhīdào,

   can use pure gold,


  Óngyì refines regular runes

   Commissioner Qian stepped onto the teleportation array

   the behemoth plane,

   The lively crowd gushes out

   stepped out of the teleportation formation,

   In the square before the teleportation array,

   a shout

   "Form a team, collect medicinal materials, and ask the monks in the foundation period!"

  " Form a team, enter the monster beast area, and ask for the top of the foundation stage monks,

   has more than three magic weapons"

   Various monks shouted

   "To form a team, it is okay to request a monk of the earth system or a powerful defensive magic weapon"

   "Form a team and ask for monks who are highly accomplished in prohibition!"

  " Team up, a mountain with ample spirit,

   Looking for a plant monk with high planting skills! "

   the monk shouted

   thirty years ago,

   There was a big battle between the blood evil faction sect,

   the behemoth plane,

   The restrictions on foreign monks are relaxed a lot

   Don’t talk about collecting medicinal materials,

   even to the behemoth plane,

   There are many monks who grow medicinal materials

   Generally speaking,

  The medicinal materials used by monks in the Qi training period,

  Úguǒ is full of aura,

   can use plant spells to quickly grow

  The monks in the Qi training period, the monks in the foundation period énggòu and the elixir made from such medicinal materials ǐjīng is very good

   Member Qian’s body flashed

   surrounded by red lotus flowers,

   flee towards the distance

   is just the level of the golden core monk!

   together with Commissioner Qian, urged the golden core monk who escaped,

   there are several!

   spent a day shíān,

   Commissioner Qian flew more than 10,000 miles

   appeared out of town,

   more than ten miles around

   high on the wall, carved this defensive rune

   The Qian Qian committee walked into the door,

  The guard stepped forward: "Show the voucher, otherwise pay a low-grade fairy stone"

   The Qian Qian committee walked into a shop,

   This shop is considered a relatively large shop in the whole town

   It says on the store door,

   purchase various medicinal materials, refining materials,

   Sell the best equipment!

   The whole shop is crowded with people, which is quite lively

   The Qian Qian committee walked into the shop,

   Buddy is selling magic weapons to several monks

  I'm having a good time talking

   This guy also has a foundation period

   The Qian Qian committee handed out a jade medal

   show that guy

   That guy, cracked and looked serious: "Please inside"

  The money committee member enters the shop,

   A monk is looking at some herbs,

   These medicinal materials are relatively rare

   The Qian Qian committee walked into the shop,

   The monk was surprised,

   Dao Fa,

   surrounded by dozens of stars,

  Fǎngfó has the infinite power of the mysterious river!

   Among the monks who bought magic weapons outside,

   A monk was shocked: "The shopkeeper is the Golden Core monk!"

  A few of them are all monks in the foundation period

   "Of course! The equipment shop opened by others, the shopkeeper is not a golden core, it is shocking"

   Inside the shop,

   The gold core monk of the shopkeeper,

  Yǐjīng kneel down towards the person coming!

   "See the head!"

   This person waved his hand,

   "Get up and talk!"

   The shopkeeper stood up and folded his hand: "The legend of the giant beast on the plane of the giant beast exists in the heritage of the beast.

   It took us a lot of energy to find out,

   Millions of years ago, once another giant beast fought in this face, and, in this giant beast plane, a shíā

  The specific deeds of these behemoths, but they can’t be studied."

   The golden core monk said

   "Then there is méiyǒu to find the inheritance of these giant beasts"

   Member Qian said,

   "I heard that Beast Zun Mountain, the **** evil sect, has the heritage of this giant beast,

  Other dìfāng, never heard of the inheritance of this giant beast"

   The golden core monk said,

   took another piece of jade slip and gave it to him.

   This is the demonic heritage, spells, and runes we have collected.

   Qian Qian took the jade slip and looked at it, nodded: "Yes."

   These spells and runes all drive this kind of Taoism, mana

   For Brother Jin Dan,

   just use it

  For Committee Member Qian,

   can make him better understand the inheritance of the monster in the secret realm,

   take this as the base ship

   For the ancient runes on those giants,

   Have a better understanding and understanding!

   The cultivation base is high,

   ordinary spells, runes,

   is even more useful!

   The Qian Qian committee walked out of town,

   fly hundreds of miles!

   Open the communication circle,

   This kind of town is located in the middle of the originally controlled area of ​​the monster race and the human race,

   However, there are adventurers built

   Regardless of the monsters and human monks,

   can come in to buy equipment, sell medicinal materials and refining materials

   Every year, turn in a certain amount of fairy stones to the blood evil faction,

   The blood evil faction is also happy

   after a long time shíān,

   A fiery red light appeared in the sky, in an instant,

  Yǐjīng fell towards Committee Member Qian!

  Speed, yǐjīng is similar to ordinary Yuanying Flower God

   is indeed a red bird that stands tall

   a bird tall,

   in the plane of giants,

   is the most common bird

   "Boss, let's go to the station of the blood evil faction"

   The bird said

   But Ah Chou has become smaller!

   Committee Member Qian took a look at A Chou’s cultivation

   "A Ugly, thirty years shíān, you will nénggòu reach the four-diamond flower **** mid-term is not bad."

