Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2403: Naval gun assembly


Commissioner Qian returned to the hall,

Go nowhere,

Sitting and drinking tea leisurely.

A figure in a white robe walked in,

For an instant, he thought that there was a scene in this hall.

The figure, the hall, seemed so natural.

The white robe figure stood still, and a sense of loss emerged.

He thought that the gap between the Advanced Yuan Ying Flower God and the Qian Da Committee had narrowed.

At first glance, the Advanced Yuanying Flower God discovered that the gap with the Qian Yuan committee is so big!

"Jiayu, sit down, long time no see, what are some good things to gain in the demon world----"

The figure spoke.

Sure enough, he asked the harvest with one mouth, and it didn't change at all.

Jia Yu said.

"Old money, I have gained something, can I compare to you?

Look at your fluctuations, I can't stop you a few tricks! "

Jiayu sat down, picked up the tea, and took a big sip.

I really feel the fluctuation of the rules, and when I let it go to the Qian, I only feel the vastness!

"Some refining materials, not bad."

Jiayu waved,

A lot of refining materials appeared.

Commissioner Qian looked at it and it was really good.

With the current level of the Qian’s refining committee,

Can say good,

For ordinary monks,

These materials are all superb!

Commissioner Qian nodded to the waiter.

The waiter walked over and put away the refining materials.

"Old money, I have not returned to the mountain flower plane for many years. Those monks in the foundation-building period are really courageous.

The essence of blood and fruit, the monk must be forced to infuse the essence, energy and spirit into the essence of the blood fruit tree, which is a good commodity in the Demon Realm.

Or else, someone transferred an army of 300,000 to surround it? "

Jia Yu said.

He has fought in the devil for many years,

Naturally, I know more about these treasures than Committee Member Qian.

"Are you also interested in these essences?"

Member Qian said.

"These essences, blood, and fruits are also useful to us. Of course, if 190,000 years later, you still can't advance to the cultivator of the gods."

Jia Yu said.

"You have such a high inheritance, still not sure of the advanced flower **** stage monk?"

Member Qian said.

"How could it be so easy to live through the God-Transforming Period?"

Jia Yu said.

That said, in Jiayu's hands, has the sentiment of a monk at the transformation stage?

Do you want to take it over and see.

Commissioner Qian thought.

Suddenly, he smiled.

If you can’t achieve the ten-system mystery fusion,

Even if the sentiment of the realm of transforming gods is taken to see, it is no use!

If you can achieve the ten-line esoteric fusion, according to the statement of Li Yao.

dont see,

It can also impact the realm of God.

Look and don't look, it's the same.

The insight that could not be sought before,

Become dispensable.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

A graphic appears,

The battlefield forms of the Qiongwen plane appeared one by one.

"We have arrived at Qiongwen Pass, so it needs to be -----"

Jiayu nodded: "Okay, then I will go to Qiongwenguan first."

"Bring the materials for refining the main gun."

Member Qian said.


The waiter nodded.

After a while,

Bring the storage bag.

Commissioner Qian picked up the storage bag, but did not immediately start refining.

As soon as the divine mind was released, he began to feel the star battle of Zhou Tian.

Sure enough, several places in the Zhoutian Array,

It seems to be in the starry sky, a deeper distance!

Needless to say, the emergence of more star power.

Many of the mysteries in Xingli didn't even recognize Committee Member Qian.

.Sure enough, as the pond said.

Zhou Tian's star formation, once connected to the starry sky,

The mystery is growing!

It is indeed a pity to use it as a crossover.

Throughout the ages, among the most mysterious big formations, there is the Zhou Tianxing star formation!

Refining some more powerful main guns of the Yuanying Flower God, the star power is definitely enough!

Member Qian said.

Another few months passed.

Jiayu went to the Qiongwen plane,

It's absolutely okay to last these few months.

The plane of Qiongwen,

The monks walked out of the teleportation array,

One by one stood on the square in front of the teleportation array and started talking.

Dao Fa, Sword Jue fully urged!

On the Qiongwen plane, Human Race only has one third of its territory.

"Have you heard that the 300,000 demon army is still facing the great formation of the mountain flower plane, more than a year,

Haven't captured that big formation--"

Said the monks.

On the Qiongwen plane, Human Race has only one-third of the territory.

These monks from the teleportation formation,

Collect materials,

.The places you can go are also limited.

Everyone is in no hurry,

Have a chat here.

"I heard that the army of the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee has also begun to assemble-ready to go to war."

Some monks said.

"This Joint Committee on the Jade Vein Plane,

It's been more than a year before we started to assemble the army. "

Said the monk next to him.

"No, more than a year ago, the monks from this mountain flower plane came to this Qiongwen plane, but more than 10,000 people,

There are more than 10,000 people and 300,000 troops to contend. Who would have thought that they could support for so long..."

"That is---everyone thought that the formation of more than 10,000 cultivators during the foundation period would be broken in a few days."

Everyone is a little excited.

"Don't look at the more than 10,000 monks in the foundation period, there are hundreds of golden core monks!"

Said the monk next to him.

The Qiongwen plane was already facing the panic of being completely occupied by the demons.

Where did you think,

There are more than ten thousand foundation-building monks, hundreds of golden core monks,

Like a big rock, smashed into the water,

Set off a huge wave!

