Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2400: Soaring god


As the big guy said, he couldn't get up.

Reaching out a flick, a talisman is issued, and after a while,

Several monks entered this hall.

When I saw this big guy, I was shocked.

Dahan said the situation again,

"You have the swamp bonus, how many times the power of Dao Fa can't catch that monk's move?"

Several monks were taken aback by everyone.

This big man is already a cultivator of the same system,

The power of Taoism is already very powerful.

There is also a bog's Dao Fa power bonus,

The ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator is not an opponent at all

Every year, there are more than a thousand monks who come to ask for saliva. There are really not many such masters.

"Boss, this----is your power?"

A Chou stood with his mouth wide open

That apricot brilliance, suddenly apricot, with fiery red.

Suddenly, there was apricot yellow in the apricot color.

Suddenly, the apricot was tinged with blue

As if the apricot brilliance, biased towards different colors,

It's like three colors are spinning

One blow out,

The Nascent Soul Flower God, whose rules are fused in the same system, has the power of Taoism increased several times by this swamp, and it is bombed out like garbage

This is completely the gap between the Golden Core monk and the Yuan Ying Flower God.

"A Chou, tell them, I'm using Fabaohe for them, and don't take them for nothing, let them come out"

Commissioner Qian said,

Reached out and pointed, another sword aura shot out,

In the sword aura, fiery red, apricot yellow, and cyan brilliance flow,

It shone on the whole sky, the whole sky, it flickered. Flash


Shocked for hundreds of miles

There is a huge ripple on the shield that is more than a foot thick, spreading to the surrounding

"Friends of Shenglongdong, we are willing to exchange saliva with you with that magic weapon,

Not coming out is not the way of hospitality-----"

A Chou said.

It seems that A Chou, the general of the Beast Zunshan, is not in vain, and he is very fluent in his words.

After a while,


Three more monks rushed out of the grass.

one look.

Three monks, one Yuanying Flower God, the others, four Diamond Flower God.

"They only have three Yuanying Flower Gods in Shenglong Cave."

Commissioner Qian took a look, this Yuan Ying flower god. It is also a level that integrates the rules of the same department.

The saliva of their loach can reconcile yin and yang mana and increase divine consciousness.

His own spirit is definitely good.

It is not difficult for them to integrate the same rules.

This Yuanying Flower God. Looking at Commissioner Qian, he looked nervous.

Commissioner Qian banged at the shield.

He immediately realized that he was not an opponent.

Between the Yuanying Flower Gods, once the cultivation base gap reaches the fusion rule,

Unless there is a guardian baby,

Otherwise, no need to hit

A monk who really understands the rules. It's all clear.

He bowed his hand to Commissioner Qian: "Your Excellency, if you have something to say,

There are many people who come to ask for saliva, and we cannot meet the requirements.

Your Excellency, please take out the baby, how much saliva can be exchanged, I will support as much as possible. "

Said the Yuan Ying monk.

The four-diamond flower **** next to him is standing by his hands. I dare not say a word.

Commissioner Qian looked at the Yuanying Flower God,

Yuan Ying Flower God has come out, of course, we must bring out a better baby.

Commissioner Qian took out a shield.

The Yuanying Flower God took a look at the shield: "Seven Thousand Miles Array."


Commissioner Qian brought out a few magic weapons.

This Yuan Ying Flower God took a look at the magic weapon.

"It can be used by those three-diamond flower gods and four-diamond flower gods."

"This way. More than a thousand monks come to us for saliva every year,

There are many magic weapons of all kinds. How about these magic weapons, I will give you 390 catties of saliva. "

Said the Yuanying Flower God.

The world of Taoism within the magic weapon exceeds ten thousand miles, and that power is great.

There are not many monks who are willing to take out

Commissioner Qian took a look,

These saliva will be distributed to A Chou, and the rest will be practiced into a pill, which will be enough to eat for 60 years.

Once the water system rules, plant system rules, and soil system rules are integrated,

The saliva of this loach, calculated to become a pill,

The effect is not as great as before

Commissioner Qian took his saliva and left the swamp.

Take out one third of the saliva and give it to A Chou.

"Boss, only one third--"

A Chou said.

"Stop wordy, you can get this saliva at any time on this behemoth plane, I use this saliva to help."

Member Qian said.

"This saliva is not easy to handle, this swamp is almost the same as some places in the inheritance secret realm.

As soon as Dao Fa came out, its power increased several times, and even our Beast Zun Mountain was not so capable. "

A Chou said.

In the secret realm of inheritance, he has traversed for hundreds of years, and has traversed many places.

This swamp is really mysterious.

What makes A Chou even more jealous is that Beast Zun Mountain does not have this power.

"Oh, that's it, Ah Chou, we have time to take a look at this swamp."

Commissioner Qian became interested when he heard it.

"Well, with my current ability, this swamp can be seen."

A Chou said.

Commissioner Qian turned and left,

Within the shield, Commissioner Qian didn't dare to break through.

If the Taoism issued by everyone can be increased several times,

Once inside the shield,

Against the attack from Commissioner Qian,

Power will reach an unbelievable limit

Commissioner Qian is just a **** of flowers, not a god

Commissioner Qian returned to the plane of Shanhua.

I just sat down for a while.