   Member Qian said

   The ancient characters seen in the monster station of the Blood Fiend Sect

   has a great effect on Ah Chou

   From the peak of the three-diamond flower **** to the middle of the four-diamond flower god,

   Among humans, it belongs to the category of genius

  Chairman Qian and A Chou flew towards the sect of the Blood Fiend Sect

  "The boss, and many demon masters from outside planes, all want to enter the blood evil sect and the beast mountain.

   for the inheritance"

   A Chou said

   "Then, how do you treat those monks"

   Member Qian said

   "There is ancient prohibition on Beast Zun Mountain, there is nàme to enter?"

   A Chou said

   "Your magic weapon, can you beat those many foot monsters?

  Those inheritances are guarded by monks who are more powerful than multi-legged monsters."

   Ah Chou asked

   "Absolutely possible"

   Member Qian said,

  The rune after the fusion of the same rule rune is refined from the magic weapon

   Sword Art is reminded,

   The power of the rune after the fusion of the same series of regular runes will enlarge the magic circle of the entire magic weapon.

   Power is not multiplied nàme simple!

  Of course, this magic weapon is for A Chou

   "A Chou, take your flying sword out of the flying sword I gave you, and strengthen it with the regular runes after fusion of the same system of regular runes!"

   Member Qian said

   came out of the portal of Zhengtian Cave,

   The Qian Qian committee spent ten years practicing,

  Using pure gold, it took twenty years to refine the rule runes after the fusion of the same rules.

  Of course, several regular runes of the same system were refined for A Chou, and the regular runes after fusion

   These rule runes after the fusion of the same system rules,

   refining into the flying sword,

   It takes a certain amount of shíā to make the flying sword reach its maximum power

   The magic weapons of the Qian Qian committee have increased in power,

   A Chou use, but also skillful

   One month later,

   Qian Qian, He Ahou walked out of a valley,

   flew towards the sect of the blood evil faction

   a cliff,

   is not far from a shield!

   In this shield, countless sword qi, thunder and fire flies

   An apricot brilliance touched this shield!

  Countless sword qi and thunder fire,

  Yǐjīng is swallowed by this apricot brilliance

   apricot brilliance rushed through this shield,

  Yǐjīng escape into a boulder

   A prohibition appeared,

   apricot brilliance, a ripple is released,

   This prohibition, a pause

   apricot brilliance, rushing past like clouds

   Along the way, apricot brilliance, rushed through hundreds of prohibitions,

   came to a big formation

   observe the operation of this big formation

   After a few days,

   This apricot brilliance rushed, yǐjīng rushed into the big formation,

  Countless sword qi charged,

   This apricot brilliance hits a rune of extreme mystery,

   These countless sword auras,

  Yǐjīng exploded suddenly!

   There are countless flames rushing over again,

   This apricot brilliance has another mysterious wave,

   This mysterious fluctuation is hotter and more profound,

   immediately, the flames parted

   The apricot brilliance rushed over

  In the distance, a monk stood up suddenly,

   is a golden core monk!

  The flame turns into countless flame vortexes,

   twists towards this apricot brilliance!

   Apricot Guanghua suddenly turned into a flying sword, slashed!

   A wave, in an instant, yǐjīng formed a sword!

  In an instant,

  Yǐjīng passed through the flame vortex,

  Yǐjīng blasted to the golden core monk

   The Jindan brother was shocked,

   A shield is reminded!

   Touch the blade!


   This shield, together with this golden core monk, exploded at the same time!

  "The Jindan monk with the blood evil faction hosted"

   Member Qian said

  In an instant,

   apricot color brilliance, yǐjīng urged to send to haste! .

   Chizu banana out!

   The Dao Fa inspired by this battle, together with the golden core monks,

   was shattered by the apricot color, and gave out a broken banana!

Needless to say,

   Yuanying Flower God!

  The Golden Core monk of the Blood Fiend Sect,

  The magic trick is stagnant!

   Inside this cave is the inheritance of the demons,

   is not the inheritance of the Blood Fiend Sect,

   all these years,

   The monk who entered this demon clan inheritance has never seen meiyǒu

   Thousands of apricot brilliance cut!

  Yǐjīng rushed out of the big array and rushed into the cave

   After a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ before the transformed plane

   Qian Qian and A Chou,

   charged towards that plane,

   The vast sky, yǐjīng appeared in front of my eyes!

   A Chou,

   rushed down quickly,

   into a jungle

   Committee Member Qian and yīyàng last time,

   entered A Chou's flying sword!

   "hǎàng is not far from the last dìfāng I entered"

   A Chou said

   "Look at that spring, and ask, the other words are in shímedìfā"

   Member Qian said

   A Chou in the jungle, swiftly moving

   after a long time,

  Yǐjīng under the cliff



  Án appeared

   "A Chou, you are here again, the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying Flower God is not reached,

   When you come here, you are beaten! "


   "Quanquan, your cultivation level has improved a lot"

   A Chou said

   "Of course, I have an extra inheritance stone"

   Quanquan said,

   "Boss, this inheritance stone, sure enough, nénggòu increased cultivation level"

   A Chou said

   "I can't shoot, you have integrated the rules, and then grab these inheritance stones"

   Member Qian said

   A Chou said to Quanquan: "Quanquan, why don't we take a shot together and grab a piece of inheritance stone for you?" (to be continued

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