Commissioner Qian was here and stood for a while.

There was excitement in the square.

Commissioner Qian shook his body and flew towards the distance.

A few hundred miles,

Entirely covered by stars!

Countless stars are slowly floating and moving!

A monk walked out of a rock wall.

Above, there was a huge flame formation slowly flying.

This monk stepped out,

Has entered countless stars.

In the starlight, I walked a few steps, already out of the starlight.

There are mountains and plains in front of me.

On the mountains, there are large tracts of plants, tens of thousands of them.

Each plant is as tall as a person, like grass and like a tree.

Look at the appearance, but it is ugly.

There are only a few fruits on each tree.

Some fruits are not gray and autumn,

Some fruits have become bright red and sparkling.

Next to a fruit tree, stood a monk during the Qi training period,

One hand, palm against the fruit tree,

Towards the fruit trees,

Enter skill!

However, this is obviously time-consuming,

A monk, but after entering a cup of tea time, he was already tired.

These monks walked to the side,

Beside, some monks stood sparsely,

These monks are all at the level of the Qi Refining Period!

These monks, take out a piece of low-grade immortal stone, and hand it over to the cultivating monks who came over!

"A fairy stone is enough for you to use for a few days, don't be lazy!

The average sect cultivator's Qi training period is no more than a low-grade fairy stone in a month! "

The monk during the foundation building period said harshly.

When I saw a monk in Tsing Yi approaching,


Kneel down on one knee immediately!

"Knock to the head."

"Where is the elder by the pool?"

Member Qian asked.

This monk during the foundation construction period pointed towards the middle building complex,

"The elder by the pond and the deputy head of Jiayu are there ------"

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Low grade fairy stone,

The mountain flower plane is no longer used at all.

It's just right for these Qi training monks who cultivate the essence of blood.

Chibian He Jiayu had already told Committee Member Qian,

Distribute low-grade immortal stones to these monks during the Qi training period,

Let this million monks in the Qi training period,

Continue to cultivate these fruit trees.

Commissioner Qian stepped in,

Already before that building.

The guard monk immediately bowed his hand to Commissioner Qian: "I have seen the master!"

Commissioner Qian walked into the palace.

Chibian and Jiayu have already walked up.

Serious face,

As soon as I saw Commissioner Qian, he stopped.

"Old money, it just happened. This nine-curved blue river formation has already lost one third.

The opposing Mozu Ten Thousands team formed a plan, but lost three, and added it again! "

By the side of the pool, it came up.

These months,

The two sides have been fighting.

The magic circle in the Nine Qu Qinghe Array, although the golden core monks with the mountain flower plane continue to refine and supplement,

It has also lost a third.

Ten thousand people on the opposite side faced each other, but lost three.

It was quickly added.

"However, in recent days, the opposing demons have stopped their bombardment."

Said Chibian.

"It is the army of the Qiongwen plane that has assembled.

These more than 300 thousand people are facing the battle, and they are already most of the main force of the demons of the Qiongwen plane. "

Jia Yu said.

"The Joint Committee on the Qiongwen Plane has only one third of the territory under the jurisdiction of the Qiongwen Plane.

They also want to launch a big battle! "

The Red Wolf stepped forward, arched his hands, and said.

"I brought all the refined naval guns, plus the original naval guns here, there are 130 powerful floating naval guns of Yuan Ying Hua Shen.

There are one hundred and thirty powerful airships of Yuan Ying Hua Shen, which can launch an attack! "

Member Qian said.

"It just so happens that you can contact the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to initiate an attack at the same time!"

Member Qian said.

"After contacting, people want us to attack first,

It seems that the Qiongwen plane has no confidence in our strength. "

Said Chibian.

"Then let's call it first!"

Member Qian said.

"According to the scheduled plan, the Jiuqu Qinghe Grand Formation, Yuanying Flower God mighty naval gun, Yuanying Flower God mighty airship, bombarded most of the ten thousand troops!

The three of us, rushing to the ten thousand battle! "

Member Qian said.

He has talked to Chibian and Jiayu many times about this battle plan!

"Okay, Red Wolf, you go and arrange the Yuanying Flower God powerful naval gun."

Said Chibian.

Yuanying Huashen's mighty naval gun is arranged in the Jiuqu Qinghe Formation,

Urged by the Jiuqu Qinghe Great Array,

A Jindan monk can control multiple Yuan Ying Hua Shen powerful naval guns.

Brother Ruojindan urged it alone,

Only a few Jindan cultivators can control a powerful naval gun of Yuanying Flower God!

A few Jindan monks walked in,

Take away the Yuanying Flower God's mighty naval gun and start to arrange it!

A Yuanying Huashen naval gun is placed in the Jiuqu Qinghe formation,

One after another,

Stars flashed immediately,

Connect the Yuanying Flower God's mighty naval gun to the Jiuqu Qinghe Great Array!

This Yuan Ying Hua Shen powerful naval gun has become a magic weapon carried by the Jiuqu Qinghe Great Array itself.

The red wolf came over,

Throw your hand at Commissioner Qian!

"Head, the 130 Yuanying Flower God naval guns, and the Jiuqu Qinghe Array, are all connected!"

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