Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2371: Fleet Charge

"Fort Cannon, bombard that nebula formation!"

In the hall of Zhanhuoguan, that is the Four Diamond Flower God, roaring wildly.

Beat the Jindan team down,

After the war, the battle was closed again.

On the wall of Zhanhuoguan,

Several thunder fires rushed up, and each thunder fire was hundreds of feet thick.

In the thunder and fire,

There are countless runes hanging upright m

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Several hundreds of feet thick thunder and fire traversed mysterious tracks in the air,

With a dash, towards the nebula formation, the formation surrounded by the river blasted over!

Fortress cannons, of course, are guided by spiritual thinking.

The whole sky,

In an instant, they all turned red!

Above the nebula formation,

Several whirlpools appeared, and in this whirlpool, fǎngfó was like countless stars!

A nebula vortex blasted past a hundred feet thick thunder!

In the sky, countless thunder and fire, stars burst out!

The entire nebula formation shook for a while!

Don’t need money, the committee member said,

Golden core monks, yǐjīng put hundreds of tactics,

Into the battlefield,

The three nebula vortexes rushed out of the nebula formation,

Showing a triangle,

Spinning in the air,

The thunder fire rushed into the nebula and was strangled by the nebula!

yǐjīng turned into countless sparks and burst out!

The three nebula vortexes travel freely in the thunder and fire,

In an instant, through dozens of miles of distance,

yǐjīng River fortress cannons are on the city wall!


Countless stars burst out, rushing straight!

There was a hole in the city wall yǐjīng!

One attack, kill a fortress cannon!

Gullit’s position. A hundred feet thick artillery fire. Shattered by countless waves.

but. Another one hundred feet thick artillery fire.

yǐjīng fought against Gulite’s position,

There is another big wave!

"Look at the power of other people's formation, and look at the power of our formation,

I can't compare it to "

In the river formation,

A Jindan monk sighed.

"Master Coulet, yǐjīngméiyǒu is a flower **** with three diamonds and a flower **** with four diamonds."

A Jindan monk stepped forward and reported to Gullit.

The floating spaceship in the Warfire Pass. yǐjīng reached hundreds!

These are all three-diamond flower gods, four-diamond flower gods, urging the Taoist method, let the flying fleet become smaller, and bring the flying flying ship into the war!

The monks on the southern tide plane who rushed into the Warfire Pass,

yǐjīng another 15,000 people!

The shouts blasted into the sky,

There are many monks who urge to send magic weapons,

Rush towards the formation node on the wall of Zhanhuoguan!

The flames of war. The countless thunder and fire on the wall weakened a lot!

There are more than one hundred airships. In the sky over the Zhanhuoguan,

Fight fiercely with the floating spacecraft in the war!

"There are still more than one hundred airships, but the three-diamond flower **** and the four-diamond flower **** are carrying them."

Gullit considered.

"Let the fleet of more than one hundred floating flying fleets, take the monks, and rush into the fire!"

These more than one hundred airships rushed into the flames of war,

The number of soldiers on the southern tide plane in the Warfire Pass can be increased to 30,000.

Thirty thousand base-building monks rushed into the war, and yǐjīng could form a stable stronghold.

Within the nebula formation,

Guanghua swayed like waves.

"I found out that all the dìfāng of immortal stones stored in the battle fire gate formation are all fire attribute immortal stones."

Wanli Knife.

"Using space conversion, bring those fire attribute fairy stones."

Member Qian said.

The fire-attribute celestial stone of the demon world has the least breath of the abyss,

After the magic circle sacrifice and transformation,

yīyàng can be like ordinary fire stone,

Used by ordinary monks.

Above the nebula formation,

A circle of starlight ripples suddenly spread,

In an instant,

yǐjīng passed through the space,

In a room like an altar carved with this complicated pattern,

Flaming red brilliance,

The celestial stones of fire attribute are piled up,

The stars flashed,

yǐjīng Take away this fire attribute fairy stone!

"There are nine million fire-type immortal stones, half of them are top grade, and half are middle-grade immortal stones.

You say,

There is no shortage of immortal stones in the Devil, why are you so interested in the site here? "

Said the soaring sword.

The soaring sword got the magic weapon of the rule,

Although the rules are relatively simple,

However, after decades, the soaring sword yǐjīng has been promoted to a diamond flower god.

Brother Jindan,

Once you advance to the one-diamond flower **** and the four-diamond flower god, there is hope.

"A lot of monks have deduced it. They heard from the monks who came back from the devil world, kěnéng, for the sake of this face.

They absorb the spiritual energy of this face, which is more helpful for their cultivation and promotion.

A monk in the devil world, the advanced Nascent Soul Flower God, has a much lower probability than our human beings. "

Said the red wolf.

They talked to each other.

More than a hundred airships rushed toward this gap in the war!

But more than a hundred miles away,

There are a few airships that were hit by fortress guns and exploded!

The monks inside, some magic weapons for body protection are burning!

Rushing to the ground, the magic trick is urged,

The flame on the magic weapon goes out,

Most of the magic weapon is damaged!

But saved his life!

More than a hundred airships,

Fire at the same time!

fǎngfó There are countless thunders, swirling in the sky!

The flames of war closed, and thunder flames rose.

One by one, depressions, big pits, appeared in the war.

A section of the city wall collapsed and exploded!

A hundred feet thick thunder fire swept away!

One hoverboard meal,

Throughout the battleship, countless sparks shined.


It exploded suddenly!

Ordinary four-diamond flower **** level airship can not resist a bombardment of fortress guns!

Another thunder fire with a thickness of more than 100 feet exploded above the monks fighting in the flame of war!

In one hundredth of an instant,

The thunder fire spread out for several miles,

More than a thousand monks on the plane of the Southern Tide were missing,

Although they all tried their best to urge the magic weapon,

There are only a few golden core monks,

The protection magic weapon is destroyed,

The body armor was torn and rushed out of the thunder fire of the fortress cannon!

"Use the strongest mine to destroy the fortress cannon!"

Gullit roared wildly.

A formation surrounded by rivers,

fǎngfó has countless waves rushing up,

In an instant,

These countless waves converge into several water **** several feet wide,

There are countless runes in these water **** of several feet wide ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

These water **** spin in the air,

The water polo changes, jumps,

The end looks good.

A hundred feet thick thunder fire blasted over!

A water polo touched the thunder fire that was more than one hundred feet thick!

Amidst the loud noise,


More than a hundred feet thick thunder fire, a meal in the air!

Countless thunder and fire burst out!

More than a hundred feet of thunder and fire, still more than thirty feet thick,

However, the other water balls,

yǐjīng blasted onto a wall!

"Boom, boom, boom"

Aqua flames skyrocket!

Above the city wall, a huge gap appeared!

This fortress cannon cannot be used,

The city wall still stands!


There was another thunder-like loud noise!

Another hovercraft suddenly exploded!

Several Jindan monks, Taoism is fully open,

Escape from the airship! (To be continued.)

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