Quinn walked in quickly with a complicated expression.

"Old Qian, Jia Yu has already cultivated the Nascent Soul, and has passed the Nascent Soul Tribulation. However, he set up a mountain gate on a plane close to the Demon Realm. A dozen golden core monks were originally Jiayu's disciples. This time, I also asked to go to that mountain gate."

Sure enough, it is a high-level heritage,

Successfully survived the Yuanying catastrophe.

It seems that for Baoquanshan and his party, Jiayu is the one who has made the most profit, not his Qian Qian committee.

"What did he say about the mountain gate set up?"

Member Qian said.

"He said the division of the mountain flower plane, let me talk to you."

Quinn said.

Commissioner Qian waved his hand: "This Jiayu. He wants to set up a branch, tell me, can I agree?

Those disciples of Jiayu, let them pass. "

Member Qian said.

The Dao Fa practiced by Jiayu's disciples and Zhou Tian Xingguang are not the same system.

The way they practiced. Just need to kill and blood

Quinn walked out of the hall.

Divide? I didn't say anything to myself.

Even the poolside is not as good as the poolside, at least promised to serve the martial arts for a thousand years.

Turtle, together with himself, are all from the earth, and they invested in the Maoshan School back then.

Now, Yuan Ying is 10%. Immediately opened the gate by himself.


Commissioner Qian leaned back and didn't know what to say.

With the strength of the mountain flower plane, without the ability, he stretched his hand to the demon world and let him go.

Commissioner Qian thought.

Commissioner Qian began to refine the pill to increase spiritual consciousness and the pill to harmonize mana.

This alchemy has been practiced for several years.

Commissioner Qian returned to Fanshuang again,

The mountain flower plane is stationed in the golden core monk on the vanity plane. Most of it has been changed.

Commissioner Qian also didn't speak,

I went directly into the practice room and began to comprehend.

The mountains, water waves, and plants all seem to be unchanged,

It seems to change all the time.

The pill to increase spiritual consciousness brought by Commissioner Qian has been exhausted.

A pill that harmonizes Yin and Yang mana. There are still some.

Comprehend the integration of water system rules, plant rules, and soil system rules,

Rules and rules conflict. Not very serious.

There is no need to take too much of the pill that harmonizes Yin and Yang mana.

The fire element, the fire element rules and all other elements, rules, and conflicts are more serious

Comprehend the fusion of other esoterics of the Fire Element Xuan'ao River, and the fusion of other rules of the Fire Element's Rule River,

There are many medicines needed to reconcile Yin and Yang mana


Commissioner Qian knows that sixty years have passed.

The medicinal materials planted on the plane of mountain flower to increase spiritual consciousness have not been enough years old

It has little effect on myself

Commissioner Qian sat cross-legged, as if he had no joy or sadness.

Ten years later,

In the Great Commissioner Qian's Palace,

Plants grow underwater,

The mountains stand on the water.

Looks very weird

Finally made some progress

Commissioner Qian said in his heart.

For a while,

Those Taoist books that Commissioner Qian has read,

All the obscure, mysterious words,

Appearing in the sacred mansion of Commissioner Qian,

It seemed to be a moment, and it seemed to be a long time.

Commissioner Qian suddenly understood many obscure and mysterious words.

The mountain flower plane has collected so many jade slips,

Kun Mihui gave so many jade slips,

The sect of the Blood Fiend Sect, Commissioner Qian took so many books,

There are too many parts that I can't understand.

As soon as this strange scenery appeared,

That cultivating astringency, profound art, words,

Commissioner Qian understood a lot


The mountains stand on the plants,

The waves surge on the top of the mountains

It is completely different from normal nature.

The fusion of multiple mysterious rules is not just an increase in fluctuations.

The understanding of Taoism and the profound,

It is also a very important aspect.

I don't know how long it has been,

That astringent, profound text,

Commissioner Qian’s understanding of them has been unable to improve.

Suddenly, the body of Commissioner Qian appeared in the palace.

Commissioner Qian’s body spoke: “I said, fountains gush out in the mountains, and plants grow in the mountains.”

Immediately, a fountain gushed out of the mountain, and plants grew~www.wuxiaspot.com~The main committee member Qian said again: "I said, a mountain grows from the fountain."


A mountain growing out of a fountain

The main committee member Qian said again: "I said, water grows from plants."


The fountain surges from the plants,

In an instant, stormed into the sky


Like the sea

The mysterious rules of the water system, the mysterious rules of the plant system, and the rules of the earth system are successfully integrated.

No wonder, monks in the transformation stage are called gods

The mysterious rules of the water system, the mysterious rules of the plant system, and the rules of the earth system are successfully integrated, and the Taoism used,

In the eyes of mortals,

It's already a miracle

In the gorge, the monks on other seats,

I just feel that a skyrocketing frenzy,

Surged from the Qian committee,

In an instant, Commissioner Qian's figure seemed to be extremely tall, like a god

The prohibition placed around,

Flashes frantically immediately

The other Nascent Soul Flower Gods were shocked and immediately ended their cultivation and looked at Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian gave a shock

Everyone knows that it is no longer the opponent of Qian Qian.

Each face, the expression is simply extremely complicated,

Can't believe it, jealous.

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